Why You Wouldn’t Survive "WORLD WAR Z" (14 Reasons)

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Selection: 1. What videos perform well in the niche, preferably with lower subscriber counts? 1. Everything wrong with X 2. Why you wouldn’t survive X 2. Can you create a better video package than them? If yes, do it. 1. Yes, better thumbnail, more light-hearted content, more structure. 3. If you can’t create a better video package easily, what videos are suggested? Can you do better? 1. Other Why you wouldn't survive X 4. Can series sequels be done? If so, what related topics are trending? Are there related auto-suggested topics? 1. Yes, WWZ is an auto-suggested topic with no video, as well as being a popular zombie movie. 5. Takeaways from Previous Video Analytics: 1. First video. ________________ Research: X ________________ Script: Hook (15 Seconds to Shock & Capture Audience) If you, the viewer, were thrust into Brad Pitt’s position (Edit BP to Meme Face) when he was chilling in traffic before all hell broke loose, and you had no knowledge of what is coming, what are the chances that you make it out alive while going through everything he did? Oh, and I forgot to mention one small caveat, you don’t have Brad Pitt’s exceedingly thick plot armor. Storyboard Elements: * Intro (Background of Topic + What they’ll learn / Open Loop) (w/ Pattern Break) Do you have the skills, the nerve, the decisiveness, the physique, and many other important characteristics a hero needs to survive an apocalyptic level situation? Probably not. In this video on Nerd Explains, We are here to find out, Why You Wouldn't Survive: World War Z. Storyboard Elements: * *Series Name* + *Topic* Intro Expanded We need to briefly set the stage (AKA i’m going to say why you wouldn’t survive WWZ before I dive into each scene to more intimately describe why you wouldn’t survive WWZ). The Disease. Super quick background on the disease. They are zombies, duh, they are fast as hell, victims get turned into zombies within 12 seconds of being bitten, and they only attack healthy people. These zombies are basically on one of the highest difficulty settings, not your garden variety shaun of the dead zombozos. Location. Being in a large city when a zombie outbreak occurs already drops your chances of survival to 1 percent. Not knowing about a zombie outbreak ahead of time, not having any time to come up with a hasty plan or get supplies, and being completely taken by surprise, in a large city, puts your chances at about 1/10th of a percent. You. I'm guessing you, the viewer, have watched zombie and apocalypse preparedness videos, but haven't done anything to actually prepare. That’s bad and good news. While you are still completely unprepared, at least you have some knowledge of what you’re dealing with and how to deal with it. Don’t get me wrong, you’re still 100% screwed, but at least you think you’ll have a chance. We’ll explore the vast amount of your shortcomings that will lead to your death in just a bit. And I want to be clear, this movie might be rated pg13, but your death will certainly be nc17. Family. Having kids and a wife increases the difficulty to veteran level. If you dont pull a 28 weeks later and abandon them you'll probably die. With the stage set, let’s jump into the specific scenes where we find out whether or not you would definitely die. Storyboard Elements: * Call to Action Right before we jump in though, if you find these types of videos entertaining, consider clicking the like and subscribe buttons as it really helps me to make more. Storyboard Elements: * Subscribe to channel popup. Subtopic #1: Mack Truck Massacre (w/ Pattern Break) A mack truck conveniently clears a path for you, by plowing through a line of cars at full speed ending everything in its path, it just so happens to not be your lane. Right. It’s highly likely that the truck plows through your car instead. You haven’t even seen one zombie yet, and you’re already dead from a car accident. You didn’t even know it was the apocalypse and you died. Great start. Storyboard Elements: * Transition (White Barlow Text rotate -2deg semi transparent overlay for 2.5sec, w/ transition sound) Subtopic #2: Getting Groceries (Include Open Loop) (w/ Pattern Break) Going to a grocery store in a zombie outbreak is probably necessary in this situation, but man, it’s just such a bad idea. See, again, this is where having family gets you killed, you had to get medication for your daughter. I get it, I wouldn’t let my daughter die from a pre-existing condition either, but this would assuredly get you killed. Honestly, some stressed out noob popping shots off with a pistol over 7 yards away is actually going to be extremely inaccurate and probably won’t hit you. But, if you got a gunshot wound in a zombie outbreak, you’re 100% dead in a couple hours max. A nice young gentleman