Why You Wouldn't Survive The Green Inferno

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these people who just got flung out of the plane and died on impact are the lucky ones trying to survive being kidnapped by head hunting cannibals in the middle of the amazon raid forest is a formidable challenge do you think you could survive i'll be breaking down the mistakes made and explaining what you should do and why you wouldn't survive the great inferno we start off with justine staring at a handsome and charismatic leader of the local activist group his girlfriend cara is jealous of the intention and gets justine to back off who is determined to join up with the activists in one of her classes she learns about female genital mutilation and announces to everyone her dad is a young lawyer which catches the attention of jonah he invites her to attend a meeting with the activist change team who've got something big in store their plan to go to the amazon to protest the bulldozing of indigenous land by oil companies the team arrives in south america where they meet up with their contact a wealthy man named carlos and board his plane it's all really suspicious when your appointment for the entire operation is a shady 20-something you know you've gone wrong where are the adults and professionals for such a dangerous operation at their hotel lars gets a baggie of marijuana from carlos and the group installs a streaming app on their phone they'll need these to film the hired militias working for the companies and it will be the only form of protection they have in case they get shot sounds like a good reason to have a gun but the team's leader alejandro is adamant they don't need them since if one of them gets shot then they all have to get shot of course no one's going to back out they're already in peru and they're going to give in to peer pressure if everyone else stays seated the team arrive at a dock and are rushed into boarding river boats which are staffed by kochua and boatmen they make a quick pit stop to the shore as lars and justine need to use the toilet justine takes the machete on her way off the boat and lars is given a pistol that he nearly drops on his way off gunshots ring out in the forest and lars comes bolting back having almost shot a spider that was about to bite his junk this is not a good sign there is some crazy stuff that is coming to them and they can't even manage to handle a gun to protect themselves from a spider at least justine shows that she's willing to be proactive and use the machete but this lack of readiness and adaptability by mars is an indicator that he's not going to do too well when things take a violent turn for the worse riding on the river one of the guys talks about his gps which doesn't require signal as it's connected to a satellite which is pretty useful since where they're going they're not going to get any signals cell phone or otherwise the boaters finally arrive at their destination where they dump their stuff onto the shore and put on these neon safety jumpers and blue helmets dressing up like the local construction crew they're told to leave everything except their passports in case they get arrested and head off going deeper into the jungle where they cautiously trek their way to the logging site passing by the ground crews on their lunch break they lock themselves to the trees in their vehicles putting your life in harm's way should require a great amount of trust in this operation considering that you don't really know where the funding is coming from this is not wise and all this when they don't even know the name of the tribe they're trying to save they all put their masks on and begin the stream chanting a protest slogan as the company's militiamen arrive one of them is able to get justine out of her chains destroy her phone before he points his gun at her head but this was all a part of the plan alejandro announces on stream that justine's father works for the un and goats the militia into shooting her he was using her this whole time the gunman leave them alone once they get a phone call and the activists are taken back by the police to the boats they let go after carlos bribes the cops and the group celebrates a successful protest except for justine who is justifiably pissed off suddenly one of the engines explodes and the plane begins nose diving and crashes into the forest the tail ripping open killing carlos the pilots in almost all of the protesters who die in a myriad of ways they still in the front are the luckiest people on the plane they get a quick and painless death which is far more forgiving than what's coming to the rest of them but the truth is the likelihood of surviving a plane crash can be as high as a 95 percent if you are sitting close to the exit in the back of the plane and are wearing your seatbelt that is unless you fly out of it and if you're sitting in the front like these guys we've already lost you the group gets out of the plane shaken and disturbed and daniel insists they need to find his gps so they can send out a distress signal and that's when the engine explodes they're stranded in the amazon with no easy way out surviving in the jungle is daunting but also possible if you make wise decisions and prioritize you want to stay close to the crash site so that rescuers can find you more easily you're also more likely to find water if you travel downhill rivers can be easier ways to travel through a jungle and will lead you to a village as well but right now everyone is in shock and they're not thinking straight clearly alejandro realizes he can hear the river and if they follow it back upstream they might be able to get help but kara walks off into the