I Played In Bronze To Prove A Point To Reddit

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everyone and welcome to another video and now guys i didn't plan on doing this and i don't really do many of these reddit react videos but i kind of had to because i was mentioned in it and i think that this sort of reddit post can do a lot of damage in the league community now um if any of you guys have been following my channel for an extended period of time you'll know that i don't actually do much like lower level content anymore like espec like especially revolving around the ranks of like iron bronze and silver i tend to at a minimum kind of do golden above i did that one video talking about bronze and silver and how to climb out of it but that's about it so this this was actually a reddit post that was talking about climbing out of bronze and silver and i thought it was absolutely fascinating and i'm going to kind of debunk it and talk about you know i guess get aligned to what this guy was trying to cover and why he might be experiencing his problems i'm going to show with examples why it isn't true so let's give it a read through um so you guys can can can actually understand where this guy's coming from so it was titled how is nice having so much trouble in bronze elo how to really win the league of legends so this was posted six days ago by the killer tofu so to begin with i have to make it clear i believe two things the skill gap in the game is narrower than most people think or at least narrower than before and i would agree with the narrower than before for sure and concepts popularly considered to be and described as in this post as quote unquote high level or esoteric are actually not so watching some chill nice i was flabbergasted by how difficult it was for him to secure leeds leads in such a low elo in a lot of his videos he legitimately has a hard time against low elo opponents even in lane when you supposedly have the most agency in the game all coaching content about climbing in this bracket is just cs better and don't die and the fundamentals niece is a coach and a former challenger he has fundamentals mastered at this point what gives we're often told by other content creators such as coach curtis that build macro and other esoteric concepts aren't important until diamond and you could just climb by just not playing badly and in brackets using flash aggressively putting harass above csing and flashy plays you watch niece's low elo series and you see that these low elo players aren't making these huge exploitable mistakes that you hear so much about most of niece's won games actually through macro him directing the team to the correct decision and the occasional flashy play take his most recent video and i'm assuming this was a game where he was laning against some tryndamere um in some bronze game and he was saying how this wasn't anywhere close to a free game the tryndamere did an amazing job in laning versus challenger player and in my opinion matched niece's laning fundamentals i expected the bronze to challenge a skill gap to be similar to casual player to grand master in chess maybe i've been living in some fantasy world about the ability of highly lovers low elo but i'm beginning to believe the secrets of fundamentals is out and conquer content creators need to catch on low elo players are just better than they used to be frankly i can't even see the skill difference between these low elo brackets bronze silver gold plat they all understand the fundamentals perfectly let me reiterate that one more time they all apparently understand the fundamentals perfectly and will not be beaten by simply quote unquote not making mistakes yourself i think the days of low elo equals clueless is over even the best of the content creators are dismissive of the abilities of low elo which wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't giving the wrong idea to people trying to get better at the game i'm convinced a lot of people trying to climb actually following the fundamentals advice to the neglect of esoteric concepts which which is actually causing them to stagnate in low elo cs better don't die it's lazy outdated advice what i want to see from this sub in the content creation community is a discussion on how the skill gap has changed in the game over the past few years and how to address informative content and coaching in response as an example instead of telling bronze players to focus on fundamentals which were listed above perhaps encourage mastering high illu concepts such as game state macro and champion interactions tldr the fundamentals are not a secret learning materials that recommend ignoring high level concepts are keeping people from climbing into the bracket which the high level concepts supposedly become relevant okay so there's a lot of i guess angles we can tackle this from i think first things first we need to get aligned what exactly the fundamentals are now i only come from a mid lane coaching perspective so from a mid lane anyway when i talk about fundamentals i talk about wave management uh i mean i guess basic tempo assessment understanding how to get a good quality reset like leaning and warding um and and like how to cs really i mean that's basically it and i'm actually a big believer in what i call the losers game and i've talked about this a few times in the mid lane academy and in on my on my youtube talking about how i believe if you simply capitalize on the mistakes of the enemy that will largely get you around platoon um as long as you have champion mastery and the fundamentals down pat as well but obviously he doesn't really believe in such a thing because i'm assuming um this guy killer tofu whether it's him or his friends are still stuck in silver and bronze and you know they're just looking for some help and i can completely empathize with this guy because league's not an easy game um so look there's a few things i do want to touch on before we get into the examples and i'm actually going to talk about why this is the case i'm going to show you me playing in bronze in a second but um you know i actually did a video talking about like your league journey i think this is a few months ago and i spoke about how people can kind of have differing skills so you know there might be there might be a bronze one fiora one trick out there that has kind of nailed the mechanical element of the game that could very well be the case but um it's highly highly high i mean not even likely it's definitely the case that if you're still in bronze there's some other areas of play that are completely lacking so you know there's no such thing as like an overarching bronze player people kind of might be really good in some other areas maybe he's