operating a free-medication pharmacy when the store is literally an hour from being swarmed by zombies. Oh, and there is still the right medication left on the counter. Yeah, not happening. Keep in mind this isn’t the walking dead where you have time to think. This is an exponential disease where people turn in 12 seconds and sprint to their next victim. It spreads really, really freaking fast. Every second matters, every breath you take standing in the same spot, is a breath the zombies took sprinting towards you and infecting others who will sprint towards you. And they are closing about a football field distance every 20 seconds, roughly. Considering there are airports pretty much all over philadelphia, this gap would be closing in from every direction potentially. You have no idea if you are running away from or towards the zombies. Storyboard Elements: * Transition (White Barlow Text rotate -2deg semi transparent overlay for 2.5sec, w/ transition sound) Subtopic #3: The Sleepover (w/ Pattern Break) You aren’t a renowned United Nations investigator who has a VIP pass to an aircraft carrier. You aren't an expert on highly contagious epidemics that cause complete chaos and destruction in societies, and you don’t know that you’d need to keep moving and not shelter in place during these types of crises. And c’mon brad pitt, let’s be real, that advice is only relevant if you have the option of a helicopter evac. Which you, the viewer, wouldn’t. You’d easily make the decision to stay because it’s easy and seems safe and you don’t have an aircraft carrier on speed dial. What are the chances you don’t make a noise, cough or sneeze loudly, knock something over, or do anything that attracts the attention of the dormant zombies across the hall, for the months and months it would take for the zombies to starve to death. If these apartments are anything like mine, the walls are pretty thin. Oh, and you’d probably starve to death faster than the dormant zombies. When dormant they are basically hibernating and conserving energy, whereas you’re stressed and scared, adrenaline is flowing, and you’re burning much more energy at rest. But the family you meet which takes you in, again which is super unlikely, has extra food, which for the three of them and the four of you would not last long enough. You’d need food for a couple additional months on top of your body's fat stores. Basal Metabolic rate for an average person is around 1500 calories per day for your body to function without additional movement or stress. They’d need around 600k calories worth of food stored to starve out most of the zombies before you all starved. That’s like 700 containers of canned food. Basically your decision to stay, not that you had another option because you don’t have a phone to an aircraft carrier off shore that would provide a helicopter evac, would mean you died. Oh, quick note, when Brad Pitt did get to the aircraft carrier, in the background you can hear a radio operator telling units on the ground that they can’t provide helicopter evac at this time. So even if you did have a radio, you still could be denied. Which means you’re dead again. Storyboard Elements: * Transition (White Barlow Text rotate -2deg semi transparent overlay for 2.5sec, w/ transition sound) Subtopic #4: The Stairmaster (w/ Pattern Break) With how overweight and out of shape most Americans are, you're probably dead because you can't run at all. This includes gym bros too, the bench press doesn’t help when you have to cover 10 flights of stairs at a full sprint whilst periodically fighting multiple zombies to the death. That scene where Brad Pitt AKA you gets the zombie money shot on his face but manages to keep zombie bodily fluids out of his orifices thus preventing infection is highly unlikely. Storyboard Elements: * Transition (White Barlow Text rotate -2deg semi transparent overlay for 2.5sec, w/ transition sound) Mega Pattern Break #1 This video is going to get long, and we already know you wouldn’t get to this point, hell, you died before you even saw a zombie, so i’m gonna try to speed up and cover some ground here. Storyboard Elements: * Destroyed city animation with black semi transparent overlay. Pause text in yellow. * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXcgNq2ED_M Subtopic #5: Getting to Da Choppa (w/ Pattern Break) Flares were absolutely crucial to being spotted by the helicopter evac, if you didn’t have the forethought to obtain flares, didn’t have access to any flares, or lost them on the chaotic way up the stairs, the helicopter probably wouldn’t see you in time before all the zombies in the apartment ran up and overran you. You probably wouldn’t think to potentially suicide yourself from the top of the building because you’re probably selfish or not thinking correctly. That blood would have infected you, turned you, and