WILD day of Calving Cows

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good morning cows well who's pooping i'm just going to let you out is that gate open [Music] what the gate's been open all night this side gate never got shut yesterday there's critters in here that should shouldn't be and there's not critters in here that should be and a heifer cab outside she was in the building last night until she got out i remember when i was spreading the new bedding yesterday i shut that gate with the skid loader while i was in it just so nothing would hop in well then it looked like it was shut but it wasn't chained captain about the best spot possible [Applause] well i messed up but the calf is doing well it's a little muddy gonna need cleaned off sorry about that moving bedding around that gate was in my way so i shut it with the skid loader and then i never got a chain something bumped on it and then opened it up and dad just said when he woke up in the middle of the night he checked on our camera in here and he thought there was a lot of cattle but since we're not kevin heifer as much right now i didn't come out during the night so hopefully there's just the two that we left there's a brand spanky one might be two you know where the mom is yeah it looks like she's hanging this is the twin mom's with the calf in the back go get some snacking that is a heck of a calf huh nice mom it's a schmedium sliced medium and we got the fun bag so it's a so it's a boy punch i don't think he'd like that speed bag speed bag speed right like that 757 volts two balls today allie get get get in the barn go always tormenting cattle i think it might be that 789 three bowls on the day we're catching up boys we're catching up there's actually been a lot of comments from people asking would you would we rather have heifers or bulls since we sell bowls we get a premium for them and just anyway even if you're not selling bowls for bulls and if you're selling them with steers they go more at a sale barn yeah but you know if you're trying to grow a herd or especially people in the dairy business when they get a really good milk and cow they'd rather have a heifer because then they can put that in the in the in the thing and milk it what's it called the parlor get it up in the parlor and milk it because it produces a lot of milk so i guess in in the beef world the steers are i guess probably better and very the this is new bedding we want to kick everybody out as soon as possible they're already making a little bit of a mess so my pair is old enough they're gonna head out to the corn stocks with my two other pairs every pair except that brand new one is headed to the bow place last place we were bringing them to was kenny's this is what we call a bow place you're in way of the gate come on yep come on hillary's got a nice popsicle for later hey hey [Music] full bunny here we go oh he's roaring he is roaring oh that's rivers full money ahead let's go oh look at this guy oh you ever watched bench warmers heard of it it seems like these calves are kind of like howie he's scared of the sun you know they never really been in it so they hit that sun and they turn back around this is how he was yeah that's a i bet you just felt like you were watching bench warmers right there all right everybody ready hop on the bus we're going to school 361. all right this one isn't that scary dad remember that one time we were moving calves and one disappeared and it ran up in there darn things that happen in sale barn took a bottle cap here i didn't get my check i called they said they lost it oh that reminds me of another story i took a i took a little a bottle cap of it so one time and it crawled through the fence and it ran across the street to the vo-tech oh wanted to get a higher education huh that's all i got to say about that probably didn't turn out well for them no they wouldn't got it big step big step big step he says please let me out please please yeah i didn't do nothing you you chasing the wrong people are starting to do yet so you get away so in the last video yesterday we were bringing we brought bales over here we got minerals so they're ready to go their water tanks about half full we're only dropping off seven cows so they're gonna be all right and dad this thing's this pasture's almost it's already a third full today yeah it won't take long if we had two more days like yesterday it'd be full tomorrow afternoon hello buddy who's your ma there you go oh sorry i left the gate open but you didn't have to walk outside the cab just trying to keep this center part we bring a lot of pears in here trying to keep it clean do a little extra sorting this morning because somebody left the gate open oops hey on the bright side i will probably never make that mistake again not that gate though he says i do that three times a week there you go hey look at that dry spot right on there we go off into the sunset sunrise like a cowboy hey i got a i got a theory what's that i think if you quit walking around with that camera all the time you might remember to shut gates because i think you're thinking about talking and doing stuff on the camera so you're gonna put that away you might have a very valid point so it's been nice knowing you have a good one ah it's worth the it's worth the extra sorting especially since it's my cattle and three more onto the bowls today one two three so that's 43 bowls 45 heifers 43 45 88 wow moving right along wanna chase some kettles there's that cow that calved out in the field and there's another cow that's about to calve that it's kind of halfway claiming that other one's calf after we get the ones in the cornfield fed we're gonna chase that one cow up that's a little confused and then get her in a place where it'll be nice for her to calf get her up in the barn and then we got two more to