Find Your MAIN Champion in Toplane - TOPLANE CHAMPION TIERLIST

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we're going to talk about a full list of every top laners the goal is not to make a tier list here I don't want to make make a tier L like oh this is the best Champion for this ELO this is the best Champion here y y y y not not really a tier list I mainly just want to talk about every top Lan Champion name the pros and cons for them and if I would recommend them for like starters every move you made I was watching you if you are serious about improving and climbing to your desired League rank you're in the right place this year I've worked on laying out two courses that will help you in all aspects to improve one is about all the fundamentals for the lighning phase and the other one goes in depth on Tempo and a mid to late I've been chenger for 7 years and I can guarantee you that this will massively speed up your process and reaching any goal that you have set in mind both courses have a preview video where you can see the style of the videos so check those out before anything you can also always join my Discord to check out some reviews all right let's get into the video goal is to help you all find the champion that you want to main given the critics that I give we just go in alphabetic order I'll make the cam a little bit bigger I think getting so many questions by everybody what Champion should I main is this one to three Champions good to have as your average champion pool why is this Champion good y y y so many questions about champions in general right so let's start off with hos the reason I put a m is because uh you need a relatively good amount of games on atrox to pick up this Champion let's start off we're talking about the pros for atrox so atrox has an extremely good Ling phase especially after level four most of your matchups you will lose level one to level four but once you at level five and especially after the first recall in level seven and especially level 9 you are a manace in Lan this Champion is nice to play um because you have a lot of sustain right and good matchups and some other Pros for hro is that he is very good team fighting uh so he's very good to play from like the mid game or from the early game transition into mid game he's pretty strong if you have like one item Gore Drinker or or be it like a death St or sorry dust blade and something else your transition from early to mid game is actually very nice you know early game team fights you're very strong that Third Dragon team fights or like heral fights or even some skirmishes around s Side Lane H is very strong at that I what are some other benefits of playing hok again like he's very good at Team fighting right he's very versatile he skills decently depending on the comp he's very good against full ad drops for example or very uh good like he's very good into melee drafts as well or Champions that have very low mobility in terms of like dashes blinks anything like that so Champions like Soraka or Jinn or or or like these type like Zyra these type of Champions right that they basically have nothing no Mobility hro will just completely destroy so downsides to hro what I found is especially if you go for the gor Drinker build is that your sidelane presence is relatively low if you go for The lethality setup you can get pressure through Sid Lane but if you play for the gorer setup very often your job in s side is to just push out and move rather than being able to PR like um get more stuff done on the sideline like pushing towards stuff like that another downside by hok is the fact that you lose a lot of your matchs level one to level four right he has a very strong strong Landing phas but his cool Downs are very high especially in the early game and his damage is relatively low so as a result of that I would uh like it's very important that you learn to master those first WS on this Champion if you play why your first waves then your Ling face will go well as atro if you mess up your lane in the first waves it's going to be really hard to play as Champion I think those would be the biggest takeaways that I have that I disliked about hro let's talk about aalii I don't think aalii is the best top CH I put in her myth as well so how I see aalii in Top Lane is that she is one of the best answers to melee bruisers such as like your jack your Fiora she's pretty good into driven if you play her well uh she's a skill Champion she's a fun assess to play very similar to adrix though is your Champion is very weak in the early game uh level one to level four you struggle very high energy costs right uh it's kind of hard to play the champion but the more levels you get again very similar to at TR you will start spiking a lot harder uh your energy gets lower your damage gets higher you can spam your abilities more you can control waves more now let's sort of with some downsides by akali and why I personally don't like this Champion so first of all I don't think it's the best blind pick and that's because very often you like you can just get like even those Bruiser matchups unless you play really good in the early game they're not even that good for you and generally speaking you're always going to get going to get outskilled after one or two items and that is because aali has a really hard time keeping up with resources than other bruisers or other top laners do so for example if I'm playing Riven into aali if I go even in landing phase after landing phase I am so much faster on the map I can form jungle camps I can f turrets side waves like 10 times faster than aali could and as a result of that that's like one of the biggest down back it's very hard for you to get or to play for resources like split pushing jungle cam side waves you mainly want to Skirmish and team fight and and look for like these picks instead of playing for you know getting yourself a lot of resources you can still Farm of course on maali but it's a bit harder that would be one of my biggest downsides I think that's mainly it now of course the advantage you have is you have really good one V one potential outplay potential you're very hard to catch off in Sid Lane you're very good in a lot of skirmishes so yeah I think your Champion is very uh mechanically intensive so it's fun to play ation goes in in hard to pick up and actually I've said throughout the entire year that I generally speaking would never recommend any top ler to pick up akam let's start off with his benefits akan is one of the best 1 V one laners in isolation in Top Lane right his pass is very obnoxious the double Auto attack plus PTA and like a Q and his e like he just extremely extremely oppressive to Lane against in the early game however he is an extremely high skill ceiling his e placements one mess up and it's just done and if you fall behind an aan you're one of the worst champions in the game period you don't really have a kit that allows you to fall back similar to Revan and like I said if you die once as aan into whatever matchup be it like even match ups where he's supposed to be good into right I don't know what would be like a really good matchups for maybe Gangplank right like he's extremely good into certain Champions like Gangplank but right now I would never advise anybody to pick up aan I think he's not in a good spot he's very hard to play I'm not going to talk about b top I simply don't know enough about her plus she's extremely Niche so I'm not going to talk about b top same with Brier uh I know D for example loves to play lot of Brier but I really don't know anything about this Champion I haven't played her once so I'm not playing it Camille she's either mid or easy to pick up I think I'll put her in easy to pick up due to her kit being relatively like it's just relatively easy right all you need to do is know your e- range and know your W range and and just understand cooldowns and understand that of course your W or your passive Shield is either magic or physical stuff like this so Camille uh let's talk about the upsides for Camille some of the good things about Camu right now is that she can really have a lot of versatile Rune setups that allow you to play almost every match up you can go for grass you can go for First Strike you can go for conqueror uh Camu actually how most cam games go right when I'm playing cam right now as well you win level one to level five in most of your matchups especially if you play aggressive in the early game and look for priority and look for those level UPS which you can in a lot of the in a lot of the match ups that you play and um very often that leads to me getting a solo kill level to level five however if you don't get those solo kills level one to level five after level six most champ in Top Lane will start winning in One V one isolation against Camille until she finishes her first item so if you don't get a kill and that will happen if you're player skill is even right or if you're playing a bad match ups like Camille into Jax for example if you go even after first five levels and after level six it switches and you're just like either a gang setup and if your team ignores you or even you get weak sided you can't do much until you get your first item and then also the transition from first to second item if you are already behind is so extremely slow that this Champion just feels very like luster that's also her biggest issue in High ELO cuz if you play against meta Champion such as like rumble or stuff like this it's really hard to get to your second item but then of course the counterpart to that is if you get those early kills which happens very often if you're playing this Champion well you will snowb out of control out of control and Camille is one of the best Champions with gold all of her items are extremely expensive like Hydra trinity4 Spear of soan death sense stero these kind of items but uh Camille is so extremely strong with gold that if you spike fast into Trinity Force your transition from first item to Second To Third is so ridiculously fast and you start one shooting turrets you can Team fight you're one of the best roaming top laners right Camu is the best kit to roam out of any top laner I would say to catch anybody off guard yeah that that those are the benefits by C I love playing the champion myself I don't like playing your High ELO where people permanently play meta Champions but I've had the high like I've had one of the highest wins playing this champion because if you get ahead you will take over the game and it's very hard to stop a Comm that snowballing because she's so fast on the map she's really good at 1 V1 2 V2s even though you only have single Target damage she's just extremely strong she can one shot anybody on the map if you learn to Q prep this Champion just becomes a manace CIO do we do put K as a top player I think she is um I she's relatively hard to pick up I have never played her myself uh she's kind of similar to akali where this is just an extremely good Champions into like tanks or the melee bruises in Top Lane like if I play Revan against a good CP it's so unplayable or like JX or Camille even these kind of Champions into copia like this copia is one of those Niche pick top players but she's a very high skill sitting I would kind of compare to ACC or action as well rather that if you die in the early game you are so extremely vulnerable right you're a champion with extremely low base health and you're very vulnerable because you have no Mobility you get some movement speed of course so yeah the downsides about the champion I would say is that You're vulnerable the skill Shing or the stepping stone to learning the champion is pretty high you got to know your matchups you really got to know how to play out the early game but the plus side is if you put the enough effort into playing this Champion I feel like you're always going to have a counter pick in Top Lane like you will always have a match up where you are good uh you can win most matchups in one one isolation but yeah League of Legends is not the one1 isolat the game so that's what you always got to keep in mind playing this Champion one of the best counter Peaks that you can have in Top Lane it would be copia I think she's one of those best pocket picks but again you need a lot of games to make Camille or to make copia work consistently cuz I've played against one copia in this climb when I was doing Camille I killed her like or no I started e and she instantly Lost Lane and she could never recover so it's a hard champion but if you pull her off she's one of the best counter picks she skills amazing um wins most Lanes but yeah there's that risk factor that I would say is her biggest downside troath I mean this Champion is just I would put chath beginner level right uh you can play chath in very different ways you can play him AP with like ever Frost Hill of blades these type of setups or you can play Just grass and a full tank it's more so match up dependent and play style preference uh the reason why Cho get is so easy because this kid is super straightforward your you land your Q you use W as a silence and you use e to just hit right land right CH has a really nice passive that helps new players learn the game simply because of the amount of sustain that you get you'll be able to focus more on basically this champ is quite forgiving to play because of of of the amount sustain that you have and very often in low MMR people don't know how to approach a champion like tro GV basically because of his amount of sustain right it's very frustrating to play against they trade equal health or they look for trades they trade somewhat even and then CH just gets full HP again because of his passive so I think this is an amazing Champion to pick up especially if you want to look more for the tank class and um where is downside he has no Mobility as a tank uh you are one of the easiest Champions to kite in the game and they're good against melee Champions another downside I would argue is that it's pretty hard to play in team fights unless they have melee Champions Darius I would say he pretty easy to pick up I say if you play 2030 Darius games you can understand how he works what are the downside about Darius he is arguably one of the strongest arguably he is one of the strongest early game top laners and it's very nice to pick a champion like this if you want to learn how to play aggressive right if you want to have a champion that almost beats every