you’d have killed your own family. Even if you did, the time it took for you to check yourself, a few zombies easily could have run through that rooftop door you left open, killing you and your family. Even if you stayed by the door to keep it closed, there were over 10 zombies (which are like crazy people jacked up on PCP and adrenaline) running at the door. You aren’t big enough or strong enough to Hodor that shit. Storyboard Elements: * Transition (White Barlow Text rotate -2deg semi transparent overlay for 2.5sec, w/ transition sound) Subtopic #6: Virologist Noob (w/ Pattern Break) That virologist guy being handed a pistol when he has no familiarity with firearms actually decreases your already low chances of survival because of the high chances of him accidentally shooting you, or doing an accidental desk pop and attracting all the nearby z’s. Storyboard Elements: * Transition (White Barlow Text rotate -2deg semi transparent overlay for 2.5sec, w/ transition sound) Subtopic #7: Badly Timed Booty Call (w/ Pattern Break) Of course your girl had to ring your phone and attract all the ninja zombies to your location, at night, when it’s rainy and foggy. The special forces guys are getting taken out. You get tackled to the ground by a zombie. In the movie, in the next moment Brad Pitt is saved at the last second before getting bit. This doesn’t happen. You get tackled by a zombie, and the next moment you get bit, just like all the other special forces guys. Dead again. Storyboard Elements: * Transition (White Barlow Text rotate -2deg semi transparent overlay for 2.5sec, w/ transition sound) Subtopic #8: Jerusalem Music Concert (w/ Pattern Break) I’m honestly not shocked by people holding a concert with loudspeakers blaring when there are hordes of zombies surrounding you. You wouldn’t survive this not just because you suck, but because everyone around you also sucks. Storyboard Elements: * Transition (White Barlow Text rotate -2deg semi transparent overlay for 2.5sec, w/ transition sound) Subtopic #9: Black Friday in Jerusalem (w/ Pattern Break) I don’t buy the whole, they avoid the terminally ill. It’s impossible to visually detect if people are terminally ill. So even if you were terminally ill, and technically immune to disease, I'd still wager that you’d be stampeded and trampled to death by a sea of zombies like it was Black Friday at WalMart. Storyboard Elements: * Transition (White Barlow Text rotate -2deg semi transparent overlay for 2.5sec, w/ transition sound) Subtopic #10: Maze Runner I: Jerusalem (w/ Pattern Break) Okay this place is a freaking maze that’s constantly rearranging itself because of corridors being blocked off and fence roofs collapsing. You would find yourself in a dead-end getting swarmed 9/10 times. Think Edge of Tomorrow with Tom Cruise, any wrong move and you get viciously ripped apart. How many times did it take him to get out of that alive? You only have 1 shot. Storyboard Elements: * Transition (White Barlow Text rotate -2deg semi transparent overlay for 2.5sec, w/ transition sound) Mega Pattern Break #2 Let’s take a breather for a second, you made it this far. Well you didn’t, but if you did, what more must you do, what other impossible situations still yet await you before you can find that sweet, sweet safety? Storyboard Elements: * Destroyed city animation with black semi transparent overlay. Pause text in yellow. * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXcgNq2ED_M Subtopic #11: Overbooked Airline (w/ Pattern Break) The chances of a plane about to take off on the runway stopping for you, dropping a ladder to you, and taking off before zombies overran the plane. How is that plane not more full either? On scheduled flights in the U.S. the planes are often packed full. And a zombie apocalypse occurs and there is a seat for everyone? Nah, that plane is going to be at capacity with people hanging onto the wings and landing gear. Seriously, if you were in this situation, you’d have to hang onto the landing gear to fly outta there. Storyboard Elements: * Transition (White Barlow Text rotate -2deg semi transparent overlay for 2.5sec, w/ transition sound) Subtopic #12: Nades in a Plane (w/ Pattern Break) Having a grenade handy on the plane. The chances of you surviving a plane crash let alone the initial blast after you detonated a grenade in the fuselage mid flight are no doubt a bit slim, just a bit. I mean only two people survived, both the protagonists. Let's just say you won't be wearing the same kind of plot armor that they are. Dead again. Storyboard Elements: * Transition (White Barlow Text rotate -2deg semi transparent overlay for 2.5sec, w/ transition sound) Subtopic #13: Maze Runner II: The Lab (w/ Pattern Break) Accidentally making loud noises, navigating the lab maze that you aren’t familiar with at all, opening doors at the last second which you