WHO is the best fisherman? Carl vs Alex Full Season 1

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we're carl and alex and we've been fishing together since we were little [Music] we fished across the world and caught loads of different species over time though our brotherly rivalry has grown and now it's time to find out who is the better angler yes no yeah there's one there's one oh crazy oh yeah oh i can't even see it i didn't even catch it yesterday evening we spent a couple of hours preparing our kit today is going to be primarily a pike fishing day but we've also got some rods for fish for perch as well because when we came here a couple of years ago when we put the underwater camera down there were some very aggressive perks that wanted to take our big pikeler but this is the lake very clear water there are a lot of hiking here but whether they're on the field today different story it's very cold that's all i know i've just put another layer on we have only a few hours on our hands get the rest of our stuff ready have a little look around the lake and then we'll get started cool [Applause] so for the first episode of carl versus alex we have decided on a point system based on biggest and most we would award a point for the biggest pike but also a point for the most pike and another one for the most perch [Music] this match would last three hours and all fish must be recorded on camera in order for them to count first problem of the day carl's got in a tangle my braid has gone through the split ring oh i'm so excited there's no one fishing around this area and there's no one fishing on the far side either and the far side is a bit well there's loads of pike i mean there's no pike over there right no pike in that bit okay oh um stick to this side i skipped breakfast because we're up so early so i'm eating braid oh that's nice no why i'm actually in braids because um you're not so terrible when you've got a retire i had to retie i think it's time to get started ready three two one go oh this is it you're going for that swim as well yeah because this is the best film in the lake i think we both knew didn't we cole versus alex it begins it began put my camera down you mad bro you know i'm just good this is the best pike swim in the tree the pike will chase so close in i'm definitely um a more extreme amount of excited today my reputation is on the line my mind is probably more so because you know everybody knows i'm the better angler so if i lose then it'll be more of a shock yes i see what you mean but no i thought i'd bite them that was [Music] weird [Music] yes are you serious yep that is definitely i don't want to get tangled in your line what oh it's not huge but it's a good pike to start off the day oh wow yes i'm going to grab him stay pinned stay pinned oh yeah buddy i've got if i can get hold of it by the way if you touch the fish it counts oh so now you've caught it come here you yes oh my god that really hurt ow ow ow ow ow ow and bleeding great success i've got off the mark already my second cast into the lake with my pike lure and i've got one my little finger is bleeding quite badly because it thrashed around and uh cut me on its sharp gill covers but i've got one i'd say what four pounds five pounds uh yeah biggest and most thank you very much i think the match ends now doesn't it shut up mate one nil to the champion well i'm actually really really really happy about that i can't believe it i got one already i mustn't get too carried away though i've got to pace myself i need a um pacemaker placement no yeah what is it in marathons pacekeeper pacemaker is what um yeah it makes his heart not stop very important bit of kit by the way this was the lure that started things off for me oh your finger looks painful it is really painful proper thrashed around and cut me yeah and i just put that treble hook in the tail of the look and it wriggles i think that metal tray is a bit long though could have had it a bit shorter without further ado it's time to make a few more casts and continue to win the first edition of kyle versus alex i'm actually mad thing is i still think there's a good chance of a perch and i think if i can catch a perch carl hasn't got the no you oh i missed it i i was not ready for that at all you know what you're about to say i said you and then you mother flipper no not that bad i'm not that rude you scumbag you sneaky weasel you sneaky weasel you i had a bite there's not much weed about no it's good it's perfect it means i can let oh geez i just pulled across a bit of weed and i got excited i had a bite first caster yep oh that's a pike he's not a perch luckily i've got a trace on though it's a fish does smallest one count small no there isn't a prize for smallest pike but there is a prize for most you know what this would have won though what competition this would have won fishing wars against yoshi it doesn't count didn't touch it didn't touch it you just got tangled in my life as well good one mate good one it's just over and i don't know what it is no it's fine but all it needs is a simple bit of patience maybe a bit more than this look at us pro youtubers with 120k subs we can't fish without getting a massive tangle there we go whoa [Music] geez my fingers are cold already i'm bored alive hypothermic oh wow look at that blood cole's got an injury hopefully he loses enough blood so that he passes out and i can just automatically win yeah i just felt a three pound perch just have a little tug on it well it seems to have dried up we've got some very quick action oh sorry sorry a little tap on your rod tip there mate soon after alex had another bite yep oh this feels like a punch this is what it's doing it's a punch it's a punch it must be are you serious it's the smallest bike in the world i can't even see it no i didn't even catch it doesn't it it doesn't even count because he didn't touch it you are such a mug oh come on i can't look oh it's another absolute giant are you going for the numbers i guess are you dead you touched it that's one of yeah that is just adorable this is the smallest bug i've ever seen so we've been fishing for about 20 minutes in that first swim we were both fishing there and i've figured out what my game plan is today and what i'm going to do is i'm going to try and stick with the smaller because i think i'll be definitely catch the most pike in that swim i had three bites from some very small fish so i'm gonna stick with this small little jig head on the soft plastic and also on that i have a chance of a perch as well and i don't think carl is gonna really try for the perch much so that's going to be my plan yeah let's get after it let's try and catch some more fish hopefully a perch he thinks he's got it under his belt but he ain't i actually taught him to fish i've just changed uh my lure over i was fishing with a just a random weird blue slow sinking lure um and it worked i caught one i saw alex caught quite a few small pike like really baby pike so i've actually switched my lure over to an imitation of a pike it's actually jointed as well so it has quite a cool action in the water which i just tested just had a look at it i've never used it before but seeing how it's catch those little pike i feel like this could replicate what the bigger pike are feeding on remember to stop recording right let's go [Music] alex have you had any more no good time is off the essence just hoping this little pike club works its magic no pike in that swim so we're gonna keep moving until we find some more the new lure has done nothing yet all right one more cast and i'm done in this spot [Music] so it's not exactly kicking off it's really strange we fished that first swim in the deep water and we had a number of bites and we fished like five or six other spots and not caught a single fish so i think the only thing we can do is just keep moving we kind of want our train train nothing oh man this lures ain't doing it that look is coming off if i can use my freezing cold hands to even open that link clip up oh golly getting rid of that lure that did not do the trick you can go back in my little box little roach let's get on the roach ricky the roach westin lure i'm going to give that a try let's get to it cars further than the bike club that's a good start let's hope this one works it's been dead in here mate it's dead down there i can't get a bite on anything no well train that's correct still using that little pointless look yeah why because i've had more bites than you [Music] okay oh smug thinks he knows what he's doing in the past i wouldn't have ever really described myself as particularly competitive but now with the opportunity to try and out outfish my brother alex yeah okay there's some competition getting involved now there's some there's some brotherly rivalry there's some aggression no not aggression but yeah i don't need to win because it's always been sort of joked about that it's better at fishing than me and i don't like it it's time to put an end to it oh my god i can see a pike oh he's just there he's looking at it come on oh you're kidding you're kidding enough another pike went for it another pike went for the lord [Music] why can i not catch one yeah there's one there's one whoa it's hooked right on the edge come on yes yes there you have it fish number two what a result happy days [Music] well that's good another fish under my belt oh wow huge carp just jumped out i'd so love to carp fish here but it's a syndicate ticket to cart fish this makes so it's unlikely i will can't fish it but anyway i don't think alex is doing too well i'm a wildlife cameraman it's been pretty slow since we first started i have not had a single touch since that first swim so we're gonna move around the other side of the lake which has had some sun on it this morning that water will be a bit warmer over there and there might be some more pikes around there because i can't win this competition with what i've got already i hope there's any perch there because i haven't haven't flipped and even brought my perch oh heron i was too slow oh no we're here heron [Applause] seeing some activity oh yeah yep wait yeah there's a fish it feels like what i don't know what's going yeah on think so might just be weed i swear i felt a bite though oh it's just just turn the cameras off oh i could have sworn that was a bite it was like such a obviously wasn't no no points for that mate lucky before i had a monster on yeah right [Music] it's quite warm now [Music] this area is not very productive right now oh i see a pike i just spoiled a pike [Music] oh yeah yeah i've got him i've got he took it oh my god stay down i watched him take it come here come here oh yes [Music] like it's not even hooked didn't even need that pike number two for me my second fish so it's got me closer to winning most fish award of the year no shut up alec i caught a pike wait so you've had two parks as well yeah numbers we're drawing oh it's actually a bit closer than i thought i stuck it out with the larger roach imitation lure being able to cast further meant i could cover more water but alex's little perchler seemed to be working well for the micro pike [Music] oh yeah oh oh i have got something which is definitely a bit bigger on the tiny lure he took it so far i can see the hook remember you have to touch the fish [Music] don't like pat it on the head mate it's not a dog oh lord that's bigger than yours there we go my third pike and also bigger than carl's that's the amazing thing alex took the tiny look oh crazy it took it so close into the margin as well crazy bite what a pike hi mate that could be a winning fish now over halfway through the match this slightly larger pike switched up the scores and put alex in the position to win i can't feel my fingers bloody train no train somewhere else they even honk back at me the scores on the doors have turned very quick since oh that didn't mean to do that soon after moving around to this side i did have a sneaky feeling that there would be more pike around here just because there is sun on this area of the lake i had one up there which got me drawing with coal in terms of numbers he still had the bigger one and then i came to this spot made a cast down that margin and caught one which was definitely bigger than coles cole's just snuck ahead of me down there but to be honest i'm not too worried because he never seems to catch more than me it'll be fine i've got this to all those uh alex fans out there who are on my side on my team don't worry i've got this cringe factor 500 000 then two well i've really got my work cut out now not only has alex overtaking me for most fish but he's also caught the biggest one of the day so far i find myself casting further and reeling in quicker as the day goes on i think i'm getting a bit nervous now we don't have a huge amount of time left and alex is back in the lead oh there's