The 4 WORST MISTAKES Every Top Laners MAKE (And How To Fix Them)

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you make countless mistakes when you're playing it can be hard to hear but it's the truth if you're platinum and Below you're probably making a game losing mistake every single minute and just because it doesn't get exploited every game doesn't mean you aren't messing up the good news is that most of the game losing common mistakes we see are easily fixable you just need to know what to look out for so in this guide we'll be covering four of the most common Top Lane mistakes being made right now why they're bad and how to fix them let's jump right into it now all the mistakes we're going to cover in this guide are pretty bad and can lose laning phases instantly but this one is without a doubt the most common error that top laners commit almost every single game to illustrate it we'll take a look at this gold Darius playing versus a Tom kench as a quick note about this matchup this is probably about as free of a laning phase as it gets for any top laner Darius destroys tanks so it's almost impossible for kench to win this Lane 1v1 all kench can possibly try to do is poke with Q which Darius would have to be completely AFK for as long as he plays in The Wave there's literally nothing kench can do basically kensh is just praying he gets jungle help at any point as that is the only win condition let's watch Watch What Happens in an unexpected turn of events Darius is the one who establishes early control over the wave in this Lane kensh was way too afraid to try and contest him so the poor frog just played back and resigned himself to losing this Lane without covering every detail all that happens on the first three waves is that Darius chunks kench a little bit and eventually he gets a big wave crash at the tower okay now the following is what really matters so pay attention while the wave bounces back Hench messes up and lets Darius get a really good trade-off he tries to fight back a bit but ultimately Darius is too much to handle after this next q is clear as day that Darius came out massively ahead in this trade a little later on Darius tries to go for another trade here this one doesn't go as well but we don't have time to discuss that Master Yi is already here and kills the overextended Darius and the lane is thrown now you might think okay learn to play around junglers cool nope we don't care that Darius got ganked if we go back look at this Frame doesn't kench look completely fine here if anything he's winning this horrible matchup all on his own how did things go so poorly after this great trade and no kensh being op isn't the answer the big mistake was that most top Lane players don't give much thought to long-term Lane States and often just Tunnel Vision on the trades in front of them this can be especially important depending on the matchup let's put it like this imagine two different scenarios in one you're playing something like irelia versus Vladimir you've got him pushed under Tower at 40 HP while you're still at 80 the second scenario is that you're both at full HP but you got the wave closer to your side of the lane which scenario would you rather be in when playing irelia and why a 40 HP Advantage is absolutely massive however there's nothing A Champion like irelia can do to punish a Vladimir under his Tower the HP difference is completely irrelevant so Vladimir is perfectly happy to keep farming in the other scenario irelia is a massive bully versus a weak laner like Vladimir even though he still has 100 HP irelia has way more options to go in and fight him making Vladimir's life miserable and pushing him off the wave this is a really important concept to keep in mind which many low ELO top laners easily forget Lane states can often determine who wins trades in Allens going back to darius's first big trade you should always ask yourself before fighting will this ruin my future Lane state that I'm working towards in this case Darius is a champion that uses an AOE ability to trade by fighting Darius is pushing the wave back into kenj which goes against what he wants out of the lane as we mentioned in a ton of our guides Champions who run conqueror or lethal Tempo and stuff like ghosts generally want a lot of space in the lane to chase down their opponents now thankfully he got really lucky that the wave is still pushing into him so the trade was technically good we're saying he got lucky because that definitely really wasn't planned he makes the exact same mistake on the second trade even if he had won this fight the wave would be pushing into kench which he'd be very happy about ultimately the major lesson here is to always think about where you'd ideally want a wave to be in every single matchup that you're in Top Lane is a role about long-term wave Management in a ton of matchups so this is something you should constantly be thinking about the entire time as you're landing and it's for this reason we highly recommend checking out our Wave Control course at we cover everything you need to know to start stomping your lanes you'll learn freezing fast pushing slow pushing bouncing waves the list goes on all in just a few minutes to maximize your improvement rate or maybe you just like seeing your opponent's Health go to zero then you'll love our trading course we even have a skill test at the end so you can see how good you really are players just like you are leaving 5 Star reviews and raving at how helpful they are the best part are service is completely risk-free to try as you're kept safe with rank up insurance if you don't significantly improve all actively using skill cap then you get your money back no questions asked so what are you waiting