The 10 WORST MISTAKES that EVERY Low Elo Player Makes - League of Legends

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in this guide you're going to learn the 10 biggest mistakes low ELO players make that hold them back from climbing my name's hex and I'm a multi-season challenger player that's been teaching League of Legends here at skillcap for over 10 years and if there's one thing I've learned in that time it's that being good at League doesn't require you to master every single detail of the game or have crazy good mechanics you can see big gains in your rank just by understanding a few simple Concepts and fixing a couple of key mistakes that you don't even know you're making my promise to you is that if you just focus on fixing one or two of the mistakes in this guide that you will see significant rank gains how do I know that well taking low ranked players and getting them results fast is kind of what we specialize in at skill cap take our course on getting diamond in 30 days over 30 fstar ratings from satisfied customers saying how this one course alone was worth their entire membership or take our course on the best way to Jungle in Solo que perfect five-star reviews with users saying how this showed exactly why they were stuck at their rank or the course on an 80 carry strategy that literally got one of our subscribers diamond with a 7 70% win rate we have the largest collection of Premium courses tailored for every single role and the best part is you can try our service completely risk-free if you don't rank up while actively using skill cap you'll get your money back no questions asked so what are you waiting for click the link in the description below to get the rank you've always wanted all right now starting with mistake number one tell me if this doesn't sound too familiar you load up a game of League realize the enemy laner is a complete bot you start winning Lane thinking to yourself why am I even stuck in this Rank and 5 seconds later the enemy jungler arrives for an easy kill and now you're wondering why you never get junglers like that well this is likely happening because you're on What's called the weak side in League wherever a jungler starts they'll path towards the opposite side of the map so for example let's say the enemy cane starts at his blue and your nocturn starts at his blue this means each jungler is pathing in the opposite direction your jungler is pathing away from you while the enemy jungler is pathing towards you when this occurs it means you're on the weak side while the side your jungler is pathing to is called the strong side the enemy jungler gets to pass towards you with no threat of your jungler ever coming to counter gank and so it's incredibly common to be ganked towards the end of their route there's an easy solution to this though every game watch the mini map once laning starts and pay attention to which side lane arrives to Lane the latest this will tell you they gave their jungler a leash and that he started on that side most highle players memorize 315 to 345 in game this is because 3:15 is when a jungler will be finished his full clear and can gank you prior to the 330 Scuttle spawn while 345 is when they'll have finished taking the nearby Scuttle and either be recalling or moving to the other side of the map however let's be honest we're not playing in High ELO so for the this reason I just recommend playing safe from 3 to 4 minutes it's easier to memorize and accounts for the randomness and inefficiency of low ELO junglers still that doesn't fully solve the issue around being ganked I mean how many times have you heard this before you need to get the push lead early on pushing is amazing pushing gets you Lane priority it pins the opponent getting push Advantage translates to level spikes allins recall timings so you're like okay I get it I need to push you load into the game start pushing and one of Riot's super balanced Champions just runs you down and kills you like you're nothing or the jungler just swings on by to immediately punish you for overextending probably on a weird timing you can't even predict well the cause of this is usually one simple mistake most low ELO players will be pushing winning Lane and so feel safe enough to throw out one of their key abilities to try and land more damage this is a trap don't do this instead identify what the key ability your Champion has that helps you disengage and survive and then just hold on to that while you poke the enemy with your other abilities so for example with h this could be holding on to your fear while you poke with your other spells that way if you get ganked or the enemy tries to engage on you it's as simple as fearing them and running away also Pro tip time your crowd control when an enemy uses one of their engaged spells they'll be locked into the animation and be unable to dodge it I see players make this mistake all the time like you're playing arri and you think I have my ALT so I'll play Super aggressive here looking to land a charm then you just end up overextending and having to use that alt to escape instead just look to poke with your q and hold your charm and even your W for the enemy tries to fight back or if you get ganked that charm into your W movement speed boost will save you from having to use your alt every Champion will Max their one damage ability first so in Lane usually the other basic abilities are pretty weak it's often better to just use your main damage ability for poke and pushing and then just hold on to the rest of them for disengaging especially if you're pushed up or overextended in general low ELO players don't realize how many tools they have available to escape gangs it's not just about Vision or map awareness I see this one mistake all the time here aurelan soul is getting ganked let's pause here I want you to tell me what is the one key to aurelan Soul escaping this gank it's simply running in the opposite direction of