woods because she spots someone out there it almost immediately gets an arrow shot through her neck the others make a break for it but fall over as they're riddled with blow darts one after the other daniel himself actually finds the gps but before he can get it he's knocked out when someone starts shooting arrows at you plan a goes out the window and so does plan b and basically any other plan that doesn't involve getting shot you're just not going to outrun a tribal native hunter in their own backyard so you really don't have a chance here justine wakes up handcuffed on a boat along with the others who are taken ashore where an entire village of indigenous people welcomed them these are the yahes the same people who they were trying to help passing by severed heads on spikes they're taken into the village where they meet the female elder when you start seeing severed heads you know this isn't going to end well for you but then again if any one of them had done basic research about the yahi people before they left they just might have been better prepared for an encounter with this brutal cannibalistic tribe maybe that idea about bringing a gun might have been taken a bit more seriously the female elder inspects them examining them one by one and for some reason smiles at justine the group gets dragged and kept in a wooden cage except for jonah who's drugged and held down onto a rock in plain view of his friends the female elder gouges his eyes and cuts his tongue out before she eats them he's then hacked apart limb from limb and his blood is drunk by the woman jonah's body is unsalted prepared and cooked in a mud oven as the group stand by and wonder what is going on alejandro desperately tries to use a cell phone but he can't get a signal with that option off the table he tells everyone there's nothing they can do as the villagers feed on jonah's cooked body okay everyone is shell shocked understandably but it's time for your survival instincts to kick in take stock of what you have and how it can be used for survival the cage bars are made from wooden poles so at night try seeing how far they go down as you might be able to secretly dig yourself out if you can't see if there's anything you can use to cut the vines holding the cage together or wrap your pants around the poles as well as a strong stick then twist them to bend the bars inwards giving yourself more room to squeeze out of there the best thing to do is keep watch over the tribesmen noting where they keep their weapons and tools because there's a chance you'll be able to grab one in an escape attempt but even if you got your hands on one they know how to use it a lot better than you do it's possible you might actually make it out of the cage but you'll soon find a yahei patrolman of a blowgun ready to take you down and throw you back in alejandro might actually be right there's no way out of this except in pieces that night the group discusses their plan to get help and daniel pitches the idea that they need to get the gps before the battery dies but alejandro disagrees because he knows that there are more bulldozers coming to deforest the land what they did earlier was useless and he admits that it was all just a pr stunt done to make money to fund future protests but this could be a good thing if they wait for three days the bulldozers should reach this village and then they can make their escape thank god they chopped the jonah that guy could feed the village for a week the group tries to push samantha out through the cage's ceiling but almost immediately she gets knocked out by a blow dart fired by the guard standing watch over them the next day justine is woken up by a village girl and shows her how to play her flute necklace which she seems to like you never know what could save your life this flute might seem insignificant and yet it's been used as the only way to communicate to a member of the tribe there might be other things that you can use in the same way alejandra's watch lars's weed samantha's shoes basically anything you have on your person the women are then taken out of the cage and brought before the village elder who inspects their bodies justine is the last to be inspected and much to the delight of the elder she's a virgin hooray before she's then knocked out and dragged into a hut amy and the other guys worked together to get samantha out first by setting an alarm on alejandro's cell phone and throwing it so that it distracts the guard giving samantha the time to clamp around and make a run for a nearby boat you live in the 21st century and they live in the sticks in stone age distracting them with this phone is a great plan but why do this in the middle of the day the river is your best bet since you won't have to cut through the forest and can't get easily lost but it would have been safer to get on the boat in the middle of the night that way you won't get spotted by the tribes people and you'll put enough distance between you before they realize you're gone it might actually be better not to use the boat so as to not catch the eye of other yahei who might be on the water if they see an empty canoe they're gonna check it out see her inside and eat her samantha makes the case that she can outrun the tribes people because she ran track but have you ever tried running track in the jungle the better strategy might be to send the strongest these cannibals are both for the jungle to track and chase their prey quickly and over long distances their cardiovascular systems are better developed than ours it might be easier to overpower one of them rather than outrun them justine is brought back to the cage and has for some reason been painted what happened to her exactly