Homemade Hot Tubs? Will This Work???

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[Music] welcome to off the ranch howdy partners let's Lincoln just Yelp I'm gonna go be a cowboy because he's so into a cowboy head on let's talk about what we're doing today you've probably already seen the thumbnail and it probably looks awesome see I'm assuming than in the future this is gonna work out and look awesome I don't actually know but we're going camping today out of the new property you know I told marrows like hey we got this new property I want to go camp it like I feel like it's not mine until I go camp the property right and there's like the property is on the interstate and I'm like yeah what's your point mayor so we got a sleeping bag there's a tent we got a lot of cold beverages in there cuz some my buddies are coming out too we got that's just some clothes I didn't really need any of that stuff that's all my gear just survived that's a big thing to put on the ground because well there's nails everywhere and I don't really wanna sleep on the ground then we got these I went ahead and filled them like half full of water my plan is there's four of us going out today and I want to try to make hot tubs out on the new lot makeshift camping hot tubs and so my thought was to get these big old horse troughs already had two of them so I went about two more cuz it'll be four of us and then I got this big thing it's a huge hundred gallon water tank with a pressure sprayer pump over there water pump so I filled it up there's no water out there we don't have a well we don't have any water out there and so I was like how we're gonna fill these things up so this is my plan but these are like each like 50 gallon each probably and this thing one holds a hundred Yellin so I was like I don't have to make trips out to the property fill these up so I'm gonna try to do it in one trip so I filled each one of them like with the amount of water that I thought that a few guys could easily move and that wouldn't dump out too much when driving so that's my plan we'll go out to the property we'll unload these things and then we'll set them up above a fire I've got a plan for that too we got cinder blocks in and t-post and we'll put them out a fire like we're boiling a pot except instead of food in the pot we'll sit in the pots and try not to boil but try not to freeze I don't know if it's gonna work oh shoot I did actually didn't think yeah those are definitely like plastic or rubber okay gotta keep the fire away from those plugs man it's like rubber down there sealing the bottom two okay the problem is can't get too hot or they'll start leaking this may be one big epic fail the folks we're gonna give it a shot that's another one of my deputies right there I'm leaving you for the night but Lincoln told me he knows how to use his six-shooter so he's gonna be the man of the house he'll take care of you so safe yeah if you want to come out and hang out and get in the hot tub with us it might work great on the side of the highway I just can't think of anything fun so you're in yeah okay on the road it will be interesting to see how much water is left in those things when I get there cuz I already saw a bunch of water slosh out I'm trying to drive really smooth and not accelerate too fast or brake too fast but I still saw this big [ __ ] just water went everywhere but ideally we saw the LUP I can see it blowing out right now ideally we still out of water when we were all up and I don't have to make two trips but worst case scenario oh my gosh it's just like sloshing out everywhere man it's it's going crazy back there I that Jeep was really close to me and I can see he just backed up probably because he's like why is there water flying but this is gasoline flying out of my truck right now it's going from side to side bonk whoosh whoosh hmm okay good plan in theory but in real life didn't work out very well it's not looking like we'll see let's see what we got back here what a dirt come from I must have just been blowing around in here okay oh there's tons of water in here this did way better than what it seemed like when it was just shooting water everywhere I was definitely worried but there's tons of water to that one yep I'll give one of the guys that one that was not my first most important thing we need a fire going because we need it to burn a while to warm up these tubs somebody get this fire going started growing out wider we're gonna bring the tubs in I think it'll work a little grass burn over here just so we don't worry about it later well we got a good fire going now Jake great job we are some real survival men out here okay we're gonna try to get this thing up and over the trailer promise anyways that one's pretty full that one's probably a good 250 pounds and it's just awkward to hold like you only have this little bitty lip to hold on to and also one of us has a broken humerus so that's not very very helpful set on that - oh yeah we did it okay guys let me show you what we did over here we went ahead and set one up on this so we got this thing started to heat we're gonna have to build the fire kind of going under it a little bit so that it will