Wilderness Survival Challenge with Lunkers!!!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to off the ranch this video that you are about to watch was filmed about it's filmed over six months ago and we held on to it there's good reason Rob and I from lunker's TV Rob and I decided that we wanted to own a knife company and so we found one that made great quality knives and we purchased it a long time ago like a year ago it's actually longer than a year ago as we first decided we were gonna do it and then we did it and then we thought six months in we'll be ready to launch it these knives have never been sold in America this was a European company they've never been sold in America and we thought we're gonna launch it here and it would be awesome and we just kind of got a little ahead of ourselves and it just took a whole lot longer than we thought to get everything right and we didn't want to bring anything to market until it was right and so in this video I talked about we've waited six months and we had and I had been testing these knives for six months we wanted to make sure they were perfect we wanted to make sure we brought a great product to market we didn't want to get a black eye come out with something that was just terrible and then we looked at our company doesn't do well and so we we waited for six months and then we were like ready to launch it so we filmed this video that you're about to watch and then we're like no we need to get the website better and then we're like we need to get the packaging better like for instance this is iteration one of our packaging this is all custom you can see here's our this is our brand that's out of [ __ ] this our brand skip knives dot us but then we're just like we just don't love this packaging so we wanted to make it make it a little better and so we we changed it we have little little magnet boxes and they have the design of the knife on the inside they've got there's more stuff I don't want to go too far into it we just wanted to tweak a bunch of little things and so it took another like seven months since filming this video before we were actually ready to release knives so I just wanted to kind of clear that up as to why everything is so strange with this video it's because we filmed it like seven months ago welcome to off the ranch okay this off the ranch video is a little different because it's an off the ranch video on the ranch so hey there's lookers he loves my jokes I'm Alerus little known secret I've hinted to it a few times in the past what he did I was just don't throw it near me please Rob and I've started doing Rob and I now own a knife company and I have been very quiet about what knives I've been using for a long time it carried a knife every day for 15 years over a decade I've carried a knife every single day in my pocket because I use it all the time before the last about six months Rob and I have had this company more like a year and I'd want to tell you that we had a knife company until I was sure that we had good knives for you and so for the last six months I've been carrying only our knives our brand is not in focus skiff I'm really good at making promo videos our brand is skiff knives and so today we are ready to launch finally psyche Matt from the past had no idea after lots of testing Rob and I have been doing behind the scenes testing for a long time and just daily you just like I've been carrying these things every day to make sure they they hold up and they're good knives that's the way that it locks up our lock up is bad but you've seen so far as our folders very nice we also have fixed blade knives and I'm not gonna like they're all different I'm not gonna get into everything today we're gonna have that in a future video today we're just doing a little a little durability testing and I decided today was a good day for us to finally tell you what we're doing and to launch this thing Rob and I are going camping today but we're doing it super primitive what we have is nice we're doing a tackle box here but we're gonna only pick a couple things out of it we have hold we hold truck here but but we're not using that stuff we're going to only get a few select items some paracord this is atwood rope over here what's up we for sure need knives and maybe what are you gonna fish with you gonna fish were just a lure are you gonna catch a grasshopper we're gonna do to be determined I don't really know we got grasshoppers now that's warm out here we get grasshoppers we can do it I have never started a fire without a match or a lighter I've never done it with rubbing sticks together tried really hard I've done a lot of research so and I think I can finally do it so I Matt character today I'm gonna start my very own fire my very first fire by rubbing sticks together that sounds me over to guys in the woods but you know what just keep it pg and talk more about rub sticks together we don't have a tent and so Rob and I are gonna build a shelter but to build the shelter we have knives and the other thing I brought knowledge it's a whole book on how to build shelters and survive in the wilderness so we should be fine bro no knives paracord something to fish with and a book clipping our sticks together as if rubbing sticks together wasn't bad enough when you say rubbing our sticks together hey let's just build two different shelters today Rob I know a lot about surviving swords there's a lot of little things you look for like the canopy just geography's the lens once you know it so why do we have this book what if you're so good why did you bring that I just I guess I want to edit like it send anything to the author and say like