How to Beat the ROIDED BATS in "THE SILENCE" (2019)

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if you were looking for another reason to hate bats the silence will fill your belly full of reasons in this video on nerd explains i'll give you a quick and dirty explanation of the movie a breakdown of the vesps and show you why you might not survive and to not end things on a dark gruesome note i'll also tell you how to beat the vesps the silence is a mix between a quiet place piranha and aliens the intro contains disturbing imagery of humans being violent [ __ ] as well as circle of life type footage which suggests we're about to get what's coming a group of overzealous cave diving researchers accidentally busted open an entrance to a cave full of giant fanged meat-eating bats as you can imagine the researchers were not able to do much more research after that the vesps as they called them started flying across the nation consuming anyone that made noise major cities were effectively meat markets for the vesps so stanley tucci and his family hopped in the minivan and went off-roading while plebs sheltered in place and sat in traffic like any movie where silence is golden we have a convenient deaf protagonist in her family that all know sign language they eventually make it out of the city without getting the meat picked off their bones and their belly is filled with baby bat eggs they come across some religious zealots that they didn't take seriously soon enough in an effort to abduct tucci's daughter the colts sent generation z terrorists with an iphone suicide vest to infiltrate the family's home and set off sound bombs which would attract the vesps it almost works but tucci's mother-in-law tackles the thugs while screaming causing them all to be slaughtered by the vesps tucci and co ambushed the cult with sickles ending them swiftly allie using the internet finds out a critical weakness of the bests they don't like the cold so they all move to canada so ally could live out her dreams as a post-apocalyptic katniss bowhunting roided up bats with her boyfriend what are the vesps the name given to these creatures vesps is named after avispa the spanish word for wasp which doesn't really do them any justice they aren't like wasps at all except for how they swarm their prey with overwhelming numbers they are cave-dwelling bat-like carnivores capable of winged flight they aren't aliens or monsters like in a quiet place these creatures were found in an uncharted subterranean cave system in north america where they have been surviving for millions of years they probably fed off of fish in subterranean rivers as they don't come across as the type that gets satisfied by insects they do seem to be a kind of pterosaur which is a flying reptile from the jurassic period they most closely resemble the dimorphodon in my uninformed opinion since caves obviously don't have light this led to them becoming blind and dare i say it they hunt by sound instead i really hate that they hunt by sound this makes it seem like they hunt as if they were a blindfolded human with a gun drunkenly shooting at where they think they heard a deer roaming while bumping into rocks and trees it's not like that at all realistically the vesps would actually be using echolocation to navigate their environment which basically means they wouldn't be blind and they could see their environment as well as their prey which is you in the movie though they are completely blind i wouldn't say their hearing is outstanding or anything i mean an owl can hear rodents under two feet of snow but the vesps can't hear someone casually walking around right in front of them they have thin translucent skin which is an adaptation from living in caves that receive no ultraviolet radiation so they will most likely gravitate towards shaded areas to avoid getting burned their lack of fur makes them vulnerable to the colder weather and finally they are really dumb like fly into a wood chipper because it made sounds and they think all sounds are food type dumb maybe let's stop for a second to consider why we might not survive a million strong swarm of giant flying piranhas swirling above us a lot of the danger comes from the people around you and if not it probably means you are the one causing the danger what the hell does that mean don't make noise dude it means keep your mouth hole shut and don't say stupid things like that people who scream and squeal at anything that happened suddenly put your phones on silence okay yeah nobody else did that so if one person nearby forgot to use silent mode it's game over but we're supposed to just stay here and stay silent then the cities are the worst place to be weren't they uh except that they don't attack cities they attack individual people that make noise if you stayed indoors and didn't make any noise you'd be relatively safe immediately hopping into your truck and driving into traffic with everyone panicking is a significantly worse idea thousands of people are getting eaten alive everywhere in the city and you go to the nearest gas station to top off grab slurpees and tell stories about uncle joey when you're riding with uncle glenn so he's a tough guy in times like this sound is death and people are driving around honking and screaming and popping shotguns off she can't hear you okay okay don't you what do you want just shut up okay other people are the second biggest danger in this situation don't leave me here man please those things are gonna catch up to me maybe you should have thought about that earlier before being a dick if you do decide to make a run for the border wait until you're out of the city to get gas even 30 miles out of the city is much safer [Music] again this is why trying to drive out of the city is problematic you have creatures that are slaughtering anybody that makes sound and these idiots are in their cars honking [Music] not to mention the emergency vehicles that also didn't turn off their siren if your loved one has emphysema you're gonna have to figure something else out traveling in the open with him is suicide trying to bring your dog with you i have a dog too but mr tucci made the right call it's either that or getting picked clean down to the bones there's a huge difference in how i'd go about it though i definitely would not send my dog out to get ripped apart by those creatures if you decided to go off the grid or go on a fishing trip or something and didn't get the warning that all this was happening well you'd probably end up like this lady you'll have to deal with babies the same way as dogs if you can't find a way to keep them quiet or soundproof the area you're gonna have to take them out take him out hmm take him out take him out like for drinks no no no take him out take out no uh take him out if you do happen to get noticed and bitten and you start panicking and yelping well that pretty much seals your fate any chance of you eliminating the attacking creature quietly and getting away is over you can't effectively fight the vesps without drawing more attention to yourself and they always travel in packs or swarms of hundreds or thousands of them never underestimate the people that survive the initial onslaught of any apocalypse they're usually cunning resourceful and persistent stanley tucci brushing off and ignoring this guy is a huge mistake that the grandma ends up paying for later dad what is it it's a little girl not recognizing obvious traps how many movies do you need to see before you realize that a damsel in distress is the most obvious ploy