top player in level one Darius is your pick uh you can always get priority you can really decide how you play the early game crashes you're amazing at 2v oneing in the early game as well this Champion is the definition of stat check if you land your passive level or if you get your passive level one you you get three long swords worth of like stats you get 30 ad right which is three long swords which is like there's no Champion that can get that much value from a passive uh in ter and that's why he's like a b a b like one of the best St Checkers right uh downsides is that he has quite a few counter picks especially range Champions he pretty easy to kite but upsides is he wins most matchups he are at least in an early game right he can control most matchups very easy kit you got to l e get passive that's it he has no really hard intricate combos some attack cancels with auto W that's pretty much it and then you can buffer your que after your W Auto attack I think he's amazing Champion I'm also looking forward to doing UNR to M sarius and one more thing I guess I can say about Darius is that he's extremely reliant on sumers especially mid to late if you join a team fight without Darius he's half Champions similar to how Riven needs Flash in team fights if you don't have ghost and or flesh as darus in a late game team fight you are nothing Dr Mundo I mean he's beginner level right Dr Mundo is very beginner level so let's talk about the D downsides of Dr Mundo first first of all he is a tank with no CC I mean his Q slows that's it right so he's one of the few tanks that has no peeling no CC no knockups no disengage nothing right so he's a tank but I would put him more so in like a Bruiser fighter class because even though he is a tank he doesn't really have like the things that you would expect from a tank right he doesn't really have PE doesn't really have CC so there's that Mundo only builds health so he really hates playing against any Champions or items that build Health percentage so blade King Divine Thunder mostly these two is what you have to look out for or some Champions that have a lot of percentage Health in their kits and then another thing is that he's extremely weak early Landing phase like you have to get through the early Landing phase and then you are fine but you are super weak in the early game oh he's classified as a juggernaut I see now what are the upsides for Mundo I love playing the champion myself the untable thank you so much for your T1 subscription boss now the upsides for Mundo is that you yeah maybe I should put him in Easy right because of his nature to mess up in the early game but then again you have your Q range and you can play from Q so I put him in beginner myself the down the benefits that you have is that you are a juggernaut / tank that is able to split push and or team fight and skills extremely well in the game you have that late game security because the way that Mundo works right now is he gets depending on his max HP you uh convert or not convert rather you get based on your max HP you get 4% damage so if you have 6,000 HP you will get how much is that 240 ad in stats just because of your passive so as a result of that Mundo bad early skills really well decent team fights but no CC he's really good against Champions that have no dash or anything like that and he skills extremely well Fiora Fiora is a tricky one because there's two ways to play Fiora you can play Fiora with grasp if you play Fiora with grasp I would put her in mid if you play Fiora with conqueror she is hard to pick up so there's two ways to play Fiora now I'll explain the two differences Fiora MTH with grasp because if you play grasp sorcery and you go Divine ther right now she is very easy to play because all you have to do is just Spam Q to poke you don't really go for extended fights you're always playing to Q poke vital um you can win any melee or even range matchups with this setup because with of grasp sustain if you have grasp and vital and you hit a champion level one with Scorch so you do 120ish damage to them and you heal for 50 damage flat 50 damage flat from one Q in the early game it's crazy how much that is right cuz if you do 120 damage to them and you heal for 50 that's like one and a half health potion that your opponent loses so this works into range champion this works into met Champions cuz nobody can match F ass if should land some vitals um so yeah the grass setup is really easy relatively easy rather but the real skill is if you play conqueror Fiora um generally speaking if you want to pick up for your I'd recommend playing grasp and divine uh if you want to really learn how to get ceiling of the champion you play Conner but you get a lot less sustain you like to go for extended fights you like to search up the limits and that's really where she shines as well but again this requires you a lot more games there is like a few extremely good Fior players like poon for example that are able to make this work and that guy can be a one HP and R one shot you but it's very hard to replicate Gangplank Gangplank is hard to pick up the reason why Gangplank is so hard to pick up is because you're going to need on average 200 games to be decent at this Champion what are some downsides about gang blank he has no Mobility ility if you fall behind you're likely to go very far down because you can get snowball on very very easy cuz you're a champ you're melee Bruiser without Mobility right so those will be the biggest downsides by gang blank plus he has quite a few counter picks like um hard matchups to play now what are his upsides right what are the plus s sites about gang blanking so one of the biggest pluses that instantly comes to mind for me is legit highest gold income Champion that you can play because of his Q passive right every minion you kill or if you kill a barrel for every Min that you kill you get seven extra gold after level 9 that's a crazy amount right cuz if you kill a full wave of six means you get 40 right yeah you get 42 extra gold which is ridiculous right and also comes with J camps and all that stuff so this Champion is the highest gold value in the game he is extremely good scaling he's good at Team fighting pretty good at split pushing and if you go even as Gangplank in Lane especially if you have like the bank blank setup or like the first strike setup with rosol if you go even in terms of Cs you'll probably be almost a full item ahead of the curve of your opponent simply because of how much gold you generate or your Champion but it is also very hard because your Landing is quite weak so you have to really find the balance I think you having good fundamentals on a champion like this is extremely important and again you really need matchup knowledge this Champion requires game investment another way to put it is for example if we look at Revan or Fiora there's quite a few Champions that can come close to the like the skill seiling of those Champions right but Gangplank the only two Gangplank players that I know that are like extremely mechanically intensive especially with their Barrel placements is like Tobias and solar baka almost nobody else is that good with gang PL mechanically this Champion has extremely high skill sealing very high stepping stone super hard Champion but he's very rewarding if you play him well garun I mean this guy is the goat any beginning top ler just play gar like you know LS would say pick an I I always tells you to play Garen why play Garen for multiple reasons what are the Downs downset of this Champion um he loses most match ups level one to level four you don't really have like dashes or Mobility like that sucks playing against range Champions but but yeah and this kid is relatively limited that that's like an actual downside by Garen right but that is also a plus side if you are a beginner and the reason why that is is because your kit is so simple you're allowed to focus on so many more aspects in the game like your wave manipulation like checking the junglers learning matchups all that stuff focusing on item purchases you can control a lot more things in the game or look at a lot more things in the game because you don't have to think that much about your kit your kit is so straightforward that the only thing that you have to think about is what ability in this matchup am I going to use my W1 that's it right that's like the the about the mechanical intensity that your Champion requires another few upsides that you have with playing Garen is that his passive allows you to always trade equal Health against other Champions and then come out on top because you heal so much you heal especially M to like like you heal for a crazy amount but even in landing phase that passive already allows you to be a lot more durable at Landing phase and that gives you so much more safety in Lane if you make mistakes you can very often still get back simply because of your passive so you're allowed to make more mistakes and get away with it because of the nature of your your Champion so that's why I recommend gar to almost any turning top laner and uh you have good team fighting you have good split pushing you have good one V one potential uh unfortunately you only have single Target damage but that's fine cuz you just one sh one target Nar I would say is M to pick up me personally I'm never really big fan of Nar uh also because I was forced to play him when I was playing competitively and I hated this champion and I'll just sort of with my cons of this Champion so me personally I'm not the biggest Nar fan and uh that is because I feel like Nar is the AAL of plane in the sense that you're just a lane secure but you're not really like a super oppressive Champion you secure going even in Lane always you can get some small leads but you can't really Snowball the champion I always say this guy is the Jack of all traits and master of none you're decent at Ling but not super good or not oppressive you're like a decent at split pushing decent at Team fighting and like engaging disengaging but you're never really good at something specifically so I feel like this Champion is kind of Jack of all traits pretty decent to Blind pick unless enemy has like an aelia up in their pool or like he's pretty hard to play against Champions like Jace I would say this Champion is decent to start off with it's a lot of sustain when you play the fleet setup and especially with your mega Nar yeah like I said this Champion is just Lane security you will find it hard to fall behind on Nar unless you make a super big blunder but that is also why I don't really like playing the champion too much myself he is some fun though but uh I think my view on Nar might also be tainted because of competitive play I am going to do unranked two master of course in the champion eventually but I think right now he also just not in in the best spot there are so much better range to laners than n right now and and um there's just nothing really that Nar excels in right now so I think he's not the strongest gagas I mean is he even still a top player with all the passive neres and stuff like that this Champion is relatively hard by the way now his kit is relatively straightforward right you got you want to utilize his passive you want to kill waves and stuff like this but uh gagas is one of the hardest things to pick up because his kit can be used in so many different ways and like a lot of his matches play different right you can go comage you can go first stke you can go face rush I would put Gras in relatively hard like he has some really good matchups right Gras is more so or counter pick against Champions like Riven or ja or some of these melee top laners but um he's actually kind of hard to play especially if you get counterpicked um some plus sides is that like okay let's start with down sides gragas is one of the weakest level one to level three champions in top plane his kons are extremely high his skulls are very high and he doesn't really deal that much damage there's that for gragas but his plus s is that after first reset and like some points in his que he starts being extremely obnoxious to play against if this guy gets Lo lost chapter on his first recall he can spam q and it feels very unforgiving to play against him but then after he finishes like his first item especially if he goes everfrost I feel like very often he's more of a champion that neutralizes and tries to play for this team instead of being a carry so as gragas you are a champion that wants to neutralize Champions like Riven Jack all these Champions right but you're not necessarily a hyper carry you're not going to be split pushy you're not going to be playing for Jungle camps you're playing to set up your team for success and it's good if you have like a hyper carry 80 jungler such as like a Graves or El in to get them gang set up and to play it through them yeah I'm not just not the biggest fan of garagas myself uh and that is because he doesn't really have that one9 car potential and he's actually a very weak ler in the early game but he is very good as a counter pick again I think he's also one of the hardest things to play so there's that Gwen one of my favorite champions my top three favorite Champions probably on number two I she's relatively easy to pick up Gwen's kit um her kit is very straightforward uh of course your e and your Q uh it's all about spacing on the champion knowing your range knowing your Q range and spacing in a way where you kind of bait your opponents to walk up into your Q damage uh one of the very important things to know about GW that I didn't even know myself for a very long time is your your W actually gives you flat resistances when you use it like 20 armor which is two long swords so that's crazy right so gr W is really broken and you can also recast this which I didn't even know so you can like jump forward and like it can automatically recast but you can also recast it yourself similar to like Victor old which I didn't know for the very long time so there is that some of the downside by by Gwen the reason why this champ is not played in Halo is because almost every top player realistically counter picks her like you get countered by yon trir Riven J F uh Canon Teemo like and these are just all Champions out of the top of my head this Champion has so many counter picks theoretically however when I was playing when I had one of the highest women rates playing this champion because especially in the lower mmrs