like bronze one in few areas maybe actually he's silver two in two or three areas but then he's iron four in some other areas and that is definitely the case but everyone has a very unique journey and everyone has their own unique strengths and weaknesses so you know it's hard to kind of extrapolate certain things but um that could very well be the case and why knee struggled in the lane phase for certain players um but why i'm so passionate about breaking this one down is because i feel as though this is completely wrong and you know what my approach in this video is for the sake of this argument i'm going to assume that i'm wrong i'm going to assume that you know maybe i've got an outdated take i haven't ever played in bronze i actually started league in gold in season two so i've actually never played in bronze um i don't actually coach bronze and silvers i only coach gold and above and you know there's there's a world in which i'm just delusional i'm i'm out of my out of my zone i don't know what i'm talking about there there's there's a world in which i'm wrong and so i'm going to assume that i'm incorrect about the fundamentals and how the fundamentals relate to the game and i'm actually going to test this and then one of my mantras moving forward with my content creation and just me as a coach and as a person i'm trying to be very evidence-based like if i can't actively prove that something is the case i'm not even gonna talk about it so rather than talking and getting into a little bit of a reddit war with this guy i'm actually just gonna what i did i decided to do is play two games in bronze one so i got a bronze one account a genuine bronze one silver four account and i played through annie games right and we're going to look at what these both get both these games look like and now i did this as a bit of an experiment now a few of you guys seem like oh but you're a challenger playing in bronze of course you're going to win well okay hear me out i did i i handicap capped myself a few ways so in the first game i verse of eight you'll see how i basically don't interact with the enemy at all maybe i do like one or two qw combos kiwi order combos and i only use my ultimate basically when my my team is coming to gank i never use my flash aggressively in the entire game i i basically don't make a single macro call no macro calls i just listen to what everyone else says and just do basic macro but most of the game what you'll see me do is just focus on my cs get somewhat decent resets not even thinking about tempo actually i didn't even value my tempo at all but somewhat decent resets where i didn't miss much farm get good quality cs like 9 10 cs per minute and then this group in the mid game and aram and and understand how to play my champion and capitalize on the enemy mistakes now the first game which is super fascinating i'll put these scores up first game i lost and you'll see in a second why i lost um because obviously the enemy had a smurf on top and my top was down like three or four levels and my bot lane got absolutely annihilated my jungle was tilted the whole thing the whole shebang the classic bronze experience right but i made that game so god damn hard for them to win that if i had one person on my team that was playing to win or actually if i was allowed to use my flash aggressively it would have been a free win the second game i did basically the exact same thing i even died in lane i made it so simple i even like dumbed down my micro massively and i still won by not making a single macro game call never using my flash aggressively just playing basic basic basic league legends so rather than talking about it let's go into these two games i'm going to go in depth we're going to review them together i'm going to show you what it looks like i'm going to show you what basic what i call losers game gameplay um what it actually looks like and why it's so goddamn effective effective for getting you into gold four so this was the first one this was me playing annie here as you can see my nice little bronze border i just went a very stock standard electrocute flash ignite setup i see some silver borders in here very classic bronze silver game so get into it version of viagra with tp and you'll see i i didn't mute all i i didn't do pings or anything like that i actually get flamed by the warwick a lot this game which was fascinating he was raging up a storm which you know i wanted to really have the proper bronze and silver experience and um you'll see that for the first you know five or six minutes i don't even think i use a single ability on this viagra all i'm focused on doing right now is having the wave on my site just valuing my farm really highly and that's it now my philosophy one of my big philosophies with bronze and silver is that if you play patient and you value your farm at some point as long as you're vigilant and you understand how to play your champion they will present an opportunity that's my my on one of my underlying principles to climb into gold and as you can everyone's probably panicking oh my god you're versing a yi and a vika oh my god is it aren't you gonna like get out scaled or something no scaling goes out the window when you farm well especially this level of play so as you can see i'm just trying to thin out the waves and this is a fundamental understanding how to actually prep minions and farm under tower is something that you it's an important skill to actually learn a lot of people don't know how to have 12 cs by the first two waves i actually miss a few cs i think at some point this lane but nothing fancy um but all i'm doing is extending the minions making sure i'm csing to the best of my ability um and the great thing about bronze and silver is that no one bounces waves no one slow builds waves so in high yield brackets fire guard might bounce this wave to set up a gank or he will start stacking waves and make it half meter thin waves like he will abuse certain disadvantage certain weaknesses of my kit whereas at this elo bracket no everyone's just gonna start perma shoving you in and yes they might be the odd player here and there that frees but but again like between the jungles not listening and you know i'm sure there's ways out of it even if they do freeze with good quality warning good quality leaning that sort of thing or actually just roaming honestly but we can get into that we can get into that later on so as you can see nothing fancy is happening more vigorous is trying to hit me with cues and say yes i'm just valuing my farm not interacting at all um poor time i think was having a really rough time i think this set was actually a smurf or something like that um so fast forwarding now and i haven't even had a chance to