a big wake yep nope that was a pike chasing then i saw a big swirl there was definitely a fish chasing that [Music] come on will it come back will it come back no damn i felt him [Music] oh dear two missed bites it's just not good enough [Music] oh yeah oh that was sick that was so cool that was actually mad he took it so close in [Music] what number is that that's number four oh lord i'm on two mates it is a real pike i can confirm that is a pike i'm about to get one now though that was the coolest bite i've had in a long time oh wow that's beautiful all right it's so cool [Music] so cool oh i've got to follow i've got to follow you he's kicking up oh alex yeah oh he's not as big as mine surely nah he's chubby but he's not huge oh look at you trout fisherman so that that's part number three for me what are you one four four i actually got a slightly bigger one this one isn't huge it's a bit smaller than the others thank you pike you helped me at least claw back a little bit i think i still need a miracle if i'm gonna completely catch up with you though you only need one more money to be big yeah and then it's completely they could all turn around in a matter of seconds yeah we've got um i've got to try and get a perch as well at some point see if i get a perch then you're done for so that's me done in another swim pad one pike from here but alex also had a pike from here so we're still really really level apart from of course alex's winning because he's caught the biggest fish so far we've got a couple more swims to go and we've got very little time left so i think i'm just going to race down to the end of the lake get in that deep water swim and try just try and get one more big pike because that could be enough and to salvage a win we're getting near the end now i only got a few more spots to try out around this corner and uh still that's all to play for sound like a host they're still all to play for will he get the next question right to win one million pounds i have a sneaky suspicion this margin could do me about oh my god what has happened here today's just been tangle off the tangle for me what is flipping how has this even occurred oh that's okay there wasn't even a tangle there got the sneezels [Music] oh yeah and i've got them the little lure again well it looks like alex has got one he's flying ahead here it's not good that was number five [Music] i'm gonna take off that weightless lure that i used earlier and switch up to a perch imitation lure with that 10 gram weight on the top to get it down in in slightly deeper water i'm really out really hoping this sorts me out with a last minute whacker i worked my lure through all the deep water varying the retrieve speed before checking my phone and realizing we had just a few minutes left but i could catch a big one now you never know and pull it up to a draw i returned to the swim we started in the best spot for a big pike and tried my best to make something happen oh by the time alex gets around to this swim it'll be 11 o'clock and the end of the match and i still haven't got that big pike looks like i may have to admit defeat i'm not going to be able to get another cast in if a pike doesn't hit it now it's game over for me come on come out of nowhere 20 pounder where are you oh oh oh oh no they looked at it oh they're still there still there yes no no it came off ah oh you have got to be joking me at the last knockings karl hooked to gooden and fricking loses it that's it mate time's up if you make another cast i'm gonna confiscate your rods and that was it we ended our first match with me having landed three pike and no perch alex though catching five pike and the biggest one too this resulted in alex scoring two points to my zero this time my brother alex was the winner [Music] wow that was a nice train tell you what colt maybe that should be your new hobby train spotting because i think you'd probably be better at that well that is the end of the first edition of cole versus alex we hope you've enjoyed watching stick a comment down below of what you think of this new series and whether or not you'd like to see more of them all i can say is well done alex on beast what's all that about i'm gangster yeah what what would mum and dad do fist pump yeah we hope you've enjoyed watching and we'll see you guys in the next episode of carl versus alex where we're gonna be i'm gonna win today is a very exciting day because we are competing again to see who is the best angler the better brother today's competition is going to be carp so let's hit the road [Music] we're carl and alex and we've been fishing together since we were little we fished across the world and caught loads of different species over time though our brotherly rivalry has grown and now it's time to find out who is the better angler yes all right get it yes straight in [Music] i can't believe it well that happened a lot quicker than i expected i can be almost certain it's probably the biggest fish in here [Music] hello hello can i have maggots which can for three obviously one one mega this is ricky he works at a local tech shop he's a good lad he's a good lad he is carl's just popping into the tackle shop to pick up some bait this bait is going to be my edge today he's going to get a couple of pints of maggots but i have actually chosen not to go with that as i reckon from previous experience i've seen a lot of small roach and rudd in the lake i'm going to stick with a pellet and bright pop-up approach i can actually do the trick you got your back sorry it took a wild service in there it's just good or dreadful that ricky who works at the till can't do maths i'm joking big up buddles angling for the 20 discount they gave us on our maggots represent let's get down the canal help if i don't stall the flipping van i'm really hyped again fishing's good isn't it for this episode of carl versus alex the scoring system was simple the winner would be the angler with the most points at the end of the match common carp counting as one point but the rare mirror carp counting as two points as there aren't very many of them in this canal the match would end at 4 30 giving us a total of four hours fishing sorted oh there's carp cruising around it's a bit cold this today is going to be the coldest unless we do an ice fishing challenge this is the location for the day it's kind of a weird sort of venue because there are quite a few carpet here the water is really clear which is what makes this place really exciting to fish i'm hoping there's going to be quite a lot of sight fishing today seeing the fish baiting spots in the margins and hopefully catching a few as well [Music] we're down at the water's edge now ready to get started this area that we're at now has got loads of carp cruising around we've seen a few drifting around in the margins i'm ready to get started what about you i'm also ready in that case let's go well it's going to get to a countdown okay yeah three one go i wasn't ready for that i've brought a range of kit with me today to fish with uh baits on the bottom but we've seen a few carts so i'm going to start with my stalking rod it's already set up just a hook on the end of some 10-pound line i'm gonna get some maggots on the hook and just try and grab one quickly i think if i can catch a fish really quick i can get ahead on the other hand i'm going to take things slowly i've got two rods which i set up last night with small 12 mil right pop up i'm gonna bait up some spots in the margin try and get them confidently feeding and hopefully build an area where they'll just be every single carp in the lake feeding on my spot and then i can catch way more than carl i saw a few fish underneath this tree earlier i wonder if they're still down here a benefit of stalking with maggots was that i'd have more chance of picking out a rare mirror carp which counted as two points in this competition oh they're looking at it he's looking at it he's gonna hear is he gonna hear come on grab it take it so i've got a bag of some four mil pellets i think these are i'm basically just gonna walk along the margin here keep my eye out for any fish and where i see some signs i'm gonna bait up oh just seen some just out there no well these fish are a little bit higher than i expected i've made a couple of casts to them and they've just looked at the maggots and just zoomed off in the opposite direction i had one fish that looked like it grabbed it but it might have just touched the line i'm not really sure i just saw the line twitch i think i'm gonna put some bait on one other spot as well just so i've got two options [Music] all right let's get some leads on my rods and now i'm snagged on the bottom car just got snagged yeah that's the business we'll have a look further down the bank try and find some fish down there [Music] there's one rod set the aim is to try and find a fish that's got its head in the silt is definitely preoccupied you've got to creep up on one that doesn't know you're there so i'm going to walk up and down here try and find a fish that i can flick my 39 maggots in front of that's a good fish that is a big one this is a big carp he's swimming away from me i'm not seeing a lot of fish along here [Music] it was the first one that came across the bay come on maybe yes the first one of the cart match nice first one of the match i am one nil up but we're gonna have to catch a few more i reckon to win this thing because there's plenty of hungry carpet here to catch yet hello pigeons oh goodbye pigeons these fish are sneaky i knew that before i came out today but i thought they'd take three-line maggots surely [Music] well that happened a lot quicker than i expected the bike came on a bright yellow pop-up small one and a half ounce lead on a leg clip this is sort of my preferred setup these days i used to like using the inlines quite a lot but a leg clip is just so easy to change leads and in this case i could travel to the lake with no no weight on and then just clip on whatever size i think i need without cutting the setup up or cutting the line anyway i'm going to drop this rod in once again but not on that spot i'm going to go down to the first one that i baited and see if there's any fish on there [Music] so i flicked the rod up up the margin and i've walked it back to here so i'm nowhere near the spot i'm actually fishing i'm gonna put the rod on the ground and sit back and hope that another one isn't too far away [Music] don't take the fun out of it being able to see them no it makes it more exciting for me because when we've had so much rain it's really clear in places isn't it yeah yeah oh well let me get on with it see ya this stalking is difficult it's been a bit quiet for the last 25 minutes the first bite came so quick and that does often happen because when you get to the lake there's been no fishing pressure whatsoever the fish are just hungry you get a bite quick and that's when they start to spook and get a bit more shy so i think i'm gonna have to wait a bit longer for the next bite the spots are baited up again though i'm gonna wait a bit longer maybe give it 25 30 minutes more and then i might think about having to move to a different part of the lake yeah yeah it's finally got one it's a good one too i've hooked one and it is proper scrapping i don't know how carl's getting on there he went stalking around the rest of the lake so maybe he's smashing it up i don't know let's hope not oh that's beautiful yes all right let's get the net i'm gonna get in the net yes that has got to be the biggest one of the match so far it's really nice fish i highly doubt alex has caught one this big [Music] hmm it has gone very quiet i'm gonna move a little bit up the bank and try there so now i have two rods out i've got this one here going underneath that bush where that little chicken is and then i've also put a rod up this margin let's see how it goes there's my pop-up the so close to the feeding fish went past it come on there's three of them there's three fish all feeding down there oh he flipped and took it and then he spat it out [Applause] i've come back around to where i left my gear near alex he's just told me that he's only caught one fish so at the moment we're actually drawing i thought he had more i was convinced he was going to catch more fish than what he has i'm going to grab my gear and move around there and fish bottom baits [Music] back round in my swim i mixed up some maggots and crushed boilies ready to bait up [Music] nice so what i've just done is baited a few spots with a couple of handfuls of maggot and oily crumb and i'll see which of those spots fish start to feed on but in the meantime whilst i wait i'll get my rigs ready whilst i prepared my kit the fish in alex's area were feeding again that's number two there we go that's fish number two for me another lovely small common [Applause] fish had begun feeding on my spots too and i