Why You Wouldn't Survive Quarantine

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armed soldiers have locked you in an apartment building people are mysteriously getting sick and trying to kill you and time is running out do you think you can survive i'm going to be breaking down the mistakes made break down what you should do and explain why you wouldn't survive quarantine we start off with angela and her cameraman scott who are preparing for their late night news segment touring a fire station and getting to know two particular firefighters naked fletcher the station gets a call and they head out to an old apartment complex where the firemen grab their tools and link up with two police officers danny and james the group find out from the landlord yuri that people reported hearing miss espinoza letting out blood-curdling screams from her second-story unit they break into the flat where they find miss espinoza covered in blood and pale as a ghost scott suddenly turns his camera lights on as the cops yell at him to shut it off but she suddenly attacks them giving james the mother of all love bites before she's wrestled off nearly blinding this fragile woman on a tag-along rescue call is just unprofessional and yet nobody knew what they were dealing with until they could see it clearly in fact the whole building seems pretty under-lit keeping this light on is going to make a difference between life and death they managed to get the injured cop out of the room and rush into the ground floor reaching the lobby doors only to find that they've been locked from the outside they now realize they can't get help from anyone outside the building and have to rely on a resident vet for medical attention the chances of having a vet living in your building is extremely unlikely in 2018 there were only a hundred and thirteen thousand vets living in the u.s and if you think you're more likely to be near a proper doctor there are less than 300 physicians for a hundred thousand people in the us if you're stuck in this building go to the cupboard and break up the band-aids because that's about all the medical attention you'll be getting someone announces on a megaphone that they need to follow the police officer's instructions and that they are working on getting everyone out of the building the residents start arguing trying to understand what is going on but nick takes control they need to focus on saving the wounded cop the vet directs them to the fabric workshop in the back as kathy gets off the phone of her husband with bad news the police have shut down the entire block suddenly the other firefighter slams to the ground he's still alive somehow and the vet does his best to perform triage as nick and the cop go upstairs to find out what happened okay when people start dying don't you think maybe it's time we put down the camera i would start feeling pretty guilty playing candid camera zombie edition when he should be either helping or getting out of the way and it's starting to piss off the rescuers making you last on their list of people we're saving angel and scott follow them to the second floor where they see the cleaning lady crash into a wall and stumble to her death and then miss espinoza shows up again the cop tells her to calm down and put her hands up but she bum-rushes him with a scream and gets shot to death angela guides sadie and her dog downstairs as they clear the tenants from each floor there's a drunk man who stubbornly refuses to go with them and this african couple who can't speak any english and finally they come to unit 4a the door is unlocked and inside is a woman elise watching tv static totally unresponsive and unaware of what's going on around her as they help her out of the room she begins puking clear signs of infection scott notices a rat that rushes to attack him and he squashes it flat downstairs the vet brings nick to check out the fabric workshop but they're stopped to a halt by heavily armed soldiers wearing gas masks just outside they begin to seal the doors of the workshop as an announcement instructs them not to leave the building all exits have been sealed and someone will be looking shortly to assess the situation if you haven't figured out by now that this is a everyone fend for themselves situation then you probably won't survive this ditch the convoy and bunker down you won't win a medal but you face a better chance at surviving this all by your lonesome everyone moves out back into the lobby when suddenly all the phone signals go dead the radios don't work the tvs don't work and the phones don't work great how are they all going to check for symptoms on webmd but at this point i should mention you don't actually need the internet or cell service to send messages to anyone in 2019 hong kong protesters use an app called bridgeify to communicate which used bluetooth technology updates advice and survival protocol could be sent to each other offline everyone could be inside the rooms safe from infection but nobody thinks of these things until it's too late yuri the landlord secretly tells nick that there might be another way out angela and scott follow going into this dark room where yuri carefully makes his way to the window but their plan fails as a soldier gets in the back off using some strong words and covers the window with a tarp the remaining cop enters the room and angela and nick accuse him of knowing that they were being sealed in and push him a bit too far danny pulls his gun on them and commands them to go downstairs despite all the tension if anyone knows the best way to escape a building it's a firefighter a policeman and a landlord but at this point it's a little too late now that the military has you surrounded the sick and injured are kept in the fabric workshop where the vet does his best for them patching them and stopping the bleeding angela