walk with them because i'm basically getting shoved in all the time and because i'm actually not contesting this viagra to the detriment of my team i'm losing prior right and as a result vigorously i would collapse into the river here onto this warwick and um and he dies which ultimately at the end of the day i don't know why warwick's even walking into the river anyway because he has no we have no prior but again i'm i i didn't want to mechanics max this veigar and overwhelm his mental stack and bait out his abilities and trade onto him no i wanted to dumb it down and play as if i'm a bronze that doesn't really know any of that i want to dumb it down and purely play like reactive league of legends that's what i wanted this is the point i wanted to prove and you know obviously that's going to come with some consequences my team is probably going to collapse on here and there i'm not contesting priority i'm not really trading with this guy i'm just chilling just to see what would happen so fast forwarding a little bit nothing nothing fancy i'm just trying to thin the waves uh viagra is going um i end up pulling the wave on my side a little bit here so as you can see i'm going to pull in this wave here just to temporarily hold it on my side get a nice little water down to one side i think vi guy ends up hovering bot side here looking for a potential room even though he's um so i ping that way in advance which is another fundamental or i wouldn't say a fundamental but a nice little piece of advice is always ping the enemy roams so what do i do if the enemy's roaming i'm going to shove if i don't have a freeze i'm going to shove so i'm sitting on a decent amount of gold i definitely want to spend this gold and because i don't have tp this is what i mean by thinking about how to get a good quality reset if i were to continue to slow build here it wouldn't make sense would it because i need to spend my gold if i guys going for a roam if he just goes for that rome and then tp's back and i'm stuck in lane with 1300 gold what the hell am i going to do so i need to obviously shove this wave to get myself a reset so i start to shove shove shove and then inevitably vigor tp's back and i get a nice little reset now that is a good quality reset farming pretty well 52 cs by six minutes not perfect but you know pretty pretty solid so end up going for a first item socks and if we take a look at the game state top lane is getting annihilated he's eight cs to 44 down two levels already bot lane is already in struggle town um and obviously he's kind of free farming so a lot of people will start to panic so i come back again with the intention just to kind of chill i think here i start to do like very basic short trades onto this guy like somewhat reactive short trades but you'll see i don't do anything fancy i'm still very much just focusing on my farm and actually because i went socks slash setting is actually a little bit harder because i don't have any ap i've just gone for the one shot build but pretty straight forward i end up i end up typing in chat free kill mid just to see if the junglers would actually do anything you'll see here i actually type in free kill mid it didn't mean anything to avoid so that was a little bit of experiment he obviously didn't listen to what i what i typed because he could just walk me and kill me if he really wanted to so that's okay end up looking for a basic short trade q w auto proc electrocute run away with my e very basic bot lane getting annihilated they end up getting a nice little pick onto ye which was good so fast farting just farming really just farming here i think set 2v1s top or like i think he kills tom but then um ends up uh and i'm getting i think him on the back end there i think i take a nice little short trade again nothing too fancy and i even tried to make my micro less intense like i tried to dumb it down a little bit and because otherwise it would just it just wouldn't make it fair so warwick great well i got a nice little gank off malphite goes for a little bit of a roaming and this ties into my theory my theory being at some point the enemy is going to mess up and they're going to overextend and die to a gank so here we go first game in bronze what happened great nothing fancy i haven't even got i think i've watered like once basically getting permission in the entire game give this guy a little bit of positive reinforcement good job malphie and um lovely shove out the wave and get a nice little bit of a reset now i don't really care about my tempo into veigar um i mean if i was playing maybe playing at a high elo maybe maybe i wouldn't shove this next wave just reset right now because i can already afford my last chapter i believe so um yeah but anyway i come back now i've got my lost chapter i've got my socks farming still relatively good i think i'm up about 20 cs over this guy which is lovely top lane is getting annihilated 9 cs to 51 whole breaker versus like a ruby crystal cloth armor top lanes and struggle struggle town as well the game's not looking pretty good for us is it so i'll play losing tower bot lane die again so i'm just chilling again i ping that viagra is missing this was inevitably my fault right because i gave tempo over to that viagra with my with my reset i i stayed for that extra wave and viagra i had a little bit of control and was able to move before me pretty sure uh warwick died before vicar got here though and he ended up dying you know halting away i think so what do i do i hardshelf because viagar was roaming vika gets another roambot so changing my keybinds and uh warwick's obviously you know blaming team and the whole shebang which is you know definitely what you would expect from a from a bronze player just blaming team or left front center top lane died again he's down 50 cs and i think set got two towers by 10 minutes which is absolutely incredible and poor time man i mean he's probably getting this this set's obviously a smurf there's no way this this set knows how to do that um a bronze player as well so poor times getting smurfed on not much too much it's not too much you can expect from him so i'm just chilling sitting tight so again not hard shoving keeping the wave in neutral state or even slightly on my side the great thing about holding the wave on your side as annie is that you can set up nice little ganks so i just ping on my way mid just to give the heads up to this warwick work inevitably comes with a drive by i press my e i press my q i press my r and then it's a nice little simple kill again buying into my narrative here which is inevitably at some point they're going to die they may not die in the first five minutes but they're going to die at some point now this is where the fun begins