even though a match up could theoretically be a losing matchup very often this is not what actually happens because people don't have the knowledge or the champion Mastery to make it a counter match up and G can very often still sustain a lot of matchups and the good thing about uh Gwen is that she has late game security and Gwen is one of the best Champions to go from one item and to completely stopall the game if you get N St there's two mythics to get a Gwen right now it's either riff maker there you go Rift maker uh so if you go riff maker you're a bit slower but you get the HP but in match ups where you're allowed to go Nash to First you start ring dirt so fast you go to your second item you have that late game insury you can one one 2V1 3v1 you win team fights you get S Side Lane pressure this Champion is amazing to play one of the like silver to comeu one of the best Champions with gold but yeah you have a lot of counter batch UPS aelia is relatively hard relatively hard almost hard to pick up but I just think aelia is a tap below these two and that is because arela similar to other CH that we mentioned has so let's talk about the downside has a lot of counter picks she gets countered by almost every melee Bruiser in the game like Riven Fiora ja trir all these Champions just completely on arelia if player skill somewhat even so this Champion is pretty hard to to pick up uh also you need a lot of gameing uh investment to get decent at this Champion now I do think they've somewhat made it easier you only need four Stacks now instead of five your W is pretty broken right now she still like the W is still pretty strong in a lot of these melee Bruiser matchups that's about a downside so you lose a lot of your matchups you're one of the weakest level one Champions because you require your passive so a lot of Champions can Zone you from the wave level one which is very annoying to play again so you have to be creative in like um your early games you really got to be wary of how you approach appr the first four waves so I really no I don't want to have a counter pick section or something like this and that is because this this tier list is not for like Champion strength this tier list is just by understanding what Champion you should Main and uh how hard it is to pick up so aelia or very hard early Landing phase but after first recall especially if you get Vamp sepor you know the meme is that you are full built which is kind of true Vamp seor has insane value on her because all her Q's already sustain her but it also counts as an auto so it sustains her even more so other downside by uh of Camille or sorry of AR is that she's very hard to play in Sid Lane because you are reliant on Minion waves for Mobility aelia is riant on having a Min wave in Sid L to have Mobility right so you are a melee Bruiser without dashes unless you can queue on top of something um and this is also what makes her a lot harder to play in team fight your team fight execution has to be really crisp any heart forms of heart you see completely annihilate arelia but then what are her benefits and also very often she's building squishy because she goes BL every game right but her benefits is she's one of the best One V one laners especially if you have some mechanical um prowess right she's very good at that after first recall she can start winning a lot of matchups she can outsustain a lot of matchup she has very good wave clear it's pretty easy to learn how to get Tes per minute on a champion like arela cuz it's very hard to miss means on this Champion you can Farm J cams you can push side with relatively fast and if you are ahead you're very hard to deal with she likes playing into range coms or like against Champions that have no mobility in themselves right um she's a very good counter pick in some matchups such as like Jays or stuff like this uh but yeah she's she's very mechanically intensive and you really need to know your matchups well in order to play the champion Ila which actually is pretty easy to pick up Ela is like a stat check Champion mainly when I see Ela players they're like full one tricks uh I think she's kind of a niche Champion now what are the downsides of elaoi uh I would say one of the downsides is that you are not the strongest early game Champion actually you're pretty weak level one to level four you are a melee Bruiser without any Mobility you are extremely easy to kite but you don't have that same stat check stats that like dorus has for example with this passive right any range Champion will make your life living hell if you get kited you're pretty bad at Team fighting but the uh down or the plus side for Alla is that she has extremely good split pushing especially with h breaker she has really good 1 V one laning because she's still CH stat Checker if she lands e her e is one of the most frustrating abilities to play against she's very good at 2v oneing especially if you play against a melee top jungle right so let's say you have like I don't know a heam jungle or like a Graves type of jungle like a len jungle if I'm playing like Riven Le in into allawi I'm always scared of ganking her because two melee Champions with Ela is just like recipe for disaster this Champion can always 2v one you it's very hard to play against and it's it's kind of just playing dodge ball into this Champion right is managing to dodge her e you're in a good spot um so if you're really like a split pushing play style and you want to have Lane dominance this is one of the best Champion for you but you're pretty bad out of your sideline or like if you don't have some tentacles already set up like this Champion needs setup that's also why she's pretty bad in team but you need a few tentacles to help you deal damage uh so yeah this Champion is just good if you have like your own crib in the side lane and you're just chilling there with your tentacles hoping to land your e and then one shooting somebody that's kind of how you play the champion I rarely see the champion we can talk about HR top I guess so you play this Champion if you are a pig and your parents no you just play this Champion um if you like to be annoying on ironically this Champion has per push uh you want to work on your third placement and um yeah you are a melee bruisers living nightmare in laning Phase that's kind of how higher Lane goes right nobody likes playing against his Champion every time I play against HR like here we go again so the plus sides for HR Dinger is that you almost win every lane in match up isolation cuz you have three extra mins on every wave you get full push priority you can per poke your opponents on a turret in you're just a minutes what's on the downsides is that after ling phas you're not that good simply because uh it's hard to play a champion like HR outside of ling phas you're more so cheesy Champion trying to set up traps in in bushes H but you can't really progress that well on Sid Lane I guess you can Farm J camps pretty well but you are extremely vulnerable to gank unless again you're playing against melee Champion similar similar to ELA right your Champion need setups instead of tentacles it's going to be turrets and you're very good against melee Champions but anything with like long range Cc or stuff like this like Champions like syndra or your living nightmare I think this Champion is pretty hard to play after landing face as well because any form of CC and you're just instantly on you're only saving grace is your flashh or Stat checking your opponents right so it's pretty hard to play the champion uh after lighning phas I would say uh so yeah your your down your plus SES are lighning phas and your side lane potential hard is after lighning phase and you can fall off pretty hard right if you follow behind in the champion you're just going to get rolled so that's another downside about him jack I would say m um I actually recommend Jacks to a lot of starting top laners if you want to look for a champion that's not easy but not the hardest and that is because J kind of has everything you want in the top player he has good early game good at level six skills well good team fighting good split pushing is kind of a champion that can do everything really good benefits is just his early game strength like he wins 70 to 80% off the level one matchups uh your Champion is pretty versatile because you can play grassp you can play little Tempo he is arguably the most versatile champion in ts are building because after Mythic which is nine of 10 times going to be divine you can go for like 10 different items on you can go for Black Cleaver Divine Sunder some people instantly go Z I wouldn't recommend it but you can also go for like the anti-al item hole breaker whts and blade run King like there's so many items that you can build in the champion so that is one of the biggest skills as well learning when to build what item situationally on the position that you are in the game and enemy drafts enemy strength right so that is one of the things that you need to learn on Jacks some downsides that I had when playing Jacks it's very hard to manage resources your health and your Mana if you take one trait it look like your HP and your Mana it's it's very hard to look for another trade especially in sand as well so this Champion is really good in a lot of scenarios but one of the hardest things that I found playing this Champion is your resource management especially your HP and your mana and if you want a champion that can kind of do everything has carry potential can Team fight can split push JX is one of your best Champions he does have a few like bad matchups and very often I also find that with JX I'm kind of just going even and then once I've Divine a super hard Spike another downside that I have with J is that your transition from uh item one to item two is kind of slow so once you have like your Divine getting towards your second item very often is kind of slow unless you're really snowballing you're able to run over everybody right but that's also just a Divine Sun thing not so much a jack thing but you're going for divine s n out of 10 di in this Champion uh it would be very similar that if I play Camille and I went for divine Su right and this is also why I go Trinity Force most of the time on Camille maybe I should have tried more Trinity force on JX as well but yeah that's it a good stat Checker skills well can Team fight well can split push has 1 v9 potential one of the best top laners like one of the best all around the top to lers Jay is definitely hard to pick up for multiple reasons so first of all you're playing a champion with six abilities right six different abilities that has kol down Management on both ends one of the most oppressive top laners when played well and that is because he is extremely oppressive right he has six abilities so of course he's going to have from level one you already two abilities instead of one ability uh you have a range form you have a melee form he's very versatile if you're skilled you can almost play any matchups in the early game as well cuz you can sometimes even go for w start against Champions like IIA or you can go for like e starts against Champions like ja this Champion is very versatile and has extremely high skill ceiling this Champion can kind of do everything as well he can split push very well he spikes extremely hard on every item that he finishes and his items are not that expensive right his Mythic is usually a Clips or sometimes Gore Drinker then your Mana immune is pretty fast and you can also go really fast into I can't think of a you guys know what I mean he also is super Versa out Rune setups which is also I guess some of the skill that you would require in this champion cuz you can go for face rush you can go for First Strike you can go for conqueror uh I think it's one of the like most amazing Champions to learn in Top Lane but again yeah Sur just you're going to need like 200 games minimum to get half de at this Champion but I feel like this is a champion if you man him you will not get bored with playing him uh some of the downsides though is that he's very hard to Blind pick he has a lot of counter matchups for example Mal fight aelia like these type of Champions they are just brain that I mean aelia still some counter but like playing J Mali they're solely to counter play for your Champion um you're playing a melee Champion or champion and top like a mix right without Mobility you have no dashes so that's one thing you're always very reliant on your flesh but um he kind of can do everything right he's very fast split pushing because of his range W as well very nice combos but High skill ceiling hard to pick up wouldn't recommend it for a fresh player also because he has zero sustain in this kid right that's always something very important in top plane the reason why these Champions are so good is because they have sustain these Champions have somewhat sustained as well right but these Champions I mean gam bling does have sustained but they are just so hard to play also because no the say right and especially if you are more of a beginner top laner these Champions can fall back and you're allowed to make more mistakes if you make more mistakes than these Champions are like one blunder good luck getting back in the game right so that's why they're also just way harder kale I put her in mid the reason I put kill in mid is because you have to know how to play the early game on kill I think the hardest part of any kill game of course this is very logical is your level one to level six once you level six you're kind of fine but your level one to level six is the hardest part and you really got to know how to balance out playing aggressive and defensive I was pleasantly surprised playing kill on RoR mes myself uh I thought this Champions would be extremely boring but I was um I was wrong I think this is one of the easiest Champions to get 10 per minute on because your wave clear especially at level 11 becomes so ridiculously fast you can onshot any jungle Camp you go Rift Mak a l of games so you get sustained uh you can go Fleet or lethal Tempo and if you are new on kill I would go Fleet 100% of the time uh because you get so much sustain and a range Champion with sustain that skills into the late game is a the recipe for Success the downsides of kill is how many champions just destroy you in the early game you really have to know how to play your wave St well in order to not get completely destroyed