Why You SUCK at ADC (And How To Fix It) - League of Legends

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if you want to climb out of any rank diamond and below then i'm here to tell you 80 carry is the worst possible role to do that with here's the twist though it's not for the reasons you think it is it's actually because every 80 carry they make the exact same mistake that holds them back from climbing and actually carrying in this guide you're going to learn what that mistake is and how you can fix it i can guarantee that if you implement what you're about to learn that you'll climb a full rank now before we teach you how to fix the problem though we should probably explain to you what the problem actually is you see as adcary you have the least control over the outcome of the early game if you instead played an actual role like top jungle or mid lane it would mainly just be you against the opponent the early game would be an opportunity to use your skill advantage to acquire an early lead on the enemy team you could then use that early lead to become an absolute monster and snowball the rest of the game as an 80 carry though you can take that whole concept and throw it right out the window it doesn't matter if you're the korean pro gumayushi when you queue as 80 carry in low elo the kind of supports you get will kiss any chance of an early lead goodbye well at least any chance of consistently getting an early lead now don't get me wrong you will get early leads when you get the better support but for the most part it will feel quite random and out of your control the problem it doesn't just stop here though you see most other roles actually dislike big team fights imagine top lane champions like darius fiora and garen they excel in small skirmishes or 1v1s jungle is the same idea kane kha'zix at least the list goes on a lot of champions that prefer to take on one opponent and keep the fights relatively small in size this makes them strong champions and solo queue for this reason and it's actually a very important concept when it comes to carrying in solo queue in general it is the concept of agency you want to be able to have control over the outcome of not only the game but the fights that happen within the game the more players you add to a team fight the less agency you have on the outcome of that team fight as you add more variables that can go wrong and so you're probably starting to see the problem traditionally 80 carries have been considered champions that excel in a traditional 5v5 teamfight setting where they will output high damage per second but that's the exact type of fight we want to avoid in low elo solo queue we'll just add a ton of variants where teammates will misplay and the outcome will be out of your control this is why adc sucks at carrying in low elo you won't have control over the early game to set up a consistent lead and snowball since you're restricted based on the skill of your support player and at the same time even if you get a lead you'll be trying to push that lead through grouping scenarios with team fights with a high number of players giving you even less control over the outcome of the game this is why you need to stop playing 80 carry well like an 80 carry in this guide i'm going to teach you a macro strategy you need to be using if you want any hope of climbing through low elo i'll even be giving you a tier list of 80 carry champions that work best with this strategy at the end of this guide so make sure to watch until the end and if all of that wasn't enough on our website we actually created an entire course to be paired alongside this guide we sent out real players just like you to try out this strategy you're about to learn in silver gold platinum and diamond we then reviewed their replays and went over the exact mistakes they were making when trying to execute this strategy it doesn't stop there though as we also sent our challenger expert into low elo to not only prove this strategy works with the absolute worst teammates imaginable but to then teach and break down exactly how he does it in his own games so if you end up finding this guide useful and trust me you will then you need to unlock the full course by clicking that discount link in the description below alright enough hype what is the strategy that will save you from the depths of elo hell well let's jump into a replay of mine to find out so in this game i'm playing vayne with a new new support in around high gold to low platinum as i'm sure you've all experienced in your own games it turns out the new new support wasn't the right pick he spent the majority of the early laning phase using his snowball to well do a whole lot of nothing well that's not entirely true he does seem to be speedrunning feeding the enemy team needless to say i had no chance of winning this lane no matter how well i played it in fact by the time the enemy takes my tower i'm down nearly 2 000 gold on the enemy 80 carry at this point if you play adc the traditional way the game is over you're too far behind and will have no way of impacting team fights however i want you to stop thinking of yourself as an 80 carry and instead imagine you are playing a split pusher like tryndamere top whenever you find yourself making a decision on where to go on the map i want you to ask yourself what would tryndamere do he's going to be our guiding light to carrying out of the depths of low