right i'm 100 cs by 10 minutes 45. i haven't even see us perfectly i haven't done a single proactive play to be honest with you my team's just been dying around the map now we killed vika and i'm like okay what would be a macro play or like not a macro play just a play that a bronze player could make well bot is pushing up all the way to tier two i've killed my laner i think it's pretty fair that a bronze player could walk up to this one so i just move up straight away then push it up nice and aggressively i'm walking up with my work here and remember my rule i'm not allowed to use my flash aggressively so i just walk up press my q w auto and we get a nice little kill we go for the chase here onto the locks my rule of thumb i'm not allowed to use that flash aggressively so i'm just being very very patient and end up giving the kill just don't take it again i'm really trying to over exaggerate here for the sake of the argument so so far so good right i mean i haven't done anything boring as i'm cleaning up the locks anyway i go for a nice little reset because i have low resources and a lot of gold get my blasty wand set comes mid they riff mid my team is getting on at this stage so warwick for some reason is forcing dragon i have no idea why um that's ultimately him trying to force some crazy player i don't know what the hell is going on here now sets kind of go for the dive here and remember my rule i'm only allowed to use my flash defensively never proactively because i have my flash as a tulio i'm able to escape this set little thing and um they siege made and get two towers made so look at that so far i've just basically slowly lost the game a lot of people think oh my god curtis is getting on a bronze oh my god so for some reason they do the dragon they get collapsed on but they do get a dragon which is nice so again i'm just just chilling just chilling i think uh vigor comes by i press my e i press my q and my aw take a nice little short trade pretty straight forward so i'm farming pretty well um i think i'm 118 by 13. um malphite's kind of just a-ramming i'm just chilling as well again notice there's no macro course i'm not calling lane assignments i'm not doing anything fancy here lux got caught so i just pressed my stun and i just get another kill i'm just getting handed kills here i'm not doing anything fancy here inevitably they're going to miss it right luxing was the ulti worth it question mark sure was buddy so now i'm just chilling i get uh i catch this wave i've got my luden's gold so i go back for base 120 cs by 14 minutes still having done nothing nothing nothing uh advanced so now i've got my stalks and my lootings i know i'm pretty strong um you know tom's obviously struggling bot lane's obviously struggling but you know what i'm just gonna see what happens if i again apply this mantra which is just sit tight and and play off the mistakes of the enemy so i go back what sets obviously trying to get every tower in the game i just pressed my stun on this guy and what does he do oh he tries he's getting a bit crazy he's getting a bit he get a bit amped up he he definitely wants to utilize his lead here look what happens oh what the hell he's diving me i just kill him another example isn't it at some point they're going to mess up now geez end up cleaning me up on the back end which is fair enough but i get a nice little shot down from killing that set remember i didn't do anything to the set here i'm literally just dancing on the tower this guy just runs up in my face i run back and stun him and he just trades one for one and i'm happy to trade one for one when you've got a shot down like that buddy so again capitalizing on any mistakes he cleans me up we're already getting siege on by 15 minutes so again i just go to the nearest the nearest lane that no one is in um because malphite's already bought times kind of mid whatever and it's probably better for me to be catching waves on the sideline than varys so i just go top just catch this wave so shove out the wave and my mantra a lot of the time macro wise is just keep it simple grab farm when you can and then just shove and move so what do i do i catch that wave and then i'm i was literally about to walk back mid now look what happens set getting greedy rather than playing for the uh rather than playing for the wave what does he do should i play for kill kill kill he's trying to make those flashy plays for some reason he tries to go for a play here we're able to one-shot him viagra comes with a drive-by he tried to go he tries to go in as well and we're getting two nice little kills there like unfortunately i didn't get the shot down but as you can see a few little kills now they chase and over i mean that's out of my control remember i'm not allowed to shock call i'm not doing anything fancy i'm just kind of going with the flow so now i'm getting pretty beefy you know i'm working towards my uh shadow flame here another thing i actually found super fascinating in bronze at these games that no one builds resistances so when you go flat pen or like lethality your champ can do a lot of damage so so far again what have i done so far simply capitalize just value my farm and capitalize on the enemy mistake so what do i do coming out of base i go to the nearest wave so nearest place with farms so lucian's shoving out top what is this guy likely going to do why his resets are probably going to be he's probably got poor map awareness so all i do is walk around the corner and just get another little kill this is not advanced macro is it i'm literally walking to the nearest person that is overextended in the nearest wave for farm so still farming pretty good 145 cs by 17 minutes my team is grouping mid and what i always say the 15 minute plus a ramp so i'm like all right i'm just gonna hover around mid i'm an annie i've got a malphite let's do it let's hover around it see if something happens so i just hover hover i hover i hover i hover and look what happens we've got a warwick who presses r i'm able to press i r and we get a beautiful little pick on the yi lovely nothing fancy just sitting out of vision and pressing my stun button lucian dashes in i'm able to get a nice little kill again if lucian's gonna dash in my face why not give me another kill lovely so um that was pretty much it varus sniped on the back end they see jump in here i just simply reset and go to the people that are over extended now instead of them resetting inevitably they're going to go you know they're going to go sicko mode for for uh for kills so this guy goes ham he tries to dive my nexus i'm just chilling i'm trying to keep it simple as possible if you want to donate a skills body go ahead so as you can see there's a trend forming this is literally