actually warm it but we can't get it to warm cousin will melt the rubber seal that I didn't realize until today drag no hey okay ready to down our hot tubs working out okay predictions he'll think it's gonna work there's three outcomes the first outcome is it works so good and we're just enjoying a nice warm hot tub out in the wilderness the other outcomes one is it doesn't get hot we just can't get these things hot enough they're cold all night long we're gonna get some fires going underneath them too to warm them from the bottom the third outcome we're getting too hot they melt these seams and stuff just starts leaking out we leak all of our water out all three I think are equally as likely no idea how much water these are gonna put in here oh it's like got tons of water we're good okay I stuck my hand down on the bottom and I touched the bottom where the flames are touching and it's not warm it's not cold anymore it's like feels good down there the water's still cold but the bottom of it I was hoping would be hot to the touch or least warm it's it's not but I brought a secret weapon let me show you it's a propane stove my thought so I put it under the other corner well not too close to the fire so this thing didn't go but I just have it heating up the opposite corner of mine well it's still hot down there man this thing's gonna explode if I put it too close to the fire no way I got a good overhang here I will kinda want a sheila though with some kind of rocks cuz it is that is a lot of heat what's up Stephen just got a little uh wood-burning stove what do you got oh look dude you brought like 70 gallons of propane and a slingshot okay I got mine going over here got some blue flames on the bottom of this and raise it up I need to be like that yeah go a little higher and then have it shield it from all the hot coals so this thing doesn't explode got it propped up on a rock now oh yeah that's hot to the touch down there now we're talking it's probably just gonna melt mine right there though and all the water's gonna pour out this is this is made to heat up how big of a room like a warehouse like like a like a barn yeah this should be good on your hot tub the real question is whose hot tub is gonna melt through first yours is warm let's see how - mine is definitely still chilly I just saw the big tree in half this one it's pretty pretty huge but I did all this little bow saw here it's just nicely you know being out here all in nature just with natural things all around everywhere in the middle of nature scene join how neat it is my views that David's is still too cold but getting getting close mine is citable mine is not not like comfortable warm but it's I could sit in here and survive Jake's he put onions in the lime in his Jake's is actually really nice and warm Stevens oh yeah that's hot there you can't sit in this have you put your finger in here you can't sit in it it's too hot okay we've been working without the cameras on for a little bit me show you what we got here we got obviously the hot tubs still set up still cooking we got some chicken cooking on the grill over there Jake good job bringing the table that was a great idea it's even way to go we got tents halfway set up and this thing is coming together we are surviving out here on the highway hot tubs on the highway that's gonna be a new business if you're interested stop on by it's $13 for 20 minutes dip in the hot tub now you want to see what I brought so got this nice backpack Silencerco actually sent me this thing's got a nice little hatchet right here showed you this thing before Gerber sent me that Gerber is great except for their knives you definitely if you're thinking about knives you want to go with the the skiff it's a very a very good option skip also some some other very great option you fish just great company the owners are great to the people who run skip man just amazing people handsome charismatic humble they're great let me show you one thing that haven't showed you yet I have a partnership Oh light so they sent me this thing it is the old light x9r it's basically a spotlight that's shaped like a flashlight you look at epic this campground looks does this look freaking epic right on the highway - right on the interstate Jay looking good over there look at this spotlight though I'm gonna say see works great thanks to old life for sending this to me this is not a sponsored post or anything but they did just send me this freaking cool light so I just wanted to try it out some other things I have I got a pocket spiral wire saw I just brought this because someone sent and I thought it might be kind of cool have haven't used it yet but probably works I used those wire saws on animals when we amputate legs I use these claw giggly wire and you just literally saw yeah it's it's all bone and have also some protein I got got whey protein you need that if you want to get big I'm trying to be like Robert Oberst pretty soon have you made any drinks can you make one with protein in it trying to grow bro it's a pre-workout this yeah pre-workout and protein with a margarita perfect look at the steam coming this is perfect did anyone think they would work this good no