was nearly ready to cast out so the rigs that i tied up for this match i tied them up last night they are basically just size six hooks knotless knotted to a length of braid with the last section stripped back so it's supple i've used the kickers because in the red and white colors they look just like maggots i need to be quite quick so i didn't want to fiddle around with foam or you know threading maggots onto a needle or a maggot clip i just want to hook them straight on the hook it looks like it could work and um i'm going to give it a go today i've got two spots that i've seen fish feeding on i checked out a little bit of bait earlier and they've started feeding a little bit of coloured water coming up so i'm going to nick a few maggots onto these two hooks loop them onto my rigs and get them get them dropped in i'm going to use a little pva bag as well so i concentrate some bait around the around the hook and i'll just have to sit back and hope that they feed on my spots and i catch a couple more have i got a bite already [Music] my hat that was so quick [Music] yes whole better be on his toes around the other side of the lake better be on the ball because i don't think he's caught three there it is the finished rig hook on a little pva bag nice let's give it a go see you buddy i doubt he thinks i'm his buddy alex was well ahead by this point but i felt confident of a bite with the maggot rigs i was using now i've got the rods in now i'm fishing i've got two rods out both on maggots one by the floating island this side one tucked under the floating island down there i've seen fish over that one like there's even fish there when i flicked the rod out but down there it's dead didn't really see anything but we're gonna give it go and see what happens the problem was alex was still getting bites it's a deep-bodied chunky fish [Music] there he is fish number four for me man he fought so hard it's so amazing watching them in the clear water as they fight yeah that's a nice one now that is very nice i'm still yet to hear from cole he's round that corner fishing up the other arm who knows how it's going for him hopefully he hasn't found the big shoulder them and caught loads i hadn't found a big show nor had i caught loads but what i had done is move my right hand rod down the margin and place the rig under the overhanging tree where fish have begun feeding hard [Music] finally got one it's taken a long time [Music] i've hooked another fish here's another good one [Music] let's snap that one into the net because the water is so clear you really get to see the fish and i've watched like individual fish and i've pretty much seen most of the stock and this one i can be almost certain is probably the biggest fish in here look at that that is heavy and very very lively for some reason i'm not sure if alex is caught anymore but i'm pretty chuffed i've caught two fish now but the day was passing quickly i decided to head back to alex and grab my phone to check what time it was just spotted someone on the far side [Music] that little rat over there would you reckon has he caught more than four or less than four what's the scores on the doors really you had two yeah so i've got two total caught four more mate four more four on top of the all the ones you had earlier no no sorry i've had four all together okay four total yeah four two i was i was around there feeling all smug thinking i'd got i've got this in the back i was feeling smarter but i knew i had in the back god you're a kid what's the time i don't know i only came around here to get my phone because i didn't know what time it was oh my god 10 minutes to the air no we said 4 30 yeah 4 30. sweet i've got enough time there was approximately 40 minutes left so i decided to try stalking again it came off up as before the fish didn't like maggots falling near them spooking off the bait multiple times before one decided to show an interest i finally hooked one it's another good fish my average size has been all right get it yes straight in the other fish i faffed around with and took photos this one's gonna get unhooked and put straight back there it goes you've seen it it counts [Music] i'm stressing now and i'm making silly casts into bad bad places seriously stressing out i think what it is is that as the light levels have dropped the fish can't see my line so easily so i can see another fish out there now i'm going to try and catch it currently sat on a bench waiting for another one of my rods to rip off but it hasn't happened again still on four fish it is also four o'clock and that means we've only got half an hour left yes if i land this it could be a draw well i don't think i've landed a fish that quickly in my life before hooks out this is back in the water that's my fourth one [Music] oh that was a mirror that was a mirror [Music] that was not good [Music] yes if i can land it who knows who knows what alex is on [Music] yes yep that is him yes gotta be nearly time now it's gotta be 15 minutes left so i can't even wait to find out i'm gonna call him i'm gonna see what's happening down there [Music] what's up bro um you know we've got 10 minutes left yeah i've had five fish now no you haven't i have oh dear anymore i've lost two more oh but not landed any no well that's the time is ticking away ten minutes left and i've just snuck into the lead i think what i'm gonna have to do is keep fishing just work at it for the last 10 minutes because if i can get one more bite then it seals the deal i got to start thinking up some excuses um we're both at the same lake the weather is the same for both of us sometimes the best angler has to no no the best angler doesn't always win even the greatest angler can't win every time yeah the worst anglers often get lucky as today has proved just as alex was thinking of excuses this happened [Music] [Music] i can't believe it the last few minutes of the match and in this net is a fully scaled mirror which means that is two points convinced that i'd caught enough fish to win as the time ran out i packed away and returned to see alex it's so misty it's really cool you got one in the net yeah what is it get ready for this no you're taking the piss no don't mind don't wind me up it's it's a bloody fully scaled mirror yeah man two points you've just crushed my dreams alex somehow surely due to luck rather than skill alex had stolen the win from me right at the end i hate you what'd you say about that bro you've done it again you've humiliated me in front of our viewers and you've caught probably the nicest fish of the day as well i caught much bigger ones though i will just say that i think there definitely should have been a prize for biggest fish i don't know why we didn't do that because i would have i definitely didn't catch many big ones all of mine was so small yeah but there it is alex has pulled out the bag right at the end last minute it was literally so last minute and he's beaten me in another episode of carl versus alex oh my goodness that's a cop whoever wins the coin toss gets to choose what spot to fish behind us heads [Applause] yes no this side ah damn it that's worth that's why i saw the cop earlier [Music] we're carl and alex and we've been fishing together since we were little we fished across the world and caught loads of different species over time though our brotherly rivalry has grown and now it's time to find out who is the better angler [Music] this was going to be a multi-species competition so the scoring for this episode of carl versus alex is as follows one point for a bream three points for the slightly rarer tench and five points for the elusive carp the match would last 24 hours starting at midday and the person who ends on the most points is the winner and for a bit of fun we decided if one of us catches the lake record they automatically win the competition yes no what's going on oh and it's over what are you doing what that's not on what you have you you're about to put that bait out aren't you oh no i was just stretching warming up the catapult yeah sounds legit you can't bait up until 12. what's the time oh it's actually one minute one minute away can't win you can let me off for that [Music] and the match starts now now i know that carp count for five points and bream only for one but i came on a session here not long ago and found out that there were a lot of bream i'm sure alex is gonna get tempted by the carp and the five points because he's greedy like that i'm gonna i'm gonna play it steady i'm gonna go for bream i've got a feeder rod and some corn so i'm gonna start on that and try and get ahead now unlike carl i've never fished this place before i don't have a clue what we're in for but when we did arrive i spotted some carp on the far side so that's exactly what i'm gonna go for you get five points for a cup as well so i'm just gonna try and catch some of them i'm armed with some boilies i've got some pellets as well and i think i'm gonna target that far side with all three of my rods let's look inside my box of tricks i'm gonna pop on a lead clip set up i think i'll probably need a two ounce lead to reach that far side you need to attach the rig to that and then we're ready to cast out [Music] alex had seen a couple of carp over by the far margin so i couldn't resist but tie up a chod rig and cast that out just now just means that i'm fishing nice and quickly i've now had a chance to get my feeder rod tied up i'm introducing a bit of bait with the feeder just a few cage falls of ground bait just to try and get those bream feeding in the area probably put out four or five and then i'll get started on the feeder fishing just let the feeder hit the bottom wait for the ground weight to start dissolving out of it and strike it and the fate will all come out let's do this first cast on the feeder feeling confident but judging by my performance in the last two kind of carl versus alex episodes i don't know i've got to concentrate watch that tip and now the long wait begins i brought a lot of kit this session but i forgot my pva all of it all of it sucker but what i did bring with my binoculars great now you can look at your bait really close up so i can spy on you carl great wonderful oh also one question yeah one of those bananas isn't that bad luck no good luck for me they're good luck because if you eat bananas you get some sort of vitamins which is all good for your health because energy tennis player they lost bananas i must mean something i've got my first rod ready to go pop-up rig 15-mil pop-up smells like fruit i was gonna attach a pva bag of boilies but that's not happening seeing as i forgot my pva so i'm just going to cast this out and then catapult a few ballies around the rig [Music] perfect [Music] [Music] while i was making sure all three of my rods were cast perfectly over to the reeds carl was regularly recasting his feeder trying his best to draw the brim into his swim yes yes no way yes we've got a bite oh yeah what's the time half one alex and we've got the first fish of the competition big old green that well there's one breem that's got me in the lead one point well carl was one nil up but i just finished placing my last rod so i was now ready to catch a car well that bream completely trashed my rig snapped my hook link whilst it was in the net so i've got to re-tie or wipe all the slime off of everything as well but one nil how do you feel alex i think i'd rather be one nil down without any broom slime on my hands than a head with a slimy alex a fish is a fish i might be covered in slime but i'm in the lead and this is just the start no it's the end for you we'll see or can i have more i reckon i could have like four or five at least four or five yeah i'd pay to have minus four or five broom you're just jealous no you are no yeah no yeah no yeah no after about half an hour we had finally finished arguing and carl was still getting bites on his feeder rod completely missed it [Music] that's on surely yes make the brain here big flip clinic mate that is a slab what two nil oh man it feels good to be in the lead i'm just gonna enjoy them in the glory enjoy the moment while it lasts yeah whatever that's the only problem with catching green they're just the slimiest creatures ever anyway thank you mrs i think it's a female green this one thank you lady breen wow the plan is working it's two o'clock i've had two bream and alex i don't think actually brought any brain gear at all so if i keep catching him he's done for another feeder full of ground bait going back out if i if i catch a brain like every hour of this match and i stay up all night and catch some broom i could i could catch it one an hour and end off on 24 points fishing isn't all about catching fish you know it's about being out in nature surrounded by wildlife and also just sitting back and eating nice food [Music] carrots [Music] oh go on [Music] crumbs are getting bites