the hardest game you could possibly have with me get i'm generating zero priority in lane through two side lanes that got annihilated and a warwick that's flaming and tilting this is basically as hard as you possibly can look at my score 616 we're actually starting to get quite beefy now varys is getting back into the game tom's getting back into the game because why why are we getting back into the game well instead of instead of free farming and taking out jungle camps what are they doing they're just running at our face when one person dies what do the other guys do they still run at our face so as long as you don't do anything fancy and you just keep it simple and use your flash defensively these sorts of things will happen this is another example what am i doing i'm just trying to do my blue like and i'm just a very i'm just a nice guy i'm an innocent guy just trying to get my blue buff okay if lucian wants to do this fine i'm going to hold your face and lucky i've got my flash defensively because this guy's always going to go for these people are always going to go for aggressive plays and lucian flashes aggressively in my face with complete disregard for my team we get another kill he's saying i got so lucky dude at [Laughter] give a little winky face it's just so funny to me it really is funny to me and i'm trying to really exaggerate this with playing as basic league as possible imagine if this game was if i had one winning side lane or one competent member imagine that this game would have been so easy or if i actually somewhat contested player versus the veigar i'm not even playing perfect league of legends right i actually played co-op versus ai and i'm still room early in this game so anyway all i'm doing is getting catching waves if they're going to see john x's i'm just going to sit here stan catch cs under tower just make sure i'm getting see any basic cs around my face catching midwave because these guys don't end the game do they so like these guys have advanced macro so yeah what are they going to do they're either going to start baron and coin flip a baron or they're going to mindlessly siege or one of them's going to split push and get caught off guard and the other ones are going to die at some point because they don't know how to end the game properly one of them is gonna get caught at some point so i think they end up doing some weird little one through one lucian's on one side then he's on one side i mean they're going crazy inevitably he just goes in and i just press my stun and then set gets a little bit frustrated and then there's running at us so we take those kills so anyway as you can see all i'm doing is just catching waves farming catching waves and you know pressing my r button so next dragon was up so i'm alright fine my team's gripping on the dragon what why not so if we know if they know we're going to dragon and they i know we know they want the dragon so all they're going to do is sit in this bush they're going to come to us there's nothing advanced i know you want dragon we're on the dragon what happens they face check inevitably they die they get caught veigar flashes into the pit for a malphite for some reason vigor dies i mean it's just it's getting comedic at this point right i mean it really is lox walks in next who's next come on give me another one it's just it's ridiculous it really is now again i want to be careful because i'm not trying to on bronze place everyone's at this a different stage of their journey but the point like i said i'm going to reiterate this time and time and time again i'm trying to show that you don't need advanced macro to win these games all right so i come back top again we'll fast forward a little bit here i end up catching waves i'm just doing the good old aram um gets very spicy here and we got set split pushing on one side and then and varys reacting to a bot i just press on the target that was near my team um where it goes on one target i just go on i'm again i'm just grouping really i'm just grouping and picking the person next to us goes in very deep even though we have nothing and then i get spam pinged and you know that's fine catch wave get another reset for my death cap yi what's he gonna do well he's gonna shove up isn't he so i hold my stun press my stun boom another kill so they they don't know how to end right they're just they're too scared to coin flip a baron so they're just sieging and they're giving us all these resources so now you know i haven't farmed amazing because yeah i can't farm 10 60 10 cs per minute the whole game when these sorts of in these sorts of games so you know i found pretty good in the first 15 minutes but still okay 220 by 25 26 not terrible so i'm just chilling again catching catching waves if i want to win if i see my team grew mid i'm going to a ram obviously warwick goes crazy for some reason he tries to be faker for a second ends up dying um he ends up following us into the team somewhat and he dies so very back and forth again i could have killed lucian here with my flash but remember i'm not allowed to use my flash aggressively um lux just randomly walks up and i press my stun i get another kill i mean nothing fancy the only thing i've done that is remotely fancy is that i swapped a sweeper because i know that annie is so good when um when they don't have vision and their face check and everyone's just going to face check out this yellow so again i'm just catching waves catching waves catching weights and inevitably if set pushes up i'm going to run there if set's pushing up i'm gonna go so i start we kill another kill so the game's starting to get very close isn't it it's it was an absolute destruction the early game and now it's a very very close game 34 kills to 36 in everyone's farm varys has gotten kills i'm i'm basically full build by 28 minutes which is pretty insane warwick's starting to get quite beefy now get another kill they're just running in one after the other because they don't understand that you shouldn't be doing anything when your other teammates are dead they're never going to say no to a play there is no limits on what what they should or shouldn't go for so anyway fast forwarding we end up kind of shoving our mid and going for like a bit of a barren here given that um we're on baron i know that they're going to run into us inevitably so locks i just camper bush they run into us we get another kill so it kind of goes back and forth for a little bit set goes on a split push rampage and um i think end up killing this guy again nothing fancy so actually take a look at this yeah i'm just reacting to their reaction to what they're doing on the map essentially if they shove and they ever extend i will kill them so um fast forwarding here