the enemy jungler towards the river instead the aurelion soul makes the all too common mistake of thinking his only Escape Route is towards the safety of his Tower when you push up a lane you have to realize that running towards your Tower is rarely going to be a safe path you often just run towards the jungler making the gank easier here's a great example of Faker using this concept he's pushed up and what do you know a jungler looks to punish him by flashing on him again most players would flash towards their Tower but that just end up being a mistake as they'd get run down their Lane Instead try to think of the direction that's most opposite of the enemy jungler that's not the river in this case but actually flashing into the enemy's jungle this creates maximum separation causes the enemy to lose vision and stops any more damage now don't get me wrong this ends up working out in the end because Faker was aware his jungler was bside and his bot Lane had Lan priorities so they could get to him first however still the point is when VI first showed how many of you thought flashing into the enemy's jungle was even an option this one concept is key to pushing successfully you have to be aware you don't just have one Escape path to your Tower treat the entire opposite side of where the enemy jungler is ganking from and as a viable Escape Route you'll start to realize why you've been dying so much now I know that still doesn't fully solve the problem in some cases it won't be enough to deal with some of the Champions roaming the rift I mean we've all been in the synr shoes land some good poke get a big HP lead feel like you're getting back control of your lane and just like that the enemy jungler comes in with a flash engage and you're sitting there wondering how you're supposed to deal with this well the mistake here is that a lot of players don't understand what a rebound is and just how powerful it can be when you push a big wave under a tower like the syndra the incoming wave will get stuck on it when this happen it causes what's known as a rebound where the waves will meet much closer to the enemy's Tower since it's on the enemy side of the map the next enemy minion wave will start damaging the wave sooner causing it to push towards you so if we go back when cnra is crushing Zed here and got him low in health she doesn't actually have to keep putting on pressure If you lack Vision or don't know where the jungler is you can use this moment to actually create a rebound the wave will push towards you and you can create a nice freeze in front of your Tower this will force the enemy to move further up the lane to last it which sets up kills for you since they're low they can't roam without being killed by your teammates and if they recall they'll just bleed out minions due to the freeze rebounds can create Checkmate positions that low ELO players aren't even aware is an option I see this all the time in low ELO where players can actually be decent laners consistently get leads but they think the only way to keep getting ahead is just putting on that pressure you will always have the option to turn your push into a rebound which then lets you freeze on the enemy if you lack Vision or don't know where the enemy jungler is just ask yourself if the jungler ganks me here can we turn on them and win the fight if the answer is no then just try rebounding into a freeze in your next game and you'll start to realize just how powerful this can be and speaking of being being overextended here's a mistake I see junglers constantly make when they gank and laners make when they roam they assume just because someone is overextended and pushed up it means that ganking them is automatically a good idea here's the thing out of the giant list of things that determine whether ganking or roaming on a lane is a good idea them being overextended is actually at the bottom of the list here's the simple rule you need to follow before ganking or roaming on a lane ask yourself can I beat them 1 V one if the answer is no just don't bother why because you'll be relying on your teammates to play well and help you in order to win the fight which is a terrible idea in low ELO solo que now don't get me wrong sometimes you can still try to gank a lane that you can't fully beat by yourself there's one trick though you have to wait for your teammates to actually commit to the fight first so they're being focused and absorbing cooldowns and guaranteeing you the man advantage in the fight for example notice how when this uder turns the corner his teammate isn't close enough to kaisa to help with the gank he needs to wait and see what kaisa does and if York is able to catch up to her before he goes in and since he doesn't use that trick he effectively gets forced into a 1 V one sure could his yor have moved in earlier flashed earlier Landing his abilities better of course and this will always be the case in Solo que this is why only ganker RAM on a lane you can take down by yourself or is in the process of committing to a fight with your teammate next is one of the biggest macro mistakes low ELO players make I pretty much see this in every single low ELO game an untouched wave mid while one team goes to take dragon and the other decides to contest it only to die and get nothing I mean it goes without saying you don't have to fight over every Dragon but this isn't the tip the tip is that low E players will always overcommit the amount of players they need to take dragon and they leave mid lane wide open all you have to do is push it and you'll take free Towers most lowo players don't understand that mid towers are actually the most valuable Towers in the game destroying them completely opens up the map for you since you can push waves deeper then you're in the center of the map you have access to rotations everywhere you want to look for this play Whenever enemies try to take dragon or even baren if you're outnumbered or can't