Calf Overload!

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ellie you were so clean a little bit ago oh you look at you [Music] 2 24. she calved yesterday 3 31. i know you both didn't cap that one calf who done it is that a new calf too yeah there's three new crabs either 506 or 589 where's the other twin at there's two up front there's a set of twins in here and a pair maybe even two pair i don't remember they've been having so many calves but then last night three more calves and then come in in the barn this morning three more capped and things were confusing the worst part is that one that's licking a calf off we don't think she's even calved yet that doesn't help and then not only that those two were kind of angry and weren't fun getting up this getting dirty it's getting dirty in here and it's getting difficult to clean out because of the mud and a lot we're not gonna be able to get the skid loader over here to clean it so we're thinking later today we're just gonna make it deep put more on top hopefully we can move some pairs the other barn is full and we're probably gonna be calving more throughout the day so it's been pretty tough the last few days i don't like moving them out when they're that young but kelly they can't be staying in this type of stuff has anything capped out in the field no okay so we got that going for us also on the bright side months ago i was thinking man it's nice being dry and warm not anymore come on girl you didn't calve yet you didn't do it it's starting to get a little damp in the back moist so as you can see we got her one two three four five and that side she's gonna calf here in a bit we got one two three cows in here before calves because someone had twins we got a flopper down there just got calved and then we got another one there so i lost count but we're overflowing with claves and we need help we got enough clays to make a whole cleaving band a band of clays slave man chips slaves and then there's what four oh there's dude there's four or five six over there five cows and six calves yeah uh-huh i guess we better keep rolling today love was in the air nine months ago there's something or hate for brian and cole they say let's play a trick on them we all slave if we were still dry we'd be loving the whole oh that would be nice ellie don't carry the way i don't think okay so dad and i just looked over what we have we're not in the best position because a lot of these calves are young but we're calvin hard right now so we got to make room for more what we do have going for us is it's not really that cold like we're we're hitting the lows are barely hitting freezing calves can easily handle that even even newborns we've seen it many times newborns can handle that so these ones that i got a day or two on them will be just fine the next two days highs are in the 50s so it's gonna be good so we're gonna move out every one of these new calves by new i mean about day older a little bit more that we've seen suck we know they have a decent bond with their mother they're going to be headed out to kenny's our other building site because we got to make room and then we're going to probably clean this building out it needs clean and then we're going to shoot more bedding on top of that bedding in there because we cannot get a skid loader in there it just we would be stuck look at that cow use that oiler that's aggressive i think i think you're working it yeah you got it i'm looking at tick tocks on my phone and dad just disappeared hopefully the sun decides to come out i would be i would be happy as a clam which i've never seen a happy clam but i'd be happy as a clam if the sun came out got some heat going you got a lot of stuff to melt a lot of places to dry off have you ever seen a clam that was happy looks like one of my heifers is in the trees way down here the rest of the herd is down there and then my two that capped i can see their way out in the corn field with their calves of course they're not going to the same pastures with my dad the best thing we thought we could do for them is put them back out here where they got tons of area they can find dry spots you can see my one heifer she's just starting to poke out of the trees over here when i drove by it looked like her tail is up so might be something going on she met a cab 906. that's the first one that cabb but there's still two heifers out there so maybe one cabbed out here but where is your baby you got words we're gonna have to buzz out to the corn socks and see what's going on out there so we gotta make sure she knows where her baby is there had to have been something that capped out in the cornfield looks like it's licking it off right now actually so that one girl we got up earlier this morning that's capped it is just nuts in here one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven just in here and then there's more over at the other time for a rodeo she knows we're coming i'd say something wow is she intense do you want to wait a bit on that one that's got to be a heifer she said she's good i bet she could get her head in a long ways yeah probably oh [Music] he makes scary noises we did it [Music] [Music] i think i mentioned it earlier we have enough calves currently here to fill where we've been bringing calves to it holds 35 there's already 26 over there so then we only have one more building site left that we can put 20 actually 18 pair at the fact that one cabbed out in the corn stocks this is going to be the healthiest place after we get all these building sites filled then we're just going to start after the cab kicking them out here so they have all the space that's going to be the healthiest for them they're just going to have to hang out here until pastures start greening up in a month and a half all right so these four are going and then one from the pen in there and then one from in here there's a set of twins in there and then one of my girls that she of course isn't going out to pasture yet [Music] all right fellas let's go their motors are turned in the opposite direction she says armagedd wear that afterbirth she hears trailer bouncing she's gotta go check it out we'll probably clean that building i think i think it's pretty dirty it just stinks because you know with the current times we could fill that building from zero to no vacancy in a day there's one with the water bag out so we're grabbing these two that calves from out here so we can bring those over to the other other farm that we just dropped those ones off at looks like we got that one's got a water bag out default bob will start today hey come on okay it's like 30 degrees bobcat come on here comes the song [Music] you guys doing