but some of the uh plus SS that you have of course is you have that late game insury kill is one of the best late game Champions period um the only things that really count to you is like longrange forms you see like Leona old or like Syra e these kind of things grass is really good I never try grass myself she's really good at farming Dr Camp s side Lanes especially after level 11 you can split push you can Team fight um her build is very versatile you can go for anti-tank with like Brave through King you can go for the normal setup which is like hybrid where you go Kraken Slayer rush and then you go for N St Rift maker rabadon so you're kind of an AP champion and you have the full crit build where you go Kraken witsand Infinity Edge blood thirst and you onot everything so you can go ad you can go AP you can go tank Slayer so this Champion is extremely vers all doesn't matter if your comp is full ad you can just go AP if you have too much AP damage you can go to full crit ad build and and if they play against tanks you can play against those Champions too so this Champion can play in any scenario you're never scared to be full ad you're never scared to be full AP You're Never Scared against like that this Champion has answer in terms of like build versatility against everything this Champion can build everything full crit full AP ATT tank Slayer so there's that as well I'm not going to talk about katop if you play katp find a new hobby Canon I would say is um relatively heart or no I put him relatively heart you piggy stay hydrated as well it's good to drink your water now let's talk about the plus of Canon oppressive Top Lane Champion right uh you're one of the most oppressive range champions from the Geto you can always go for an 80 starting item like Cole or DPL and your alt attacks in the early game are very oppressive like he's not that oppressive before first reset but after first reset especially if you get like the hex te alternator this Champion start hitting like a truck you let qw pass if somebody's already half HP um you're one of the best champions in isolated 1 V one you've got extremely good team fight what else is really good about Canon so one one is really good Landing is really good extremely good team fight some downsides that I find whenever I'm playing against Canon is that after landing phase it's hard to play this Champion unless you are already super far ahead which you can get from laning phase right but if you're even or something like that it's kind of hard to play Canon because it is relatively hard for your Champion to clear Sidelines and farm any Jung camps you you really can't uh and most bres can so you fall off that way but again you if if you get aead in Lane which you shoot as a champion like Cannon uh you can transition that you can pressure on the map you always get sideline priority you can play for TCH you can hold a choke on your opponents and then you have really good team fighting the downset of Canon is that he has no sustain one bad trade and that's is really and you do not want to be behind on the champion like Canon because you're you're just not going to do anything so the reason why I put this champion in the higher tier is because your fall you have no fallback patterns right um so this Champion requires a little bit more games plus your kit although it is kind of easy to understand how his kit works the difference between like a good Cannon or a decent Cannon is is significant you really want to learn how to utilize your W passive to always stack up that passive perfectly especially making sure that your last AO attack when H be and before you reach enemy turret is that you have your W passive so you can also WQ somebody under turret and always annoy them that way I hate playing against him but he's probably fun to play if you are playing against Piggy if you are piggy rather so yeah there's that good team fighting you don't want to fall behind that's pretty much all I have about kenon y Cante yeah this sh goes into relatively hard because so so for the longest time the reason why Cante never really got touched or stayed broken in Pro play throughout like this entire year is because this Champion continuously had like a like a sub 45% wi it or something in lower MMR like bronze to like Platinum something like this Champion had extra like he was always lowest wi R in low ELO and it was like pretty good win rate in high El low and that is because cassant so like one of the plus sides for cassant like I don't even know what spot he is in right now to be honest cuz this Champion gets changed so much but he's really hard to pick up because he like his kit is quite mechanically intensive it's all about spacing your cre is relatively short uh but some of the plus sides is that you legit had zero bad matchups like you could play into reng matchups you could play into melee matchups and you would always go even like it would be hard to fall behind on Cante unless you willingly were trading like an idiot and and and you died on some weird way and you fell behind that way if that did not happen you would always go even minimum on Cante you can like you have very good engage or disengage you are a tank I mean you all know the meme that can one shot 8 cares or mid lers um so there's that but the the thing is this Champion has pretty high skill ceiling has quite a few counter matchups like it goes contrary to what I said right in high L the champion didn't really have counter matches but in lower mmrs if people don't play matches well enough or Play Cass well enough you can really get counterpicked and it can feel really unrewarding to play uh this Champion kind of sucks from behind as well but yeah I mean this is one of the most versatile tanks that you can have right he can engage he can disengage he can peel really well good laning I kind of contradicted myself what I'm saying about like has counter picks and good laning but that's also depending on the MMR that you play and you own skill on him I think this is one of the harder thing to play right if you compare like a mundo or troga to to a kante it's way hard to play kante your kit doesn't drain you with sustain and you have a pretty intricate kit in terms of like you need some spacing on this Champion GL is easy to pick up GL is Champion that's probably going to surprise me when I do unranked Master with him cuz I was always or I was never a fan of GL and that is because his kit is so onedimensional that you can kind of only go in and uh you want to like you want to permanently fight right now what are some D like some upsides of clad is that your Champion is allowed to play extremely aggressive uh you win a lot of One V one dualist matchups especially if you pair the champion with Ignite one of the biggest downsides for cl for a very long time was the fact that he gets outskilled very fast after he went like Gore Drinker or stri breaker but you can also just rush like Hydra Eclipse type of builds now on the champin which makes him super super strong and actually gives him that scaling option as well uh so some of the plus sides for cl is it you have very strong Landing phasee uh especially one V one with uh ignite you have very strong snowball potential you have decent wave clear not super good but decent especially if you go Hydra so I would recommend playing the champion with Hydra myself uh CU then you can form Dr C sideway very fast you can engage really well you snowball really well you can take off the map completely when you are ahead but if you fall behind this Champion has to be one of the worst Champions like if you'' go even or behind you will get outskilled by most top Lane Champions I do think the Hydra Eclipse setup is uh kind of gives you that insurance to scale but if you are behind you you are going to be like super squishy so I would say like Clint is kind of similar to Canon where you are an extremely strong laner you want to get ahead but if you follow behind it kind of feels like a Champion so it's very Feast of famine gameplay I don't like to play the champion myself too much but I will play him eventually on master of course and then maybe I I will be pleasantly surprised I remember one time I was doing a life coaching with a CL student and I was surprised by his damage output like that guy got ahead and completely took over the map so I think the champion has potential but he's very Feast famine so if that is your play style CL for you Mal pitka Mal pitka I mean this is beginner Champion one of the easiest things to play this kid is so ridiculously easy I love Mal fight I really love Mal fight I think this is also a great Champion to play like as a starting tank he was s TI for a super long time super long time throughout the season and that is because he's such a stat Checker it's very annoying to play against him and he can play against range Champions by going Arc and Comet and he can play against some melee Champions by going grasp or even some other melee Champions that you can Al attack like ja or Darius F maybe you can go still go comment so uh there is that m is really strong into range or melees there are some champions of course that high hard counter m fight and M fight usually loses against tanks so for example one of my go-to counter picks into M would be Zack or cion or Nas like or Nas is Like somewhat good but like he gets a skill tro is really good like Troth Zack Canon all the Champs completely destroy Mal fight so he's not the best blind pick but very often people will not have this information so you can just go m fight and even if you're 0o 10 of m fight you will still be useful that's one of the beautiful things about these Champions if you are behind you still useful because of your kit so you're very good at Team fighting uh you have really good Lane but all downside is your mid game transition is pretty you want to team fights cuz you can't really s lane you can't really Farm jungle camps so yeah if you have like a decent Lane you want to transition and like kind of have a firm grip over the game and lock it out because else you're just going to be a cc2 and you hope to get a good ultimate don't pick n top don't pick n top that's that I think maai is also not the top ler anymore this is just a jungler I'm sorry if you play those top but yeah I don't know find a new hobby more the Kaiser this is a beginner Champion more the Kaiser is kind of like the AP version of Garen uh this Champions kit is so extremely simple right this passive is just hit three Auto attacks or abilities and you get your passive you have sustain through your W your Q is literally Point Blank you need to land your e maybe the only skill is positioning when you land ult this Champion is amazing you never see this champion in High ELO because the higher ELO you get the more counter picks this Champion has like this Champion gets countered by almost any melee Bruiser for example like you can play the champion if Olaf is open and it's also hard to play against like Champions like aelia even Jack even Riven he doesn't do that well against but in low R Mars the champion is an amazing St checking Champion you have everything you would want in a kit as an AP top Juggernaut type of champion your kit is or your bu options are also quite versatile cuz you can go for like I've seen some prot to Bel mizes where you go for like more carry build you can go for like the Nash St setup where you're more like of an onit uh Juggernaut and you can also go for more tanky where you go Jack show you have quite some versatility in this kit he just a very good AP Stat checking Juggernaut in top plane amazing if you're new at the game to learn how to play the champion decent split pushing decent farming J camps um can Team fight I think the champion kind of is everything as a beginner Champion uh but just the higher you go the more his simple kit gets exposed that's how I put it yeah the champion is amazing for a beginner position nus easy the pick up one of my favorite to players on ironically for a very long time the problem with nasis uh in high is literally this when playing nasus you're more so left to the mercy of your opponent instead of your own gamepl your opponent decides if you get to eat or not does that make sense you're literally a dog and your opponent is your owner right they decide if you get means or not because it's all about wave management against the champion now of course the with that reasoning is the lower MMR you go uh the better it is for you right because you will have that late game insurance so some of the positives about Nest is that his kid is extremely easy right his kid is extremely easy to play your PASS gives you life so you have sustain um you skill extremely well you after first item you can split push you can Team fight you are a complete Manis you're very hard to deal with one of the best play pushers also like really good team fighting depending on the draft you're playing against and I'm going to have a lot of fun playing this champion on re to master but once you get to higher Mars This Champion's Simplicity or like his weak kit will get exposed you're one of the weakest early game top L Champions um you can actually take pick pick lethal Tempo on nasis which I actually would recommend uh and then you can still St check some Champions because of lethal Tempo they don't see it coming but um yeah this Champion is just hard to play because you're more reliant on the skill of your opponent uh and sometimes the matchup that you play instead of your own ability but if you go even on assis you will win One V one so there's that Olaf Olaf is amazing he's like between beginner and easy to pick up I put him in easy to pick up uh cuz there's still some skill expression in this kit but Ola is also one of those Champions that I like he's very similar to Darius Ola is a champion where you win around 80% of your matchups from level one he is an extremely good set Checker he has uh like you this is a champion that you want like to learn how to play aggressive how to utilize level up timers how to decide early game crashes uh crashes like this Champion is just very strong in the early game it's kind of hard to counterpick this champion of course he's going to have bad matchups as any Champion but uh you can can still win those bad match ups especially if you're somewhat mechanically decent on the champion and I would say that this mechanical stealing ceiling is not that high you can also be quite versatile in how