she can't remember though at least as daniel observes they plan on circumcising justine which could kill her or as alejandro puts it this could give them more time until the bulldozers arrive when when they are then visited by the village children who give them food amy at first doesn't eat it because she's a vegan but gives in as she knows she'll need her strength for the escape but then she realizes that they're eating samantha as she recognizes the tattoo on the meat and slits her throat using a broken bowl shard this is a blessing in disguise since they know the tribe's people will eat her body they stuff large's marijuana down her throat that way when the village people eat her they're gonna be high as a kite the male elder comes in quickly chops her up and cooks her so that the meat won't spoil something the group doesn't bring up is what they could do to make themselves less appetizing to the cannibals a few things that you could have done is cover themselves in feces that gross them out pretend to show symptoms of sickness or even act like they're being possessed by a demon all these things i would try but none of these things are likely going to make the cannibals skip out on dinner thankfully this weed plan works as the villagers are too high to care about their prisoners when you're desperate you come up with desperate ideas this could work in theory but i seriously doubt it would get the entire village high the blood stopped circulating after death so even if the thc was baked into the body wouldn't it only be the organs that could get you high i don't know this seems like stoner logic to me justin and daniel manage to climb their way out of the cage but before lars can get out alejandro jabs him with a blow dart keeping him around so that the cannibals won't eat him first and he's proven right as lars wakes up to a couple of tribesmen who eat him alive talk about the munchies also nice going alejandro now you're going to be an excellent menu bet you wish you escaped with the others huh justine and daniel make their way back to the plane where they find the bodies of the other activists put on stakes and to make matters worse the gps battery is dead going back to the plane is logical the gps is still there and it might be your best chance of being found it's exactly what i would do but that's the problem because you'll be found by cannibal tribesmen before anyone else arrives also it's been almost two days since they left and gps models similar to theirs will only have 16 to 20 hours of battery life so it's safe to assume that this trip will end in resounding failure being swept down river might be the safer bet as most settlements are built close to water you might even find one that doesn't eat people if you decide to travel by foot cover yourself with mud not just to blend in but to keep mosquitoes and bugs away it will also cool you down which is important as one of the main dangers of surviving the jungle is sun stroke and heat stroke but thinking quickly they take one of these still working phones from the dead bodies and end up getting knocked out by the tribe's people justine awakens to find herself tied up in being prepared for a horrific ritual and daniel has his bones broken before he gets smeared with a paste so that he can be eaten alive by ants justine finally realizes that they're about the circumciser but the ritual is stopped as one of the tribesmen brings back the head of a construction worker the warriors of the village grab their weapons and run off into the forest along with some of the women and children justine is freed by the kid who she played her whistle to and she runs out to take the phone from daniel he begs her to kill him but when she can't the girl kills him instead and takes justine out to the forest so that she can escape now escaping is only half the battle making contact once you've escaped before they track you down is even more difficult the tall trees are going to catch any smoke from a fire catch any light being reflected and make it not impossible for someone to spot any signal codes from the air unless you're lucky enough to run into some good samaritans you're not going to survive justine finds herself caught in a war zone where the tribesmen are being gunned down by the militia soldiers she's able to convince them to save her and take her aboard a helicopter out of the amazon leaving alejandro for dead when she makes it back stateside she gives her testimony about what happened everyone else died in the crash and she was saved by the native people who ended up getting slaughtered by the company's militia a complete another lie later she gets a call from alejandro's sister who tells her that she's found a satellite picture of alejandro who has somehow managed to survive now you might be thinking that if alejandro survived that maybe we could but i can't imagine what he did to convince them to let him live the last we saw him he was screaming and freaking out thinking he was going to be eaten him being allowed to live amongst the ajes is extremely unlikely and as the last remaining prisoner he probably should have been eaten which is why none of us would survive but what do you think do you agree with my theories or do you disagree let me know of a comment down below with that said thank you so much for watching leave a like and subscribe and check out the playlist that's up in the channel until next time have a damn good day
Channel: Cinema Summary
Views: 1,756,921
Rating: 4.9415965 out of 5
Keywords: the green inferno, explained, why you wouldn't survive, how to beat
Id: AbgIXnqpXmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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