Why YOU SUCK at TOP LANE (And How To Fix It)

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classic typical low ELO deflection about why they're losing look at this player constantly typing chat about how broken the Champions he's up against are guys we've gone over this with basic fundamentals it doesn't matter what match up wait what this isn't a low ELO player that's our Challenger expert Hector just hard feeding every game change the entire Narrative of the guide uh agency Island bot diff oh got it every top laner loves to complain about how little map agency the role has in the game it's not rare to be doing well in top but the entire rest of the map is getting owned so you just lose the whole game it sucks and we're not going to tell you otherwise it's the truth however this doesn't mean Top Lane can't be one of the best carrying roles out of all five if played properly as a top laner you have everything going against you except one massive Advantage you're more than likely playing either a Bruiser or a tank both of which are usually balls of stats and you're playing the most snowbally role in the game because your melee vs melee whoever gets to lead first should usually completely Stomp the lane if you pair these two things together then what typically happens when top laners get ahead is that they become Unstoppable a Bruiser or a tank that is fed is just a massive ball of stats that can kill anything and everyone they come into contact with this is your agency as a top laner in League of Legends which brings us back back to Hector's feeding you see he's playing on his master's ELO Smurf account which he uses for limit testing obviously this is just an excuse to feed out of his mind almost every single game and die in the most ridiculous ways possible in every game we're going to review he's basically handing over massive advantages to his opponents for free so unlike our typical guides we're not going to learn from what Hector is doing we're trying to improve here instead we'll be looking at how all of his master's ELO opponents are failing to capitalize on the massive leads he's handing them and you're going to soon understand why most top Lane players think their role is no agency if even High ELO players struggle to punish properly then think about how many games you're not winning because you're not converting your leads into Unstoppable advantages and if you want to learn how to get game-winning leads in the first place then you should check out our brand new master minutes course on Wave Control and trading that you can only find on our website skillcap.com each video in the course teaches you one Concept in less time than it takes to start a game of League of Legends so while you wait for your next game you can learn freezing fast pushing slow pushing bouncing waves the list goes on all in just a few minutes to maximize your improvement rate once you're manipulating waves like a pro hop into our master and minutes course on csing trading or warning the list keeps growing as we add new courses each week these courses have been getting five star ratings from all of our users raving at how helpful they are seems too good to be true well don't worry we're backed by a rank up guarantee if you don't significantly improve while actively using skill cap then you get your money back no questions asked we're the only service that can offer this because you'll actually see results so what are you waiting for click the link in the description below and get the rank you've always wanted alright now let's get into today's guide we'll start with this yone game let's first see how Hector put himself disastrously behind at level 1 he all ends versus an ergot he over chases into the enemy wave and is at an ignite disadvantage to boot in a completely shocking turn of events this doesn't work and that's his first death as he teleports back to Lane we once again see what a challenger took away from that situation ergot is clearly just too broken he's even got a hidden mind control ability that Force detector to try and fight him at level one to two that's another ninety percent HP gone what a clearly broken champion and well this obviously leads to a dive not only has Hector died twice but his teleport is down now and he's missed like four waves of farm every single one of you should know how completely over this game is for yone now and as we talked about ergot is in the perfect position to snowball this Lane out of control he should become an Unstoppable monster this game that 1v9s but immediately we'll see ergot do something quite poor while Hector was respawning and walking back you can see him farming this extra wave on the minimap then he walks back to Tower to get a plate before setting up a recall getting a nice chunk of extra gold may not seem like a mistake but it definitely was but we're not going to tell you why just yet Watch What Happens for the next little bit and see if you can figure out yourself why it was so bad so Hector arrives back in lane and needs to push the wave into ergos Tower he manages to do so while ergot is still away and that's about all he can accomplish so he bases to buy boots not the best recall timing but it'll have to do with his new Nikes Hector walks back to Lane and catches this wave at his Tower finally he tries to set up a gank for his Echo coming to help but it doesn't work out now we can pause here's a simple question during that entire sequence did it ever feel like Hector was at a game losing disadvantage no not at all right yone and ergot didn't interact at all for a while this goes back to that earlier moment we mentioned ergot took way too much time to set up a recall he either needed to kill the wave or get the plate not both the reason it's so bad is because he didn't get back in Lane to stop Hector's crash if he'd recalled earlier he'd have been back in Lane by like 4 minutes and 20 seconds forcing a freeze and putting Hector in a literal hell of a lane State you should know about rebounding waves as a skill cap student already by letting Hector crash ergot is letting the wave bounce back to Hector where he can just wait and safely catch it as you all saw what this means is that Hector did not have to interact with ergot until about six minutes in the lane when the wave finally bounces off his own hour towards ergot let's put it like this that was literally 90 seconds or three whole waves of missed punishes when we put it like that do you see how awful his play was now and what'd he buy with his extra gold a cloth armor that's definitely not worth all the missed opportunities let's show you what a proper punish looks like this will be a bottling clip but it's a picture perfect example