into another one i was just munching some carrots there carl cool i'm just winning the match here this is for three points you've nearly got the equivalent to a car i know right you're not gonna catch any car what i didn't tell you is that there aren't any carp in here not as big as the other one but a pretty little brazem what's the last in february brazil bresmus no slimiest vicious in the wilderness oh here you go son number three hey i'm unstoppable i'm going to win right now free now no i'm not getting worried just yet stay calm stay chilled stay collected carl was catching breem at a consistent pace but what he didn't realize was that this was going to be his last bite for a while the broom seemed to have moved out of cole's area just as he thought the match was going to be easy the clock was ticking and with the day moving into evening i focused really hard and stayed alert it's time to set up the cart rods the bream fishing has dried right up i had a few bites early on but it's just gone dead so i'm getting the other cart rods ready because i particularly like those carp rods out this evening when bike time comes in in like the last few hours of the day i'm a little concerned because time is ticking away we've been here for nearly five hours and i haven't had a single lime bite haven't seen any more fish on the far side and i'm still on zero but i think it's gonna be all about the evening and morning bite that's what i'm hoping anyway [Music] no way let's drop back let's drop back yeah fish [Music] it's not quite what i was after but it's better than a breem i get three points for this that pop-ups almost too big for him only had to catch one like this and it's got me nearly catching up with carl i think kyle's one point ahead damn but yeah the tents are quite rare in here and all i need is a couple more of these and i'll be well in the lead look at the eye of these tents they're so vivid like blood red almost well the weather has turned a lot more carpe the uh sun has gone away it's got a lot cloudier and the temperatures have dropped as well which i think is perfect for the carp fishing that said we still haven't even had any bites on the carp rods oh alex had a tench but the cop are just being quite elusive at the moment [Music] it's that time of the day again dinner time what are you cooking up pasta la vista baby uh just pasta although the water's not boiling because it's pretty windy oh no now it is yeah it's good master chef i'd win at that as well what now the wind has completely changed direction though it was blowing up this way and now it's blowing completely the other way as long as it blows the carp towards my swim then it's all good oh you you look like um buddha sat there praying to the gods that these rods go off but they won't because you're a nod don't play with matches out children should not play with match alex what are you doing oh did you put it in your mouth you didn't i think about my tongue you're an idiot well alex might have won the last couple of kyle versus alex fishing challenges but he definitely doesn't win when it comes to iq this guy's he's not all there dusk was approaching and the conditions felt perfect for a bite [Music] oh my goodness that's a cop [Music] just as i thought nothing was gonna happen this evening the rod is gone stuck in the reeds damn that pulled so hard i just got hope that comes out of the reeds oh there it is i felt it that my minute coming [Music] please stay on wow i had to put some pressure on that but he's he's coming in now [Music] that's got a big load of weed over it at the moment yes there he is i've caught myself a cop it's really long what's the score uh it was four three four five six seven eight nine three i had to use my finger count on my fingers to play that's what your things are for i didn't do very good at maths at school i'll be honest it was worth taking the bet it was worth switching over to the uh to the carters when the broom fishing dried up because i got one in the net look at that yes all right certainly nice when a plan actually works out and i switched my rods over to the carp gear this one was actually on a chod rig that i cast towards quite a weedy area but an area where i had seen a fish jump a little bit earlier on in the day and yeah got myself a car five points well that fills me with confidence going into the night with quite a lead on my side um just gotta get the rod sorted and cast back out there before it gets too dark to be able to see where it lands it's bedtime do you want me to show you what i've been watching this evening uh i don't know wait what that makes no sense caption is zombie fish i don't know what that means but no internet is a wonderful place to find all sorts of stuff too bright i needed this no more fish for both of us during the night which means carl is still five points more than six points more than me nine three well i need this and more imagine if it's the biggest fish in the lake and you just out now win just with [Music] that [Music] okay yeah eight nine there we go there's my prize for my efforts not exactly like i put much effort in this morning i was in very deep sleep just hiding away from all the rain that came but it did wonders to the fishing and i managed to bite which means i'm only one point away from carl it's gonna be close today it's gonna be a match of who can probably catch the next carp if we can catch another car but there we go quite similar to cole's one really long really skinny and long powerful fish nice morning update it is pouring down with rain and it has been for the last few hours that cart that i just caught woke me up and has now got me thinking about the competition again i'm one point behind but it's all been quiet in carl's for him as well so things are looking quite close no what's going on this is it if this is another cop which i'm pretty sure it is this is going to boost me so much but i've got to land him he's pulling really hard towards the reeds [Music] and that puts me in the lead that's exactly what we needed a morning bite on my rods two morning bites well this is exactly what i needed to happen the cops get on the feed this morning over my spots and i'm ahead this is a worrying sight carl has gained the confidence to get out in the rain with his feeder rod and try and win it back [Music] the brain fishing yesterday afternoon slowed right up for carl and all i could hope for was that the show was still in another part of the lake [Music] but i could tell carl was putting maximum effort into it regularly recasting his feeder and baiting his swim little and often [Music] it's a tent where's my net what have you got oh it's a dad oh no some weed and also a tent how close does that get me 10 11 12 so you're one behind oh it's been hard this morning for me i've just had to watch alex catch two carp but this pretty little tench gets me three points and i must be pretty close now i think you're one behind me one behind but i'm just gonna keep on trying time is certainly ticking away and i just need one more bite one bream would bring it up to a draw another lovely tent would put me in the lead [Music] there's one [Music] literally got minutes come on [Music] at this point i was getting worried all cole needed was one more point to secure himself a win [Music] [Music] oh [Music] how did that not get on [Music] oh my god the fight though just whacking around there's just nothing all i could do was watch at the same time as hoping one of my rods would magically burst into life how long have i got left 10 minutes it's got to be less than 10. it was like it was 10 minutes left when i had when i had the fish earlier i need one bite as long as it's a green potential carp then i could win well i'm rushing now i don't think it's gonna happen it's not looking good even if i don't catch one though at least i didn't lose this time unless one of my rods over there there was a fish on the end i literally went to real in thinking that that was game over what the fish must have been on but just didn't give me a bite well this could be it alex this could be what i was after it's a bream all right oh and it's over well what we got two minutes or something not long at all champion by one point though mate if one of your rods goes off now i i would be so gutted there it is alex i'm pretty certain just got beaten by a breem no no no worse way to lose eh i'm so happy oh yes carla had taken the victory and i couldn't quite believe it been beaten carl's beating me yep no yes oh no welcome back to carl versus alex the show where i carl try and beat alex my brother at fishing it doesn't happen very often he's rather lucky if i'm honest today we're going to be going on our friend robin's boat down at brighton marina and we're going to be targeting bats [Music] we haven't done a great deal of sea bass fishing this year so should be a good fun trip this time around it was a numbers competition so one point would be awarded for each bass court the first area we would be fishing was three miles off the brighton coast look at that that's 56 gram jig head it's a beast how deep is it here uh we are in 60 feet wow it's deep man actually no we're at the bottom of the tide sorry so 50 feet yeah because it's both start the clock three hours begin now so quiet out here it's like no wind who caught most when we were out on the boat before i think steve did pretty well [Music] i meant out me and you oh me [Music] hey oh no one nil if it goes in that net yeah it's yes great start [Music] supposed to be competitive it's not fair come on i like staring at my rod tip so much my eyes are watering i can't let alex win again you might be wondering how we were targeting these bass and it's pretty simple we were using jig heads with soft plastic jelly like lures [Music] a jig head is a hook and weight all in one and the lure is threaded onto the jig head like this these lures are cast out and sunk to the seabed before retrieving them back in [Music] my balance isn't my strong point what is the british record fast i'm currently not breaking the bass record but i am breaking the noisiest reel in the world record [Music] the aim of the game with bass fishing is to keep moving spots to find where the bass are located well rob isn't in this competition wait no yeah no rob's on my team you're on my team aren't you rob we agreed that before that's the biggest one definitely so the scores are now sitting at one all to one for alex and one for uh carl and rob well we certainly couldn't have asked for better weather it's it there isn't there isn't even enough wind to cause problems with the audio yeah it's pretty nice on the mics [Music] oh [Music] you're fishing right-handed i know all right you're going to have to be given a hair no we're not going to give you a handicap for that i i do i do struggle though it's a bit yeah i was going to say you just looked a little bit special cassie and i couldn't work out what it was and then i was like ah you're doing it normal round normal way round oh sorry that's right say whatever you like we have highly trained editors well i've been fishing for the last half an hour with my reel screwed on the wrong side [Music] carl and rob will say it's the right side but now now we're gonna catch way more oh i feel i feel i feel like a human again it's so weird that every human is better with one hand than the other that's crazy some people are just as good with both hair they can write with both hands i suppose i mean those people are really rare i think but yeah i can write with both hands illegible yeah oh totally missed it i totally totally missed it it's the hardest hit that i think i've had in a while we're all having a little bit of a hard time looking up right now you just gotta be rep so ready come on fish come on beauty a perfect table fish for the table yeah we'll take one yeah we'll take one today we're gonna have him with uh homemade chips all right he's got potatoes he's gonna try it yeah oh i've got him wait i i thought i'd missed it and then he was there again well hey thank you for the netsmanship bass number one for me which means it is actually one all we are drawing this is slightly smaller than yours i think guys yeah similar size yeah but uh have to be off the mark off you go buddy wow so cool watching them like zoom back down in the clear water right i'm a bit slimy so i'm gonna watch and then i'm gonna get back down and catch another one damn it with two hours remaining things were getting intense ah feels good to not be the only person in the boat having not caught anything but they're so much spikier than perch nice envelope nice one you have liquid or anything in it poisoned it with that russian spy it's not a chocolate i still want all those it's still one off so out there we was in quite deep water out three miles offshore and the fish just hang around that particular spot over the slack tide and then