turns into a bit of an aram again i think at some point um everyone's just training kills back and forth i hold my son for the yi get another kill um set instead of waiting for his team to respawn it's just rinse repeat you'll see just rinse repeat over and over and over again so anyway the game gets to a point where um i think we get another dragon or i can't remember what happened what actually happens here i think i yeah set i think we get split and then i and i don't have my stun prepped and i loop around they end up getting dragon i think they end up getting barren as well and they were trying to siege and i could have i think i could have turned around this game all i had to do was use my flash aggressively either on the lux here or i think it was the lucian further up probably could have stalled out the game a little bit more because inevitably they're going to overstand i think here all i could i could have just flashed on but i didn't want to use my flash aggressively and i ended up dying and we'd lose the game so this was a really interesting first game in bronze for me because it taught me a few things look these players aren't terrible they have by no means do they have good fundamentals but they understand how to control their character they have very very good i mean very baseline understanding of their champs identity they know how to press qwer and have baseline understanding of the game that's about it and that's you know that's what bronze and silver is all about so this shows even in the most difficult game you can turn it around i end up finishing the game at 17 2 and 15 with 280 farm by 35 minutes which not a single macro game call purely responding to the mistakes of the enemy no aggressive flashes barely interacting with my lane opponent and basically just basically capitalizing on their mistakes that is it okay so i'm like you know what okay just see this as a to make sure this isn't a fluke let's play a second one okay so let's go into the second one and see if there's still these principles still apply so this was the second one this was an annie versus yasuo i think this was more of like a silver game but i think maybe a bronze or two but mainly silver and um versus ghana and let's get into this one so this one i had a similar approach i was like i think i traded a little bit more i think that yasuo actually started with first blood from an invade or something like that um but as you can see already i'm just i'm just law sitting just lost it let the shot me in and the great thing again about about these healer brackets to reiterate one more time no one pulls waves or anything like that no one does any advanced wave strategies so i can just largely farm under my tower pretty easily most goody player would probably bounce the way i've created a long lane saying then holding me down the long lane or something but this guy didn't do that so all i was able to do was just again sit here um thin waves with auto attacks if if yes i went and roamed i mean a ping back back back i'm going to get a nice little wall down to one side i'm just going to continue to value my farm this game i actually end up going for the dark circles with the dorians because the dorians just felt useless but small little detail so this guy i think was a little bit better than the veigar he i think he had a little bit more chat mastery and obviously i think yasuo is just a very easy to execute laning champion so i guess that also makes sense as well and i tried to like dumb down my micro i remember thinking here i should probably get hit by a few q3s here and there just to to kind of make it accurate i tried to run into a few of them i think um but anyway again he's just perma shoving me and i think he randomly takes a tower shot you'll see i'm not even casting my abilities on this guy i'm just letting him do whatever he wants so fast forwarding as you can see very similar to the vigor vod i'm just pulling waves constantly holding waves on my side if he roams he roams i'm not going to follow i'm just going to do my thing so fast forwarding a little bit here i'm just catching waves under tower boom boom boom boom boom he's perma shoving me and so i will take that any day of the week so pretty straightforward and this is again how to get a good reset well i don't have tp i'm sitting on 300 gold i calculate when the next canon wave is coming so i base on a cannon for a sauce and a peak quart so because i base on a cannon i only miss true melees which is honestly um not bad in the grand scheme of things so fast 40 a little bit um i end up just starting my slow build out because there's no point hard shoving yes where it comes back and instead of holding the wave on his side he just goes for a hard shove onto me which is great um he ends up starting to trade quite aggressively onto me in a moment i'm just again really focusing on my cs and it ends up going for a q3 on to me here which is crazy i'm like oh okay he's actually going to do this so you're not going me under tower and then what do i what do i say before i only use my flash defensively so it ends up just trading one for one i'm like okay if you want to do that great now notice how much of a worse start this game is i lose a massive wave under tower this yasser weighs two and one i'm only 57 cs by seven minutes 30 or whatever this is not even a good game as you can see here as well they've already got a dragon top lanes down a lot of cs i think my bot lane had already died once from that level one invade not looking like the best game but a better game my team is actually doing better than the last game that's for sure that's for sure so i come back um i see scanner i think he ends up blowing flash here which was lovely come back get the wave out pretty straightforward use my stun reactively just peel back and what do we see nearly blindly chases into my team scanner ends up compensating and we end up taking a nice little 2v2 now i'm kind of um here so i couldn't really do much i popped my biscuit and i think we end up trading one for one here or something like that yeah we end up trading one for one which was nice i think this is kind of dark i remember so again nothing fancy i'm just reacting to the plays that they're making if they want to take this 2v2 sure because i have a level 6 cane it's not you know and i know i have ignite i have a combat spell yasuo will be missing a lot of minions for this one um yes he's quite strong he's got his new berserker griez but again i played this relatively straightforward i just hit the next target um tried to kill the target whoever came was trying to target that's about it so again bit of a scrappy two for one um yasuo is getting quite strong he's three and two so fast for you a little bit