of how ergot should have played that scenario in this competitive game g2's bot side wins a 3v3 fight Draven is now really fed now notice this Draven and Nautilus could easily stay and get an extra turret plate and even kill that weight but they both instantly decide to Recall why well it's because they both know how important it is to get back to bot Lane and time to stop their opponents from crashing they don't need any more gold right now they're already Strong Enough from all the kills look at the result zerry and Yumi literally cannot walk up in Lane anymore it is game over for them that is how you properly punish when you're ahead so far ergot has missed one big punish so let's keep watching up next Hector's Echo is still topside so he attempts to bait ergot for the gank tragically ergot ends up hitting six and this causes both Hector and Echo to die handing over two more kills to the already fed ergot now the lane is really over let's see how ergot makes use of this even bigger lead to quickly run through things when they're both back in Lane ergot is pushing to have priority to get Harold Hector's Echo steals it though and we're back to standard laning ergot's next big mistake is right here notice his inventory he bought a Tiamat this is a mistake that many bruisers and tank Champions can make with Tiamat and bombi's Cinder if you are already hard winning the lane then you may often want to delay building these items you don't need them since you're already stronger than your opponent the problem with them is that it becomes much harder to control minion waves this makes it so you're almost always defaulting into fast pushing waves especially with Tiamat since you can do nothing to control its Splash damage now it's not that spam shoving and always having priority is awful but doesn't Hector look totally okay you wouldn't think he's Owen 3 looking at how the lane is going yes ergot is winning and getting a turret plater too but keep watching after that plate ergot begins to proxy in between the towers there is zero point in proxying here because there's no jungle camps to take no Heralds rotate to and ergot isn't very good at roaming there's absolutely no benefits right now to proxy but a lot of downsides for one they're just trading waves now ergot isn't building his lead any further as they're going completely even in minions Hector puts it quite well here for us this master Zelo ergot has zero idea how to punish him for feeding this hard this is not how Top Lane should look when you're behind as you all know and have experienced Hector's even getting a turret plate here and there now don't get a twisted ergot was the better top laner this game Hector was just feeding like an animal and ergot was playing fine but that is not your goal as a top laner playing fine will just get you team gapped every other game and that's why Top Lane is so frustrating this all ties back into the issue most top laners have they don't know how to brutally stomp their opponent and the best way ergot could have achieved that this game is by forcing interactions as a top laner you really need to abuse either slow pushing or freezing to force your opponent to fight you or defend themselves imagine if ergot had been in lane at this timing he could permanently freeze and there'd literally be nothing Hector could do about it or if he hadn't bought Tiamat maybe he could have built up slow pushes and Dove the yone with his jungler basically literally anything other than what he did he would have crushed this Lane and won the game almost entirely on his own forcing interaction is something many top laners struggle with and we'll show you another example of it this time it's the irelia vs Warwick game which we previewed at the start Hector was even stupider here than in the last yone game check it out so he died at level one right thankfully his Echo came top and fixed his Lane with a gank despite the help Hector is still getting owned he refuses to play safe when he shouldn't be fighting 1v1 thankfully not just Echo but even syndra came up to bail him out again how does he repay his team for all the help he's receiving he runs in tries to fight and dies again think about that he is literally the worst player you could possibly have on a team but his opponents are still unable to punish him properly Warwick now has a massive lead and is clearly favored in the 1v1 let's see how he uses that pay close attention to the following info after dying Hector syndra teleports up top to catch the massive wave and it'll also rebound back into Warwick this causes Hector to go mid to catch a wave or two before going back to top he gets into some random Shenanigans but let's tune into what Warwick does as a response so because the super random solo Q skirmishing Warwick roams down before he moves pay attention to the Wave It's rebounding back into him when he gets to Mid let's see if you've got the skills to snowball properly in your games if you're Warwick what should be your immediate Instinct right now every fiber of your being should be telling you something important at this moment what do you think it is and what would you be thinking the words I don't want to fight should have been blaring through this Warwick's head right now instead he leaps Into The Fray and instantly dies nice so why is this bad why shouldn't he want to fight he's strong and had his ultimate so what's the problem to climb ELO as fast as possible you want stability and consistency in your games remember before roaming down Warwick left a rebounding wave coming towards him not only that but he has proven time and time again that he will kill irelia anytime she walks up so you've got the exact same scenario that we've talked about already where Warwick can just win with a freeze Hector will walk up and he will instantly die Warwick roaming down here is good but he should only be here to defend not attack Warwick shouldn't want any action here he should hover in case his team gets engaged on but he ideally wants for everyone to disengage and go back to their Lanes or jungle using back things to make this happen would be ideal then when they're both back in Lane he would immediately win by killing irelia we could criticize his mechanics Target selection and Skirmish decision making too you but the biggest issue is that he wasn't aware at all of what his main win condition was this game to snowball his lead he just saw a fight and thought about nothing else besides engaging because Warwick died Hector is now completely free to go fix that rebounding wave and top this is just like the yone game where he didn't get punished and gets away unscathed as you can see when he comes back to Lane the wave is