Angry Cow Has Twins

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come along we got doings [Music] well as you can see we haven't had the best weather the last few days two days ago we got six inches of snow we're calvin things are muddy tractor's getting stuck and a heifer decided today's the day that it wants to get its head stuck you can do it you can do it dreaming ramen all right on to the next thing daddy oh what do we got going let's do cow's cab outside we got to get them in hee haw [Music] [Music] that other cow's little [Music] she went the wrong way oh don't this is a mess could have gone a little better girl you were right there they just walked in got to make it tough [Music] all right we got one more then we got to get up and dad said she is a little protective kevin and this is way different than a week ago makes it fun though right and we're off oh don't get out no no no no no no oh yeah we're getting there it just been a war here the last couple days we got i think six inches of snow two days ago and then yesterday we were just making sure things weren't cabin outside i don't i think we had two or three calves in the buildings yesterday i'm like all three and then one cabbed overnight and now we got two women and so it's been two ended up kevin out in the pasture outside in the snow we spent the last couple days sorting everything out looking everything over the temperature isn't cold but it's just so sloppy six seven days ago we had 70 degree weather so the ground is not frozen at all then we got moisture now we got snow we need one or two things to happen it get warm and this dry up it's going to take at least a week of good weather to get some dry spots or things need to get cold and freeze so we can we're putting ruts everywhere it's it's a mess is it fair for me to say that anybody that thinks this is better than calving in the cold has never done it yeah i don't know i think we got morning chores done so now we're running into you know how long do we want to wait until we kick them out it does get stuffy and dirty in these buildings and another thing that white building out back to get to it we got a drive through slop and our skid loader yeah they don't make it so it's gonna be tough cleaning that out when the time comes i was gonna have when we poured this concrete i was gonna have them pour a little thing off there that we could come through the bales and get right on the concrete and then have a gravel driveway but the concrete came out just right and not to get another truck up so we decided to skip that for now and for the longest time it was okay it wasn't dry yeah so it didn't matter but now of course when we want to use it it's sloppy and we can get the skid loader in there it's just one of those deals where i'm going to be pushy pushing and pulling and getting cold up in there oh but yep and the other option is if we absolutely can't do it we can just uh put more onto one more on top yeah it's fun so are the new cavs is everybody marked on the on the board no so that is 32 bulls 35 heifers what's that total we're catching them 35 60 77 67 calves in total generally get by the end of march have 100 calves on the ground so we're doing we aren't even into the thick of it yet uh hopefully the next couple days it's really gonna start oh hopefully it waits a week and a half at least usually the 17th and 18th of march are the peaks so we got a lot of calves coming soon crap we got a couple machines to put away get that side by side out of there i gotta feed the four in the barn yet i think there's seven calves in the barn but we kicked three of the mothers out just trying to keep things clean trying to push off having to clean those buildings as long as we can because it's going to be hard getting it done last week i had the pressure washer out and cleaned off a bunch of these machines and now they're all worse than they were you hear that a bunch of geese flying back i can hear him yelling well this is bs dad's headed down the road he's going to the other two places we got pairs at he's going to feed some bales make sure they don't run out all right ladies barnes are filling up the conditions are pretty poor could you hold off cabin for a week thank you or at least let us know if your cabin walk yourself into the barn that would be awesome another issue we're gonna have to deal with today my heifer she calved out in the bean field and that went well but you can't see it right now since she's facing us but she has yet to have cleaned so she's still got those cleanings hanging out the back that's gonna cause an infection we're gonna have to get her up we're gonna pull gently on that hopefully we can get it out so it doesn't run an infection up there and then we're gonna have to give her a shot infection's probably gonna start setting on here pretty soon as a farmer you hate to see your cattle you know they don't have very few good places to lay if any so you might think we should bed but you know they once you bed and actually we did we put some soybeans several down really nice dry stuff the next morning it looked like we didn't do anything they just push it down in that slop and it's soaked right away and then they do hang out there a lot more than anywhere else so they're constantly mixing manure and pee in with that stuff and that's no better of a place to calf a lot of bacteria in there so the other thing we could have done is maybe spent five hundred thousand dollars on a giant barn that could hold all the cattle but then we'd go broke and the other thing is you got to clean those barns out constantly and so the cavs can go back in there which is nice hopefully they don't have to be in there too long because of course disease and getting stuffy and the calves getting sick dad's over there feeding the bale to the bulls and we gotta feed these girls and another couple bales you know a lot of jobs on the farm are hard and then you add snow [Music] so as you can see we have a rotten post right there the cows knocked over when they're fighting for feed this is dad's slow fix you proud of yourself for that one job security we always have pens to pick yeah i guess it don't pay good though just propped up a bunch of t-posts gotta do what you gotta do ain't nothing getting through that dad got a count on all the cows so everything's doing good didn't look like anything sick or slow so we're gonna head to kenny's which is the other place we've been putting pairs at there's 20 there also so we'll go check them out dad's going to bring a couple bales on the road yeehaw see if we can count the 20 calves 17 18 19 oh 20. nice little spot you got there bud your mom's looking for you she said bye oh now she's coming oh i took my head my hat go back calf is right there