for get the rank you've always wanted by clicking the link in the description below now speaking of wave management our second mistake is another big one and it's the fact that many players don't commit to the strategies that they opted into Top Lane is by far the most punishing role if you don't win a 1v1 this means that the most common ways you'll be playing in tough matchups are either letting the wave push into you or taking control of it and using the bigger wave to be able to walk up versus a tough Lane opponent however players very often don't stick to these Concepts they get afraid or impatient throwing the lane let's show you exactly what we mean here's a gold irelia versus a cassante now this matchup is not particularly great for irelia on equal footing she just straight up loses the 1v1 early on if she tries to fight fairly what's nice at the start of this Lane though is that irelia got to the wave first and started building a slow push this is good and the default strategy for level 1 in almost any matchup build a slow push crash and reap the benefits now if we pause here irelia should immediately be aware of how ahead she is in the push if she wants to keep her slow push going she should walk up and stop kasanti from trying to equalize the wave here if he hits the minions irelia gets free harassed to build a health Fleet or she can just continue hitting the wave this way she keeps her minion Health Advantage and lastly if he fights back then he'll still be at a minion deficit so irelia can keep leveraging her wave Advantage but she just watches as he clears the three melee minions completely equalizing the land now let's be clear this isn't the end of the world maybe she doesn't know how this matchup goes and is afraid that even with the minion lead that she would lose this trade that's fine you don't need perfect game knowledge to climb if she thinks she needs to play passively so be it so if that's the case then why did she walk up and auto attack the wave again this is the massive mistake we see again and again in low ELO just make up your mind if your goal is to let the wave push into you then you should hit it as little as you possibly can so that it pushes into you quickly this way you can farm and preserve your health but low ELO players love randomly Auto attacking the wave which stalls the wave in the middle for even longer this is what's allowing the enemy kasanti to run rampant and put so much pressure in this Lane look how even the wave continues to look and how it's stuck in the middle it's all because irelia keeps randomly thinning it for no reason do you see how painful this laning phase looks it's not a fun matchup but it should not be this bad eventually irelia gets fed up with how hard it is to farm and just straight up feeds a free kill as her mechanics here were pretty gross but that is not why she's died so early into the lane one of the most important Concepts to managing waves in Top Lane is just confidence and consistency if you're playing with a slow push then have the confidence to guard it even in bad matchups waves are very important early on so don't just let your opponent equalize for free leverage the fact that you have more minions and confidently stand your ground or if you've committed to letting the wave push into you then just be patient and actually let it come into you instead of consistently Auto attacking it for no reason if you do so the wave will quickly crash into you and then you can just play for a bounce back slow push as we discuss in a bunch of our other guides on to our third mistake this is a quick one but a very consistent problem we see from a lot of top laners in regards to teleport to explain let's take a look at what this Jax does after killing the enemy ergot Jax proceeds to crash the wave into the tower to reset and spend his hard-earned goal as you all know after crashing a wave it will always bounce back towards your side of the lane this creates a very common discussion around whether you should teleport back to lane or not since you technically don't need to we'll explain it in a moment but pay attention to what happens here Jax chooses to use it to get back to Lane so let's see if this was a good teleport or not once ergot is back in Lane he abuses his range and bigger waves to slowly but surely pressure jacks off the wave and to crash the wave at the tower Jax just kind of sits back and watches as there's nothing he can do about this process so was Jax's teleport good or not of course not teleporting back when a wave is pushing into you isn't always wrong however there's only two real situations in which you would ever do it the first is if your jungler is on the top side of the map with the wave pushing into you it is often worth it to teleport to keep the wave Frozen so that your jungler can easily gank your lane gank setups like these are very common especially as you climb higher and higher in Elo the second scenario in which you would teleport is if you are strong enough to bully your opponent 1v1 even when you're at a minion deficit preventing your opponent from crashing a wave in Top Lane is a big deal when you're winning think about it crashing a wave lets your opponent play safe for a very long time what ends up happening is that they crash then it slowly bounces back into them which just lets them sit back and chill as the wave gets there then they can safely Farm the wave at their Tower finally you have to be really patient and wait for the wave to leave their Tower before you can ever be aggressive again this is a long process where your opponent gets to chill and avoid fighting it that's precisely why teleporting to prevent your opponent from crashing is very very good when you're able to