win the fight for whatever reason just look to push mid you either take Towers or force them to pull off the objective to defend it's really one of these simplest most effective macro tactics that goes completely unused by low El low players honestly in general players overestimate how hard good macro is in low ELO you really only need to know a few Core Concepts and you'll just run over games one of those Concepts is number advantages take a look at this lowy low clip all you have to do is count how many of your teammates are near you compared to how many enemies are near you and missing so we have Kane thresh Aion sold near us on this push that's three for the enemy aali is mid three are missing that's four enemies four is more than three and just like that you now know pushing here is a bad idea and what do you know here comes the enemy flanking us now I know what you're thinking I could easily cherry pick a random clip that perfectly shows how blue will lose this fight in order to try and prove my point well let's pause here notice how this is technically a 3v3 also notice how it's incredibly difficult for anyone to predict which team is going to win this fight now as we play it it does look like red is winning the fight then set and Jinx show up now it's back to a 3v3 huge set Al looks like red is definitely winning until aalii just inss it now it looks even and what do you know sen Al Now set seems to be inting anyways you get the idea this is why not playing around number advantages is such a common mistake in low ELO you just don't get clear negative feedback from making this macro mistake as fights end up being a lot more random and closer than they should be here's another example notice how if we look at the map we only have three teammates while two are away from us meanwhile all five from the enemy team are missing five is greater than three and so it's a bad macro play well Watch What Happens yeah the enemy is just going to randomly int you can imagine if you're Jinx or thresh or Garen in this game in what world are you going to think yeah pushing his three here was a mistake however they're still pushing as three and four still missing from here absolute chaos ensues as a VIN 80 carry looks to 1v3 flank this is just low ELO in a nutshell and as the red team again wins this fight just watches the blue team's aurelan soul is bot Lane the whole time so what's the takeaway here well firstly you got to realize you can't predict how team fights will go in low ELO due to how many players will constantly misplay for this reason number advantages are going to be the most effective and consistent way for you to win fights they're just such a massive advantage that can make up for any of the mechanical misplays and it's really easy to get number Advantage fights in Solo que all you have to do is if you're ever pressuring the map look at your mini map count how many teammates you have nearby and how many many the enemy has nearby and are missing if the number is lower just back off and play safe you can just wait for the enemy to overextend just like the blue team in the clips we showed and they'll give you those free number Advantage fights throughout the game and of course if you're pushing and you're the one with the higher number well keep pressuring as often the enemy will still force a fight down numbers trying to defend now once you get a hang of a number advantages really the only other macro concept you need to know to climb out of low ELO is going to be the concept of pressure so take a look at this clip Vol bear teleports Top Lane and let's pause let's look at our number advantages for both top and mid so we have two teammates mid and two enemies mid meanwhile two other enemies are missing with four greater than two mid should be playing safe and backing off based off of number advantages if we look at top we have one teammate well again two enemies are missing two is greater than one so to should be playing safe and backing off right well no and it's because pressure can be the exception to the rule notice how when two places are being pressured at once it often results in the enemy team sending multiple players to one area to punish the players there meanwhile you'll still get a lot of value on the other side of the map since they aren't able to send players there to defend it anymore also another important part of this that people always get wrong is that that once your other teammates die you're going to be on a timer where you will have to back off as now you're the only one pressuring the map and number advantages kick back in as the dominant macro concept to follow same concept of pressure here teammates are pressuring at Dragon while volley bear pressures top with five enemies missing both would be bad macro choices by themselves but when done together the enemy can only defend one we then see that lowy low mistake players make when they try and use this pressure concept notice again how volibear's teammates got Dragon for free no one contested them so Vol bear should adjust and play safe he can still pressure but he just needs to hold abilities to disengage and just position more carefully instead he jumps in and worst of all when his team already took Dragon so their pressure is gone the objective is taken now when volibear dies his team can't take anything off his pressure to compensate for the shutdown he gave exact same concept here B is going off to farm Top Lane while her teammates are pressuring mid this is totally fine and a great use of pressure however again their teammates now back off and they don't adjust they make the common mistake of not adapting to it and just keep pressuring without at least two different points of pressure on the map number advantages will take over and with the entire enemy Team Missing and vain being by herself we know this is now a bad macro play and with this New Concept of pressure in mind let's look back at the earlier