Why You SUCK at Support (And How to Fix It) - League of Legends

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if you're hard stuck as support then this might be the most important guide you'll ever watch as a support and will shift your mindset from trying to focus on all the things that don't actually help you climbing League of Legends and instead put you on the right track to start climbing stupidly fast let's actually start with another roll and do a visual representation of how much skill an average jungler has gained to reach Platinum ELO in most cases they become proficient at a variety of the primary skills required to be a good jungler jungle path and ganking farming decision making and mid-game macro now let's do a visual representation of a platinum ELO support player as you can see they have skills in matchup knowledge vision control trading macro but severely lacks skills in Wave Control but why is that well this actually is the reason supports are literally set up to fail in League of Legends because while Wave Control is literally the most important skill to master if you want to climb and support it's also a skill you can completely ignore to get through your games so you never naturally develop those skills because you technically don't have to interact with minion waves whereas for our junglers they always have to path in the jungle think about gangs farming making decisions cetera so they'll develop skills in all these areas from the moment they start playing and these skills match up to their ELO supports on the other hand due to never needing to manage Waves by necessity literally have no skill in this area compared to what it should be for their ELO and this is by far the biggest reason you'll get hard stuck as support but you may be thinking is Wave Control really that important in this guide you'll be left with no doubts about this being the most important skill to master and why that is in fact it's so important we actually created a brand new master and minutes course on Wave Control that you could only find on our website each video in the course teaches you one Concept in less time than it takes to start a game of League of Legends so while you wait for your next game you can learn freezing fast pushing slow pushing bouncing waves the list goes on all in just a few minutes to maximize your improvement rate once you're manipulating waves like a pro hop into our master and minutes course on csing trading or warding the list keeps growing as we add new courses each week these courses have been getting 5 star ratings from all of our users raving at how helpful they are seems too good to be true well don't worry we're backed by a rank up guarantee if you don't significantly improve while actively using seal cap then you get your money back no questions asked we're the only service that can offer this because you'll actually see results so what are you waiting for click the link in the description below and get the rank you've always wanted alright now let's get into today's guide the poor mentality support players have surrounding Wave Control is that they have a very limited ability to impact minion waves anyway so why spend so much time learning something that helps them so little compared to other strategies this is the problem the belief that supports don't use wave control is absolutely wrong let's put it in this perspective for you let's think about all five roles for a moment if you were to rank every role based on how important wave knowledge is to becoming insane where do you think you'd rank support this may sound like we're exaggerating but we firmly believe that for supports Wave Control knowledge only falls behind top laners in terms of importance and that's only because top is literally Wave Control the lane the reason why is simple all of your actions on the map should be based not just on the bot Lane wave but what's happening in the top and mid lane waves as well for example a roam to Mid might consist of knowing that a bounce back is going to occur 30 seconds from now while also knowing that due to the even minion rule the wave will push back to your ADC meaning that you have a roam opportunity to score a kill in mid soon all the while your ADC was fine because you knew the wave was in a good spot for them if none of that made sense to you then you are severely limiting your options as a support unlike other players you massively benefit through Tracking not just your own Lane's wave state but the ways of your other teammates constantly anyways let's move on and find out how exactly good supports hard carry with Wave Control knowledge while hard stock support players fail and constantly throw game-winning Moments by having no clue what to do with their waves for starters let's take a look at two insane supports it's battling it out with their Wave Control knowledge on the one side we've got our Challenger expert Hector playing Leona while the Braum is longtime LCS Legend afromoo during this Lane both sides fought to the death and the adcs went down leaving Hector and afromoo alone in Lane now what you're about to see may be too crazy for you to handle so you may want to sit down for it when the camera peeks back into the lane they both are just standing still right in front of each other that's it and yet oh wow we're both wow you're both smurfing what the if you can't understand why this is so impressive then don't worry let's break a few things down and then come back to this in our master and minutes course we have a guide based on utilizing minion aggro to manage minion waves the idea is simple if one side draws minion aggro this puts their own wave at a minion advantage since their wave is still hitting the enemy minions while the enemy wave hits a champion to better understand that previous moment let's first go to another example where Hector is versus a support who does not understand this concept we have a very similar situation where both adcs go down leaving the supports alone in Lane Midway through this fight Hector realizes that the winner between him and Tarik is whoever gets the way of pushing to their side of the lane while the adcs respawn Upon returning one ADC will be very happy coming back to a big wave whereas the other will be quite sad so after battling it out a bit Hector realizes what he needs to do he walks away and just stands still baiting Tarik to Auto attack him this is applying the minion aggro tip but in Reverse Hector is baiting his opponent to Auto attack him so that the enemy wave will overpower his own that's precisely what happens and the Tariq isn't even aware of it he's spamming emotes thinking he got the upper hand take a look at the result as both adc's re-enter the lane Samira came back to a bigger wave which is on her side of the lane this is the dream scenario for any ADC not only that but because she was on a power Spike she could use this Lane state to force an all-in and completely dominate the lane from here now that you fully understand the concept then you'll really appreciate what's going on in that earlier clip I'll let him water me both supports are clearly aware of this tactic but neither is falling for it and it's especially important because the waves were basically completely even in strength just a single Auto attack on the other champion from either of them would have forced the wave to push unfavorably which would have really sucked for their respected adcs this is why this is so impressive because both of them immediately realized how volatile this Lane was tried to bait the other and didn't fall for the bait themselves think about what you just saw and how much High ELO support players care about Wave Control as you watch what we're about to show you next take a look at this Nami she's got some support basics down and it's not like she's useless she sets up this gank properly by Landing her q and pressing exhaust on Caitlyn support players can play quite well but watch what happens when