you level up your abilities for example to some range Champions you can put some extra points in E stuff like that some downsides is that if you fall behind on this Champion it can be kind of hard to get back in the game and it is also actually I forgot to mention this with Darius too but it's similar to Olaf is that you want to have like one or two Champions at least in every draft where you can manage to keep your ultimate on so on darus you actually need two people people at like one or two people at least where you can get your passive off and all of it's very important that you can keep hitting people for your old so for example perfect Champions to play against as Olaf Champions like thresh for example basically Champions without dashes or blinks or stuff like this you want to play against Champions that want to see see you but can't run away from you and that you can continuously keep hitting so thresh like can't do anything against a champion like Olaf or some of these other like tank top rights basically any Champion without dashes all of realov playing against or any other form of Mobility you're really good St checking you have sustain you have birth versatility uh I like this Champion myself I think he counters so many top Lan Champions as well and um yeah you just get out skilled super late game super late game like four items three four items you are kind of weak though or or i' say m the reason I put or in mid is because you can play or two ways you can play very defensive and just play to go like even in CS or you play or to cuz you can actually play this Champion very aggressive like this Champion has a kit where you can actually solo kill a l of your opponents like your auto Q your W Auto you have nice combo so you have some combos on this tank so yeah or is a very versatile tank you can play him aggressive you can play him defensive I would say this is one of the few tanks that actually has like not too many bad matchups like you can always go even in even into some like annoying range matchups what you can do for example is go three points into your que right uh when you play like or to Jays I play the match myself as well or like Nar you can still put three points in Q and be impressive that way um of course the downside that you have as a champion at or is that even if you get solo kills it's not that important because at the end of the day you are a tank so your Downs sets are you can't really split push you can't really play for J cams and you're more so a facilitator for your team and A Team fight Champion instead of like a split Pusher right so that would be my biggest downside about or is the fact that yeah you can't carry games on your own you need a team around you and you need to set up your team for your success through your passive but one of the things that or does have is one of the best tank laners right you can play aggressive you can get a lot of solo kills you can go grass into your melea mat you can go Spellbook with Ignite onto like a lot of the range champions yeah that would pretty much it be be it about or this is one of the tanks that I disliked a lot when I first had to play him also in competitive but then I actually started kind of falling in love with this Champion due to how strong he is in Lan yeah he's a pretty versatile tank you can be good on weak side you can play pretty strong your T like Champion that can engage disengage peel yeah that's pretty much it for or Pon I would put in easy to pick up between mid or easy to pick up but this Champion is is um I mean maybe a bit higher skill ceing than this champion on this list I mean this one is kind of hard to place I'll put him on easy to pick up I think you need like 20 30 games to get relatively decent on Pantheon um I think the hardest thing would probably be managing your passive in a way where you always get your passive at the correct times right and some of the Comas that you use but it's still relatively easy this Champion is simar to all of andaras these type of Champions you win like your match up 70% of the time I think Pantheon is in one of the best spots that he's ever been in historically in the past the reason why I refrain from P ever is because you are strong in early lane and then after iting you fall off and you get outskilled by every champion in the game un ironically but now ponon has Eclipse he gets access to armor penetration by Eclipse Cleaver um so ponon has a really strong early Lane and this Champion spikes extremely hard on every item that he finishes so like after first item you spike really hard after the second it you spike even harder I do think your mid game you kind of fall off a little bit but in even late game you can one shoot everything again like I played one part game the other day and my late game Q on any Target de like 900 AOE right which is crazy just as flat like one Q poke 900 damage crazy Pantheon has really good early game and really good late game has extremely good laning phase is one of the few top lers that has a global ultimate to roam but that is also one of the downsides because a lot of Pon matchups you hard win level one to level five but it kind of can get harder for you after level six because for example ponon Riven is unplayable for Riven pre- level six but after six Riven can actually play it because ponon ult does nothing in One V one Riven ult is amazing one one right I find it hard to find downsides about ponon uh maybe one downside is that if the ion falls behind he has no good fallback patterns he has no sustain right but that get counted by so many benefits that these Champions brings I think he's an amazing Champion he's one of the best spots he's ever been in I think eclipse is amazing on this Champion all right poppy easy to pick up a mid I put him easy to pick up I mean she does have some skill expression with herw so maybe I'll put her in mid like she does definitely have some I'm no piss off bro you're Popp you're going easy to pick up I hate the champion with a passion this Champion has been s tier for a very long time she counters almost every melee Bruiser in top plane and every tank so she is a tank destroyer and she is a melee Bruiser Destroyer the tank with arguably the highest base damage in the early game it is super obnoxious to play against her C passive in the early game even against range I think she can sustain like the biggest down of Popp is I think your transition from first item to like second or third item is pretty hard and like similar to or you can't car games I think poppy is kind of similar to or your your kit is just different you do different things you're better against certain Champions right so you can win Lane pretty easily you are very aggressive you are super obnoxious and annoying to Lane against you have good kill pressure with your kit you deny so many champions in the current game because so many champions have dashes and stuff like this uh you amazing at Team fighting really good disengage arguably one of the best disengage tools in the game and that's also where our skill ceiling comes in right her W timing her old timing so that's why I'm kind of hesitating between easy to pick up and mid but your liting face is kind of straightforward and like you need 20 games on Popp you know how to landine on the champion but she has no sustain like most tanks yeah and no 1 v9 potential but you are are good at destroying things you're good at destroying melee brers I hate this Champion as a REV main Quinn easy to pick up mid to pick up easy to pick up mid I think the thing is I would recommend for Quinn players to not be stupid and pick PTA I think what you mainly should be doing on Quinn is picking Fleet and Fleet is one of the best runes in the game right now for these range top Lane Champions such as Vin such as squin which makes them so impressive because you become a range Champion with sustain and that makes it very hard to deal with very good counter pick decent B pick uh what her what are her downsides no fallback patterns no sustain unless you're on fleet and uh no Mobility right like if you get ganked by Champion with Cc or like ranged engage like Zach Noo-noo even Champions like Elise stuff like this there's nothing you could do against Quinn or that's nothing Quinn can do but in One V one isolation you are similar to akan right in terms of strength but you have a lot simpler kit it is auto E Auto you you're annoying bird and super to aon's roaming potential Quin has that as well with her ultimate she is good early game decent mid game extremely good late game depending on the build that you go but yeah one of her biggest skill things that she has no like dashes right actually I'll put her in mid as a result of that as well because she has no dashes she's a long Champion to L against that's pretty much it right you can't ref find jungle can but you can control side waves you're good at Team fighting you're anous Champion I mean not good at Team figh depends on draft as well I guess but if you are ahead this Champion is one definitely one of the best snowballing Top Lane Champions it feels annoying to play against rington rington is easy to pick up uh rton is among the five top laners that I would definitely recommend for any new Top Lane Champion that is because a lot of things first of all rington wins a lot of his letting faces he's a nice stat Champion he's a Bruiser with a lot of damage but with a relatively simple kit he has a lot of sustain he's good at snowballing so those would like be the benefits right so I always recommend the champion to new top lers because of the nature of his the Simplicity of his kit now the real skill expression in ranting comes from Fury management you got to understand that if you land an ability on means you get a bit of for your if you let it on Champions you get 10 for your ref flat if you let your e or if you let your Q stuff like that uh you need to learn certain combos um I think some of the skill expression on Rank and is also knowing how to itemize in what game or what abilities to Max so for example right now there's some ranked Mains that go three points into q and full Max W because his w got buff recently so uh there is that as well you can do W Max on rankon which is I think is very interesting as well yeah what there is a downside is this downside is that you are a champion that wants to get ahead and kind of needs to get ahead because if you are playing rton from behind you are pretty much useless you don't want to be behind as rankon you don't really skill back into the game uh especially because most of the games you're going to go for Gore Drinker I guess unless you go BR King but then you are super squishy right so uh this Champion can kind of do everything but you need to be ahead of the curve which your Champion allows you to do you should be winning Lane but if you don't you are a very weak crocodile and you have no late game insurance so this Champion you should be able to at least go even even or winning Lane so the champion allows you to learn how to play Top Lane in general then transition that uh to you know early game skirmishes you're really good at early Heralds early Dragon fights you spike extremely hard on your first Goron and scare level 11 team fights you are one of the best Champions but the longer the game goes similar to all of three four items you're not that strong anymore unless you're a full item ahead of the curve I put Rengar in um Mid or relatively hard he is one of the most versatile top Lane Champions if you want to find a top Lan champion that is kind of like a niche but it's really good as a niche I would go for Rengar I remember when I was in Korea there were three Challenger Rengar top mates or like two I played against like a lot of Ranger top players in Korea and that is because this Champion Ranger top can kind of play against every top Lan Champion you are so strong in the early game you control the wave you are very versatile uh Fleet you can go Fleet you can go grasp I think you can even go like lethal T but I don't think is that good you usually are just going to go for Fleet or grass and you get option to Divine you can go Gore drinker you could even go lethality but very often you're going to be playing a Bruiser style of Ranger top and like almost no Champion can win against uh Rengar in early game only Champions that like really beat him are other stat check Champions such as like Darius or maybe Champions like Olaf right so D like if you are Ranger top player just PR B Darius and you'll already have a much better time if I was a like wanted to find a niche pick that people didn't really know too much about like how to trade into it and how to generally speaking approach the matchup Ranger with be my go-to I think he's an S tier top laner and if you learn how to play this Champion well enough in terms of Combos and trade patn and your matchups you're going to have such a fun time because people are not going to really know how to trade against you how to approach you in general like your your damage output this Champion is just amazing I'm kind of hesitating putting him at Mid to like relatively hard to pick up when I look at the other Champions on this list it's kind of hard to place I put him relatively hard cuz I think he does have some skill expression Riven see I'm putting Riven in either heart yeah I'm going to put Riven to heart to pick up now before people get angry okay I understand Riven if you watch Drew coaching yesterday perfect example Riven is a hard Champion to pick up multiple reasons okay now I don't think Riven has the highest skill seiling in the game but she is one of the hardest Champions by far to pick up and that's for a lot of reasons first of all every mat up plays a differently and you need to know the exact trade patterns in the matchup that you play secondly this is a melee Bruiser with without any sustain zero sustain in Riven skit there's no true damage there's no arm penetration in Riven skit so this is a champion that kind of simar to CL is very feast or famine so you either get ahead and you run away with the game or you like fall behind and you are completely uses that's how Riven plays now Riven has one of the most fun kits in my opinion and one of the best kits to completely take over the game she's one of the fastest Champions on the map in terms of map movement can completely vacuum every jungle Camp every site with stuff like that but it is super hard for this Champion like to pick up