How To Beat: Don't Breathe

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if you were trapped in the house hunted down by a blind special forces killer and you can't make a sound what would you do the characters in this movie thought robbing a blind man would be an easy job only for it to turn into a brutal trap that takes a shocking turn towards the end i'm going to break down the mistakes made what you should do and explain how to beat the blind soldier and don't breathe [Music] rocky is a small-time burglar who's trying to make as much money as she can to leave detroit and head to california with her sister she finds out from her partner there's a house in skid row where a veteran lives alone and a whole lot of cash is sitting around inside she doesn't have a clue that this will be the last robbery of her life the burglars scout out the veterans neighborhood and spot him outside of walking his dog and they notice he has a cane this man is blind as a bat the job appears to have gone a whole lot easier but if they took him more seriously they would have seen a few red flags they noticed the cane but not that he was extremely fit for his age that means he's exercising inactive this guy is a war veteran with a killer instinct and a body to match he probably even sleeps with a gun and his rottweiler already has it in for you so maybe not as easy as they all think later that night the team begins their robbery they slip the guard dog some sedatives but find that the front door has several locks they can't open wait this doesn't make sense they have the key for the man's home security company why would he have extra locks so far they've been smart about this thorough research 24-hour recording of neighborhood activity but this is a bad start four locks is a sign that he's not going to make things easy for you especially since he's a military man i would bring brass knuckles or other self-defense weapons so that we have a better chance in a confrontation nothing they try works the sido to the house is locked shut and so is the cellar door but rocky spots a window above them and clambers up the side she breaks in through the bathroom window and sneaks as fast as she can to shut off the burglar alarm before it goes off this girl knows what she's doing the problem is he's blind not deaf cracking glass will rock is noisy and stomping around in boots is going to wake him up the blind develop enhanced hearing and the ability to track movement also the statistical majority of u.s soldiers experienced terrible insomnia and he just lost his daughter he would definitely be a light sleeper considering who they're up against being silent here could save you for this they could have used duct tape it pads the sound and keeps most of the glass shards intact and while taking your shoes off is smart it's another loose end with everyone inside they begin searching the house for the cash one of the guys enters the veteran's bedroom where he's about to fill it with sleeping gas the soldier suddenly gets up it's time to acknowledge that this man is crazy alert just puncturing a plastic bottle wakes him up if that doesn't change your strategy then you might as well write your will and testament but it's a lot of money and if you've gone this far i wouldn't call it quits just yet what you should do now is lock him in this can be done by tying the knob to a heavy piece of furniture or using a specialized security bar to force it shut none of them have found any money but they do find this door with some crazy locks on it they try forcing an open of a pry bar and when that doesn't work one of the burglars pulls out a gun and shoots the lock off alex here begins to realize this can only end badly for them so far they broke into his house damaged his property and brought a gun into the home of a veteran with superior skill and knowledge and firearms castle law dictates this guy could defend his home and if you think shooting into a plastic bottle is going to keep it quiet you're dead wrong the best homemade silencer would be a modified oil filter it might be bulky but it's going to do the job alex decides enough is enough and leaves and he's the only one thinking straight because things are about to go terribly wrong as a blind man suddenly appears behind them and they're definitely underestimating how much this golf war vet can do the burglar tells him he just stumbled and drunk but the vet steps on the broken bolt lock and knows exactly what it is he threatens him with his gun shooting a warning shot which alerts alex outside he moves in grabs the gun and disarms it it's officially time to freak out they're completely outmatched he slammed the gun to his neck asking one simple question who else is with you in this moment we need to take stock of some important facts you won't overpower him you can't sneak up on him you can't find the money and there's no way to save your friend if you're the first to bolt you might get away heartless i know but that's the life of a criminal he will definitely shoot if he hears you running so i'd throw something as a diversion stay low to the ground and sprint for the door if i'm still alive i can make new friends and never mention this to anyone instead they all panic in solidarity the burglar tells him that he came alone and gets promptly shot horrified rocky hides herself in a closet as alex comes back in and finds the blind guy he's locking things down literally locking the door shut and boarding up the broken window this is terrifying but he has a shot here the gun is near the sink within arm's reach i would grab it and shoot him dead wipe the prince and place it in the hands of my dead friend that's at least what i'd like to do but i'm way too much of a coward for that let's just close our eyes and hope this all goes away from the closet rocky sees the veteran open as safe and input the pin code a simple four-digit combo that's going to pay off big alex finds her and together they discover that into the safe are bundles of cash now