don’t know will open, all these things can get you killed easily. Just the opening doors thing alone would, I mean there is a zombie seconds behind you, if you push when you should’ve pulled, you die. Storyboard Elements: * Transition (White Barlow Text rotate -2deg semi transparent overlay for 2.5sec, w/ transition sound) Subtopic #14: Lethal Injection (w/ Pattern Break) You’d infect yourself with an extremely, immediately lethal disease that isn’t treatable. Even if you infect yourself with the right disease by chance, you still don’t know how long it will take to get into your system, nor do you know if it will actually work. There’s a huge chance that you open that door and the zombie absolutely wrecks you, or like we said earlier, because they can’t detect it they viciously attack and bite you anyways until they realize your blood is already unhealthy. You could easily die from this attack alone. Storyboard Elements: * Transition (White Barlow Text rotate -2deg semi transparent overlay for 2.5sec, w/ transition sound) Conclusion / Open Loop (w/ Pattern Break) Here we are at the end, the parallel reality where Brad Pitt is victorious, and where you are just a faceless zombie in the horde of zombies that gets bombed by a F18 fighter jet after humanity figures out a cure. Let’s just hope you never have to attempt to survive World War Z. Storyboard Elements: * Transition Call to Action I’m sure I missed a lot of reasons in this movie, that you would have died from, if you were in Brad Pitt’s shoes, or maybe you think you’d have survived a situation I talked about. Hit up the comments section and let me know. And while you’re at it, let me know what other movies or games you want me to cover like this. Thanks for watching, later. Storyboard Elements: * End Screen Auto-suggest. ________________ Technical: * Thumbnail: * Created * Title: * Why You Wouldn’t Survive: World War Z * Description: * Compelling Snippet (w/ target keywords in first line and caps) * In this video on Nerd Explains, We are here to find out, Why You Wouldn't Survive: World War Z. * If you, the viewer, were thrust into Brad Pitt’s position when he was chilling in traffic before all hell broke loose, and you had no knowledge of what is coming, what are the chances that you make it out alive while going through everything he did? Oh, and I forgot to mention one small caveat, you don’t have Brad Pitt’s exceedingly thick plot armor. * Do you have the skills, the nerve, the decisiveness, the physique, and many other important characteristics a hero needs to survive a WWZ Solanum virus outbreak? Probably not. * 😈 Timestamps * - Setting the Stage: * - Mack Truck Massacre: * - Getting Groceries: * - Sleepover: * - Stairmaster: * - Getting to Da Choppa: * - Virologist Noob: * - Bad Timing Booty Call: * - Jerusalem Music Concert: * - Black Friday in Jerusalem: * - Maze Runner I: Jerusalem: * - Overbooked Airline: * - Nades in a Plane: * - Maze Runner II: The Lab: * - Lethal Injection: * - You’re a Zombie: * 💣 Call to Action * Subscribe to the channel for more videos like this! * 🔥 Monetization Links * None * ⚡ Links * Why You Wouldn't Survive a Titanfall Nuclear Ejection: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVdQ4VlUNpM * 🎧 Music: * CO.AG Music - Dark Ambient Background Music. Message me at Coagmusic@yahoo.com, so I can see how it fits with your work. * Keywords: * Why you wouldn’t survive WWZ * Why you wouldn’t survive World War Z * Why you wouldn’t survive * World War Z * WWZ * Solanum Virus * Hashtags: * WWZ * Solanum Virus * <10 Video Tags: * Why you wouldn’t survive WWZ * Why you wouldn’t survive World War Z * Why you wouldn’t survive * World War Z * WWZ * Solanum Virus * Everything wrong with WWZ * Upload Date: * March 17th * Upload Time: * 3pm * TXT Script: * * Pinned Comment: * Do you think you could survive WWZ? * Playlist to add too: * Why You Wouldn’t Survive * Playlist Title: * Why You Wouldn’t Survive * Playlist Description: * If you were thrust into the worst moments in movie and game history, would you survive? ________________ Monetization: * In-video Ad timing? * Right after Mega Pattern Breaks? * Affiliate Links (in description) * Patreon * Once I get some followers. Later: * Sponsors * Apparel / Merch * Add to Podcast ________________ Marketing: Now * Comment on 5 most related youtube videos. What videos? Later: * Collaborate with other youtubers? (once trending) If so, who? * * 5 poll options for next video topics (after I obtain enough subscribers) What options? *
Channel: Nerd Explains
Views: 2,384,759
Rating: 4.9165964 out of 5
Keywords: Why you wouldn’t survive WWZ, Why you wouldn’t survive World War Z, Why you wouldn’t survive, World War Z, WWZ, Solanum Virus, Everything wrong with WWZ
Id: Vjw87UFhtOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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