once we got that first push of flood um those fish just vanished uh but i happen to know that in here is very good on the blood type so we've come it's actually similar depth this is quite considering how close we are in sure it's one of the deeper deeper holes around oh snag can you catch next snags the bottom of the sea the biggest thing i've ever caught rob kept the boat on the move as we continued searching for some more fish [Music] oh yeah number two i've got to get this in i don't know it is quite small it's just my rod's quite light hey there we go i'm in the lead 2-1 it's a lot smaller than the other fish but it's a it's a good result see ya whoa that was good rob is hooked up again oh yes oh that looks like it's pulling quite a bit ah yes this could be the equalizer if i can land it yes too old oh it's getting worried then no way the silver color it's so shiny like the the sun glittering against that side of that fish is beautiful yeah two oh wow if this was um uh champagne then at the end we could do this [Laughter] two oh come on we got like 40 minutes or something just under yeah it's gonna be like a football score two one to cut oh rob is hooked up that one's pulling quite hard oh we hit it just there in front of the boat i was cranking it back in there we go that is what i'm talking about double up bass and and don't forget this is my third one no i'm behind that was my third one and i've got some catching up to do you're on three i'm on two and the fishing hasn't been you know hasn't been crazy action today so i'll have to work hard in the last 25 minutes no it's funny because alex won the first two kyle versus alex videos we did and then i won the one that we filmed the other day that's ridiculous that is ridiculous rob is in again oh alex 13 minutes [Music] 13 minutes for you to catch a bass and then i i need to catch two if i want to win yeah i need two fish this drift because this may be the last drift it's not gonna happen mate you've got like eight minutes now i've got the special lure on now though really what's special about that is glittery and shiny you know you always feel that little bit more lucky after you change the skills that you've done something i don't know probably won't make a difference already time is ticking mate that's all i'll say that's the cast the first one was definitely a bite but yep no yes oh no fall off fall off well there's one time when i'm competitive and that's when it's me my me versus alex we're in the last few minutes no it can't it can't come here i don't i don't think i need the net it's fine i've got him yes yes i cannot believe that quick quick quick no he wants more than a draw i need to win this you have got to be kidding me i had the lead snatched for me right at the end there it is and the alarm's going last cast of the session it's it's if one of us catches a fish then that is then they win pretty much oh god it's too much pressure all right i'm going to focus so [Music] carefully [Music] can't believe that there we go i thought i had it i thought i had it in the can it's a draw what do we do i feel lost i feel like one of us should have won oh mate that was a good session though yeah good work friendly handshake that's not how it works bro try again yeah nice well that was a more friendly competition i wasn't very friendly i was i was like praying that every one of your fish fell off thank you robin ah fun morning out fishing we've got two bass that we're going to probably have for dinner tonight and it was a draw what can i say a little bit disappointed i didn't win you're still the luckiest brother i mean i got that one just on the end it's not the best brother oh that's very kind of you episode four of cul versus alex was a draw which means the ongoing score still sits at one win to carl and two wins for me anyway now it was time to head home and cook up some fish and chips would you like fries with that they just chase it and look at it but don't eat it come on smash it flip it at the biggest one the biggest one took it as any fisherman will know there's a whole lot of species swimming in our waters in this episode of carl versus alex we take on our biggest challenge yet an endurance multi-species competition in one minute's time the grand finale of carl versus alex is gonna begin we've got point no 48 hours 48 hours anywhere in the uk catch as many species as possible all right match starts pretty much now so better get going i've got to load up your van is your car loaded up already ready mate here we go am i scared am i excited am i nervous i'm all of those for this multi-species battle the rules are simple the match takes place within the uk 48 hours of fishing is allowed from midday on day one through till midday on day three one point is awarded for each species court and should we both catch the same species a bonus point is given to the captor of the longest fish well that's it alex is out of here let's go let's go let's go 48 hours i'm going to find out the best angler [Music] just doing my final checks that i haven't forgotten anything uh uh no boom before i get fishing though i'm gonna need to go to the taco shop because i obviously need to get some bait toothbrush deodorant [Music] and i am now finally ready to get on the road first location i'm gonna think small streams i've got some maggots because i bought them yesterday uh yeah let's get going hello i'm trying to find the do you have dead dates like oh if you've got any oh yeah oh yeah cool thank you very much thank you right we've got some maggots got some dead baits as if sibling rivalry wasn't enough we decided to throw in a forfeit for the loser whoever scores the least points will have to drink a smoothie made from whatever bait we have left over at the end of the competition [Music] we have been blessed with some beautiful weather which is really lucky because i was dreading having to do this whole challenge in the pouring rain i was getting started with a maggot feeder casting it up into the tunnel running underneath the road first one first fish of the entire competition it's that tiny little thing there oh for it to come i need to take a photo and then i need to send that to alex as well [Music] is that a message i hope it's not from carl i was just sending a picture of a chub to alex oh i missed it as cole said he's off to a very quick start job well thank god it's only about three inches long rods hello dog alex was off to his first location a pond out on the edge of some farmland well good news new species this is a gargin it's quite small i'll be honest but it's another fish off you go mate no just send me another message it's got a gudgeon there's two all right we're here i'll get this cast out at this first location alex was going to fish for cart with two rods and drive a rudd on the third we've got two rods out i was off to a great start catching another decent chub from under the bridge oh yeah [Music] about 25 centimeters that is lovely now all i needed was a roach and i'd caught most of the species in this little pool [Applause] he's probably crying already worried about losing probably alex's cart rods hadn't moved an inch but i was still catching 16 centimeter garden that's a long old guard your nose well next cast there it was the roach i was after carl's got a roach he's on three now well that's charb gudgeon and roach ticked off alex isn't gonna be best pleased i don't think he's caught anything yet let's get packed away oh geez this isn't going too well i've been fishing for about 45 minutes zero bites not even a rud i'm gonna move around the other side of the lake i think i was well in the lead and now in search of pike so i drove down to the deep tidal river i'm thinking this stage of my challenge is going to be one of the more difficult ones pike are difficult to catch at the best of times and i haven't got very much time today i'm all set bring on the pike just turned up at spot number one for the pike nice little slack on the near side relatively quick water on the opposite side i'm giving it 30 more minutes and if i don't catch any fish i'm moving on i can't waste as much time [Music] [Applause] the rain's just started hopefully it stops soon i've got one i've got one it was on the rod that i had on a magnet feeder for run and i've hooked the cart but this is really light line come on yes i doubt he's gonna win biggest cop oh jeez oh yeah we've got one we've got another one this might be bigger this one oh no he's tangled around the other rod this is a mess yes yes yes yes we've got a little carp and a big carp i've got to measure the bigger one here's the little one he's going straight back 60 centimeters 60 centimetre cart there we go that's what i needed it's going straight back there you go mate oh right i'm getting out of here the pike weren't easy to find so i went for a walk up stream just taking a five minute break to eat some lunch and next i'll be heading to some local streams some really small streams to try and catch a few more other species i'm trying to get all the local stuff down before we then head further afield and try and get some of the more exotic species [Music] the float's just gone the float is just gone all right drag yes yeah there it is oh that was so exciting that is a part he's only just hooked yes yes yes yes yes right four sets that is a beauty oh i'm so chuffed but the hooks are out the way hike [Music] there we go brilliant [Music] and off he goes there we go just sent a picture of a pike to alex although i did notice whilst i was on my phone alex has caught a cart now but i'm gonna try for carp tonight i've got a plan let's go whoa look at this it's really blocked up at the moment think i might try up here first well things are going a little bit better than i was expecting well goodbye river thank you for giving me a pike there should be a number of different species living in this stream that's so shallow [Music] oh yeah fish fish fish no it's come on [Music] streams and small rivers can be quality places to find a range of silverfish species here alex quickly landed a roach and a chub let's see what alex is saying okay he's had a roach and he's had a chub so he's had three species i've had four let's see if we can get a perch [Music] oh oh oh this is a big fish [Music] no the hook was retrieved but not the unseen fish all right for this spot i've got a net my uh ultra light drop shot rod i've got that set up with a fluorocarbon leader and a drop shot hook i'll put the weight on that when i get down there i've got in my waist pouch some worms that should be enough bait for this spot drop shotted worm one of my favorite ways to catch perch i'm hoping that there is some around here it's been a long while since i last cast out here so i'm not really sure what to expect oh there we go that feels like a nice fish right apart it's a perch there's a perch it's a new species it is a push and that pole isn't long enough yes successfully landing this perch brought alex's species tally up to four oh yes that is a fine looking perch [Music] no is that a perch ah i'm getting worried now oh is that fit no this is really good i spent too long for and i kept a calf earlier but now i've had i can't remember oh this is rubbish well that wasn't so good [Music] oh no i missed it i missed it i had a bite i had a bite that was definitely a bite oh [Music] i'll just put it straight in a tree oh it's the only rig i've got i just snapped it all up it's the only setup that i've got i've got to go back to the car don't get angry cold don't get angry don't get mad don't get mad don't get mad oh i had a bite gotta go back to my car and get a new hook and some more lime dreadful angling i should have been more prepared oh oh my goodness this is the big perch this is a big big puck damn it no it's come off oh no that was huge that was a winning perch there's painful some fluoro some hooks i got drop shot weights down there all right oh how am i doing for time four o'clock it's gonna be evening soon and i've only fished two places i have a feeling this match is gonna go a lot quicker than i anticipated i was walking through this but i also can't stop looking for mushrooms it now isn't the time alex all right i'm all rigged up again i just put another worm on we're ready to make another cast [Applause] it would be so good if i could just catch a big big perch now yes it's a perch i reckon no it's a chub it's a flipping chub there we go lovely chub off you go mate i need a perch man the sun's going down the scores were still very level and our location choice is quite similar at this stage fish oh would you believe it it's a perch it's absolutely microscopic no point um measuring the length because i am 100 certain alex's one was bigger than this but i get a photo all the same because it's one of my species oh this might be this is a bream i think oh yes is it a hybrid or a brim oh what is that is