they got what they came for but how are they going to leave remembering that there is a storm seller outside they head for the door only to find a veteran blocking their only escape plan he begins to drag the dead body out but as they slowly back away he hears the floorboard creak wood floors are impossible to beat it's too late for wd-40 your only option is to cover your mouth and stay breathless and emotionless until he leaves the room that's what i would do but the truth is it might get me killed just as quickly when your heart is racing it's using up your body's oxygen reserves making it very difficult to hold your breath for long the right strategy is to breathe through your mouth slowly as it's less noisy because it's a wider air passage the burglar's phone goes off and he shoots at it it's a distraction that saves their life if i'm seeing this i'm losing all hope his aim was incredible for a blind man it definitely makes running for an exit a bad strategy he continues carrying the body out of the room giving them the chance to find a way out but they're about to find a horrifying surprise awaiting them in the basement they can barely see anything they're stumbling around with no accident in sight when out of nowhere a woman leaps at them she's gagged tied up and chained to a wall this just got way more intense killing an iron to burglar is one thing but this is insane they now understand who they're dealing with a psycho killer who plays by his own rules and upstairs he just figured out that these guys are still in the house i told you those shoes were a bad idea rocky goes to rescue her and realizes that she's the girl who killed the blind man's daughter this is his revenge she directs them to a safe and lucky for them to use the same combo inside they find keys and use them to free her not realizing this kind act was their biggest mistake of the night now it's good to help people but right now it's not smart escape gets a lot harder with three people let alone two and it's strange they never think to take off her gag she might have told us about the bell she's rigged with and from there an ambush could be planned by luring him down with it as long as we stay silent we have a chance to knock him out and lock him in but let's not kid ourselves this is a gamble because if you have to fight him you've already lost the cellar door gets unlocked and the man starts firing grazing alex shooting at rocky as she breaks her phone and accidentally killing the girl they were trying to rescue taking cover they retreat into the basement the man cautiously steps down and slips in blood realizing the woman is dead and begins crying this is not what you'd expect if she killed his daughter there might be more to this than it seems they watch in the shadows as the blind man locks the door and breaks the key in the hole guaranteeing no escape the burglar's only plan left is to make a break for the other room and get to the front door but suddenly all the lights in the basement go off it's pitch black and they have to reach out to find their way around while the veteran is literally sprinting through the dark corridors it's the perfect death trap for a blind man he starts firing at them and taking cover the two split up as they try to navigate the basement rocky moves along a shelf and has no idea that she's about to bump into the veteran she's practically breathing on him and is only saved by alex's calls luring the blind man towards him the veteran somehow finds alex and grabs him shoving a gun against his head but realizing the gun is empty he starts strangling him luckily he's able to knock a shelf onto the veteran before running away to get the girl we've lost her single advantage over him sight how do we escape you can start by confirming where he is draw him in with a noise and hide on a lower shelf to hear him walk by effectively mapping part of the room for you to run in the opposite direction he has the whole place memorized but he will follow what he hears once he's distracted make your way towards the light quickly they scramble to get out of the basement and jam the doors shut but find themselves staring down a massive rottweiler rocky goes to unlock the front door while alex tries his best to keep the dog calm he nearly succeeds until the veteran tries to break down the basement door sending the dog into attack mode and forcing them upstairs they barricade themselves in one of the bedrooms and try to escape through the windows but they're barred it's a bad situation that only gets worse as a veteran starts breaking through the door alex suggests pressing the panic button on his remote making the point that the cops will overlook their robbery when they discover that this man is a murdering psychopath and he's right this lets them live but not keep the cash something rocky isn't willing to do the vet is still pushing through and they're running out of time but they suddenly spot an air vent above that's big enough for one of them to slip through rocky squeezes into the crawl space just as the dog rams alex knocking him out of the window and on the skylight below as if that wasn't enough the psycho dog then climbs its way into the shaft and makes its way towards rocky to finish the job with no other option she throws herself down the shaft head first slamming into the ground alex is dangerously suspended on the skylight he tries rolling slowly as the glass cracks under him but looks up only to see the blind man shoot the glass holding him up sending him falling to the ground hurt from the fall he walks through the house trying to use his remote to activate the burglar alarm now it's risky but we now have an open path outside i might have tried going back out for the skylight we'd be wearing gloves so we wouldn't get cut too badly and judging by their height it's possible to jump up to but it's too late because the blind man finds him first and fires his revolver forcing him to hide in this laundry room right next to his friend's corpse the veteran tracks