elo so my tower has fallen i'm 2 000 gold behind and we see the enemy bot lane grouping to pressure the mid tower this is where every 80 carry makes the exact same mistake they try rotating mid and help defend the mid tower effectively trying to match the enemy bot lane this is entirely wrong and why you're losing is 80 carry if you do that you'll just be stuck in a loop trying to hold off the enemy's pushes which will inevitably cause team fights to occur around those pushes with a high number of players in those fights and you're behind in gold yeah probably sounds all too familiar the outcome will be you seeing the defeat screen say it with me now we are not an 80 carry anymore we are trinamir a split pushing top laner and so we should be well split pushing and as we get to this tower this is a perfect time to explain why this strategy works so well you see when you split push you force a response from the opponent they have to send at least one person to defend your push to stop you from taking the tower immediately you're proactively asking the enemy a question of do you know how to defend this if they don't and send no one well that's free farm for you and a free tower that already sounds a lot more appealing than being on the back foot and trying to defend pushes from the fed enemy bot lane right well here's what's really crazy if we replay that clip it really didn't look like that big of a deal i mean i just pushed out some minions the enemy didn't react and then i got a tower and yeah that's what the enemy thinks too in reality getting 4 minion waves and a tower just cut that 2 000 gold lead to the enemy 80 carry had to only 1 000 yeah this strategy is that effective and not to mention it really only took us a minute now you may be thinking great so let's just keep that split push going well unfortunately nothing in league of legends is that simple in order to properly execute this strategy you will need to be aware of where enemies are on the map notice how at the start of this clip we saw olaf top we then saw malzahar mid and then shortly after the enemy varus and nautilus mid this let us know that it's safe to split push as only the enemy auction is missing and if we take a look top side we can also see our tryndamere is pushing as well auction will have to choose between going top lane or bot lane leaving one of the lanes vulnerable we then see him top so now we know where everyone is and we're safe to keep pushing and take the tower notice shortly after though when we destroy that tower the entire enemy team is now missing at the same time our team isn't pressuring anything anymore two teammates are in base and tryndamere is dead it's important to understand how this looks from the enemy's perspective players in solo queue are often like moths attracted to light right now you're basically sending out a giant bat signal saying please kill me i'm overextended and none of your teammates are sending out any of their own lights naturally the enemy moths i mean players will flock towards you that's why i know it's time for me to recall to spend my gold and to reset as we leave the base remember our motto what would tryndamere do so i begin heading straight back into my split push i'm doing a few things along the way though first i'm watching the mini map and tracking where the enemy players are so i know how risky my split push will be i'm also looking for nearby resources i can farm along the way this is something split pushers then top lane absolutely love to do is take jungle camps in between waves to get even more fed so i spot varys in nautilus mid lane and then i spot auction on top that leaves olaf and malzahar alive and missing on the map both who can easily kill me 1v1 right now additionally notice how my wave bot side is also super pushed up the closer to the enemy side of the map a wave is the more dangerous it is to be there so i just use this time to farm jungle camps so i'm still generating gold and experience for myself we then spot malzahar mid and shortly after olaf mid great so i should head back bot lane and begin my split push again right well not so fast let me show you some tricks that you'll find extremely useful when split pushing first is try to anticipate where the next objective is going to be in this case we can see on the minimap dragon is spawning soon dragon is like a giant magnet for low elo players it's the ultimate flame for the moths by the time i get bot to start pushing chances are the enemy team will be heading towards bot lane to set up for that spawning dragon next try to pay attention to body language we actually saw the enemy team head towards the bot side of the map as we lost vision of them again this indicates they'll likely just collapse on me if i push bot at this moment and lastly pay attention to your teammates pressure on the map remember the enemy team are moths role-playing as humans from the enemy's perspective they don't see anyone on the map if we showed bot right now we're casting a giant light and they will immediately try to collapse on us this is why i know to hold off on splitting for the moment and just take what farm i can nearby in this case it's a raptor camp so now the dragon has spawned and the dragon dance occurs and well i want to act like my legs are broken big team fights around dragon while behind that's a big no if you actually want to climb instead i want to use this as a distraction an