good sitting tight chilling out make sure nobody's calving outside oh even on the concrete it's mushy all right what are the odds of that it's in here well there's a little space back in this corner we'll just have to chuck it always hold more at least that's my motto when it comes to dessert the sun is shining keeping them calves a little bit warmer i am a little afraid with the snow we got left it's going to get a little wetter before it starts getting drier but we didn't clear some spots off clear the snow off so hopefully those are starting to dry up you know i i don't have much of an argument with you ellie you're dirty from your toes all the way up to here and i had boots on and i'm still dirty from my toes all the way up to there cow that we put in is coming along yeah she had it and it's sucking so that's good so there's six calves in here at least four of them yeah at least four of them need tags and stuff changed my mind a little space right here i'm gonna try to clean off where these heifers stand outside actually most of them are cows now yeah see if i can't pick up some of this [Music] jazz [Music] come yep [Music] you're a mess go take a bath get things pretty well spread around ready to load this thing up about one o'clock and we just we've been so busy we haven't been able to feed a couple of these so we got to move them quick then we'll get some feeding them and then everything will be pretty well wrapped up because it doesn't seem like much has been cabin lately and by lately i mean the last two hours yesterday we came out here got two up that were cabin one was cabin out there then before these two were both done something else started caving out here and i basically pulled the calf while the cow was standing up it was it's just that time of the year this is kind of the peak and it just so happened during the peak we had a big snow melt hey friends how you doing food four i think untagged in the barn we're gonna deal with those and three of them we're gonna move to this barn up here just so they're close by and when they're ready to head out we'll be able to shoot him right into the livestock trailer and cole just got new bedding in there for him so they got it real nice we got we're gonna try to just get the three calves put them in the side by side they won't walk through the slop that well so we're just gonna put them in here and once we get those calves up we're going to work them and then throw the mothers outside and chase them up hopefully that's the hope i guess we'll see what happens it might be take call of the hospital because angry cow bashed his head i hope not [Music] all right [Music] i appreciate that just loaded up for crotch shots it's slappy time well there was one it was this red one today i slapped it oh no that's half slappy there you been where you been no but this other one i slapped this one today and half of it fell off it's gone i really think that this is the way they should make them maybe just a little longer we'll slap it how's the sound it ain't the best i thought it was better than that he was better last year half slab he's getting old these calves have just been chilling the whole time cattle everywhere one two three four five six seven we took eight out we got so 331 and 081 can go i'm just so happy the sun's out the best day ever your babies are that way these next two going there look there's specks of dry the battle's over oh wait there's still a battle there's a swimming pool that's what that is the tadpole home right i think we got about enough close to calving ones up that we're gonna fill our fourth pasture already as dad would say she's got a swollen monkey really is that a trade secret is this something you don't want out there i thought that was kind of something that i probably don't want the world to know i saved whatever i don't [Music] the care even open wow so this is where jeff and my cows were at a lot of the winter and i was having to turn that water on and off every day getting them water because that float would freeze up if we kept it going 24 7. on the treasure who bro oh i welded this up last year son of a dang cows i thought that thing was and spam dang near brand new should be ready to bring some pears over here tomorrow get them out of the slot get them out of our way out of the barns there's some green poking up we've almost made it to spring we're gonna go check on the cows out in the corn field and also we gotta make sure my 906 heifer knows where her calf is yeah and then it just mixes it mixes a little soap with it when you there she is oh really so that's a special deal yeah it's but just so you know just so you know that's a bad thing that's a bad thing when you just use the tip i ever tell you about the time when i went to grade school as kindergarten through eight a little country school about three miles away that's the first time i learned about teamwork because we'd get out there for recess and there's about 30 or 40 of us and we'd get a couple five gallon pails of water and some baseball bats we'd dump water down the gopher holes and then out come them gophers there's 40 kids waiting that's how we learned about teamwork that's all i got to say about that all right we're gonna shoot these two bales in here spread it out a little bit cows will spread a little better but we got to put these two calves back in that because it's going to get dusty i'll leave the light on for you grab that thing up to 3000 rpm so it shoots it way back here you're man enough to run both those right not anymore back in my day i used to run two pitchforks i feel like that might be time lapse worthy how the heck we gonna do this i can tell you one thing the only way to get it done one fork at a time oh that's a good grab right there hey can you get your head out there can you there you go all right hey who done it we said no sweets who's eating grandma's cookies [Music] i guess that's gonna be it for today's video i think dad's ready to go in are you i thought maybe we'd go to buck chat since mom's going getting aggressive i'll go back up okay let's go okay okay oh i gotta put him well thanks for watching hope to see you next time hit the subscribe button if you're new here and we'll have have a good one thanks for all the help today you're awesome i know that's all i got to say about that i ain't as good as that once [Music] you
Channel: Sonne Farms
Views: 241,058
Rating: 4.9320059 out of 5
Keywords: calf, calving, barn, sonne farms, south dakota, farm, ranch, mud, hard, work, skid loader, new bedding, john deere, ranching, cleaning
Id: Qlpl_w6oy-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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