I would do it this way anything but what's this whole meteor we got to find a good spot to start a fire we got to find a good spot to have a campsite and build a shelter there Rob and I can survive and overnight we are really just hard-working outdoorsmen Rob oh yeah yeah that's for sure a 10-pounder all day something is here I heard something moving but you know what I'm not scared because I have a skiff fixed blade knife hello sneaky sneaky sneaky where is he what's wrong well I didn't work I think it was just a bird crisis averted guys 7845 useful skills and step-by-step instruction we got this dude oh that is a lot of tiny words though all pictures okay it says 1012 illustrations diagrams in photographs that's 1/7 of this book will be useful to us if they would make this into a coloring book I feel like it would be but more people would survive with it and we don't want a freaking dictionary out here packs another back is literally just flip the page 315 was it say does it say need a folding parking knife for the majority of your cutting work and a large fixed plate I'm not kidding this is great we got it we're good was it staged do they have anything about skip knives in there do they say they're the best or anything right here biased guaranteed wow that's amazing just a couple bros sitting indian-style out in the woods in the middle of nowhere reading together nothing weird about that let's just not let's not try any of any fungus we are going to make so there's these we got a frames lean twos emergency natural ah that's great is this a hole in the room yeah it wasn't serious let's not do Oh oh my gosh that's so cool it's a tree pit yeah but it's for emergencies like you can just go out there and jump in your hole huh there's too many weird innuendos coming out of this camping trip let's make this lean-to right here we just need to get the sticks to make a frame we'll tie it with with our paracord here now and then we'll get a zet grass if we were totally surviving tonight lay several support poles cross bridge pull at a 45 or 60 degree angle to the ground we don't have a protractor no we should have brought a protractor out here Rob the lean-to allows us to build a fire in front of the shelter as long as the fire is safely spaced away from you and your gear all right dude this could be our campsite right there this is it this is where not only will we survive we will thrive Rob yeah problem number one of our day is to build a shelter Rob has a giant stick there's not an axe head on that though it's just like an axe handle basically really big thick bladed knife so he can hit the back of it with the axe handle and that would have been cool if it was stuck and get through some thick wood I tried to start a fire today and I couldn't and I didn't know why and I went home and did a bunch of research and realized I was just using sticks that were not ideal like we're getting close I had smoke but I could never get enough to make an in burn so you wanna get the ember and then you put it on your little finally pulled apart dried plant material and then it starts but I never could get it Ember I would just get smoke it got really hot but not enough to start Ember but it's because I wasn't being as efficient as it should have been I was wearing myself out fighting things that I don't really need a fight so I'm looking for a dead stick but not an old rotten one like this right here just too weak like it's dead but it's really weak I need to find something stronger like if I cut with any tree limbs they're all wet and so they're not gonna like I need something dry but not rotten this stick maybe to did it's got some big cracks in it but it could work I don't know I turned the camera off and I've been collecting things to start a fire so here's what I got I found a decent stick that is totally dead but seems pretty strong I'm gonna sharpen it to be flat on the end but but narrow as well I have this bark which is dead but pretty strong as well it's not rotten yet I'm gonna use this to go against these are both pretty soft woods which I think are gonna make good friction and hopefully be able to get some smoke going then I have this stuff and this just came off the top of a plant it's like really feathery and all dried and dead so if I get an ember I'll get it into this thing and blow on it and hopefully get that smoking and smoldering and growing and then I have progressively bigger sticks so I still got some like grassy stuff here starting to get thicker grass to little bitty twigs here to some bigger sticks to some bigger sticks to some small branches over there and once I get the small branches lit I'll just go get some bigger branches that's all the plan now I just got to put in the muscle first I'm Lucille laughs doing over there looking good is this gonna fall on us in the middle of night it looks things to cover with yeah that won't do much if it's looking better than my fire is looking so far so but not for long say goodbye to non sweaty happy mat and get ready to be introduced to sweaty grumpy mat here we go actually I'm gonna sharpen this a little bit differently and then we're off I'm gonna make it flat on the end I like fixed blade knives a lot like I prefer them over pocket knives like when you're actually working with them but I just don't like carrying fixed blade knives all the time unless I'm gonna be outdoors or something like this but for like everyday it's always a pocket knife just because there's so much more convenient but when you have the toys over fixed plate or pocket knife like yeah fix blade every time they're just it's so strong and beefy and sharp and it's the way to go