crush them in a 1v1 back to this Jax game this teleport did not have either of those two previous Concepts in is Diana had no top side camps available at the moment this is a definite sign that she is not coming top anytime soon likewise Jax was not strong enough to fight at such a minion deficit versus ergot at this point this makes his teleport completely useless if all he could do is let the wave crash in his Tower he may as well just have walked back to Lane and saved his TP now he feels pressured to go for a desperate Island because he doesn't have a Teleport to fall back on unfortunately he gets outplayed and loses his earlier lead so if a wave is ever pushing back into you and you've got the option of teleporting back just keep those two previous Concepts in mind before choosing to waste your all-important cooldown for our final tip we're going to cover a mistake range top Learners make and how to fix it but do keep in mind that you can spot this mistake even as the melee player and take advantage of it if you don't play ranged carries now if we asked all of you what a ranged champions win condition is versus a melee Champion early on what would you instinctively say typically most players immediately think about harassing them early on building CS leads and slowly punishing your opponent out of the lane while this is still technically the ideal win Condition it's not as realistic it used to be to achieve this most games anymore in fact many changes over the years have made this way harder to pull off and also less required in general after much complaining from melee players Riot slowly made changes to how ranged versus melee matchups actually go in most Lanes defensive options like doran's shield and second wind became very common and are ridiculously strong when paired together likewise many ranged top laner stats got changed around from being early bullies to more scaling instead this is because range Champions tended to be very Hit or Miss they either snowballed or were totally useless Jace is probably the best example of this he was once known as the most frustrating Lane bully in the game that felt impossible to play against early however Riot made constant changes like nerfing his base A.D for more scaling attack damage and so on so now he's more of a mid game spiking Champion that doesn't fall off nearly as hard as he used to all this means is that for many ranged versus melee matchups overly harassing during the early levels is not your primary win condition anymore and yet this is still the playstyle almost every ranged top laner continues to default to like this Teemo vs Mundo for example yes Teemo is quite the lame bully but the enemy Mundo is just absorbing a ton of teemos harass with doran's shield and second win it is very difficult to push Mundo out of Lane with this setup early on if anything Mundo can sometimes win trades by slowing the Teemo and having him tank a ton of Minion aggro it's a genuine complaint right now that you literally take more damage from Minions than you deal to someone with d shield and second wind all this means is that none of teemo's harass is sticking despite this Teemo keeps playing aggressively and aggressively and is eventually ganked for it which is how every ranged top laner throws their advantage so what are we saying well the beauty of ranged top laners is that you still have Lane control early on it's just that your harass isn't that strong yet most ranged top laners now come online once they have their tier 2 boots or an item component for example Kennen once he has sork boots Jace and Quinn when they have serrated Dirk Teemo and Nico with attack speed boots Etc so during the early levels your main goal is to harass a bit but mostly to set up a proper recall timing to get a decent Spike once you have an item under your belt that's when ranged top laners can begin out vaulting the healing from doran's shield and second wind and actually being able to meaningfully harass but during those early levels of one to four so you're not really that strong and your 50 damage Autos are not going to be enough to push your opponent out of Lane in most matchups so you should stop committing to such an old style of play and just adapt to the times anyway guys those are some of the most common mistakes we see top laners make they're incredibly easy to fix and will make climbing much easier and for everything else you need to start climbing ranks fast there's with premium courses for every role and skill taught by the best players skill capped is the perfect platform to help take your game to the next level our service is completely risk-free to try as you're kept safe with rank up insurance if you don't significantly improve while actively using skill cap then you get your money back no questions asked so what are you waiting for get the rank you've always wanted by clicking the link in the description below alright that's a wrap on this one guys we here at skill caps want to thank you for watching and we'll catch you in the next one thank you
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 123,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: league of legends, league of legends guide, lol guides, league of legends tips, league of legends coaching, league of legends season 13, how to get better at league of legends, skill capped, lol tips, lol tips and tricks, league of legends pro guides, how to improve at league of legends, lol coaching, skill-capped, how to top lane, top lane coaching, lol top lane, top lane guide, how to improve in league of legends, league of legends rank up, how to climb, lol guide
Id: W3S5EyrU7b8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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