this Champion your stepping stone to getting decent at Ren is going to require you like three two to 300 games so that is also kind of your pros and cons you're one of the best 1 v9 Champions you can you have AOE damage as a 1 v9 Champion so you can like legit 1 V3 in Sid and stuff like this you're really fast on the map it's really easy to get high resources income but it requires a lot of time investment mainly into your matchups and uh of course it's a mechanical intensive Champion too so um it's hard to pick up but very rewarding if you do so I wouldn't recommend Riven to new players but if you want to invest the time it is one of the most rewarding Champions to play Rumble put him in mid cuz reason he's mid is because there's still definitely skill expression in his uh Energy Management right now I hate playing against this Champion one of those Champions right now that even if you are legit one Zer up he can still onot you like legit if you are one zero up against rbo he can still one shot you so let's talk about the the plus s for rumble first like he is a champion that can L on into almost everything right now he's one of the best blind picks currently he beats every tank beats every melee bruisers can struggle against some range Champions uh so for example one of like some of the good counter picks into Rumble would be Champion like kop right like they can do pretty well against Rumble but even then I think Rumble can still go completely even so he's one of the best blind play right now very good St Checker now the downside for rumble is where he is extremely good in Lane he kind of falls off and loses purpose in mid to late if you are not ahead so Rumble is kind of similar to like a melee version of Canon that is extremely impressive to play G but rumble's even more impressive but if you fall behind you will get outskilled extremely fast you are pretty bad at farming J camps and side waves you are not fast on the map you have no Mobility right those are your problems so if you are a head and you have a choke cold on the game Rumble is the most impressive Champion but you are not allowed to slip up because if you slip up you'll get outskilled you can't really join s anymore cuz Bruiser with two item or Rumble with two items the Bruiser would always win the Bruiser can Farm more um Jungle cams and side waves so those are always the things that you have to keep in mind you're weak to CC long range CC but yeah if you are ahead you can run away with the game Set set set set very good for beginner Champions um so relatively easy kit the reason why set is good is because he is similar to like what I refer to as a stat Checker right um he's hard to approach in the ear game a lot of new players have no idea how to play against it simply because of his high base damage his double Auto attack very impressive straightforward combos with like the E into W and like the C double Auto attack right his kit is very simple that's why it's good for beginners also one of the biggest benefits about set is that his passive gives him health regen which is amazing I think he USS more depending on how low he is I'm not 100% sure on that but I'm pretty sure that's how it works so lower HP you are the more you are going to regenerate ultimately that's just amazing for a beginner top ler right so you are a champion that has built in health sustain and you have a very easy fighting kit so your your your plus sides of course is your very good early lading phase you have some versatility where you can go bre through get stks or somebody producers but if you're gener speaking want to go for strip breaker or Gore it kind of play similar style to Olaf like this ship is very similar to Olaf and Darius uh I would just say like a little bit easier right uh and your downside is is being kited you have no Mobility um you need to play from flanks you need to I guess kind of anticipate how you want to play the invite but he's amazing at playing front to back one of the best backline diverse good tank destroyer um Shen I would say is M now Shen in my opinion is arguably the worst champion in Top Line right now and that is because I think mythics have put him into a position where he's kind of just like a facilitator for his team so so actually let's talk about the plus set for Shen first Shen is one of the strongest level one to level five top laners like you can drag your blade through your opponent then do three points with AO like three do three uh powered Auto attacks then into somebody and get three more so you can in one trade get like six apart auto attacks always right so Shen is one of the strongest early game Champions stronger than rington in champ is like this right you can really beat a lot of matchs especially if you play grass flesh ignite so you have one of the best level one to level six but the problem with Chen is that you are a top ler with zero wave player and the only other top ler that has that is Tom kench Tom kench and Shen are the only Champions that have like almost no wave player right so that's a really big issue that you have as Shen you don't really have any aggressive items so next season and in the past you had Titanic Hydra that you can automation cancel so you get so much more damage Shan doesn't have that right now you need to facilitate your team starting level six kind of you are always at a timer because your opponents with one or two items especially if they're allowed to go whole breaker as well will just out skill you so you just hope your team will drag you through the finish line by helping them enough in the early to mid game transition that's how Shen works I don't like being relied on my team I like having the game in my own hands yes you are very good at early to mid but you fall off so hard you're always on a timer and I don't like playing the game like that and that's why I think he's the weakest top player right now cion easy to pick up like you play 10 SC games you know how to play this Champion um so what are the plus sets from C he's extremely high wave clear right extremely high wave clear he's very good to play for high resources he's one of the tanks that is easiest to to to get high resources on him um so you can get really high resources playing Canon um he's a tank that can kind of do everything he can Team fight he can play someone as a Bruiser especially if you go for a Titanic Hydra setup and you can split push right with demolish so this tank can kind of do everything it's a tank similar to Mundo where you can carry the game but you can actually also have engage and disengage so you can kind of do everything on a champion like Canon right split push team fight and like one V ones uh but you're very reliant on the you play against so simar to Mundo sign gets hard countered by percentage Health damage anything that builds percentage Health body King Divine th completely annihilate you because your W passive is always going to give you extra HP and your items give you HP so uh that is one of your biggest downsides so this Champion is very draft Reliant you also have a lot of Champions in top L that counter pick you like there is like if we go for example through this list almost every Champion actually ow every Champion here with the exception of NASA hard counter you got to UTI learn to utilize your good deaths when playing this Champion but yeah I think can is one of those tanks that is very draft for line to be decent uh cuz a lot of Champions counterpick you and it gets way harder to one v n games that way I think s is in a pretty weak position right now sing sing easy to pick up I guess me personally I don't like singed I think his skit is very strange uh you also play a very weird play style ionically think that a roaming sing play style is playing that better is like better than playing for like a carry play style sing where you're playing for your own resour sources you're mainly playing to facilitate your team and like play a weird R play style and play for like mid to late game skirmishes instead of really facilitating yourself s is really good at like proxying that's what as a kid is built right so he's good at proxying he's pretty good at uh just being a nuisance being annoying but what does this kid really want to do I always struggle finding that out what does sing want to do in the game uh is it is it split pushing no is it team fighting I guess I guess he decent at Team fighting but not super good you're L running into your opponent right so I find it kind of hard to decide what you want to do as singed in the game in general um now I do think he's like he's more of a niche pick if you can get it into like a good matchup but I also think that a lot of Champions destroy you whole breaker is one of sing biggest nightmares I guess he counters quite a few melee bruisers especially because people don't know how to play the matchups I don't know I don't know too much about s myself personally also to give some correct takes but like you can't really Farm jungle camps on singed you can't really split push a s which is qualities that I would want in the top laner uh but yeah the benefits that you have is you have extremely good roaming if played well and if you know your limage you can really beat a lot of melee Bruises And even some tanks you skill pretty decently but you follow very like you you're a good mid game Champion but you fall off super late I just find it hard to find a like find the strength of singed like the only really good sing player I know is Kuba and there are some other sing players in the US like Marvin but what this guy does un ironically by the way is he skips wave one proxy wave two and three dies runs both and hopes for a flip that's literally it Kuba is good Kuba I find it hard because he knows to limit so well but I don't know any other good sing player and I I just find this Champion hard to to to like myself Tom Coco launch next easy to pick up for sure all right so Tom calan uh this Champion is a stck juggernaut I guess he is kind of a reverse Mundo like instead of being weak in the early game he's very strong in the early game instead of scaling he kind of falls off so this is how T tomk games go okay you are one of the most obnoxious and annoying Champions to L against his Q is insane range deals a lot of damage and sustains him permanently and ultimate gives you a lot of kill Windows you very often pair the champion with Ignite but after laning phase your Champion is very hard to to uh play so the the biggest benefits from Tom Ken would be his laying face period and some other benefits is that you have very good peill you're decent champion in team fights right you're very annoyed to to get through um but you also don't really have like insane engage or stuff like this you're pretty good at peeling that's that's another very big benefit that Tomken has right now my issues with Tomken is similar to Shen he has no wave clear no wave clear besides I guess bomi s there you can't F jungle camps you can't really split push you can't really progress on the map like I've had games where I play against Thum kench and after landing phase we're both 100 CS 110 CS 120 Cs and then 5 minutes later I'm 200 Cs and he's 130 CS because there's just nothing he can do St smid maybe gets a kill maybe gets two kills maybe dies and he just hopes that those skirmishes that happen in mid end up going well for him so he can up win end up winning the game but as a champion of Tom kench all your agenc is kind of in landing phase and you have to transition that Landing phase into a good mid to late if that doesn't happen feel like you're just a useless Champion Teo is mid to pick up I'd say he not very easy to play the reason why I think teimo is so disgustingly broken right now similar to for example Quinn or V where we're going to get to later is Fleet so I would if I play team right now I'm playing Fleet is uh one of the best blind pick tops right now uh he is very good against most tanks and most melee bruisers uh just due to the nature of his kit now I hate against play playing against te myself because I always know by default I'm going to get drained of resources because it's very hard to farm or find favorable trade PS against Teo as a tank or melee bruer right he gets countered by some range champions for example Champions like Casio that we have here not many others like there's more Niche picks that you can pick into Teo such as like rice and stuff like this tend to do well against Teo but most Champions that we have on this list here I Teo goes even against or he just hard wins so teimo is one of the easiest Champions to play in Lane he's very good in Lane uh especially with Fleet like if you're new to Teo I'm new to Teo if I play Teo I just play Fleet and I know that with the sustain and with the damage in my kit I will always at least get two to three plates get a 30cs lead guaranteed now the real SC expression to me comes after landing face with Teo and I think this is also his downside is that teimo is pretty hard to play out of lightning face right um similar to some other Champions like kenon that we refer to he doesn't have the same team fight PR as that a cannon has but it does have the same lack of Mobility so it's very easy to catch off guard in team fights or in mid to light on S Side Lane but you have the benefit that if you are ah head you can basically already secure a neutral objective by having uh a lot of shrooms right so I say Teo is very good in lane and he's harder to play out of Lane so there is that I also think Teo is very versatile in the builds that he can go because you can go for more on hit sty with n tooth or you can go for I guess more AP setup where you your shrooms and your q and your poison do a little bit more damage um I'm actually excited to do my own unranked two mes on Teo as well uh I just think that this is one of the best blind pick to plays that you can do in Solo que and um one of the best isolated top laners that are easy to play because of Fleet I feel like if you don't play Fleet on Teo you have to know your match up well enough that if you take equal HP traes or your opponent can poke you that is a bit harder similar to what we explained on Quinn trundle I think trundle is one of the fun Champions right now to play It's kind of easy to pick up his kid is very straightforward of course that you just want to bash your opponents so TR benefits he is one of the best jet check Checkers uh even some of the St Checkers that we said they