so here's my plan see how I have a little angle right there I'm going to be running this thing just like this it's a very narrow spot that will be getting hot so it won't be much friction except in that line right there I think that was my problem last time I was trying to start a fire as I had just a big stick and that was putting friction over the whole thing now all the friction should be concentrated in one line I think that's going to work I can smell it burning there's smoke I think I've dulled this thing it's not doing on a sharp line anymore you can see the path I'm cutting it's a big wide path which means I'm heating this entire means hot I'm heating this entire like half inch section I need to be just heating one line I could concentrate all the heat that's in this like finger sized groove down to one line I think I could get ember all right we're starting over because I totally broke that it gonna go go this way yeah that'll be good I cut myself with the knife not bad at all but drew the first blood skip knife cuz I got my my supplies yeah I'm just hoping that it works out progressively getting bigger you know I want to give myself every opportunity to succeed in life and and that includes making fires and cutting my hand open in the middle of nowhere I might get gangrene can you amputate this finger I need this guy just walk it with the sticks of the woods looking good dude so I have made basically a knife out of the stick this is the edge that I'm gonna be using and you can see that it's just a very thin little edge I'm bleeding out I'm totally bleeding out here here we go oh yeah look how fast that smokes coming now there's so much smoke I don't think so ah that's the most success I've ever had trying to start a fire though that was a lot of smoke I'd love to hear comments below what I'm doing wrong though I know you guys have them anyway I just wore through my board ah smokes burning my nose nothing shelter going good though good my fires going great - in case you're wondering this is gonna be perfect Michael passing its smoke and yet smoke so fast I just can't get smoke to do anything - its friction so I think we need to start a new whole there's any embers where do the inverse go we interrupt your regularly scheduled broadcast because Rob says I need to try cutting down a tree on these nights because it's amazing and I'm tired of trying to start fires so this is a pretty good-looking knife it's got a little a little like gold ring really thick it's sharp on both edges serrated on one edge and has a big thing on the end for Wacken so you've been whacking stuff okay that was pretty cool who needs axes am i right yeah all right I'm gonna go back making a fire well I'm gonna go back to making some smoke punch the log try different method I'm going lighter and faster we got smoke I think I was just trying to press too hard wear myself out so a little wider would be better I don't know I always heard that where there's smoke there's fire but I've not seen anybody I just can't do it Hey look at this yeah how do you get in the other side this is great we can totally survive in here for years you cut all these with a knife yeah well someone broke all the green stuff yeah nah hurricane hurricane would not touch this shelter hey uh you don't come help me rub sticks together cool how many fires have you built in your life with sticks Oh zero huh I've built well yeah yes zero we are gonna change it up we're gonna do what it's called a bow and drill Rob wants to try the bone drill method we can not get the fire plot method to work I think we're using the wrong woods cuz like I can get it so close but I just can't make it do it wearing out my arms are tired I've been trying to start a fire it's embarrassing I don't even want to MIT uh a good good percentage of the day I've been trying the fire plough method I'm gonna try the hand drill method now that's where you just rub a stick and spin it like this the stick might be not straight enough though we can try it we got rope pretty sure the stick is not round enough we just did some research and the research is saying we should not use Deadwood we've been like finding Deadwood thinking it needs to be dry we're gonna try this wood I don't actually know what kind of tree that says someone help a brother out here are the leaves and it's a really white light wood and it's totally alive we can see that green there but it's white on the inside really nice white wood so we're gonna try a piece of this and see if that makes a difference so that's pretty cool like that just came right through the other side Rob is working on the spindle we have a bow made this our bottom player here has the depression that I've carved out and a notch in it this is our top plate I carved a big notch out of that and this we want to have no friction this is we don't wanna get hot so we put some wet leaves up in here to help hopefully help lubricate it it's not round enough or like straight out of me look oh my god it's working Oh Lu that Lu that got so smoky up in here Rob not at all no not even warm no yeah like you know what stop I own a flamethrower you just push a button it shoots like 20 feet flames I have a cigarette survival not going so well right now do they have survival classes I'm asking for a friend I'm I wouldn't I don't need to go just just curious if they do and and when they are and how much money it costs and how I enroll tell me how my friend would enroll oh so you just push the button okay cool so far this is it's like a survival scenario survival and you know say you're you're lost alone in the wilderness with your truck boom pop yeah we did it Rob we made