into the room but gets ambushed and disarmed but he should have gone straight for his head because he grabs alex who quickly gets overpowered and beats the snot out of him but the washing machines turn on disorientating the man alex takes his chance and reaches for the gun on the floor now if i was in this situation with my honed abilities as a coward i would have run out of the door but kicked the gun out with me get out of the closed space because it forces you to fight him and you won't win that the veteran manages to turn off the washing machines and stop alex from grabbing the gun throwing punch after punch before finishing the burglar off with garden shears recovering from her fall rocky struggles to reach the end of the ventilation shaft that leads straight out of the house she's able to turn herself around and kick out the grate but it's too late she's ripped out of the crawl space by the veteran and gets knocked out she wakes up locked into the same harness as the woman before her the veteran very clearly tells her he won't let her go after what she's done and intends to keep her as a replacement for what exactly a baby maker he was using the woman to make a new daughter for him to replace the one she had killed rocky is gonna stay with him for the next nine months it's almost impossible to escape from this unless you're prepared in advance handcuffs have a universal one fits all lock if you're a criminal they'll likely come in handy you can tuck it in your waistband to access when you're cuffed it's looking hopeless for her the blind man has one and there's nothing she can do but upstairs alex gets up from the floor he's still alive because the other burglar's body was stabbed instead of his now he has his best chance to escape with some quick thinking he's able to trick and lock the dog inside the laundry room giving him time to unlock and open the front door he needs to leave it's not about money anymore this is pure survival if both of you are caught it won't help anyone he's had the drop on you at every turn and without even being able to see get out and get help back in the basement the veteran disposes of the girl's corpse and hoists up rocky to prepare her for what's to come now he's not going to force himself on her oh no it's way worse he grabs his bottle of frozen goo from a fridge gets it nice and warm and fills a turkey baster with it it's an absolutely horrifying moment for rocky who tries to rip her way out of the harness but there's no escape this is going to happen just as she's given up all hope blood splatters on her face and the blind man gets knocked away by alex he came back to set her free taking the cuffs off and placing them on him she swears that she'll get the veteran arrested but alex points out that it would end badly they've broken into his house stolen his money and assaulted him it would be child's play for the guy to turn the cops against them they have to let him go if they want to get away it appears to be over but just as they make it back upstairs and open the front door alex gets killed by the blind man leaving rocky the sole survivor who makes it out of the house it seems like she's safe but then his dog comes bolting out of the house you can't outrun a rottweiler it's not going to happen if you're being chased by a dog standing still and slowly walking away will usually work in this situation but this dog might be related to cujo so i can't blame her for running but she might have had a better chance to run around the back of the house where there's more cover and more obstacles to put as much between yourself and this crazy canine as you can it chases her all the way back to her car and snags a hold of the money bag leaving her stuck inside it to make matters worse she dropped the money outside the car the keys are nowhere to be found she's trapped but she comes up with an ingenious plan that would have made macgyver proud she opens up the trunk to lure the dog inside and then yanks on the rope she attached to trap him in while at the same time pushing the passenger seats back into place effectively caging the dog at least for a moment before it rips its way out man this dog has no chill it gets so close that it's almost able to bite her and this gives her the chance to hook the release latch onto the dog's collar pulling it back and giving her the space to get out and grab the bag now if only she was a bit more careful she would have gotten away dragged back to the house and dropped right next to alex's corpse it's utterly hopeless but maybe she's got one last trick up her sleeve she grabs alex's remote and activates the panic button alarms start blaring throughout the house and overwhelm the veteran rocky picks up a pry bar and blazes the blind man hitting him as she cleverly takes advantage of his confusion but just as she's about to land one more blow the alarm shuts off the veteran hears the floorboard creek behind him and he turns but he's too slow on the draw and gets sent flying knocked into the basement floor where his gun goes off shooting a leaky hole into himself during the fall she takes a breath as if for the first time all night with the money in hand and the veteran dead rocky leaves the house just in time before the police arrive later as she and her sister are waiting at a train station she sees a news report about the robbery there's no mention of her or any money being stolen but the veteran is still alive covering in the hospital he hasn't told anyone about what really happened but who knows what he'll do once he's finally out but what do you think how would you beat the blind soldier let me know with a comment down below thank you so much for watching leave a like and subscribe and until next time have a damn good day
Channel: Cinema Summary
Views: 2,435,027
Rating: 4.9458532 out of 5
Keywords: don't breathe, how to beat, explained, why you wouldn't survive
Id: OPVZcsdy9RY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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