opportunity for me to headbot and farm the wave now that it's been pushed all the way to my side of the map as i push i still make sure to keep tabs on the enemy team i see them all chasing my teammates and so i'm safe to keep split pushing and here i probably do something that a lot of you guys think is crazy but i actually continue to push the next wave despite the enemy team being right beside me at dragon here's the trick you need to look at your team's pressure tryndamere is pressuring top and vex is pressuring mid if i also pressure bot will force the enemy team to have to send the right amount of people to each one of these lanes to defend them which will just simply never happen in solo queue they instead send people to try and defend top and mid towers and so again i'm free farming in my side lane keep in mind though if they did send people down towards me to kill me well that's fine that's free mid and top towers for our team which is a net win for us now fortunately there's more we can do than just simply push and try to take towers with a strategy after all if you're behind like i am it's not exactly like you can 1v1 opponents at this point in time if they do come to defend you need to be aware that when you push out a lane you'll often be in a good position to rotate from that push to then flank the enemy and collapse on a fight towards the center of the map in this case i saw them send malzahar and auction to defend top and olaf and nautilus were low in health in mid lane on top of all of this when you push a wave and it finally gets to the enemy's tower there's a good chance someone will show up to pick up that wave and defend the tower from being destroyed this is how i knew it was the right choice to go for the kills mid on the low health enemies instead of continuing to try and push bot lean where varus would just defend it i'm able to pick up a kill and i want to emphasize a very important concept when it comes to implementing this split push strategy as an 80 carry let's go back a bit to when i first pushed that wave to the tower in these spots you need to know what your next move is if the opponent defends you don't want to be wasting time getting no resources walking back and forth or recalling when you shouldn't have to in this case if there was no fight to collapse on in mid lane well i could take the enemy's blue buff or i could recall and then take my team's red buff the idea is i pushed the wave now i have time to work with while i wait for the wave to be pushed back to my side of the map this is why once i get this kill on mid i immediately start taking the wolf camp i know that i don't need to head bot lane yet as the wave isn't pushed to my side of the map in fact i'm even able to take the entire rest of the jungle you always want to be generating additional gold and experience in between your split pushes while you wait for that wave to bounce back that's how you're going to get ahead now i have the wave waiting for me safely on my side of the map and i've spent my gold so i'm even stronger as we leave base you still need to be tracking where the enemies are though we see malzahar at baron and varys and nautilus mid however by the time i get to the bot wave i only see nautilus at baron everyone else is missing we even saw the squires bloom activate on the mini-map near our raptors indicating someone could be collapsing on us so why on earth did i choose to keep pushing in this situation well again it's about our team's pressure our tryndamere has a lot of pressure being pushed decently far top side additionally all four of my teammates are grouped close to baron if the enemy sends multiple people towards me i can try to waste their time for as long as possible to set up my team to take baron or tryndamere to take the inhibitor top you need to be comfortable sacrificing your life if your team is in position to take things off it pay attention to what your teammates are pressuring and ask yourself if the enemy collapses on me will that allow my team to take something the answer is yes you know you can keep pressuring in this case they only send malzahar to defend my push now i want you to remember earlier when they sent varus to defend my push and we rotate it off and collapse on the low health enemies in mid lane well in this case my team got a pick on nautilus at baron now that malzahar is bought i immediately rotate off and call for us to do baron this is a very powerful concept when it comes to split pushing when the enemy moves to defend your push you can actually rotate off while they're distracted killing the minion wave you just shoved into them this will allow you to get to fights or areas of the map before them this is commonly referred to as having a tempo advantage i then use both the number advantage we have from the nautilus dying and the tempo advantage i have on mauzahar to try and take the baron keep in mind even if the enemy reacts here and tries to fight us it is a 5v4 in our favor since nautilus is dead those are good numbers now you might be thinking wow baron buff so you now finally group with your team and siege a tower and end the game right absolutely not remember our motto what would tryndamere do if we group with our team in siege a 5v5 team fight will break out which again gives us low agency and is what we want to avoid that's how you throw games as a ad carry we want to be the ones in control of the outcome