that breen centimeters ah there we go again you know what i think i'm done here basically for tonight i got a plan to try and catch carp bream and tench so i'm quite excited for for getting over there before it gets too dark alex had now caught his last small stream mini species there we go i've caught one i think i'm done with this little stream sat nav is saying aaron 10 minutes to get there i'll be there by just before half five that will give me enough time to so out of the gate to load up my gear and get down to the lake before it's too dark it's crazy to think that it is pretty much the end of the first day it's gonna be dark in maybe an hour i've caught a few species but i feel like i've rushed i've made a few mistakes i lost that really big perch which is really painful because i don't think cole would catch one bigger than that so i'm just gonna take it slow this evening i've got about yeah an hour before it gets dark there's enough time to head down to the coast and try and catch something from the sea it might be a challenge i don't do much sea fishing especially bait fishing from the shore so might not be easy i don't think carl's gonna fish salt water i might not be the best sea angler but i did have a sneaky plan on how to capture trout michael [Music] do you know anywhere where i can get a trout well that's going to be an edge just got off the phone from my buddy michael who i used to fish with when we were kids basically and yeah he's got a few ideas he's got a few tricks up his sleeve so we'll see him tomorrow but for now still on my way down to the reedy lake where i'm gonna try and get carp and if i can catch a bass or any other sea species then this is good oh no no no no no [Applause] me she's got tackle everywhere alex was now at the harbour where he was going to try for bass pretty mad spot honestly you don't know how happy i'll be if i can catch a bass [Music] i've got a bit of a walk on my hands now with a very very heavy barrow but i reckon i'll get there and get the rods out before it's dark and that's the important thing arriving at the reedy lake i wasn't going to have long before dark setting up my cart rods i grabbed some bright pop-ups and fish them on chod riggs a good option when the lake is quite weedy just felt a sudden sharp pain in the bottom of my foot the massive thorn that went through my flippin boot wow i've just decided i don't even care if i lose this competition look at that sunset that's that's made my day that has it's like a fire it's fiery the sun was like a fire that's the sort of simile i used back at school the sun was like a fire i don't know what i'm talking about all i'm catching right now is blooming weeds no bastille with the bass not playing ball alex switched to a very small hook and used a maggot as bait trying to get a bite from any tiny species that there might be in the harbour my rods were in position now and the alarm set for the night oh yeah yeah yeah yeah we've got a fish oh yes no way it's a bass it's a bass caught on maggots it is the tiniest bath i've ever caught in my life right mr bass you may be small but you are big in this competition well on my list of species to catch today that was probably gonna be the hardest and because i don't think carl's gonna try for bass i'm not gonna try and catch a bigger one i'm just gonna settle for that and then move on to some more species i'm off i'm out of here so three rods are now fishing i've put them all on chod rigs yellow pop-ups small leads i've cast them to relatively clear gaps in in the weed very early tomorrow and i mean like dawn i'm gonna be cracking out the feeder rod i'm gonna try and get a bream out of here before i leave so i've made a plan for what i'm gonna do tonight i'm gonna sleep on the beach and i'm gonna cast a couple of rods out with some macro strips as bait and just see what i catch i feel just feel like the more saltwater species i can get the further in the lead i should get [Music] well i managed to catch a fish from the beach it's a new species i think this is a waiting [Music] waving is that alex has caught something with a big eye and teeth anyway good night so at the end of day one the species tally was at five for me and eight for alex that said i definitely had some bonus points for the larger chub and gudgeon come morning alex was driving again heading west well i just had the worst night's sleep of my life so noisy from the power station behind me anyway i'm on the road really early at 6 30 and i'm heading down to hampshire which is about two hour drive where i'm gonna try and catch a big trout i just woke up and i caught nothing last night nothing at all and it's freezing like actually freezing and my my welly which had the thorn in it that filled up the walls yesterday that foot i could barely feel it so i've got to get moving to save my foot and i've got to get moving to try and catch a few more species as well i mixed up some ground bait and set up a method feeder a bike came almost instantly we've got a rug now which is pretty good i wasn't expecting a ride to be honest uh i was kind of hoping for a breeze but that might be the next bike i phoned up a friend of mine a couple of days ago who actually works at a trout fishery he said if you come down you stand a good chance at catching a big trout i'm only about half an hour away now whilst alex continued his journey to the trout lakes i worked hard at trying to catch breen i began packing away as i had a busy day ahead of me there's a lake [Music] the fish put up a spirited tassel unlike most brain this fish was quite energetic i was actually packing away my gear when the rod bent round there we go it's actually got some really cool swirly scales there when scales get damaged or like broken or come off they end up growing back a little bit deformed but it can actually look quite cool probably the happiest i've ever been to see a breeze actually so this morning i've come to diva springs trout fishery now the main reason why i wanted to come to a trout fishery was because i don't think karl is going to attempt to catch a rainbow trout and that is what lives in this lake behind me i haven't fly fish for over a year so i'm gonna be pretty rusty with the casting but i'm gonna give it my best shot i was just having a walk around before i start fishing i came across this pond and it is just absolutely full of huge trout and i thought well this is going to be actually quite easy to catch one until i realize this is just a stock pond of course you're not allowed to fish here you have to fish in the lake which probably hasn't got as many as this little pond here it's getting me excited i can catch a 20 pound trout today let's give this a go oh yes no why that is a pike look how small it is oops we have caught the camera despite his somewhat poor casting alex persevered with the fly fishing meanwhile i was losing patience with the carp [Music] all night the carp rods did nothing i decided to leave the lake and try for carp somewhere else [Music] oh yeah yeah yes that is a nice rainbow we're heading down the windy track uh through the forest down to a little lake where i think i could catch a car last night was a write-off for the car very disappointed about that but i've now got like 15 minutes here and then i really need to get on the road to another place i so hope there's no one in the car park that looks like someone there's someone fishing in a good spot at the shallow end of the lake just sending a photo of my trout to carl feeling rather smug right now because i don't think i was gonna catch a rainbow hey look at that they are crazy looking fish doesn't even fit in the shop well alex has only gone and caught a trout it's not even night it was about nine o'clock in the morning and now it's already pulled out of trout i don't know where he's fishing now i'm gonna try and put some of this bread scatter it around this corner on this lake and see if we can get a cut i'm wondering about what would be down there but i think it would just be chubb and roach and stuff and that's what i've caught already next step of the adventure i caught the rainbow trout i was kind of dreading that i wouldn't catch but we did it i mean not too much time at all it's still quite early on in the day i saw a couple of fish swirl like on the bread out there i think they might have been chubbed because they are also chabbing this place haven't seen any definite carp sightings i think i'm going to have to get on the road because i want to go sea fishing i want to fish the the beach at high tide and high tide is pretty soon so i probably want to get going around about now but yeah i'm really happy with how this morning went i wonder how carl's getting on he sent me a photo of a rod and a broom this morning which are two species that i haven't caught i actually saw some run really close in in the margins and i was trying to catch them on the fly but i just couldn't so cold definitely ahead of me with the freeman which is annoying i'm ahead on him on the rainbow trout i think unless he's been really sneaky and caught one anyway i better get on my way and get to the next spot well that disaster this is why i've got the advantage nothing beats this carl's gonna be eating terrible food all right he's just gonna be eating crisps it's even got lettuce in it um that's gonna give me the energy i need to win this battle this non-contact battle between me and my brother so much driving this morning and not enough catching now i am far from an experienced saltwater angler in fact i hadn't a clue what i was doing but i spotted some little fish by the sea wall so i dropped down a worm on a small hook alex was now on his way to a chalk stream where he was sure to find some new species i needed to make the most of this sea fishing but to be honest i was really struggling try as i might those little fish showed virtually no interest in the worm until i began reeling it back up towards the surface [Music] flying over my head what is it i don't even know [Music] right that boat is quite big yes that's a bus that's a little sea bass i don't believe it the one species i thought i would never catch from here bye yes i've wasted enough time this morning doing all sorts of things but this sea fishing has eventually paid off things are looking up just a little bit my snags alex had arrived at his next spot the river allen in dorset i also had plans to drive in that direction not least to visit my friend michael who works at the trout farm just arrived at the next spot oh wow it is so clear look at that this is spotted trout look at him this time around i'm going to do a bit more float fishing on my way towards the south west i decided to call in at a little canal to give it one more try for the carp i'm so lost where do i go oh right that was a weird dodgy bit of driving that but now we are confronted with the hl delivery man just in the middle of the road what are you doing what are you doing don't you know i've got a car versus alex multi-species episode going on here no that's right don't worry no it's fine i'm not in a rush i'll let you back yes right we are now on our way down to [Music] the canal where i really hope i can catch a car [Music] there's just one or two ducks down here you know not many just a couple [Music] alex had set up his rod and was about to try and catch what lives under that bridge i had fed a bit of corn and tried lowering in my hook weight into some colored up water oh first flip cut that looks like a dace [Music] look at that dice i just got a message from carl oh no carl's caught a sea bath well i got my dace let's sort this fish out [Music] nice back at the canal things weren't so nice the water was full of algae and the fish just weren't feeding like normal [Music] well there's no shortage of fish here oh my goodness no that was a brown trout that would have got me another point because that's a new species damn it i finally found some carp and quickly flicked out my bait the fish just seemed to dissipate really fast and the wind grew stronger carp were playing very hard to get oh dear this is ridiculous i didn't want to but with so many other species to catch i had to get on the move to find some more obliging fish you can see all the fish look at those no wonder it's easy it's about 40 days just sat there very disappointed about that still no car and many many many hours wasted trying to catch them but time for some lunch good old hula hoop this should cheer me up no of course alex was still catching them though this time hooking into a brown trout oh yep first cast 32 centimeters beautiful that was cool thank you mate that's a tiny one the passerby may have laughed but that little minnow was yet another species added to alex's tally alex's willingness to fish in this tiny shallow stream had really paid off with three new species meanwhile i was still driving my destination also being a