dude we did a great job we're waiting until after dinner and then we're gonna jump in these things and enjoy the fruits of our labor Jake's gonna reach down and touch the bottom and see if it hurts to touch the metal at the bottom this is probably a good idea yeah burn your skin off too hot yeah I think you need to pull some of those coals away we're about to have some fajitas Jake need a man buddy I told Jake hey figure out the food he said love I got you [Music] [Applause] okay so we just had dinner now we're sitting over here staring at all of the tubs they are way too hot we pulled all the big logs out from under but you can see there's still coals underneath them now we're all just sitting here staring at our hot tubs that we can't get in because they're way too hot also that fire is kind of crazy hot too so anyway we messed up we shouldn't have a propane on them we should have just done fire how high do you think they are one twin I think 120 is a fair guess I won't get in anything over 104 Meredith would get in something there's 106 not me though metal yeah the metal is definitely getting it's definitely gold okay I got my swim trunks on and a robe we call this glamping you got to put some ice in there yeah go for it that's good chill chill chill we need some of that I need that in mind and we just iced mine down it's melting David get in there you're just ready he's too hot if David you can't do it there's how David's is the coolest yours is ready dude yeah I can leave my hand in it I can't leave my hand in mind it's so hot David you can't put ice in you there's just the coolest all uber and have him bring us like 40 pounds of dry ice all right Dave gas station we need at least 40 pounds of ice her tub table to not die we decided we need 20 pounds of ice for each hot tub to make sure we have enough to get them cooled down because we're too good there's nothing there's no fire under these anymore we sell this fire up front but it can't be adding that much heat but you can see all that steam just coming off of these things is this really 250 pounds you gonna throw this whole thing in line there you go oh yeah we need a little more water anyways perfect Burt this is gonna be great I put 40 pounds of ice in mine and I put a log underneath it I think this is the perfect mixture to make the perfect hot tub hot log thank you oh that's well smokes coming from right there okay we all made it in Stevens in Jake's in I am in David is in the dark this is the hottest he had that propane going for like an hour his tub we're gonna relax a little bit and hang out under the stars next to the highway this is a big interstate for those who don't know this is interstate 10 my feet are steaming this looks so cool we're all naked not really can't happy cannot happen it will not happen not on my work [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we all got out the tubs we're going to bed we got the clothes on we're gonna put out this fire to make sure we don't start any forest fires we're thinking about just dumping these but seems like a lot of work and we still have several bags of ice Wow fire and ice just like that oh there it is well we'd probably just soaked all our stuff over there let me show you the difference in my tent versus guys Tim David and I are over here hey danger hey there it is I'm on the ground there my sleeping bag David's got a little pad there and a blanket not even a sleeping bag let's go check out princess over here princess number two oh my gosh looks like a bedroom it what is this oh my god and they have a laundry basket it's like a better in my dorm room was don't know if you guys can hear but we have the peaceful sounds of nature and 18-wheelers in the background it's great I'll go to bed now see you guys in the morning good morning we made it it's 6:30 in the morning okay get home because I have a bunch of stuff that I want to get accomplished today we survived the night it got chilly last night it's uh it's freezing right now and I'm cold and I definitely was not prepared for that but we survived we made it I think it's gonna be really cool to look back someday at this video and say you remember one time that we were camping and sitting in horse trough hot tubs right here where our business is built now where we have a warehouse where we have bunker branding 2.0 built remember when this was just a empty lot and we went camping out here I think it's gonna be pretty nuts crazy week this week I want to see you there we have lots of stuff going on and actually I guess I'm gonna be filming today so I'm gonna see you guys later today you won't see me till tomorrow but be sure to check back thanks for watching I love you the next time [Music] oh hey what camera that number shut up down there [Music] [Applause]
Channel: OffTheRanch
Views: 1,965,385
Rating: 4.9430723 out of 5
Keywords: matt, dr, dr., dr matt, dr. matt, vet, ranch, demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, vetranch, off, the, offtheranch, vlog, vlogger, vloggers, vlogs, vlogging, blog, daily, best, vlogged
Id: U-KCihccjto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 25 2019
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