keeping it really simple allowing myself to get shoved in not even farming that grade this game i think yasuo went for another rome here walked over a ward and to be honest i didn't think yes was actually going to romeo um this was on me and this was a bad again not taking my own advice from the last game which is not pinging out those rooms i think i got a little bit complacent sloppy sloppy ping and as a result my ezreal overstays in lane and he dies so that's completely on me so yasuo is getting pretty out of control he even got a shot down from that he's four and two but again i'm keeping it simple i'm not roaming not doing anything so all i do is walk away to my jungler knowing that yasuo can only come from that bot side pretty straightforward now they get a little bit crazy here i don't know what they were doing um and inevitably they overextend tying back to that mantra of capitalizing on their enemies mistakes i walk up i press my r and my qw pretty straightforward so as a result we get a nice little kill there i just help my jungler here not doing anything fancy if my jungler's going to invade like this i'm going to help him so flat i mean look at this teemo flashes aggressively thank you very much for that one we get a nice little kill this guy walks in and compensates we get another little kill so again nothing fancy here isn't it if people are going to flash aggressively in my face when they have the man disadvantage and yasu is already dead of course i'm going to take those kills this guy compensating great so again all i've done so far i've even i mean this yes was also pretty fed i've literally just lost it allowed myself to get shoved in waited for them to overextend inevitably they die so now before i know it i'm five in one 83 cs i'm rock and rolling bot lane end up doing a better job this game so my top lane was struggling but my bot lane was doing a good job and that's what most games will have you'll have one winning side one losing side so yeah roams again um i end up pinging this one i think way earlier but they didn't respect and he died i think he died to the tower anyway so that was completely fine shoved shelf i've got a beautiful ward on that board side so i can safely lean onto the top side and see them if they come by lovely i walk down because i've got my ultimate and again the fundamentals playing in accordance to my r cooldown making sure i'm playing in accordance with my champs identity getting good quality resets valuing my farm making sure i'm not dying to ganks basic warding basic leaning i'm just doing all the real basics here so i come by catch cs under tower they end up going for some weird thing here i don't know what that's all about i think top dies to a gank i'm just chilling this guy grows onto me i use my abilities reactively pretty straightforward so yasuo is constantly roaming and if every single time he's roaming i'm shoving out mid and i'm denying him farm he's wasting time i think yasuo ends up dying for that and this is what people try to do this is exactly what i talk about he's trying to do too much he's trying to roam too much he's not pulling waves and setting up ganks and then creating long lane sets all in me what is he doing he's roaming he's roaming off every second wave and losing heaps of cs great he went from being potentially a scary ass word to just a useless yeah so this guy walks in my face so i just pressed my buttons and get another kill that was relatively straightforward so as you can see the same trends are applying they're giving us kills on a platter he's losing the game himself i haven't done anything proactive i haven't planned anything i haven't like pinned for ganks i haven't done anything he's literally overextended multiple times or died on a road that's about it and in games like this where you have one winning side or one competent sideliner as long as you don't die and you you just value your farm and you group with the team you're going to win the game so god damn easily yasuo is continuously running it down bot for some reason sorry now i've got my big tower so that that's amazing so i'm just getting scuttle just keep it mid shoved again not roaming and i was a little bit confused here in the game thinking do i like what would a bronze player do should i follow room should i not follow rooms i didn't want to over complicate things i'm like screw it i'm just going to sit mid so i just sit mid constantly shoving waves and then i end up getting i think i end up getting called out but i turn it around and trade one for one so this one was on me i didn't think morgana would be roaming up here so nice sort of room from them but again i all of this is stemming from me and trying not to over complicate the game because again i didn't know what a bronze player would or wouldn't do macro wise so again using my flash defensively using my abilities reactively i'm able to trade one for one but it's kind of got a big shot down which that's a pretty big that's a big mistake for me so coming out of base i'm thinking to myself okay really simply i've got a pretty strong bolt lane i'm rock and rolling i've got my two items um excellent i walk back mid to catch the wave they end up doing dragon and then we do a beautiful wombo combo nothing fancy i oh and i remember thinking here all i got to do is as long as i'm somewhat at the objective and i'm able to fight as a team we're going to win this pretty easily so i kind of wait for them to group up a little bit and then boom e r excellent lovely look at that great little team fight so um i think here um they end up over extending remember i'm not pinging anyone back or anything like this like at the end of the day if they i'm not shock calling if they want to do this they want to do this they think one back ping but again i'm not shock calling here if this was a real game my main account i would already be being danger danger danger reset or too much i wouldn't even have to because they would do it but everyone no one has any idea of of tempo or anything like that so they're just they're just over extending so i just let them die for the sake of the experiment let's let my team die and let them make mistakes that the average bomb player like in their games they will experience so they end up all overstaying i think all of them nearly die i go to the nearest wave that has nearest lane that has farm and i just catch that and if as soon as i see my team group and fight i'm going to do that so i just run mid i run med if they give me an opportunity to make a play i will go for it otherwise not that's fine and we'll just move to the baron so again all i'm doing is catching sideways whenever possible and then if my team group are trying to play for the flight i'm going to