How to Kill: Nurse Ratched

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nurse ratchet is formidable cunning manipulative cold-blooded and willing to do whatever it takes to get her way you wouldn't want her as an enemy but what if she wants let's break down how to kill nurse ratchet we open them in 1947 where a group of priests come back home to get chased and killed by one man who takes special pleasure in killing father monsignor his actual father who raped his mom years ago i'm gonna go out on a limb and say this guy might have deserved it the only one who survives among them is father andrews who watches this man kill the pastor six months later mildred ratchet checks in at the sea light inn before heading to lucia state hospital for an interview with dr hanover she butts heads with head nurse betsy bucket she's right to be suspicious of mildred who insists on meeting handover mildred is finally able to talk to dr hanover who confirms that he did not schedule an appointment with the woman but is impressed by her she was an army nurse back in the pacific theater in world war ii and has tons of experience in all manner of things okay already we've got a stupid mistake when a woman fakes an appointment and her resume sounds too good to be true it's probably because it is he should be verifying her account to even consider her coming to work at the hospital he doesn't and it will definitely come back to haunt him back at the motel mildred bumps into a man and she slips a note underneath his door for a night of passion but it's actually this weird role-playing thing no touching no petting mildred just wants to pretend they're a married couple getting into an argument okay this woman is bad crazy this is both her strength and her weakness she's crazy enough to do things no one else would do but it's also a place to manipulate her as well she can be discredited if her psychosis is revealed giving you the upper hand and stripping her over power the governor's secretary gwen visits dr hanover that night and lays down a pitch for his hospital since the clergy killer edmund tillerson is being moved here to lucia if hanover can prove him to be mentally fit for execution then the governor is sure to fund the hospital nurse bucket prepares her staff for today's visit by the governor having them humanely tame and tranquilize the patients nurses are tough if they say you're acting up they'll drug you or confine you or even lobotomize you you have no power so you're not going to win at her game your best chance at taking advantage of this power dynamic is to find a way to make ratchet a patient of the hospital so that your actions aren't questioned and she won't be able to resist giving you full control to end her life dr hanover takes the governor on a tour and that's a nurse bucket calls for help as father murphy has collapsed on the ground but as nurse bucket observes he almost died from low blood pressure which she suspects was caused by someone giving father murphy the wrong medication later mildred finds out that one of the patients mr salvatore has been hospitalized here since his brother died she tells salvatore that his family doesn't want him out and understands how he feels since she too lost a brother who was taken away from her years ago she brings salvatore to hanover's office where he uses a letter opener to kill himself dr hannover hears a thud in his office he finds the dead body of salvatore in his bathroom it freaks out since with this death he's ruined the governor will never fund this place but mildred very calmly tells him what to do okay see here she's already got this entire place wrapped around her finger if you let her dig in too deep you'll end up fired in jail or even dead now should already be the time to begin planning a way to kill nurse mildred ratchet she's clearly devious which means she will be constantly on the move putting her plans in action hanover's best chance is to ask nurse bucket to note where ratchet goes and who she talks to even if you don't catch a murderer her movements will be suspicious enough for questioning she'll get desperate and show her hand while he goes off to schmooze and talk to the governor ratchet burns the body inside the incinerator later that night nurse ratchet visits edmund tulson and his cell and they recognize each other and she promises to him she will make sure he won't be executed the next day down below in the lobby peter lilly ingrid and len are four patients waiting to be cured of their illnesses through dr hanover's new revolutionary procedure the lobotomy the audience is horrified as a sealed grisly work being done by dr hanover but nurse ratchet is very interested in the procedure this is the earliest sign to any observer but something is definitely wrong with her someone like nurse bucket should have noticed this to further arouse her suspicions on their lunch break ratchet and bucket butt heads over a stolen peach for lunch in mildred threatens the head nurse for being an unrepenting coworker bucket is asking for it she clearly doesn't know her opponent and all over a peach lions are being drawn here so now nurse bucket needs a strategy to get revenge and for god's sakes it needs to be a lot better than just eating her peach maybe a peach injected with sodium pentothal to knock her out and get to the truth there will be plenty in the hospital and we know she likes peaches ratchet gets invited to go to an oyster bar with wen just the two of them there's clear hints that gwen and mildred are attracted to each other and gwen actually takes her into the woods to this quaint little bar filled with lesbians and mildred isn't into this or so she says dr hanover meets edmund who he realizes is faking schizophrenia and makes sure that edmund knows he wants to help him reassuring him that he doesn't want him to be executed wow edmond is freaking smart but hanover is smarter if there's anyone that could outmaneuver these psycho siblings it might be him later she visits father andrews the sole survivor of edmund's killing and convinces him to be interviewed so that he can know what he went through she meets up with father andrews inside a hotel room where she has set up a recorder