LA Crawfish Boil | Redneck Style

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all right i'm taking it on the road today i am in l.a can you believe that l.a lower alabama with all this red dirt man i love it over here it's been a long time since i've been to alabama but we're in south southern louisiana and we're going to do a crawfish bowl today in louisiana i said louisiana man that's just habit we're in lower alabama all right and uh this is my camera guy my oldest son this is derek also known as hillbilly royalty hill billy royce baby pregnant right here from south alabama that's right all right we're gonna get this started we got two sacks of crawfish and i'm just gonna walk you through everything you need to do to do a basic ball but a really good ball that's gonna have all kind of flavor have some cajun flavors going on gonna get started right now all right so to get this bowl started it's going to get a little noisy because we got like a jet engine underneath this 120 quart pot and uh the first thing you got to do is turn your gas on and crank this down until you hear the gas it was fun like those two cats were the only cats used to ever i hear it we're going to light it then we're going gonna turn it up wide open all right we'll be back in a few minutes once this gets up to full it's gonna take roughly eight nine minutes to get this up to a rolling boil and uh i don't have a lid for this pot no more i boiled it to mr hill billy royalty himself a year ago for a crawfish boy and he lost the lid in the gulf of mexico so we're going to see how this scene does without a lid look at there no lid we got a nice rolling ball we're going to start off with 3.15 ounces right at four pounds of ball mix i'm using the xadiran's extra spicy crab ball one of my favorites i've got a few favorites 15 gallons of water and that's not really enough powder so we're going to add about half this container oh boy i can smell the heat off there all right now i've got eight ounces of zerons this is a concentrated shrimp crab boil going in i've got 16 ounces but we're doing two bowls so i'll add the other bottle later on yes sir you know we got this whole mississippi alabama thing going on but i'm technically born and raised in mississippi i just became an alabama and about a month and a half ago two months ago something like that but it don't matter if you're louisiana mississippi or alabama it's all pretty much the same down here it is and we love our heat that culture runs deep speaking louisiana i've got some louisiana hot sauce going in a whole bottle speaking of that a lot of people commented pull that little plastic thing off for the poor easer these little bottles ain't got one like i didn't know that trick right we've been doing this for a long time he has been doing it all your life i'm still trying to learn it i'll be honest now in this bag i've got probably five stalks of celery just cut real rough i've got about seven onions and about seven uh heads of garlic that's just had the heads cut off i've just been quartered we're not gonna mess up a lot of bowls today so look at their grocery bag pour all that in the whole trick to this is getting this water seasoned just right now i love bay leaf in a bowl a lot of people never put them they don't i don't know if they don't think about it or what but man it makes a boil i like to just go in with a whole darn thing one of these little small containers right here just dump it all in there so i'm gonna let this boil for about eight minutes we're gonna cut the heat down so i'm just gonna give it a lighter ball and let all these flavors come together then we're gonna start with some new potatoes a little red potatoes they take the longest to cook we'll be right back all right so i just made a big rookie mistake i didn't do a bullet at all last year so i can't believe i've done that but tell them what i did all right well i should have caught it myself but i didn't but anyhow we put the fixings in or some of them without the basket yeah without the basket that means when when it's time to put the basket in all the garlic all the onions all that would been sitting on the bottom and that's not what you want you want it in the basket so now it's in the basket i took my ladle here handy little tool for doing this and we just scooped it all out got it in the basket laid it back in we're up and running by the way these potatoes have been scrubbed we just put them back in here there again not to dirty up any containers we got two little containers oh boy that's hot water hot water i'm gonna smell like crawfish get us a little stir we're gonna go about 10 minutes with these potatoes they take about 20 but you got to stage it out so in about 10 minutes i'm going to add some more ingredients all right it's been around 10 minutes it's time to get something else in this pot i've got four cartons of button mushrooms going in also got a bunch of lemons here i'm just going to squeeze these lemons toss them right in yeah help me out there now i also have gotten to where i like to add citrus right at the end whilst going through the cool down mode and i'll tell you why a lot of this juice believe it or not is going to evaporate out of this water so i like to put the lemons in before and towards the end to kind of counteract that now what i've got in this little box that is homemade deer sausage that i made this is a cajun link the seasoning comes from ps seasoning and uh these are fantastic who would like to see this on video how to make these cajun links this is venison and pork fantastic throwing all this in this is around two pounds we're gonna let that go about another five minutes so one thing that i recommend you always do is take a spoon got one in my back pocket and i just did it just take you a spoon get you a little bit of that that seasoned water there and make sure it's got enough salt in it and that is perfect it really is that's perfect for everything