in the book so we know what not to do in this situation but what are the ways that we can beat the vesps let's do this two ways first let's look at what you could do if you were in this situation then let's look at what our military could do so how could you beat the vesps don't run like we mentioned earlier jumping into your noisy car to try to make it out of the city when there is sheer chaos honking traffic looters and people screaming in the streets is probably not a good idea if you've watched my other videos you know that when the apocalypse begins you're most likely going to die in a car accident sure if you have a tesla you may be able to use other people as a distraction to make it out of the city where you can then find a nice old couple willing to share their farmhouse with you but that's a huge risk and besides making it out of the city doesn't really help in this situation the vesps are everywhere and sure they have a hard time surviving in winter conditions but so do humans without all of our first world resources shelter in place this is a good move because your average house provides decent sound insulation and contains a lot of food and supplies if you have babies smokers dogs or just bad allergies it's far better to stay inside and use mattresses blankets or paper mache to sound proof your house and keep them there cover board and insulate your windows and doors this will prevent vests or crazies from hearing you and smashing their way in or from throwing phone bombs through your windows find or make weapons you can't expect that you can just chill in your house scrolling through reddit without any problems you need to get prepared to fight people or vests the problem is that any weapon you make needs to be quieter than 30 decibels when used which is the sound of a whisper from a few feet away anything above that and you're gonna become best droppings if you do have a firearm could you suppress it enough with an oil can a pillow or a potato yes a potato we have a potato on the end my 22. not really subsonic rounds with homemade suppressors still produce around 90 to 100 decibels the grandma coughing produced around 80 to 90 decibels and she just about got everyone killed unless you have an extremely quiet firearm shooting subsonic ammo with a high end suppressor it's probably too dangerous it's also worth mentioning that most of the time you can get away with one quick quiet sound as the first noise just gets their attention once they are at attention though the second sound they hear they can pinpoint and attack breaking a twig might not get you killed but repeatedly coughing will if you don't have a firearm what weapons could you make at home you can make a surprisingly effective bow with a little handiwork in some pvc pipe that has enough power to take down small animals or vesps in this case you can make a blowgun that can be lethal to the thin-skinned vesps with a long tube and nails dip the darts and feces to cause some deadly infections easily penetrate into wooden posts without even trying they'll also stick into tree trunks or completely abuse the side of a wooden deck i was able to hit some targets from over 100 feet away and if i missed the darts just sailed right into the concrete wall behind it which actually blows my mind completely create a spear by sharpening an end of a wooden pole i'd avoid using this on vesps but this is an easy weapon to use and can be given to children to defend themselves you'll have food for months in your house which should buy you enough time for the military to fight them back and if the military hasn't shown up after months well it looks like you're on your own with food running out and the military nowhere to be found you'll have to scavenge the problem is raiding houses or stores is too dangerous you could be seen and targeted by looters someone might be defending the home you're raiding and you could easily make too much noise trying to crowbar into someone's home by knocking a lamp over once inside or by stepping on a soda can someone left on the floor if you can't get food from houses or stores where do you get food well vesps do have meat on them it's gross but i mean meat is meat as far as how to hunt vesps here is how i suggest doing it using rocks lure some into the open in your backyard once you get one that's by itself kill it with an arrow sneakily grab the dead vesp and cook it over a wood fireplace if you have to go scavenging for medical supplies in an emergency bring your weapons some makeshift diversions and if possible use walkie-talkies with headphones to communicate with others in your party makeshift diversions can be fireworks wind-up alarms bells or anything that makes sound and is throwable if you get noticed by vesps these will give you a chance to escape if you get confronted by crazies you can also use these as sound bombs to attract vesps to them while you escape after you finish a scavenging run don't just return home in a straight line you could end up leading crazies right back to home base take unpredictable paths back watch your six set traps and make sure that nobody is following you before you go home how could the military beat the vesps one of the cheaper faster and easier methods would be to get tank squadrons to drive around town the vesps will lean on the tanks and try to clot them with no success as is standard operating procedure for tanks when boarded by enemy infantry each tank will rake its partner tanks with machine gun fire killing all the vest a less blunt method would be to use shielded directed energy weapons mounted on apcs to patrol towns and burn up vesps with precision in minimal collateral damage these weapons are designed to destroy swarms of enemy drones so i think it's quite fitting for this situation and once the area is clear load up the apc's with survivors and head back to base we can also use their strength which is their hearing against them sonic weapons like the long range acoustic device can produce incredibly powerful sound wave while the lrad is supposedly only able to produce 162 decibels if they could crank it up to 180 decibels then you could disorient them and cause their lungs and other organs to pop like balloons i suspect the vesps won't be attracted to the sounds produced by this weapon the best for last a kill dozer pulling a wood chipper i talked about the wood chipper in my video on how to beat the monsters in a quiet place and it looks like it worked quite well in this movie now these methods help us kill the bulk of them but they still can reproduce so ultimately we'll have to find some way of completely eradicating them if you have any ideas let me know that's how i would try to beat the vesps in the movie the silence do you agree or disagree with my methods how would you beat the vesps let me know in the comments if you like these videos and want to see more consider subscribing thanks for watching you
Channel: Nerd Explains
Views: 4,576,521
Rating: 4.9360638 out of 5
Keywords: the silence, the silence netflix, the silence ending explained, the silence monster, monsters, netflix, netflix horror, the silence review, the silence breakdown, bats, the hushed, a quiet place, bird box, the silence movie, the silence film, the silence horror, ending explained, the silence explained, the silence ending, the silence 2019, silence ending, silence explained, how to beat bird box, how to beat a quiet place, vesps, vesps explained
Id: vWYAwMPrwh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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