and as he's talking drugs his cup of tea as he continues to explain that he would recognize edmund's face if he saw it he finishes drinking the tea and becomes weak blacking out when he comes too he finds himself locked to the headboard and he can do nothing to stop ratchet from giving him a lobotomy at this point we can see just how vicious and twisted ratchet is and how far she's willing to go to protect her brother we need to match her brutality because if a situation comes down to us or her brother you better believe we're next on the table we need to be able to flip her plans on their head knowing her usual day-to-day routine is crucial to this as you'll know when something strange has happened if you don't see her either at the motel or the hospital the man who's been spying on dr hanover comes to the lavish home of lenoir osgood if we find out this man charles wainwright is a hitman hired to kill dr emmanuel baniaga the real name of dr hanover who did something to her son that has made lenore so upset that she wants to give her son his head for his 21st birthday at a gas station dr hanover almost gets killed by charles who's intent on getting paid but he misses and has to chase after hanover in his car with a good doctor on the run charles returns to the motel and has another role play session with mildred whose fantasy tonight is getting down and dirty with an injured marine the hitman should realize that ratchet is aroused by scenarios that involve torture and punishment a curious man might find that she works at the mental facility is a sexual deviant for which the treatment is lobotomy and hydrotherapy either one could enter her death if he had help from someone in the hospital or at least give him blackmail over her if the need arose the next morning dr hanover is asked by nurse bucket where mr salvatore has gone and he starts sweating bullets until ratchet pops in to distract her she invites him to have dinner at the oyster bar and finds out why he's being followed hanover confesses that years ago he helped treat a rich woman's son who was completely deranged hanover tried to help him proposing to treat her son henry of laceric acid but then as he was distracted henry poured the entire bottle of acid in his cup and hannover became super blazed after disappearing the kid comes back with a pair of arms that he wants to stitch onto himself and like something out of a nightmare hanover stitched the arms onto the stumps finding out later that the kid's arms and legs had to be chopped off after they got infected and it's because of this that mrs osgood wants him dead back at lucia hospital down in his cell dolly delivers food to edmond and gets a little handsy with the man word of this gets to mildred who talks to dolly and tells her outright that she's a nymphomaniac she's got urges that need to be fulfilled but there's only one guy who can do that she pitches a plan to work that has dolly meeting up with edmond in the shower room at 205 he'll have plenty of time to get it on given that bucket will be on her break during that time back at the motel she asks charles why he's after dr hanover and offers to help telling charles that she'll have him in his office at lucia at this point if he was halfway decent at his job charles should already know not to trust her so when she invites to help him kill hanover he should play along but expect foul play from ratchet in fact i would have killed her right now because she knows way too much entering the hospital she finds that hanover has knocked charles out with an ashtray and together they lock him inside the hot bath and boil him alive but harold the nightgown spots charles as he grabs his gun and shoots charles before he gets too close gwen hanover and mildred find the dead body and agree to keep this hush hush burning charles's body and belongings in the incinerator anytime you and her are in the incinerator room is a time that she could be killed you could take that stool over there and knock her out using it before putting her in the incinerator proper this disposes the evidence which could otherwise lead back to you if it's found mildred heads back to the motel breaking into charles's room with his key and finds files on dr hanover a check for 50 000 in a book with lenora osgood's number at the back she calls a woman telling her charles is dead and invites her to come stay in town the next day hanover meets mildred at a restaurant and is blackmailed into helping her make sure that edmund does not get executed as well as electing her as head nurse demoting nurse bucket ratchet is the queen of blackmail he must realize by now that she has to go and there's no pleasant way to do that i would slip with sergic acid into her drink at the hospital she would begin acting crazy so i would have her admitted where i could microdose her every day and slowly kill her under my control now in a position of power mildred plans on hosting a dance next thursday with the staff and patience which is all a ruse so that edmond can throw a scene there where he'll make sure everyone thinks he's crazy slitting his wrists through a razor and speaking in tongues later that day charlotte wells is admitted to the hospital a woman who's been having lapses in her memory and as you discover has multiple personality disorder with three alters she's the perfect patient that ratchet believes will make the governor totally forget about edmund so long as she's cured the next day mrs lenore osgood arrives in town and invites mildred to her hotel where ratchet tells her she knows about henry mildred then gets a deal with osgood she'll kill hanover for a hundred thousand dollars back at the hospital hanover tries to hypnotize charlotte wells he's able to cure her of her alters and finds out the source of her trauma louise the concierge visits nurse's bucket and together they hatch escape while hanover and her are at the dance louise will break into mildred's room and find whatever dirty secret she can get her hands on finally someone has the balls to investigate ratchet this is a good plan there's a distraction there's predictable scheduling it's great but there's more they could do finding evidence to guarantee more trouble to