that's going in this and in addition to uh what i've already got in here i'm adding some of this bad juju this is a cajun seasoning bad juju i'm gonna throw the whole bottle in there that's just gonna amplify this a little bit more oh yeah man oh boy we're gonna get the sweats here in a little bit got plenty of cold beer there all right i have been going another five minutes so i'm getting ready to crank this heat all the way back up because we're going in with our first load of crawfish right now yeah don't leave no soldiers in there get them out get them out oh yeah they still play live and they're in the very bottom all right let's stir this up gonna get this back to a return boil we're gonna let a bowl about three minutes and we're gonna cut the fire off we're gonna cool this pot off so i just got back to a return bowl took about two minutes i mean this thing's doing beautiful without the lid on it lid really don't make a lot of difference so like i said three minutes i'm probably a minute and a half into it about another minute and a half we're going to cut this off and i did lower the propane once you get this up to a boil you can lower that propane all the way down as you can see it's maintaining a really good boil but it does take a high performance pot to pull that off with and that's what we got here what's up brother you doing all right yeah damn hamstring you're on camera man this is one of my work buddies wayne i shouldn't say your last name on the internet so i want this is wayne y'all wayne will work and roll tide baby roll tide what'd i say was that la lower alabama all right it's time to shut this down it's time to shut this completely off all right so the first thing i'm going to do is just put the corn in here this is frozen corn which is almost thawed out but it is cold so that's going to help start cooling this pot down right away just give that a good stir and that's only going to do so much so the way we're going to finish cooling this having that ball boss please we're going on with the ball boss this thing is proven to me over and over that it is worth its weight in goal when it comes to cooling down a pot so we got the ball balls on and all we got to do is just keep these stirring for around three minutes and that's going to drop the temperature on this pot to where it's no longer cooking you don't want to overcook crawfish or anything else for that matter you can overcook potatoes you can overcook anything in this pot really so this ball boss is going to cool it down and then from there we're just going to let it soak for like 25-30 minutes just to where they taste to your liking now this is a spicy boil so you might not want to go quite as long just something you have to check if you look right here that thermometer then this paddle shows you where you're at so i'm looking to get down that green zone so i'm just going to keep stirring and once we get down to the desired temperature like i said around at least 150 lower will be even better and then from there we'll uh let them soak and i'll bring you back at that point all right so i am almost to the cool down zone but not quite so this is the time i want to throw this extra citrus i got lemons sliced up and i've got limes so we're just going to dump that in there now that's probably around if i had to guess since our slice that's probably about four lemons and four limes oh i smell that already and the good thing about it none of that is going to evaporate out of the water now it's going to really put that citrus flavor notes into this crawfish all right we are just oh yeah we're there look at that we're in the green and i've been going around three minutes so we're going to cut the ball balls off and all we do from this point just let them soak after about 15 minutes i'll probably try one and see if uh if it's got a good flavor if not we'll let them keep soaking the longer you soak them the more flavor they get and i have actually soaked them too long believe it or not i've actually soaked them too long when they sink they're flooding with all that you know so that's a good indication that they are absorbing it but uh typically they they go around 20 25 minutes 30 top so we'll see how it goes all right let's pull this thing up just set it off to the edge here let that drain for a minute yeah when you get ready dump it just that should be cooled off some yeah that's fine that bottom's hot so you might have to let it sit there a minute i can hold it all right well whenever y'all get a froggy just jump hold that hold this and watch that have a beer and watch this hey y'all watch us hold my beer yes man that's what i'm talking about oh that's some good crawfish right there boy that's a beautiful sight right there all right we're gonna go ahead and fire this pot back up all right go ahead and uh turn your gas on it's not gonna take much to get it back to a boil and once we do i'm gonna bump up the seasoning somewhat because you gotta keep in mind the potatoes the corn the crawfish really everything we put in there has sucked a lot of that seasoning into itself so i just need to fortify this with some added seasonings and so i'm probably going to put about another half of the uh hang on i'll probably put another half of this in there this is the xadiran's extra spicy crabble that's some really good stuff all right we already started to move as you can see and we just turned it on i'm gonna go ahead and put about half of this in there that should do it add about a half a bottle of this liquid concentrate about four more ounces should do it what i typically do whatever i started with i'll put half of that again or close to it more this louisiana hot sauce a lot of times your second bowl will turn out better than your first one so all the vegetables and everything we cooked is already in the ice chest so what i'm going to do when i say ice chest there's no ice in it it's completely hot but i'm gonna add a jar of