win 80 to like 70 to 80% of their match ups like Olaf and and Darius trle beats these trle completely annihilates them so torono is one of the best level one top L Champion I'm trying to find even a champion that Lo that like tro loses against but I'm not sure maybe Dar with lethal Tempo if he gets sked in the bush or something like that but I think Toronto just basically St checks every top play at level one even super strong check like Yas y we get to later with lethal Tempo get completely annihilated by trundle um so he is one of the best Champions level one period he's a made of Bruiser that likes to St check no sustain though and I guess it's real like what what like trund or trund rather is kind of similar to alawi where you're going to be playing for a strong Landing phas strong set checking and then you're playing split push most of the game uh you want to go for like the Trinity Force Hydra hole breaker setup very similar to what you do conquer Fiora and you're going to split push and become a manison s Side Lane you are the fastest champion at taking down turrets in mid to late and you win s all the time now of course your counters are range you get kited very easily and there are some melee bruisers that basically just win you because of the nature of your kids so for example if I play trondo into Fiora I can't really find favorable trade patterns and she outscales me as well so Champions like that are really hard actually yes he doesn't sustain because of his W right never mind trle doesn't sustain because of his W never mind uh and his passive I actually don't know his kid too well my bad trundle is just one of the best laners um actually good to say I completely forgot yeah I think some Champions that just out St check him mid to late are J Fiora probably some others that I just can't think of I want to play this Champion UNR to messes myself learn more about them as well and yeah the benefits are your team fighting or sorry your your split pushing prowess your your your laning uh press but yeah you're very vulnerable to ganks uh you only have single Target damage that's also a big downside right and and uh you're not that good at Team fighting TR good for beginning Champion the reason why I recommend TR similar to Garen is that his kit is extremely simple the only thing similar to Gar is W timing and fury management I guess as well because the higher Fury you are the more damage you have and the lower h no sorry the lower HP you have and the more Fury you have the more ad you get so that's always so sorry it works like this the lower HP you have on trir the more ad you have and the more Fury you have the more crit chance you have so that's like some resource management that you can do with Trend theare um but this kid is very straightforward now uh similar to Gar what you want to learn about playing Trin is either really know your all them windows super well or start learning how to utilize equal Health rates where you dash into your opponents you right click and you go away they lose 50% of your HP you lose 50% and you walk away with a win simply because of the nature of your kit you have arguably the highest sustain of any top laner and his kit is just so brain dead to play against right so if you want a champion that has the 1 v9 potential of Riven right cuz you're super fast on the map you can split push you can Team fight you can do all of this uh but doesn't require the amount of games that you would need to play Riven trendir would be my goto you're super fast on the map you one shot sideways one shot J camps very good 1 V one good at split pushing and yeah you just got to have to learn how to do those equal Health trates find your all timers learn some of the matchups but I think Trin is one of the best Champions to be like a beginner and a 1 v9 Champion so um said with d shoot second win has so much more than trir what if you go trir with d shoot second win and Q no Trin will still have a lot more so uh yeah this is one of the best Champions to to pick up if you are new and you want a carry Champion that isn't super hard to learn Trin is your goto UD I would put in mid uh or maybe even relatively heart similar to what we said about Ranger top UD top is kind of SN put UD top in the mid so I really hate Ling against uder top I don't really have mental blocks against top Champions but udar is probably the closest Champion that gives me a mental block this Champion's kit is so overtuned in a one V One landing scenario that it's very hard for any melee Champion to fight a favorable tradeit into a champion like uder because he can always use a single ability twice be it his ult which they mainly use or like his e where he gets such massive shoot so he's a good St Checker he is insane damage output sustained damage and DPS with his Q so DPS with his q and sustain damage with his R he's insane sustain through his e pretty hard to gank with Ghost and his W uh I believe I'm might have messed up his W and his e actually I think W is just shoot I'm not I'm not sure I haven't played himself too much luckily not a lot of people play him in Europe especially in higho but I know there's a Korean um Challenger UD top player and yeah this Champion is just very hard cuz he wins against tanks you can always go even against range because you can always get secure your level two first and you're fighting to Mele brues right so yeah W Shield e is his stun I'm excited to UNR to masses on UD as well now the downsides with udir is that you don't really have that 1 v9 car potential you're super strong in laning Phase super strong early to mid but you fall off very hard late like you're you're mid game Menace one two items you are one of the most broken Champions on the map but certain three items and especially four items you completely fall off so I guess you're more so of like an AP version of Olaf you're super oppressive very strong one V one lane but you fall off that is one of the biggest downsides uh I think similar to Rengar if you want to pick up a niche Top Lane Champion that people have no idea how to Lane against but it's actually very strong uder would be my go-to OT easy to pick up one of the easiest Champions to play in Top Lane uh also the highest I think DPS output in the or or like burst output in the early game cuz if you do Auto Tech E Auto Tech with PTA you onot almost any Champion maybe besides like trundle and like Darius so urot I feel like has quite a lot of downside but let's start to talk about the good things there so good things first about urot is he is a good stat Checker he is very obnoxious to approach especially for new players in the game right it's very hard to approach Ergo due to his high damage output um and now the downside is that he's kind of a melee Champion with a rened kit he like his e sure has Mobility but it's not really good Mobility so he's kind of an immobile type of Juggernaut I think the champion though has some ways to make him work I think approach velocity for example is extremely good on UL to utilize your Kitmore with your Q he is very good early game I think he falls off a little bit mid to late or mid game but actually his late game is ridiculously strong if this sh ion is even in the curve or slightly ahead of the curve it is very hard to take him down both in Sid Lane and in team fights he's extremely good at playing front to back right if You' have anything else that has burst in your team you just ought the first Target and you are a complete manace um I played in one game recently against some Riven myself and and I really like him I think uh I was surprised with his damage output in late game as well uh some downside is that he has no sustain but a lot of Ergo players also sometimes run Fleet you can go Fleet or PTA in this match up or on this Champion rather but yeah the downsides I think for Urgot is since the Mythic changes I think this Champion has always been in a weird position like there's not a Mythic that's really good for Urgot right you don't really want Gore Drinker stride I guess is somewhat okay or Jack like somewhat okay but these are kind of the items that you want like he's one of the few Champions that just always rushes Cleaver I think this Champions going to do a lot better in season 14 with mythics being removed yeah that's the thoughts I had about urot okay I mean let's talk about the two most disgusting piggy annoying creatures in Top Lane the VAR is in vain both are kind of similar I think varus is easy to pick up and is arguably one of the strongest top things I've ever laned against like I don't think I've ever had less fun laning against something like vars stop if you really are a somebody that likes to make people suffer you play VAR stop like I just find it very hard like this Champion only really gets countered by stuff like yaso and yon maybe but even into yon he can win W and yaso is not a free win this is probably the champion in top L right now with the least amount of counter picks you play Flesh barriers so even some of these stat Checkers don't just stat check you like Olaf for example like he can still one shoot Olaf and the most disgusting part about this champag is that he goes like a tank build where he goes BL through the King which is extremely good for 1 V one and then he goes radiant virtue so he becomes so tanky that it's like he just St checks you yeah one of the downsides is that you are extremely vulnerable to ganks extremely vulnerable to ganks but you are without a doubt right now the best top laner in terms of 1 V one poti like I'd rather L against 10 rumbl than one varus I'd rather L against 10 canons than one varus I'd rather land against 10 team than one varus I've never had less counter options playing against a varsel as a Riven um that has to be said as well of course and you just hope your jungler destroys this guy if not it's very hard to play against this really actually shedani that's a good one I like to talk about sedani I think Sani top is decent I'm going put her an easy to pick up um I played L Sani when she was good for professional play as well that's mainly when the there was still the old iceborn Gauntlet with bomi cinder but um Sani is a pretty good top player um that is because her her benefits is that she actually has very strong early Lane she has a lot of damage in Lane her W is actually physical damage which a lot of people don't know and uh you have extremely good wave clear good 1 V one duelist potential and that also allows you to basically be like a very good setup for your jungler so you have good 1 V one potential good solo kill pressure with Ignite as well you like similar to every tank like or or other tanks that I've mentioned right is that you just don't have that carry potential that is always going to be the biggest bound side about this tanks I think Sean is somewhat a weaker version of or right now I think or is a bit stronger than Sani but there's some matchups where Sani would probably be uh do better especially paired with some jungles right so Sani is very good if you have an ad melee jungler very good for 2v tws very good in team fights easy setups right with your ultimate but yeah you don't really have SEL pressure you can't really Farm side uh sorry um Jungle cams you can do split push you are a facilitator that wants to set up our team so it's a 10 think strong in Lane doesn't really have care potential talked about vars let's talk about vay V similar to varus put her M as well vars I think is easy vay is mid because she actually have skill seaing and has a lot more ways to mess up but the reason why V top right now is so broken is because of Fleet like I hate Fleet I think it's such an overtuned Rune it makes Champions like Quinn Teo vain just so obnoxious do it right now cuz it's a range top laner with sustain and that makes it so annoying down sense of vain is that she's super vulnerable to gank and uh s to vars and that's kind of your biggest downside and that you don't really have wave play I guess that's also a downside of you don't really have wave clear but your upsides is that you win almost every 1 V one unless you get like hard C pick by a weird other Niche pick you have good early right so level one like early game is very strong after first recall you're even stronger and the longer the game goes you get even stronger right so like Vin is the late game security is good early game is good mid game uh and you are Manis in one one isolation again similar to vars one of your biggest downsides is being ganked and that's genu speaking also going to be the biggest counterplay you vus Fame two range top players now that are both very strong they have very few counter picks uh they're good blind picks everybody hates playing against them but you're always riant on like um you're always scared of Jung games that's kind of it volibear I put Vol bear in easy to pick up actually no I put him in mid to pick up Vol bear is pretty like even though skid is very easy I don't think uh volley bear is as easy as people make him out to be uh I like there I think there's one the highest Vol bear player that there is I think plays in super Surfer and this guy has a different room page for every matchup that he plays so literally every match up he has like a different room page and different summer setup and he's just massing the match up so well that he knows what to do volley bear as a champion a lot of lower MMR players struggle to play against him due to his St check and extreme burst in the early game now what you need to know when you play volley bear is that your first W is useless and your second W mark on somebody is gamebreaking right because it dos like triple the damage and sustains you so this champion ion is just one of those annoying stat check champions for melee champions ever tanks he gets counted by range and also some melee Champions that have longer range he's a feast of famine Champion like Vol bear from behind is useless Vol bear from ahead is very hard to play against he's also kind of versatile cuz you can play the on hit AP split push Vol bear so you're actually like a juggernaut / tank that can actually split push very well or you can go for like the more Bruiser team fight build where you go like caver and like the iceborne uh Mythic right so your Champion is kind of versatile as tank um I think you can also go for like grasp and for little Temple so you have some more play Styles as volley bear depending on the draft and the match up that you play so that's