chalk stream but the larger more challenging river itching i'll be honest making this video has been a bit weird it's actually felt really unusual not to have alex fishing with me you know catching a fish and showing it to each other and of course alex films better than i do when i'm on my own look at this i can't keep my camera still can't keep all my batteries charged i think i need alex there's a pigeon sat in a tree just chilling let me get a shot of them look at it there's a pigeon santa tree anyway i'll stop annoying you now with the camera arriving on the itchin i hoped that a minnow grayling or big roach could show up this is a spot that a good friend of mine showed me fishing can be quite a solitary hobby but i've met a lot of lovely people through angling and i'm very grateful to those who've shared their local knowledge with me over the years oh lovely roach [Music] oh is that bigger than the right alex core a roach was nice but a big grayling was really what i was hoping for so i bought a ticket for the car park for five hours but i got that done in basically i'm so so good at fishing another quality roach hit the net but it was time for a move i feel like we're making good progress today although i've lost count of how many species carla's caught i've also lost count of how many species i've caught so actually i have no clue maybe i'm a little bit ahead i've just got a sneaky feeling um maybe a couple of species ahead now i'm stuck in traffic there's one he's holding deep please be a grayling he's fighting good wow that is holding deep that's a big fish though we got ourselves a better one this time nice trout where would i find minnows by this point i really began feeling the time slipping away does anyone have a boat i can use oh no it's a one-way system i need to go up there somehow i need to drive back round to near where i was but a bit further upstream there's a there's an area there where i've seen minnows hopefully this pays off oh there's some fish though i know there are minors [Music] minnow smallest minnow in the world ever but it is a minnow but now it's time to go and see michael i reckon he's about 10 minutes drive from here um but because i've been on the road now i'm just gonna have a bit of a freshen up before i head over and see him before you all say it i too have noticed the severe drop in filming quality between this and our previous videos there's good reason for it i'm gonna write hurry and i really want to be alex now if i can find my phone i'll put in the map okay i'm gonna be a tiny bit late sorry michael alex had now arrived in weymouth where he had somehow become distracted by the local wildlife hello mate how's it going are you serious it's coming so close literally he's standing just here and he's just playing around in the leaves like a little kid let me just show you how close they are is that nice what are you doing with your head oh there it is yeah this yeah oh it's really hard to film with this everything's back to the front you know this is distracting me from the fishing oh it looks really windy michael all right mate am i in the right place you are where should i park first of all he showed me the trout stream in his garden packed with a load of fish that hid bread at his work on the farm at a very contrasting location alex was searching out saltwater species in the harbour here goes oh yes yes yes what is this he'd managed to catch a weird little white fish just like the one that i'd caught earlier in the day does it count if i don't know what it is alex's decision to fish salt water in the harbour was a good one these areas hold so many different species and it was beginning to pay off michael had shown me a spot near his house where i managed to catch this vivid colored perch 31 centimetres did you say yes 31 lovely bit of guiding by michael there's a dog i was gonna get a shock when i send him this got a wrest now i'm on the saltwater mortgage species you won't know what's hit him [Music] oh bloody dog all right i've got a spot try and spot a big one it'll be bigger than alex's there's a nice one oh it's incredible i will admit there was very little skill involved in this fishing as their stock trout but i wasn't going to say no to the opportunity of catching a big rainbow and maybe beating my brother i nearly had him he ruined my lure idea he's tangled my lure up [Music] come on come on no [Music] they just chase it and look at it but don't eat it come on smash it flip it at the biggest one the biggest one took it [Music] oh god it's done being a that's a snag fish it's gotta be bigger than that actually oh no okay oh there he is how big is that oh my god michael it's huge not the first time i've heard that car oh yeah oh hello it's a beast well thanks to my buddy michael i've got myself a rainbow trout the day was coming towards its end and down in the harbour alex was catching all sorts of fish around the boats look at that look at that it's a new species don't ask me what it is but it's cool looking light's just fading on the second day of the competition today's been pretty good ticked off a number of different species and had a load of fun that clear river was a good fun watching the float go under and i've just spent the last few hours fishing maggots and just feeling for bites with a split shot along that wall and alongside the boats even though this is a competition it's actually great to just get out and experience a number of different places over the last few days lots of different scenery a nice adventure i think this is where i'm going to spend the next few hours into dark looks mega out there back at the trout stream michael's girlfriend made me a nice cup of tea before we headed out for some pike fishing full of wrath alex then met up with andy mitten a great guy who has an incredible knowledge of the salt water opportunities around weymouth and beyond hello yeah i'm good how are you i just had a better rest like about that big and you really want to be pushing the lights another rest of this time no wait i think you have a cool thing is that a cold way oh my goodness andy turned up just in time helping alex identify his latest catch he was pushing further and further into the lead after some unsuccessful piking michael sorted me out with some food before i hit the road once more he offered me a bed in his spare room but knowing that alex was leading in the challenge this was no time for sleep i was going sea fishing too [Music] and we're back on the road and we're back on the road this time towards heading towards sorry the south coast somewhere we fished a long while ago and caught sea fish i'm not gonna sleep i'm just gonna fish so let's get to it heading west to the only reliable sea fishing spot i know i decided to call in at a small river on the way to the ocean just had this little crab grab hold of my bait it's not a fish though so it doesn't really count there you go mate i've now got a full tank of fuel and a little bit more food too i've got quite a drive now whilst i whittled away the miles alex was racking up the species just caught myself a little pollock with the help from andy here the micro fishing master here i might be able to catch a dace might being the important word there i don't know i don't recognize any of this i've been here before by just not recognizing it at all this isn't i'm so lost it's just freaking me out hopefully it's just down here somewhat disorientated i struggled to find the spot i had fished a few years before i'm sitting by a river next to a car park in the middle of nowhere a long way from home at just before midnight sometimes i do wonder like what's going through my head leaves bloody leaves and yet another species this time it is a rock goby look at those patterns and colors this better not be alex again with another species deering me it's not going well he said anything about the catchers but he said he's going to see fishing tonight he literally sent me a message saying he's going to see fishing i don't know where he's going to go what he's going to do well it's midnight in a secret location and andy has put me on a flounder oh awesome thanks so much andy no problem mate okay quick quick update how's it going in alex's life well i've been fishing all night with andy and uh i've caught quite a few species that's where i'm gonna sleep tonight alex had flown ahead racking up a seven species lead thanks to the saltwater fish i had caught some bigger fish though so overall i felt the score was quite level that said i was now on my way to do some sea fishing too however as i arrived in the car park i was about to get a bit of a shock it's actually quite late now no what the hell what the hell who has just turned up here what i was like there's a car why are they looking at me what else are you doing what are you doing there no what are you doing here what are you doing here enough of that seriously what are you doing here catching more species than you is this where you had all your fish no that's not why i'm here so i'm back in the van alex has i'm pretty certain caught most of his um sea species from the spot down here yeah do you want me to give you some actual i don't think i'm gonna take any advice from you alex real good advice which will save you time and it will mean you can get some sleep tonight where i caught all those fish earlier yeah there's there won't be any water or there'll be very little water so what the oh the tide i didn't check the tide times what is it now it's low tide take that information and do what you will with it um yeah we're gonna go get some food now the two teams have come together is anywhere gonna be open at this yeah mcdonald's drive through 24 hours but also it's bad because like we're so tired and are you kidding things have just gone from bad to worse not only is alex in the lead in the multi-species competition but mcdonald's is shut how can a 24-hour thing is uh mcdonald's would be sharp no stranger things have happened i suppose yeah carlos alex's biggest problem of the day mcdonald's i think the tide being out was my biggest problem that's really messed up my plans are we gonna not eat then tonight well that's the only option that is the only place that's open cool let's do it oh it's a bird wildlife here is phenomenal [Music] hello are you talking to it what was that all about turning up at the kebab shop we noticed they were closed to customers and only doing deliveries as it was so late hello um i just want um you do delivery right yeah um any chance you could deliver something to the car parked outside your shop oh just what oh my god hey what's that camera for they're just filming my friend oh friend you're familiar with friends yeah yeah all right once we eventually got our food we went back to the car park to eat and then sleep that was so cool this place has got loads of wildlife after a good bit of munch we set up our camp beds next to the cars and got some much needed rest albeit for only an hour or two that was a very very bad sleep woken up on friday morning it's 3 30. it's cold this morning as well i'm up so early because i've got to drive about three and a half four hours to where i want to catch a barbel and then i've got to try and catch a big pike there's alex getting ready for his day multi-species hunting carl's just headed off oh christ there's a speed bump and now we set off for a two and a half hour drive to the river y where i'm going to try and catch some barbell or a barbell and maybe a bigger chub than alex is likely to catch with so little sleep driving was tough it can be super dangerous when driving too tired so alex ended up pulling over i can't do this i've had to pull over i need some more sleep i can barely keep my eyes open so i need to sleep a bit and then carry on driving a bit later i was now very nearly at the river where i was going to meet my welsh friend andrew andrew is a regular on the river y and knows some great stretches hello here he is you didn't know who i was for a second didn't you no where's my light gone how are you doing i do a good mate yeah boy what you got down there oh another species well rusty's putting out a little bit of bait with the feeder and i'm gonna go and tie a couple of hook links up so i've got some hooks some line uh do you have oh no i've got one let's get into that stage in this session where i'm losing everything i can't use pepper army without starting to eat it i'm quietly confident right you said it now we're gonna blank no oh i should get on the road again alex had missed out on valuable time but was well ahead on species points that said i'd caught a few decent sized fish which i hoped would give me enough bonus points to at least have a chance a larger minnow put a small smile on my face but what i really wanted was a barbell [Music] i've finally woken up a little bit not really oh where am i going oh my god in the wrong lane so i'm