oh there's my head [Music] there it is all is good over here got tons of shelter there's that big shed good wind break we got this old house that building and then a garage over there so we got tons of stuff to hide behind not only that this is like the most hilly property we own so once it starts finally melting it's going to run downhill cows are going to cows in the cavs are going to have a good place to lay how you doing ted's gonna run to town we're getting low on death he's gonna grab some lunch what else is he getting oh he's gonna deposit some checks for both of us so he's got a few stops to make i'm just gonna hold down the fort make sure nothing calves outside please quit snowing just looking at the forecast so today's tuesday i think it said friday saturday and sunday ellie's 50 chance of rain lake sunny it's overflowing don't be clavin all right just don't do it here's what i was talking about earlier you bed and then they just oh my atlanta just walk on it if a calf was born maybe right here it would be wet but it wouldn't be too muddy but they just absolutely pound that stuff and just makes it worse at least they're out of the wind i would probably say getting calved right here is worse than getting calved in that snow over there now at least the snow is still white and clean that is not a place to be calved but of course that's why we have the barns and that's why we sort and getting the close ones up so they can cave in the barn yes i've always wanted a swimming pool oh yeah everybody loves a good waterfall right so dad just said he just unlocked a whole new realm of brian sunny original stories and so get excited for that because in the next few videos you're gonna be hearing from way back back in his mischievous days you're gonna tell one now yeah oh you didn't really lead the people on very well very much i didn't tell you guys this before but i went to a country school from kindergarten through seventh grade that's pretty interesting before i did you know that i did know that i forget about it though yeah so k through seven i was just about three miles down the road there was a country school right there um east of where i grew up a mile and a half and uh one day it was kind of crappy like this outside so there was six in my class three boys three girls so the us three boys were playing catch and keep away in the hallway and so they're one one would be in the middle till they got the ball and then they'd get to go on the outside another guy in the middle and uh we were doing that in the hallway it was kind of a long slender hallway and the upper class four through five through eight teacher who seemed kind of mean compared to my teacher mrs moody uh she came down the hall and she said you guys quit that right now as she turned and walked away one of my two classmates john o'neal i won't pick which one threw it one more time hit the light up above in the hallway and knocked it to the floor and it crashed and broke and she was like one or two steps away from just telling us not to do it she spun back around she was mad you had lights back then that's all i got to say about that don't poke the bear girl scout cookies so like i was saying earlier she didn't she didn't clean very well sort of giving her an antibiotic and we're gonna gently tug on that stuff on the back it kind of hangs in there i think it's called pill eye they just kind of grab on like this those fingers kind of need to release so that comes out we can get that working out a little bit better i wouldn't mind knowing what you guys do for this type of thing when i don't clean good yeah what different options i just give them an antibiotic and try to pull it out we'll get you closer though so you can see got a good chunk of it ellie's breakfast that looks better words words cannot express how nasty that is this might help warning don't be eating breakfast lunch or supper [Music] hopefully when the sun starts coming out in a couple days this stuff will dry off quicker than everything else [Music] so looks decent i wish it would look like that in the morning but it'll give them somewhere to hang out and if someone if one of these do having a cab outside tonight should help us so it stays a little bit drier i'm glad i didn't wash that last week you'd be the rodeo clown i'll take it okay [Music] we're getting to the end of the day which is sad it's been such a lovely day there are two critters that we want to get up begging up don't want cabin outside last thing to do in about an hour or so just put the ones that are close up already into the buildings saddle up your horse start getting messy testing testing she had to be a little ornery looks like another one capped outside and here's 596 the other one we want to get inside but yeah someone calved and she had twins that's not what we want to deal with today twins outside nothing like it all right well i guess she's right here so we'll try to get her up then we'll get those twins up and then there's another one right there oh my gosh so we got twins over there we got someone else calved right there twins yeah yes sir captain the bedding at least [Music] good mama though having it right on the bedding [Music] step in the thing hey get your foot out of there come on that pair and then the cow that had twins puts us up to six calves on the day fun stuff watching me this mom that had twins she's horny she's chased both dad and i we got the one twin up and she's still back there with the other we're gonna try to lead her up with the other one without getting uh squished so i guess here we go [Music] the difficulty about a nine on the scale of one to ten maybe an eight and a half so we got both the calves up now kind of had to bring them up separate they're a little soupy because they kept falling out do you think mom's gonna be mad at me i think we could probably put some clothes in the washer before she gets home well that was eventful you made the naughty list a little animated two in there there's three in there there's one there too there one there so you do the math one thing that's new you should check out there's a okay all right all right you win i'll get out of here my girlfriend made a new sunny farm website so check that out it's just or the link is in the description hope you enjoyed today's video i need to take a bath we'll see you next time have a good one [Music] if i give you perlets will you be my friend no she shook her head no
Channel: Sonne Farms
Views: 159,668
Rating: 4.9772544 out of 5
Keywords: Sonne farms, cow, calf, angry, angry cow, farm, ranch, midwest, sound dakota, cold calving, snow, snowy, snowy calving, sled, angus
Id: L6ChauEsRQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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