of the game we want to be in the driver's seat not just a passenger so we start out split pushing bot side and spot a teamfight breakout in mid lane just as predicted my team loses it and the extremely balanced passive on auction respawns the entire enemy team now usually in this scenario i would just keep split pushing after all we knew the entire enemy team was mid but as soon as auction's passive respawns the enemy team i know that like moths to a flame they will gun straight for me to defend my push however that's why we use our trusty other tool the collapse off the push this lets me clean up the team fight and kill both malzahar and auction hopefully you're starting to see the pattern we split push and if the enemy doesn't send someone to defend great that's free farm and towers for us if the enemy does defend great we just rotate off and look to either collapse on winning fights or take jungle camps oh yeah it's also worth noting after this kill i'm now 1000 gold and three levels ahead of the enemy varus yeah that's what he gets for trying to play 80 carry the traditional way and i wouldn't be surprised if by this point some of you are pulling your hair out wondering if i'll ever team fight well there are some moments where you can teamfight you just need to make sure you have a big advantage for example in this case two enemies are dead there's two taking dragon one of them being a support if i collapse it will be a 3v2 in our favor which will easily win so naturally it's perfectly fine to team fight in scenarios like these where the outcome is practically guaranteed to be good for you and if at this point you're still thinking okay great now we group with the team and push and end well then you're still thinking way too much like an ad carry this is the beauty of this strategy is that by splitting we're not only gaining a ton of gold but also solo experience in fact i'm the highest level champion in the entire game at level 16. and don't get me wrong i could group with my team if they were ahead as well and we could easily win the game but when you're really the only one with a lead on your team like i am in this game you want to keep splitting after enough time passes you'll eventually get to the point where no one can match you in the split push as you're way too strong and that's when the enemy team is truly screwed alright so as you can tell this macro strategy is great to use to carry low elo but we'll be honest with you there are definitely certain champions that are better at it than others that's why we created a tier list of champions for this strategy in the op tier you'll find tristana and vayne both of these champions have innate scaling which is great as with the strategy you'll be able to stall out the game and scale really well as you split push at the same time they have great mobility and self-peel which makes either 1v1 or escaping way easier if someone tries to match you in your push in the s tier we have draven and kaiser draven is very strong at 1v1 while having mobility to kite and kaiza has great scaling with mobility as well making them great at this strategy in the 8th here we have lucian miss fortune sivir ezreal samira zari kalista and twitch the majority of the 80 carry roster falls into the a tier they're still all great at executing this strategy but their champions either have weaker scaling or 1v1 potential than the ones ranked above them in the b tier we have xayah affilios and caitlyn these champions are pretty average at the strategy mainly due to either a lack of mobility scaling 1v1 potential or a mixture of the three and lastly we have the c tier where you'll find kog'maw ash jinx and jin these are champions with a severe lack of mobility and so are unable to outplay in the 1v1 or escape being collapsed on or they simply lack that dps needed to 1v1 tank your top lane champions that will try to defend against your pushes and if this hard carry playstyle is something you want to learn then you need to unlock the full course at our website skillcap.com we sent out real players just like you to try out this strategy in silver gold platinum and diamond we then reviewed their replays and went over the exact mistakes they were making when trying to execute the strategy it doesn't stop there though as we also sent our challenger expert into low elo to not only prove this strategy works with the absolute worst teammates imaginable but to then teach and break down exactly how he does it in his own games so what are you waiting for learn to start carrying your games and click the discount link in the description below alright and that will do it for this guide we hope you guys learned a lot best of luck on summoner's rift and we'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 894,760
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Keywords: league of legends, league of legends guide, lol guides, league of legends tips, league of legends coaching, league of legends season 12, how to get better at league of legends, skill capped, lol tips, lol tips and tricks, league of legends pro guides, how to improve at league of legends, how to adc, adc guide, adc coaching, lol coaching, league of legends rank up, league of legends macro, how to improve in league of legends, challenger guide, challenger coaching
Id: Kwzq4XxrHEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2022
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