these jalapenos into this batch we're gonna leave that vinegar in there that's gonna add a little bit of acidity get a little pop now these are stuffed olives this is a garlic stuffed olive we're going to dry drain that brine off of there that's pretty salty you don't want that extra salt they get a whole lot of these a lot of people don't like all those i love them got another jar going in i had a subscriber comment here about a week or so ago and he said so basically what he was getting from my other videos was the biggest thing is to get your seasoning right then after that you can throw anything in there he's pretty much right anything you like man we put whole turkeys in there we'll stab them all good so all that can penetrate we put turkey we put pineapples you name it we put it i haven't tried pepperoni pizza yeah i don't think that'll work too good now these are just a pimento stuffed olive going in the good thing about these balls is you can just pick out what you like to eat you ain't got eat it if you don't like it i love olives myself oh yeah we get back to a bowl right now we're gonna throw this crawfish in let's throw them in so i'm not gonna bore you through the whole thing it's gonna be just like the first time i'm gonna bring it to a boil boil it about three minutes cut it off cool it down we'll do all that off camera but i would like to say because i already know i'm gonna get comments about this pod where did i get it it's a high performance pot this comes from high performance cookers i'll leave a link in the description box it's tunnel tube technology still got these others soaking we got probably another 10 minutes left on them so i'm gonna do a quick taste test on these uh crawfish that's in an ice chest right here and let you know what we think go ahead hand me one well let's see what we got here that's a medium-sized crawfish actually this one's more on a smaller yours is more medium yeah and when they sell you something saying medium or large you're gonna have really some variety in that her head's pretty juicy there's some fire in there oh man that's a fantastic flavor overall i say there's a fire in it it's actually got the right amount of heat but you know it ain't overkill yeah that's what me and wayne was just talking about you know i've got hot sauces that would literally blow your head off this is not that kind of hot this is a good spicy a little bit of heat but it's not bad no most people can tolerate it so it's not bad it's not overkill and uh i would feed it to my kids all day long when they was younger at this at this heat now we have done some in the past with some bone uh reaper sauce in it yeah and them got a little hot oh yeah i can get them as spicy as you want them throw a whole lot of cayenne there cayenne's already in your bowl mixes but you can add added cayenne whatever you want to do to elevate it but when you're cooking for a variety of people it's best just you know you can't do crawfish without getting it somewhat spicy that's just the way it is and unlike that with shrimp i don't get my shrimp that spicy i get a little bit not much and it's more of a mild flavor but crawfish yeah we gotta kick it up a little bit right so look hey wayne my buddy wayne wants to give a shout out to somebody let me get wayne in the shot here you can get in behind us all right you just want to do a shout out just talking to that little device right there hold it and talking you can put it on your lapel it don't matter and i look professional i live professional perfect now i'm professional professional hey look i want to give a shout out we over here hanging out we just had a lot of good people over here with us you know as far as my side the family goes this is one big side here we've known each other for almost ever worked together played together and and we found family though but yeah we oh yeah that too might be a family here shortly but hey uh seriously to all the vets out there thank y'all for your service and uh i was in the air force i got a son that uh went down my lane he didn't have no choice because i'm his daddy he's in the air force over there in germany taking care of business fixing to marry a good-looking italian woman named francesca i just want to tell both of y'all i love you and i wish i was here and when y'all get down to visit and i finally get to meet you francesca uh it's on we're going to do some crawfish smokey rib style that's right all right let's see what wayne thinks here i appreciate y'all bearing with me this video is probably running longer than my typical video but hey we're having fun just want to share it i will tell you the truth too i'm like that yeah he is but rusty shows no fear and he should so i told y'all on my videos that people when i was a lot younger call me rusty but he still does so he he knew me back when i was called rusty instead of rust y'all got to try this that's good flavoring yeah it is and throw them throw them olives in there yeah marinated olives well look i hope you all enjoyed this video i know i sure enjoyed hanging out down here in la lower alabama i can't resist that we used to say that at work you remember that oh yeah so uh i hope you all enjoyed it and until next time smokey ribs all right guys appreciate it man what's up yeah baby this is the true you
Channel: Smoky Ribs BBQ
Views: 149,835
Rating: 4.8960137 out of 5
Keywords: crawfish boil, how to boil crawfish, louisiana crawfish, cajun crawfish, how to cook crawfish, crawfish boil recipe, how to eat crawfish, louisiana crawfish boil, seafood boil, crawfish recipe, louisiana boiled crawfish, boiled crawfish, cajun food, louisiana food, louisiana style, boiling crawfish, cajun crawfish boil, how to boil cajun crawfish, louisiana seafood, spicy crawfish, boil like a pro, smoky ribs crawfish boil, crawfish, boil, tips
Id: FkP8DKiKVho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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