use to their advantage later on thursday night comes and the party is in full swing there's bucket dances of hanover who gets really into it after shooting up gwen comes to chaperone mildred and finally edmond arrives at the party and slowly dances in the light with dolly who has her own plan mildred signals for edmond to prove he's crazy but things don't go according to plan he takes a razor blade he slits harold's throat killing him as dolly grabs the guard's gun and shoots gwen now there's a gun involved obviously great for killing but using it yourself is stupid now she's culpable for murder so find your most violent patient give them the gun and point them in the direction of your enemy as a statewide manhunt begins with the two youngsters they hide out in an abandoned house where dolly finds a shotgun and the two sleep in the barn the cops finally catch up to edmund surrounding the barn they're hiding in and edmond walks out of the barn surrendering to the cops only for dolly to come out firing her shotgun the cops who shoot back killing her in arresting edmund who's dragged back in chains to lucia later the governor forces hanover to sign the release that will let edmund be executed with holding funding for lucia otherwise the thing is that's a lie the governor has already pulled the funding in fire squad so not only is the hospital going to be shut down but edmond is going to be killed luis meets up with nurse bucket with stuff she found in mildred's room various newspaper clippings on the clergy killer charles's case files on dr hanover in the recorder she used to interview father andrews that still has the recording including all the grisly details in her motel room nurse bucket tells mildred she knows about her brother edmund who plans to save him and if ratchet thinks about killing her a friend will leak all its evidence to the police she also knows that ratchet wasn't even a nurse she lied about her training and when she got back stateside forged dr hanover's letter to apply to lucia sometimes it takes one psycho to catch another these two women are ridiculous and yet they are the only ones on to military ratchet the mistake to confront her about it it only invites lies or retaliation what they should have done was take it to the hospital and then the police betsy bucket is moved by your story and as you're joining on a plan the next day they visit a woman to ask for funding for the hospital military tells the truth of dr hanover and what he did to henry osgood with that sorted betsy bucket becomes the interim head which she is more than happy to rub in dr hanover's face now before he leaves he takes charlotte the woman with the multiple personalities at this point if there's anyone that wants to kill ratchet it's hanover he's already crossed several ethical boundaries but don't kill yourself that's messy and stressful i would tell charlotte wells that ratchet was adolf hitler and wanted to kill her because aside from edmund she's the most prolific killer of them all or at least the most violent patient if i regularly hypnotize her reinforcing the thought she might attack ratchet and kill her for me they go to their hotel room to rest but charlotte has to hide as the police come knocking hanover forces charlie to get up and pushes her into the closet before sorting things out with the police and when he opens the door charlotte's alters return to protect her and apollo locks the front door before he stabs dr hanover to death mildred heads over to the hotel after getting a call from charlotte who's confused and scared she doesn't remember killing hannover the next day she visits lenoir osgood at her mansion and hands over a hat box with the head of dr hanover lenora is ecstatic she hands over the check to mildred before taking the head to henry who has her killed by a manservant one month later mildred finds out that the governor has no intention of using lethal injection to kill edmund instead he wants to use the electric chair all this to look good for his re-election campaign so they come up with a different plan with betsy's help before edmund is to be executed they'll take him into the barn after making sure none of the guards are there mildred will go with him to see these animals that he likes so much before huck will come along and inject them with a sedative letting mildred the chance to inject them lethally herself on the other hand this is a wooden barn making it very flammable lock nurse ratchet and edmond inside and have them die either from smoke inhalation or the flames themselves on our way back to her office betsy finds out that an old friend has come back charlotte with an entirely new altar that believes it is dr hanover she rifles to the desk to collect her things and finds the revolver that dr hanover took off of charles when betsy comes back with huck charlotte shoots huck dead and has betsy take them to see edmund who she believes she can cure she kills another man and has betty unlock his cell he takes the guard's rifle and interrogates betsy at gunpoint who asks her if this is a part of mildred's plan and she totally spills the real plan to euthanize edmund in the barn they save him from the chair and now free he and charlotte hop into her convertible passing by mildred and leaving the hospital behind gwen and mildred reunite with betsy at a hacienda where mildred still feels like edmund is out there but as they're having lunch mildred hears news about seven nurses being murdered in chicago and receives a phone call from edmond she knows he's coming after her and that someone sold her out to him the call ends with edmond hopping in the charters convertible along with louise who sits in the back as they drive off on the lonesome road but what do you think do you agree with my theories or do you disagree let me know with a comment down below with that said thank you so much for watching leave a like and subscribe and check out the playlist that's up on the channel until next time have a damn good day
Channel: Cinema Summary
Views: 724,912
Rating: 4.9405732 out of 5
Keywords: ratched, explained
Id: F7esDjG2vBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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