process and i guess we'll see if there's anything that capped out in the cornfield a lot of things are calvin these days oh so we got to get it up quick is the gates ready to shoot it into the middle i don't know we got a cow she's got a water bag out already shoot her right in here so she can cab third cow hanging out out here so there might be two about the cab on the left here we got the pair and then another cow thinking that that's her calf and then there's one standing back there all kinds of dunes so it's 461 we're taking right okay all right so we still got to grab that pair and i think it's number 731 she's going to cap here a little bit you like awesome powers here we go [Applause] they are sloppy in the bag holding their tails up gonna be calves hitting the ground real quick yeah we got three clavin here to get in and then we could we have another pair that we can move from that white building over here yeah i feel like i got some mud oh yeah i can't slap you that one it's like fishing oh yeah that's uh that's a moist slappy i would say that cowardly slappy took it like a man i can't even tell it's yellow anymore that's kind of like a 4am kind of slappy we're going to the other barn take your kid with you come on you're kind of a small clave you want it i forgot [Music] all that's left in here is the set of twins moms outside eating and drinking [Music] we got two hundred dollar gift cards to the area who's ever closest to guessing this cap gets hundred dollar gift cards to area also you gotta put your email so i can email you directly there's too many comments i can't can i guess no he can't guess so there's there's a look at the calf it's a size small schmedium so there you go put your guests in the comments put your email in there i got stained i stained my sunny farm shirt with iodine are you getting dirty oh yeah look at you well it's about lunch time for us about 11 30 and i'm sure when we come back we'll have a couple brand new babies it just stinks chasing them up like that really it takes a while for them to calm back down but we don't really want them calming out in that mud these girls are taking their time she sucked the feet back in yeah look at all them over there over here at cannings we can hold one more pair 11 more at the other place that's a nice spot to lay right there now dad yeah that's gotta be heaven right there it's so nice it's pretty dang close it's a bunch of clean bottoms those calves have grown can you believe how fast they go yeah i think i wouldn't like a kick from one of them that's the shin kick cap size right there look at that one holy cow it's huge yeah right there it's not this one but that one that's our first twin it's doing great what the heck was that i thought maybe the camera was pointed at you i wanted to see have the people see your surprise like oh my god well i thought i was getting mauled by a cow yes you don't like you hand out oh she likes me she says dang that guy's got some big sausage fingers what's he gonna do with them some american beef right there he looked at the sausage fingers and said i'd like to drink some milk out of them a bird poo tonya yeah right there it land hit my i think that's just mud there aren't any birds around here what do you already know what i'm gonna say i noticed the chain is still chained did you try it over the gate what i didn't bend that why do you have to be so mean to me so she unleashed multiple gallons the lighting isn't good but we don't want that calf to be born in that much water so we're going to move these down we got one cab starting to stand up two left yeah it's still hanging there you're angry i know [Music] holy cow jeepers creepers okay oh and we're getting there there you go that's a pretty decent sized calf i can see why that took a couple minutes for you bowl hey girl you guys are all in a sunny farms youtube video look at that just doing live today because of all the calving cows have been licking off their newborn calves really well she has not been doing much yet turn around let me oh she's very loose she's ready to have that [Music] are you outstanding in your field [Music] we'll go in here last one the one we just pulled which didn't even need the jack she just was psyching herself out thinking too much sometimes you just gotta not think that was a heifer all right good day we still got those two that we pulled out into the big loafing area that need work that's a bowl calf that's a heifer cap and then i think most if not all of those one two three four five are also bull calves it's crazy that'll put back in dad's making sure i didn't forget to shut that gate it's a good idea i have issues four left up here that haven't cabbed we got five in here that have and then of course these two and since the weather's so nice we think those will all be ready to go out to the bow place later tomorrow it was kind of a fun day we had a lot calvin at one time went outside there's one out there there's three in here a couple critters added to the naughty list little hairy situations but hope you enjoyed today's video thanks for watching hit that subscribe button if you're new here we'll see you next time have a good one dang it we're on toilet paper hey dad why are you so close to the outside of the door okay can i get some toilet paper please yeah here we go oh dang well that was all that was left it fell out hey yeah i need my privacy i need privacy and that's an outro you're not going to have a data
Channel: Sonne Farms
Views: 431,729
Rating: 4.9009557 out of 5
Keywords: Sonne farms, calving, new calf, baby calf, cows, cattle, barn, calving barn, bedding, john deere, farm machine, machine, loud tractor, pulling calf, calving trouble, midwest, south dakota
Id: pjMUieLXe4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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