Clips notice how our Garen and Jinx weren't pressuring anything this is why we calculated the number advantages and pushing here was wrong again notice how aelan soul and Cane weren't pressuring anything this is again why defaults number advantages if you just follow the simple rule only pressure the map when you have number advantages or have multiple points of pressure at the same time and you'll be amazed at how that's all you really need to start stomping your games well almost there's one more mistake players make when applying these Concepts check this out here we have a team I had around 2K gold and you can see them using this concept of pressure just like we you four are grouped mid while one is pressuring top they get the tower and then after they have two pressuring top while two pressure mid and Ramis hovers nearby mid you can even see how Ramis was able to get to Mid before the enemy jungler to turn it into a 3v2 and yeah the blue team is going to end up losing the fight both in mid lane as well as in Top Lane well if you're applying these macro concepts of number advantages and pressure and still losing fights it's likely due to one single reason you're fighting with lots of unspent gold I can't begin to tell you how common this is if we look at the Gold before this fight starts blue is ahead around 2,000 gold however when you add together all of their unspent gold they're currently sitting on around 6,000 meanwhile if you add together all of the red team's unspent gold they're sitting on around 2500 what this means is that the blue team currently only has around 20,000 golden items meanwhile the red team has around 21,000 golden items so despite the blue team being ahead in overall gold red team is actually the one stronger at this time of the fight just remember that number advantages and pressure they will only work if you make sure to spend your gold if your team is sitting on a lot of unspent gold it's unlikely any macro concept will work in your favor as it's such a big disadvantage and for our final mistake lowo players make is that lowo players don't understand how to end games when they're ahead time and time again I'll see one team get a big lead it's a well past 20 minutes and they keep pushing Lanes only for the enemy team to easily defend at their towers they can't just straight up Tower dive or they end up throwing so they end up kind of just doing nothing and to be honest usually all this pushing actually causes people to make that simple number Advantage macro mistake we covered earlier and so they end up throwing their lead as a general rule it's safe to assume you're not going to be able to end a game by by pushing if you don't have a baron buff here's the thing though most players do eventually realize the pushing isn't working and at some point actually go to take Baron the problem is the enemy team just collapses on them while they're low in health clean up the fight steal Baron causing a huge throw so here's the trick once you have a good lead and it's later into the game usually minimum pass around 25 minutes instead of wasting your time trying to throw your lead pushing you want to force Baron however don't do this with the intent of actually finishing the baron it's actually completely fine to just start Baron even if it's warded your main goal should be to bait the enemy into reacting and trying to contest it you then turn on them once they're in range and the reason this works is that you have a big lead right and so any kind of even numbered fight is very likely to go in your favor at this point in the game baiting Baron like this it will lure the enemy team away from the safety of their towers and usually forces them to fight right out in the open it's only once you've then won the fight you can turn back finish the baron which then makes pushing a viable way of ending the game there's two key ways to making this work first have a tank at Baron that won't get too low from starting it and second don't spend too much time tanking Baron if the enemy is trying to contest only attack the baron for like 5 to 10 seconds then reset before either your team or the baron itself gets too low in health since it could be stolen most low ELO players don't realize that baiting Baron is actually one of the most common macro tactics players use to win games if the enemy team doesn't react it's a free Baron for you and if the enemy does react well you just turn on them for a winning fight all right and now you know the 10 biggest mistakes lowy low players make that hold them back from climbing if you're feeling stuck where you just can't rank up no matter how hard you try then skill cap is the solution you've been looking for we have the most extensive collection of Premium League of Legends courses tailored for every single role if you're skeptical don't worry you can try us out completely risk-free if you don't rank up while you actively use your service you'll get your money back no questions asked you can unlock this gamechanging opportunity right now through the link below so what are you waiting for click the link to get the rank you've always wanted all right now we'll wrap things up we here at skillcap want to thank you for watching and we'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 554,856
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Keywords: league of legends, league of legends guide, lol guides, league of legends tips, league of legends coaching, how to get better at league of legends, skill capped, lol tips, lol tips and tricks, league of legends pro guides, how to improve at league of legends, lol coaching, skill-capped, league of legends season 14, lol s14, lol season 14, league of legends rank up, league of legends beginner guide, how to improve in league of legends, league of legends macro, how to climb
Id: a5hx9VSYiFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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