interviews happy's sick daughter brianna who mentions her dad went to the vet with their sick dog her last interview is cut short as fletcher suddenly walks into the lobby limping on a broken leg and frothing at the mouth the vet gives him a sedative and takes him back to their makeshift operating table and he's figured something out he shows him the sick girl and goes over her symptoms salivary glands are overflowing she can't swallow all symptoms of rabies this vet is really stepping up to the plate he somehow figured it all out and definitely earned my respect except why are we doing this again if i'd seen this and this i think it's safe to say that this guy's next so keeping him alive and playing dr frankenstein starts to look pretty stupid in retrospect but unless you waltz in to stick a knife and two heads against everyone's wishes you're most likely to think he's gotta dealt with and go with the float like everyone else in the room the lawyer decides to head upstairs back to his room he argues they shouldn't be grouping together in case it spreads but the cop won't take any of his lip and has him stay put he's obviously the only one thinking straight but also dealing with quarantine protocol is part of a cop's job they follow a national response plan one of which clearly states that under conditions of a disease which spreads rapidly law enforcement can and should decide when to enforce quarantine and isolation procedures nor does it advise to keep everyone together the truth is for which for 2020 we'd find ourselves following orders almost guaranteeing infection angela follows bernard and sadie who secretly head back to their room when they open the stairway door a rabid dog is there waiting for them the elevator doors open and the lawyer steps out making the dog lunge at him whipping into him as the elevator doors close on them both inside bernard's apartment they watch the tv which is one of those older models with an antenna they're finally able to get a barely audible signal listening to the news reporter telling everyone that the cdc is on site and according to the police chief that the building is empty if all this hasn't drained your spirit yet this one will you would never survive getting out of here because the government wouldn't let you they are trying to contain the virus by any means necessary you could be as badass and skilled as rambo and you would get your head exploded by a sniper on a nearby rooftop suddenly the power the entire building goes out and in the distance a glass breaks out of the darkness comes the sick woman who screams like a banshee before attacking angela scott is able to knock her away slamming his camera into her face it can't be stressed enough that everyone here needs a weapon the camera will do well enough but it's honestly not going to withstand this kind of damage better weapons would be scissors coach stands fire extinguishers anything that either has heft range or is easy to carry around take it and if you have any sense go and barricade your apartment shut everyone regroups in the fabric workshop but the cop has some news the center for disease control is sending in some men to do blood tests on everyone in the building once tested everyone should be freed but the vet calls bs blood tests don't work for rabies the only way to detect the virus is through a brain sample nick takes a census of the building there are four floors with three units on each one the third floor unit c is vacant the fourth floor unit c has a paralyzed man living there and in the attic is a man who hasn't been seen for months the current tally of people here is four dead and 15 alive the front door is unlocked from the outside and three men dressed in hazmat suits walk in the men tell scott to turn off the camera as they move into the fabric workshop and lock the doors angela and scott sneak around to a side room pointing the camera through a small window to see what's going on they see fletcher handcuffed as one of the men inject him with a tranquilizer before he then takes his long drill begins to pierce fletcher's skull he's taken a brain sample the vet was right this is rapist or some form of it suddenly fletcher gets up and attacks one of the cdc agents as they try to pull fletcher off angela runs out of the room as a cdc agent locks the vet inside who insists he's not infected angela tries to open the door when the vet suddenly spews blood onto the window and breaks the glass now you might be thinking that being behind a barricaded door would be safer but did you see how fletcher ripped through his handcuffs now i'm thinking a door wouldn't make much of a difference here retreating they pull down the shutters and immediately demand answers the man reveals they got a call from a veterinarian about a sick dog who became really aggressive and had symptoms never seen before it attacked the other animals and within an hour they all had the same symptoms they suddenly realized that the patient zero pooch belonged to kathy and brianna everyone turns to the mom who quickly tells them briana's only got a little case of bronchitis and as we all know common symptoms of bronchitis are aggressive biting screaming and these sudden urges to run kathy is restrained and handcuffed to the stairwell nick is given a syringe by the cdc agent who tells him to inject it into brianna together with danny and angela they try to find the infected child in this case working together might actually be the worst strategy more people to get infected more things that can go wrong and yet it's absolutely what i would do if something like this goes down nobody will want to face it alone the group finds her in one of the apartments the cop approaches when the girl suddenly jumps at him biting his neck as he desperately wrestles her off angel and scott make a break for it and almost get killed by miss