How to ACTUALLY freeze and why I dislike Proguides/Skillcapped

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if i search how to freeze on youtube and click on almost any one of these videos this is what i get a graphic attempting to show people how many minions you should use to freeze i say attempt first of all because this graphic is wrong um if you use three minions here it's it's almost always going to turn into a slow push and secondly this graphic it's not specific enough um same here if i click on pro guides i'll get the exact same thing right people look at this graphic these graphics listen to pro guys the skill cap and then start freezing using only this amount of minions but the reality is if possible you shouldn't freeze with this number of minions you should be freezing with more in fact what the graphic actually shows is the absolute minimum number of minions you need to freeze the rule you should be following is freezing with as many minions as possible which you can control depending on the match up with the minimum being the graphic assuming it was correct so i have coached hundreds of coaching clients now and almost every single one of them has replied to my question of how to freeze with the answer use three to four minions and their freezers always end up broken so what i'm showing in this clip is freezing with more than four minions and i maintain this freeze for about five minutes only breaking it when i actually choose to the first step in my thought process is how many minions can i actually to hold and defend in this matchup well garen is relatively weak right and i have strong items uh in a pickaxe transceptor and tab eye at the moment i have a lot of armor and sustain i can use to hold the wave as well if the minions hit me i could simply use my vamp scepter and potions to heal so i use i i use a lot of minions right this is why vamp refill parts are broken but why is it important to use a lot of minions well what if garen walks up and i want to cue him or all in him but then i accidentally hit the minions with my trade my aoe trade well then immediately the freeze is broken because i'm no longer at that minimum threshold of four full hp minions because my q has hit them but if i have more minions than that above the minimum threshold there's a buffer where even if i hit the minions by accident the freeze isn't instantly broken and i could still trade this is usually the most common way people lose their freezers of course you could argue that i should be trading my aoe away from the wave standing away from it over here or something but that isn't always possible lastly something important that not a lot of people know is that where possible you should be freezing with caster minions and not freezing with melee minions if you're thinning a wave if i just go back and show you me thinning the wave whereas over here notice how i'm thinning the melee minions um riot thought for some reason that it would be funny if melee minions like to randomly run it down under tower with the aggro basically casters don't do this um if you freeze with melee minions they might just run it down on the tower and die and break your freeze but so what you should always be doing is prioritizing freezing with caster minions so that you don't have this option happening but yeah see how i'm always thinning the melee minions so tldr four minions is the bare minimum amount of minions you should freeze with not the amount you should use every time always do more where possible and the number is based on how many you can control in the match up do this based on sustain items champions everything you need more minions because that provides a buffer in case you ask your trade accidentally hits the wave or some happens and the freeze isn't instantly broken do not freeze with melee minions they run it down under tower unlike casters combine this with pulling the wave upwards into the bushes like i did and finally stop blindly listening to pro guys and skill skillcap
Channel: Eragon
Views: 331,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: play, commentary, walkthrough, games, game, how, to, installed, League of legends, Coaching, League, LoL, top, lane, teemo, guide, grandmaster, ranked, teaching, mid, improve, macro, teleports, aatrox, garen, fiora, fundamentals, coaching, challenger, diamond, master, riven, yorick, splitpush, micro, toplane, laning, midgame, lategame, late, split push, coach, eragon, coach eragon, coacheragon, scale, scaling, iron, bronze, silver, gold, escape, climb, elohell, elo hell, hell, elo, carry, how to carry, teammates, Freeze, wave management, waves
Id: 0QtegdJpWWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 32sec (212 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 25 2022
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