fire we're so good at this it's amazing oh god it's too hot it's burning everywhere we are really good mountain men gonna totally survive this wasn't good of now it's hot I thought I was in your heart start a fire it's not it's not too hard really just took me four hours to get a cigarette lighter do it we brought the fire really far away from our camp site now I gotta I gotta take it back it's going out I need more I need more wood I gotta find some wood here quick it's so smoky it's smoky just put that on there it's going out okay there's a hole in the bottom of this is burning me it went out firing out so far everything's going great guys got a fire have a shelter Rob it looks really good if it rains is this watertight so we're good cool just it's kind of a windbreak then so it will right there it'll hold heat on that side we have this fire which will bring heat it just kind of sucks it in there and what oh good thinking I'm supposed to eat cold tonight though the skip knife right next to fire looks pretty epic though I did my part I made the fire you made the shelter so we both have done one thing equally and the next thing we need to do is get some food we can't survive out here without food there's probably not many people in the world who have fished as much as you have at your age this couldn't be any more in our favor to catch some awesome fish you're gonna stay out here in the woods forever throw it up that way all right Rob's gonna trust me to catch dinner tonight what up beautiful cast that didn't take very long you were right you were right look at this thing dude I think you know what you're doing Rob guys that was the first cast pulled up at a nineteen pounder you're not you're not you're catching we got some hungry fish in here folks he just goes that was to cast with two fish look how big this if I hold it like this see 19 pounder tiny since Rob and I are such such good survivalist we didn't bring cooking stuff we have no pots we have no pans we have no metal grates to put over this amazing roaring fire we have going over here so we're trying to research on how to cook a fish I don't know just stick a stick through it and then cook it then you peel the skin off later I don't know we're trying to figure out how to cook a fish over a fire with no civilized instruments is there any knowledge in there isn't a Dutch oven were you one we cook a fishing one were you don't filleted fish cooking on the fire I will say Rob our skiff knives not the best for filleting no it's uh I mean this is kind of like a fighting utility knife and I pull a two fish with it yeah we use a thinner pocket knife but I just filming your crotch looks fine as far as fillet knives I have to say we don't have the best fillet knives we actually do not have fillet knives is this gonna be enough food for you for dinner tonight I'm actually on a big diet so this is perfect that's about 100 calories so hundred calories for a day's worth of work be down the fighting weight real fast calling out ksi okay just get robbed I hope you don't mind but I'm just gonna [Laughter] it was a nice bow drill and all but we need we need fire it's gonna be cold night and I don't have to cuddle with you too close I wish there was another way Rob but we're gonna start burning that pretty soon if you want me to I mean I want you to survive I will not let you perish out here Rob I'm gonna keep you alive that's why I built this fire for you and told you how to build the shelter Wow does that not look like the most glorious piece of fish you would ever want to eat in the world Rob I already know this is gonna taste like yeah I'd rather eat a bass then a king salmon or a sockeye you need it really is that true yeah it's totally true I feel like that might be sarcastic that's not bad for not having any seasoning it's not bad dance it's all about survival I hear I'm just surviving - it's pretty good it's not bad you know that's fishy as I thought it'd be good stuff mmm I'm gonna sleep so good and out with a big full belly of this little way oh the knife Hut oh my god I'm just down here in this shelter that Rob built us and man it just feels like home really it's just amazing anyway go check out our smoking hot deal dude I did there right here's where I told you the website but I actually said the wrong website our website is skip knives dot us that's the correct also linked in description below we really want this knife company to work the knife industry is very competitive it's hard to get into that market but Rob and I thought that it would be cool to do something like that so this is how Rob and I want to spend our time just hanging out playing with knives in the woods and we hope that you will help support our new business the knives are awesome we've been carrying for six months and beating the heck out of them and today we really beat the heck out of them and they're holding up so go check them out thanks for your support thanks for watching off the rent [Music] [Music] oh hey shut up down there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] putting our sticks together
Channel: OffTheRanch
Views: 2,832,037
Rating: 4.8763881 out of 5
Keywords: matt, dr, dr., dr matt, dr. matt, vet, ranch, demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, vetranch, off, the, offtheranch, vlog, vlogger, vloggers, vlogs, vlogging, blog, daily, best, vlogged, survival, wilderness, wood, woods, wild, camp, camping, rough, overlanding, overland, bushcraft
Id: W-dRqZGGcX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 57sec (1917 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 17 2019
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