pushing towards him now all he has to do is play safe and God damn it we cannot make it any clear how hard Hector is trolling yes he has the better teammates right now but that should not matter when you get massive leads like these top laners have then you should be able to reliably snowball way more often these random plays that make no sense and are likely to throw are a clear indication that many top laners have no idea how to convert their leads into massive advantages think about how much more you would win if you apply these Concepts whenever you're the one that's fed let's move on to our final example and this time we'll cover a different topic exploiting your opponent's specific weakness to get into it let's first watch some more eye burning gameplay this is the Yasuo vs illawi gameplay we previewed where Hector lost all of his health at level 2. now this is definitely not as big of a lead as the previous games we've looked at but let's count all of illawi's advantages Hector is nearly dead while she still has a lot of health and Mana to play with his jungler is passing bot side and allowia's teleport Advantage so you now put any good top laner and allow his shoes here and they stomp the lane nearly 100 of the time he you cannot ask for a better start let's see what she does she crashes a wave at Hector's Tower and begins doing well illawi things you guys are well accustomed to how annoying this Champion is when she's pushing into you now this is clearly incredibly miserable he's having a really tough time dealing with this and is suffering as a result of his previous actions but compare this moment to what we saw back then illawi doesn't seem any farther ahead than she already was does she she's still winning but she's not converting her lead into anything just yet now what ends up happening is that allowee pushes in one final wave you can tell she's getting a bit desperate to make something happen by how hard she's forcing the issue under Tower here this gives Hector an opportunity to try an all-in which results in both sides barely walking away with their lives although they both lived Hector clearly gets the better end of this as he gets to push in an extra wave so watching the entire sequence it can be hard to know exactly where this allowing went wrong her final push was a mistake but she wasn't extending her lead before that either this is a more subtle mistake but one that many players make constantly it is good to know what your Champion's specific Wing condition generally is allowies are used to Perma shoving in their opponents and harassing them with her E when they try to last hit under Tower it's very potent and quite obnoxious to play against usually illawise will build health and CS leads this way but you don't want to just Tunnel Vision on what you want to do you should often ask the question what would make my opponent's life miserable let's imagine a Jace vs Vladimir matchup Jace is winning and generally likes to push similar to allowie and harass under Tower but think about that from Vladimir's perspective he wants to get shoved in when he's losing because he can just out sustain any poke he might take with his Q or let's think about a champion like Renekton typically he loves setting up Dives with his junglers but if you were up against annoying Champions to kill like maokai kled or kale then that game plan would be significantly worse a final example would be freezing versus Quinn after level 6. you're just asking for your team to die to a bunch of roams the main point here is that yes illawi great when pushing and harassing under Tower we even saw a glimpse of that here but when Hector got access to his wind wall then all that pressure is non-existent Yasuo last hits under Tower really well and can avoid all of her harass there's literally no reason for allowing to spam shove versus a Yasuo at this moment ilawi should have thought about what Yasuo would hate and pivoted to any strategy other than fast pushing as she usually would slow pushing setting up recalls or even freezing as we've discussed would have all allowed her to stomp this Lane instead because she didn't know how to convert her lead Hector ended up beating her in Lane eventually this is not how it should have gone after he trolled at level 2 but as we've seen so far in this guide many Top Lane players are horrible at converting their leads into massive advantages we know Top Lane is a frustrating role but we hope this guide has made it clear that many players are missing the number one advantage that comes with being a top laner snowballing out of control the next time you get a lead in lane and feel that you weren't able to convert it into a 1v9 Advantage go back in the replay and ask yourself what you could have done differently chances are you're not pressuring your opponents properly and letting them get away with murder and if you want to Fast Track Your Improvement then head on over to our website skillcap.com take our brand new master and minutes course on csing each video in the course teaches you one Concept in less time than it takes to start a game of League of Legends so while you wait for your next game you can learn breakpoint patterns last hitting under Tower optimal settings the list goes on all in just a few minutes to maximize your improvement rate once you're last hitting like a pro hop into our Master minutes course on Wave Control trading rewarding the list keeps growing as we add new courses each week these courses have been getting five star ratings from all of our users raving and how helpful they are seems too good to be true well don't worry we're back by a rank up guarantee if you don't significantly improve while actively using skill capped then you get your money back no questions asked we're the only service that can offer this because you'll actually see results so what are you waiting for click the link in the description below and get the rank you've always wanted alright thanks so much for watching and we'll catch you in the next one foreign
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 600,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: league of legends, league of legends guide, lol guides, league of legends tips, league of legends coaching, league of legends season 13, how to get better at league of legends, skill capped, lol tips, lol tips and tricks, league of legends pro guides, how to improve at league of legends, lol coaching, skill-capped, how to top lane, top lane guide, top lane coaching, top lane season 13, league of legends rank up, how to improve in league of legends, challenger guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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