Nami needs to interact with the wave they just kill both enemy bot laners the wave is pushing towards the enemy and Nami is just AFK sivir needs to crash this way before Caitlyn and Zyra are back so she can base but Nami is so afraid or disinterested in interacting with waves that she just stares while sivir does everything because she failed to help at a critical Moment The Wave is now Frozen at a really awkward spot this Lane could have been thrown over such a ridiculous mistake another way of thinking about how important Wave Control is as a support is to remember that you have two people in the lane if you learned Wave Control compared to most other supports who don't bother then every game you'll have double the opportunities to manage waves better than your opponents since only their ADC will be trying to there's usually multiple times throughout a lane phase where a support can drastically impact wave States let's see some examples let's take a look at a gold ELO support at the start of the clip she and Caitlyn get ganked for overextending not ideal but it happens what comes next is the problem take notice of how most of the enemy members are very clearly backing off after finishing off this wave despite her ADC dying Leona could turn the situation around completely with some basic Wave Control all she has to do is what's known as dragging because the enemy team is backing off they can't prevent her from doing this if Leona walks up then drags and holds the way for a moment she can force it to crash like this creating a freeze then there's two very annoying outcomes for her opponents they all have to walk back into Lane to fix what she's done which is a huge waste of time for them or they all leave and allow the wave to be frozen in which case Caitlyn comes back to a bunch of minions despite dying to a gank she'd be around even or overall ahead of jinx by how much she's getting and Jinx is being denied what does Leona do jija's bases and does nothing the wave crashes awkwardly like this and it's definitely pushing back into Jinx now and we'll even give her the benefit of the doubt let's say she thought this wave would freeze on its own it shows how she still hasn't properly learned wave management we have a very handy visual for this in our course but the closer a wave is to your side of the lane then the more enemy minions are required to be alive for it to be a freeze due to reinforcing waves arriving faster for one side than the other so Leona either doesn't care in the slightest about Wave Control or it's just not very good at it either way she failed miserably at such a key moment that could have salvaged the lane once again let's compare that to a proper sport player in a similar situation this amumu and this vain 2v2 fought the gin and Zyra the end result is a Mumu being the only one left alive amumu realizes it's a very bad situation in terms of Wave Control like many times before your goal is to make the wave come back to your ADC when they're not in Lane unfortunately the wave is rebounding at the moment and he's out of Mana this is not good but he comes up with a solution he ditches the last minion and instead walks up in the lane and begins dragging the wave as mentioned in our course the goal of dragging is to get the wave closer to the enemy side of the lane so that their reinforcing waves arrive first making it push Into You Now amumu's play wasn't perfect but it was all he could do as he was out of mana and he couldn't push the wave in time to crash it again as a result his vein comes back to a nice wave in a decent spot okay we know we've covered a lot of scenarios where adcs are dead and that's obviously not always the case but we wanted to mostly focus on that because it very clearly highlights how lost low ELO support players are when they're left alone with a wave compared to competent supports many have zero clue how to gain easy advantages which are excessive even with just the basics of wave management being overly reliant on your teammates to do everything isn't how you'll climb in fact one of the best skills you can learn as a support is to enhance whatever wave tactic your teammates are currently doing to make it even more deadly let's take a look at what we mean with this next example Pike and his teammates just set up a nice gank and score to kill versus the enemy Soraka take a look at what Pike starts to do he walks forward canceling nila's base and he even goes in between Towers to start charging up a queue to do it again the reason is because his Zary is freezing right now delaying your opponent's bases while your teammates are freezing is especially brutal because they miss a ton of gold and experience every second that they're gone from Lane so the more you can delay them the better sadly he didn't manage to cancel her but the intention was clearly there at the same time we see that the mid lane wave looks like this now Silas doesn't seem to be very vulnerable at the moment does he but if you understood basic wave tactics you'd know this South is actually under a lot of pressure right now the wave is neutral on his side of the lane meaning it's going to push towards action with the wave pushing away from him there is a very high chance that Silas plays aggressively to either trade or to crash the wave so that it bounces back to him many players wouldn't have roamed to a Silas so close to his Tower but Pike knew that his own action wanted to pressure with a freeze off his previous crash which is now bouncing back and as a result Pike was here in time to punish Silas this is one of your main goals to support once you understand what's possible with Wave Control and what most players are trying to do then you'll know how to further improve every play that your own teammates are going for and that's how you'll become insane at the role anyway we hope this guide made it as clear as possible why this isn't a skill you should be ignoring unfortunately the game isn't going to teach a team naturally like every other rule you have to make conscious effort to get better at wave management or you will be hard stuck as a support for much longer than you need to be and that's exactly why we created our brand new master and minutes course on Wave Control that can only be found on our website each video in the course teaches you one Concept in less time than it takes to start a game of League of Legends so while you wait for your next game you can learn freezing fast pushing slow pushing bouncing waves the list goes on all in just a few minutes to maximize your improvement rate once you're manipulating waves like a pro hop into our Master minutes course on csing trading rewarding the list keeps growing as we add new courses each week these courses have been getting five star ratings from all of our users raving at how helpful they are seems too good to be true well don't worry we're backed by a rank up guarantee if you don't significantly improve while actively using skill capped then you get your money back no questions asked we're the only service that can offer this because you'll actually see results so what are you waiting for click the link in the description below and get the rank you've always wanted alright thanks so much for watching and we'll catch you in the next one foreign
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 412,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: league of legends, league of legends guide, lol guides, league of legends tips, league of legends coaching, league of legends season 13, how to get better at league of legends, skill capped, lol tips, lol tips and tricks, league of legends pro guides, how to improve at league of legends, lol coaching, skill-capped, how to support, support guide, support coaching, support season 13, lol support, challenger coaching, league of legends support, challenger guide
Id: lFnn7ta8wNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2023
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