nearly at the river spot where i hope to catch a barbel unfortunately though because i took that nap earlier i'm going to arrive there about an hour and a half later than i had hoped which means there's going to be not much time left for the pike that i want to catch later my time advantage was slipping away as no bites came for an hour or more set up for the next spot is really simple short rod small reel i've got just a split shot and then a size six wide gate hook and then on that i'm gonna put probably a piece of spam right let's do it where alex was fishing he stood a good chance of a chub or a barbel but there really wasn't a huge amount of time left [Music] what are the dogs looking at are they looking at me they're waiting for a fish oh yeah observing the barbel for a few minutes alex prepared to make another cast [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh i just see one there's one there oh my goodness you've got one yes we've got a barbell we've got [Music] got some bad news alex has caught a barbell look at look how big this one is i feel like if we get a bite from a barbell we could beat that andrew's chucked a little bit of bait in further downstream i'm gonna go down there in about half an hour if this spot still hasn't done us a barbell alex's next spot was a pike lake which holds a lot of big fish he was clearly eager to get there and beat my pike for size just got a message from carl he says i still can't get a barbell off the y fingers cross it stays that way this is gonna be a rush it's 9 30. let's go let's go the rod's bent round we've hooked something what's it gonna be oh it's a big old chub though [Music] [Music] my map is saying two hours to the pike spot which gives me about 20 minutes of fishing time [Music] all right let's get to this spot without any traffic catch the big pike and then we're done look at that it's not the barbel that we were after but we have managed to catch a good sized child we're gonna get it measured um because i'm pretty certain this will be bigger than any child alex catches got a big old mouth yeah mate look at that whoa awesome cheers for showing me the spot andrew no problem yes a chub was great and all but should i manage to land a barbel it could very well earn me two points as the barbell and the y average a good size we decided to move downstream and try to find them i was full of anticipation as i cast out [Music] it is 10 minutes until the match is over and i still haven't arrived things are not looking good that was painful that was genuinely painful that was a barbell i don't think that was a chop the bites whacked over you wouldn't believe it i've just arrived at the entrance to the place where i wanted to fish for the pike and it's one minute two i drove all this way to get here late oh [Music] wrong [Music] we've only got it hooked on [Music] well that was a tough bit of fishing but we've got one in the net and it's really decent that's probably my biggest one i've ever caught off of the white as well let's have a look at it meat that's huge no no no that is actually a double figure absolutely incredible yes yes indeed ah we were starting to worry weren't we andrew not even gonna measure it because i know for a fact alex won't catch one this big off of the river that he's gone to [Music] yes two very happy fishermen it's one of those rare times where everything just pays off and there it goes packing away i felt amazing that barbel had really challenged me but all had come good eventually and that is a wrap it's time to head home i don't really know where we stand now on the points and breezer and alex have won on numbers of species but i've caught some decent fish this trip and that might give me a few extra points a few bonus points that could make the scoreboard the final scoreboard quite interesting alex was already home and had begun drawing up a scoreboard with all the species on it [Music] wow what a mission that was oh hello alex i wanna know who's one quick well let's make this movie first and then once we've done that we'll find out we'll we'll add it all up there's there's gonna be we gotta do some maths well the time has come to make up the super smoothie one of us is gonna have to drink this so we got some spam that was left over barbell bait oh and all the juices was in this bucket i don't even remember a brown bait that much yeah it will make a lovely texture no yeah the first day i went sea fishing with mackerel i can smell it from back here we're gonna just chuck the whole lot in i think if we blended this it would just turn into like a paste so we need some liquid luckily here i've got some fanta who doesn't start a smoothie with fentanyl [Applause] this is looking dreadful oh look at the consistency as you pour it i don't know what to say or think i just gagged straight away as soon as i smelled it i gagged all right anyway let's bring it inside cheers right i'm going to put it on top of there sit yeah good because you're going to have to provide evidence of each fish you're supposed to send a photo okay i didn't send a photo of my last fish because it was right at the end right at the end it's my biggest ever barbell from the riverway no it was literally 12 pounds 11 or 12 pounds really yeah anyway so if you guys can see this one point indicates one line okay so one point for each species that we catch and if we both catch it it's there's a bonus point we'll do the bonus is the biggest yeah okay we'll do a bonus point after we've just ticked off all the fish that we caught okay let's start with chub did you catch a chub yes uh did i catch chubb oh i did a big one too uh gaijin yep yeah i saw your photo of gaijin i caught one too right i definitely caught one yep i got a few actually well we're pretty level at the minute uh cop yep don't even talk to me about the car i had a nightmare on the cart front pike thank you very much indeed yep oh yeah you got one didn't you catch yours on the fly yeah it was bigger than its belly uh perch yep roach you had a brick you had a weird hybrid roach breen thing that's basically not fish but they are species apparently so different species uh bass yep my one was literally that big uh whiting ah you i saw your writing i caught a rudd did you no no and the leg you started at is full of right i know but i just i just couldn't catch them uh what we got now um breen no you didn't catch a breeze no unlucky uh rainbow trout yeah and we both got them brown trout i got one yep you got one weird little white yeah that thing from the sea i caught one i saw you had one as well andy should tell me what it was it's a weird bit of white fish in my opinion sand smelt sand smell yes cool dice yup minnow ras oh yep and you also got a cork queen oh yes pollock yep rock goby yup you're just taking the pistol black gobi also yep flounder yes finally barbell thank you very much my best one ever oh that i thought i thought i was up on the barbell so let's work should we add that up now no we might as well just yeah let's do the bonus voice yeah add the bonus points so first of all chubb who caught the biggest chub look at that this is the sent to me 52 alex my one was oh yeah yours is pathetic 21 or something small so i get a bonus point for that uh gudgeon oh you definitely got a big one than me my one's time roach i had a good one off the itching good one was it 18 centimeters oh no i just dropped no 19 centimeters i just drawn on the sofa 22 centimeters no well it's not really the tape measures kind of bent round i'd say it's more like 20 one okay right yeah mine was nineteen cool roach i'm getting i'm getting a few bonus points here this is gonna be this is gonna end up quite close carp ah we didn't both catch it so there's no bonus points available pi definitely should be we both you've got a bigger pie than me how big would you oh yeah your pokes that big cool another bonus point perch oh i had one that was quite hefty actually bass it was 21 centimeters my one i didn't even bother measuring come on calm down mate sorry i was scared look i'm just smelling it all those double i know oh rainbow trout my one was big oh no yours was all right mine was quite nice let me check the measurements oh this is nerve-racking 55 centimeters my mom was 62. no damn it's like as long as your net rainbow trout bonus point brown trout how big was your biggest brownie i don't remember 21 centimeters 21 centimeter brown tree i don't know 32. 32 centimeters that's not that's not proof yeah look at that okay let me see that okay i'll do a close-up just to make sure river itching another bonus point weird little white fish you didn't measure yours i didn't did you measure yours no no okay there we go we've got to compare my was bigger no no look at the length of it so is mine though my hands are bigger than you no they're not is that a draw all right no no no we're gonna draw come we need an independent adjudicator omni homie help see this yeah it's um okay zoom in mediator what a fish is there's one fish is longer there's no bias because like oh god which fish is biggest hang on let me just work out this one you know in scale to the hand no because yeah these bits are they're smaller [Music] i didn't pay you i didn't i didn't pay you did i on no no and it's biased that is bigger so vice referee here no this is an independent source okay thank you um we won't get you to measure any of the other ones yeah alex won't that's uh brilliant i've got another bonus point there dice whose dace was biggest all right 26. see that's not 26. is it okay that's it big one all right you win on this minnow oh oh did you measure your minute no no no no yours is hanging up i didn't put it on my hand annoyingly there we go mine's bigger no i don't know the thing is can we just i think we know we can't award it like it's just okay i think it is i'm happy to set that as a draw shall we just give ourselves both because it's like the same we both caught the biggest yeah yeah so you don't need to add any points no just one one point each okay well you could do that but it's equal it stays the same yeah but you could have also not added those and it was yeah all right mr mathematic well you just professor you're just waiting sorry uh mino uh ras no these were all caught by both not by both of us but barbal was caught by both of us and i'm pretty sure mine was probably just a little bit bigger thank you thank you thank you another bonus point i mean you didn't even bother trying to catch the barbell then no should have gone for pike yeah because it was you were going for parking i know you just didn't drive quick enough i didn't break any limits this whole trip now that you did so now we need to add up the totals okay let me i'm stressing out i'm stressing out okay you can kneel down there and actually like do the maths if you want if it helps that's fine you gotta go for a roll in there okay carl's score is 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 points 20 [Music] four oh it's gonna be oh no so close one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty one twenty two twenty three twenty four what no you are taking the mickey the three of all whose minnow was biggest that's what it's literally that's what it is no it is yeah yeah whose minnow is biggest we're gonna have to do a rematch and not drink a smoothie no one of us is drinking this movie i don't know and i i think it might be human oh no i don't know yeah probably i think no did you have pollock on that list pollock yeah i did did you have no don't try and find new species don't try and make them up whose minnow is biggest that's tiny that's your hand as well it just saves all your photos to my phone oh wait that's the minute i sent you yeah oh yours is bigger alex off the record [Music] pretend the cameras are off now okay um you know what i didn't tell you about the barbell because you knew it was a jaw no i didn't tell you about the barbell because i called it about two minutes past 12. did you no way any serious and if and if it wasn't for you being my brother and working with you and fishing with you genuinely being very important to me in the future and i wouldn't be able to live with it just get emotional i have to tell you i called it just after 12 o'clock that's that's honest so it is on this day that i drink this movie i just keep going that is that is horrible i hope you all enjoyed watching the video and here's to many more years of me and alex making silly little fishing videos sick you just feel like on that rather disgusting note thanks so much for watching the video we will see you in another episode coming [Music] soon can't believe you owned up to that
Channel: Carl and Alex
Views: 422,422
Rating: 4.8315687 out of 5
Id: -_nt9QxPGQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 168min 57sec (10137 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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