do that as well again i haven't made a single macro game call i'm just following whatever plays my team makes and this is also to prove a point that there's so much room for improvement i mean i could ping my team back when they're overstaying i could probably ping off objectives i could you know i could ping ask for assistance for ganks there's many things i could be doing better but this is just to show even at the most basic level you're still going to win the game as long as you don't make any big mistake so they inevitably walk into us we get a nice little baron play here i think i end up dying here to a team mushroom or whatever it was that's completely fine and then what do i do i go i just group up with my team again farm the mid wave they end up dying so i'm like okay i'm just going to sit on my tower and wait for my team to respond because i'm i don't want to compensate i don't want to do anything crazy right now they end up um going for a weird little dive i get a nice three-man ultimate i mean come on guys if they're gonna run under my tower and give me a three-man until it's sure it's end up getting a nice little i think it's a triple kill nearly quadra kill there so look at this i'm literally coming out of base my team get caught so i'm like okay well i don't want to compensate i'm not going to do anything fancy i can't walk in through here because i'm just completely cut off they end up flashing aggressively for the for the cho gath as long as i value my own life and i don't do any fancy probably they're going to die i'll do something stupid and they do they walk under my tower i press my r button and i get a nice little kill so as you can see what i'm doing is i understand my champ's identity i know that i'm a burst oriented champion i know that i need to use my stone reactively i know i need to be with the team to follow so they can utilize my burst you know i'm not just mindlessly playing i'm still trying to pick up farm whenever possible like this i know they didn't need me for the dragon so instead of going to the dragon i'm able to catch top wave farm i'm still getting farm and i'm still grouping but i'm playing in accordance with my champ's identity so then i just a ram it a little bit here didn't want to over complicate it um choker tries to go for a queue they miss everything it's a ramming a ramming air ramming and then until okay the a-rims failed let's go to the split push-up oh let's get a free kill so we kill the split push-off go back to the a-ram a-ram air-ram a-ram a-ram a-ram run around the map try and pick split pushes shove the wave while i'm there come back mid a-ram a-ram a-ram inevitably we're trying to get a bit of control here in the river a-ram it a little bit more um yasuo overextends inevitably there's that one mistake boom kill shove out the mid wave a ram a ram a ram here we go wait for the next dragon the next objective remember the objectives are the magnets so i'm just chilling again not doing anything fancy cain's going very very deep in the back line i refuse to compensate and again i'm not allowed to use my flash aggressively i want them to come to me because i'm an annie i don't want to flash aggressively sit in the death brush nice little pick boom there's the mistake it's kinda dice my ignite we get there we try to get the next dragon some how they steal it that's completely fine it is what it is i would have been third dragon again a ram a ram a-ram and we just start the baron teemo split pushing so let's start the baron the count of the split pushes start the baron if they walk into us we fight so we start the baron it's a nice little 5v4 we'll take this any day of the week making sure that my team is in location to utilize my stun trying to keep it pretty simple here eventually one of them get caught out i press my r button and he gets one shot peel back into my team turns into a little bit of a flipperino i get ulted forward i do as much damage as i possibly can and i think they end up we'd end up just trading kills left front center so again messy isn't it very very messy this is inevitable in bronze very very messy right you may think oh you know you could probably make way better calls yes yes there's room for improvement but is it necessary to win the game no continue on a ram catch the waves inevitably what are they going to do they're going to make some shitty call at some point they try to coin flip a baron i walk in i press my r button we kill them all and we win the game so again right a little bit maybe a bit harder in certain areas a little bit easier in certain areas i mean this this team was destroying this the trogath and split pushing up a storm but at the end of the day the counter to split pushes literally to start the objectives start the objectives and play the fight so again really really straightforward game i end up finishing the game 17-4 very similar to my score last game so as you can see i catch sideways whenever possible i group when i need to group i play in accordance with my champ's identity not doing anything fancy simply capitalizing on any mistakes no aggressive flashes no macro calls basic build guys as long as you know how to reset you know how to cs and just basic warning basic leaning you're gonna be fine you are going to be completely fine so if anyone tells you that you need advanced macro you need some crazy split pushing shot calling crazy shenanigans to get out of silver and bronze no relax relax relax okay so you know again this is not to belittle the the king tofu who made this reddit post i think it's it's great that you're trying to think outside the box but um the i would strongly recommend looking back on your own gameplay and question what if you're dying why are you dying are you over forcing plays too much are you unnecessarily split pushing are you not cs do you not know how to see us properly or um how exactly are you dying minimize deaths play the losers game you'll be completely fine so for those of you out there who have any questions about this let me know i'd love to hear thoughts comments etc um i found this fun to do personally i mean i only wanted to do two games i don't want to play spent too much of my time here in bronze but um bronze and silver but otherwise have a great one let me know your thoughts cheers
Channel: Coach Curtis
Views: 1,165,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: league reddit, reddit, reacting to reddit, bronze, silver, climbing to gold, climbing out of silver, climbing out of bronze, fundamentals, mid lane fundamentals, coach curtis
Id: uL3Ewncdgcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 33sec (2973 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 05 2022
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