espinoza who has somehow survived like three bullets to the chest lucky for angela nick pummels her to death with a sledgehammer angela and nick race down the stairs passing by the rest of the tenants for scrambling they fail to close the shutter and retreat back upstairs angela tries to free kathy but she gets rushed away before she can get the cuffs off it sounds brutal but even if it's family and you know they're bitten you have to either kill them or leave them for dead but killing is hard to do most people don't do it every day and unless you've been in combat a normal person would hesitate before a killing blow and it's that moment of hesitation that gets you killed they managed to lock themselves inside one of the rooms and get a few moments of quiet before the infected come knocking on the door nick does a quick head count of everyone checking to make sure no one has been infected and of course everyone says no this is stupid you can't trust anyone that says they're not infected take the vet as a lesson learned locking yourself in with others puts you at risk if you're not checking for cuts bites or blood you might as well not ask them at all angela has a mental breakdown screaming that nobody will save them and they're all going to die the cdc agent confirms she's right and to make matters worse he's been bitten nick quickly locks him in another room angela realizes sadie is infected as we see her gnawing her own fingers off in a panic bernard cuts through the tarp covering the window and almost immediately gets killed by a sniper everyone scrambles to get out of the line of fire when the shooting finally stops yuri tells nick about a drain cover in the basement but they'll need a key to unlock it one that's in his apartment and then the cdc guy brutally kills yuri as sadie 2 attacks them from behind angela and nick duck out of the room will group outside the elevator and try to figure out where yuri lives angela has a great idea of checking out the mailboxes and they rush downstairs passing by and killing one of the infected if they were less panicked they would have realized that this would have come up in the census that was taken earlier which was all caught on camera rewinding the tape to find his room would have been smarter but memory doesn't serve you well when you're running for your life under threat the brain bypasses the frontal lobe's functions leaving you only with a fight or flight response i would have ditched the camera a long time ago and probably wouldn't even be thinking clearly enough to consider the mailbox reaching the lobby they find yuri's room number but there's someone in their way kathy narrowly avoiding these shambly undead corpse they get into the elevator and nick kills the zombified dog inside angela is having a panic attack the elevator are stopped at the second floor the doors will not close giving sadie enough time to run inside the lift and get the daylights beaten out of her by nick but she's not down yet and attacks angela once they're out of the elevator and it's only thanks to nick and scott that sadie is finally put down nick throws one of the tenants off the railing and together managed to break into yuri's apartment where angela frantically searches for the key rifling through drawers as scott does his best to provide light he preps to get ready for a mad dash downstairs but nick is bitten by the recently infected landlord tearing him to shreds into the fumbles of the keys and just in the nick of time unlocks the door to the attic room and shuts it okay this as a strategy is completely doomed you have 30 keys on a keychain can you pick the right one before you run out of time no it's not going to happen if any of it was thought through this whole plan would have been scrapped from the beginning the unit is filled with all kinds of things cages for rats various medical instruments and on the wall are paper clippings several of them are about a doomsday cult that was involved with the virus that's been spreading throughout the apartment together with scott she goes into another room where she finds a tape deck and playing it back you can hear the manifesto of a man it appears the spread will be impossible to contain the door to the attic suddenly swings open and scott gets angela to take the camera and scout out what's up there someone pops out and breaks the camera's light scott turns on the camera's night vision mode which helps him out but not so much angela she's absolutely terrified right now stumbling in the dark and hearing something else walking in the room a very tall slender man wearing a diaper who's thankfully just as blind as angela he totally doesn't see her hiding at his feet and scott noticing this comes up with a plan they begin inching their way over to the thin man trying to pass by him but someone accidentally knocks something over sending the man into a fury as he bum-rushes scott and kills him leaving angela in the dark as she carefully tries to find the camera when she finally has her hands on it she takes a look around this room and finally gets a look at the thin man who's casually feeding on scott's corpse her shopping alerts the zombie who attacks her knocking both angela and the camera to the ground she begins crying towards it slowly but is abruptly dragged away into the darkness at the very last second but what do you think do you agree with my theories or do you disagree let me know of a comment down below with that said thank you so much for watching leave a like and subscribe and check out the playlist that's up on the channel until next time have a damn good day
Channel: Cinema Summary
Views: 1,649,985
Rating: 4.9591618 out of 5
Keywords: quarantine, why you wouldn't survive, explained, how to beat
Id: vL5zUdqjjSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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