a very nice part about volley bear that's why I also put him mid instead of putting him like easy but yeah straight patters are very straightforward you want to land your e paired with your q and you want to Mark people and land a second Mark that's it right Warick Warick is easy to pick up but he definitely does have some skill ciling attached with like Q timings e timings all timings right but his kid is very straightforward if he's like above 70% Health he doesn't Rel like 6050 50% Health he doesn't really sustain that much but if he's below 50% Health he just sustains infinitely this Champion has infinite sustain in this kit he's an extremely good stat Checker his kid is very simple and any tank SL melee Bruiser just struggles playing against the champion in Lane below 50% and Below 25% I see so if he's below 50% he has a little bit of healing below 25% he is extremely like he's increased healing right now there is one war OTP in us right now I believe that is like top 30 top 40 maybe he's even higher but the hor Li is very High ELO um so if you a war player you want to check somebody out I would recommend checking out wh Line 1 V one isolated a top laner extremely strong um he is a pretty versatile kid so how war games go is that you are one of the most oppressive Lane Champions um you have infinite sustain you have very good dueling power you can even 2v one similar to VAR you very often play with flesh barrier or like but maybe he goes ghost to P now actually I saw that the other time but very often you play flashh bar or ghost TP and you are just a stat checking manace super annoying to deal with but you are on a timer because wari so one of the biggest downside about war is that he only has single Target damage you can't e anybody it's only single Target damage also you very often go bra King into iceborn gaunet I believe actually I don't know how you itemize a champion right now I feel like it also changes how people play this Champion uh cuz maybe it just goes iceborn godlet I see somebody in chat saying that he even goes stri Breer right now so I don't know how you itemize a champion but the biggest downside about war is that you're always going to be on a timer you need to utilize or you need to like get some Edge in Lane which you should be able to get due to the nature of your kit the horine plays gohost TP with Titanic into iceborn 90% of the time right now interesting okay so if he goes that setup I guess with Titanic he gets some wave clear cuz that's one of the other downsides there actually a third Champion to play right but no wave clear which is Warick right Warick barely has wave clear but I guess it goes Titanic Hydra to counterfeit that uh problem now he has very good Landing phase kind of hard to transition from Landing phase into mid L because no way wave clear hard to form Jung camps kind of hard to split push but what you do have is very good 1 V one inside Lane and you're good like 2v2 skirmishes maybe 3v3 skirmishes full 5v5 any heart CC kind of sucks for him as well so Gooden Lane kind of want like you need to get a lead in lane or like have to like get something out of lane and then decent transision to Mid or like pretty bad decision to mid to late and the later the game goes the harder it is for work to play a good game so there's that Vladimir also easy to pick up see me personally I'm not a fan of a very big fan of Vladimir top and that is because this Champion just takes too long to get good he's just not that good in a meta right now for Top Lane most meta top laners are like strong topl lers right now Spike very hard at one item whilst war or whilst L gets pretty good at one item I feel like this Champion needs more like needs to like get to like three to four items to start having really high big impact on the game so that's why I'm not the biggest fan of Le now he does have some counter matchups you can counter pick some top laners some M uh Bru top laners um like Jack actually like somebody else has just said um so you have some good matchups but even those are not like super hard and then why would you play Vladimir instead of playing Cannon or Rumble right so I feel like Vladimir is kind of a weaker version of other AP options in the top Lan right now that Spike faster and actually can carry games easier that way now one of the biggest benefits that you have with Vladimir of course is your super late game insurance right so you do skill better than a champion like Rumble wood or a champion like kenon wood right so you do have that you skill way better you have more fallback patterns but uh it is harder to get there because you have such a weak laning phase so I guess Vladimir is like the opposite of Rumble and rington a bit weaker in Lane but more light game Insurance you are you can still be strong in Lane depending on the matchup and then uh lastly he's easy to pick up cuz he has so much to say he's infinite sustain right so yeah he's one of the best scaling Champions so that's that's now Wukong uh I would put easy to pick up as well I am not a fan of Wukong as well so sorry to to CU I said this the other day as well people were asking me about Wukong now what is good about Wukong he's a good stat checking Champion very easy K to play uh his passive is amazing for stat checking cuz the more AO attacks you do the more armor you get right so that's good but the downside is that you are a melee Bruiser without sustain right sort like Riven and I find it kind of hard to like like the matchs that are good for you I just don't think are like that good for you you don't really have insane wave clear you have Mana issues very often on the champion so for example Riv and Wukong both melee bruises without sustain but Mana or Wukong as Mana issues Riven never will right stuff like this so you like I just say that Wukong in my eyes is a weaker version of JX kind of everything that wuk wants to do JX does as well but he is just a bit less so everything that like team fighting I mean maybe wuk can be better in team fight into certain object like certain scenarios but like split pushing i' rather be Jacks team fighting very of Rather Be Jack lightning I'd rather be Jax um so that's why I just in my eyes Wukong is just a weaker version of some of the Champions such as ja like what is his upsides he has very good all in potential he's a good stat Checker of course he can do still like split push can do one V one has some some AOE damage can Team fight but I just think he's he's not in a good position right now so I personally don't like Wukong that much I wouldn't recommend him all right we got the two brothers we got yon yaso I put yaso in uh hard to pick up Y is arguably one of the hardest to players to pick up now you do play little Tempo exhaust generally speaking I would refrain from playing yaso top due to the fact that this Champion just gets counterpicked by almost everything and you're super vulnerable yaso can win like can utilize the fact that he's playing in a longer line into some matchups but the amount of work that you have to do to make yo work like spacing jungle tracking and and just like playing your trades out well it's just not worth it to play this champion in Top Lane in most scenarios so what some of his downsides then right is he has no sustain and he has no fallback patterns and once you are behind and you get Frozen on there's nothing you can do to get back like this Champion arguably like if you stomp like it's known right this Champion just goes 0 10 so I personally refrain from playing the so Champion now if you do want to challenge yourself this is probably the hardest to playing Champion to make work consistently cuz not only is this Champion so hard you also lose most of your matchup right for example Jays and aan they can win a lot of their matchups right and they're super hard yasu will still loses a lot of matchups and he's equally hard so yeah you you can have decent team fighting but you need some setup um you don't win most of your matchups like what are the what are the positives for y top I struggle to find them I struggle to find good reasons to play Yo top so that's why I just wouldn't recommend them now yon on the other hand I would put this champion in myid now the thing is you can put him in relatively hard as well I actually I put him in relatively cuz his W is nerfed again so I guess he's relatively hard right now so this Champion like he got nerfed right now his W should finally got nerfed but this Champion was so broken for the recent batches due to the fact that like matches that were bad for him in the past such as like Jack Riven and stuff like this are literally had very little B matchups because how much his W would Shield him from like you could W level two like literally level two you'd crash the W you press W to your opponents and the tur would do like 20 damage to you and your opponent takes like 60 70 damage that champion was just so overtuned in Lane so I feel like you rarely had counter matchups you win in the early game because of lethal Tempo in most matchups and then after first reset you win even harder because your Champion spikes so hard by Berserkers cuz your Q cool out gets so low uh and you have all your auto attacks right and then you you like every component in Kraken is really good for you as well like recurve ball and N quiver now the real skill behind Joan is everything after Lane everything after Lane makes Jan really hard your team fighting the way to utilize your abilities your positioning on the map for example if you don't have flashh end or ult and you walk out of Lan to join into River you are so extremely vulnerable even if you have flesh and or ult it's still really hard to play out those scenarios right you need some formal setup or you need to be really mechanically intensive on this Champion that's also why um this Champion has like 46% win rate so uh like fighting in Lane is pretty easy on your own fighting out of Lane where you can't permanently stack your cues that's where really the the like the the skill in your comes to fruition right so uh good in Lane uh can split push can Team fight especially with Hall Breer I do think The champ is going to suffer really hard next season when he does not have whole breaker anymore because one of the reasons why this Champion is so good in s right now is because he just T check so many players or Champions rather with Kraken hole breaker so yeah this Champion I would recommend playing him right now he's very strong still I had a lot of fun tonight I also upload my UNR to Masters actually it's probably already uploaded Theon so yeah make sure to check that out if you want to play him Yos Yos easy to pick up now actually yoro is a champion that I've never played like maybe one game like maybe one game in my life I've played uh Yori so I actually don't really know how skid works now one are the downsides of Yori is I feel like the downside are his lack of early games so I feel like yor and Ela are very similar play Styles where they kind of lose their match up level one to level four but he has some very Niche counter picks so for example York is extremely good to G like Garen for example now yor really shines I think you kind of played two ways where you go for like the trinity 4/ Divine Thunder setup or just go for like the full lethality Eclipse uh or dust plate even with Hydra which should also be the build that I probably recommend the only High ELO yic player that I know is SLO do he's from oania he played Hydra setup and if he lands e with that setup you almost get completely destroyed so what are the big benefits from Yori I would say it's a split push potential he's one of the best split pushers Tak turn super fast he has good sustain Lane with his Maiden he is relatively easy to pick up in terms of his kits and like if people don't really know how to approach him he is very strong in Lane in 1 V one but uh he's pretty weak early game Landing phase he gets destroyed by a lot of Champions in the early game like if you play any of these te check Champions like trondo like Warick darus all of Riven like he can't even work to the Lane level one realistically um he skills very well though he can be decent in team fights uh I don't know too much myself about jorck as well so it's also going to be very interesting for me to play the champion unranked to Masters and and see how that would go yeah I think the champion is is kind of limited but there is somebody that got into Challenger so he has potential Zack cuz I actually mentioned him earlier as well I'll put Zack easy to pick up yeah I think if you play 20 to 30 Z games Champion is amazing now I remember in Korea there was one Zack top Cher player and this guy blew my mind I could not play against that guy like Zack top actually has the limit to be one of the most obnoxious and strong early game Champions and and and like skirmishes like this Champion has insane dual potential he has extreme High stain because of his W or like because of his passive with his blops right he has very high uh damage he is a good gang setup good 1 V one potential he can escape a lot of ganks a lot of kill pressure especially when you play the grasp ignite setup they got his AP ratios interesting like I haven't seen Zack top that much lately myself but I know that there's a green Zack wrick top that guy was amazing at this Champion so what are your benefits you have strong laning you have a lot of sustain you beat a lot of melee bruisers and you beat a lot of tanks and I think you can even beat some range Champions too some problems you have as Zack is that you like similar to other things this is always the issue right you can't One v9 games you're not a good split Pusher you're more so reliant on team fight but you do have extremely good engage and good disengage good peuk uh super high damage for a tank as well but yeah you can 1 v9 a game that's would be one of my biggest downsides playing Zach to reiterate what this list is for it's a CH it's a list where I talked about the pros and cons of every top laner and like why I would avoid or play certain top laner and how easy it is to pick up in terms of strength we've talked I think for like 2 hours straight on this list I hope you guys enjoyed [Music] it
Channel: AloisNL
Views: 239,840
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Keywords: League of legends, League of legends Riven plays, League of legends riven challenger, challenger coaching league of legends, Alois Riven, Alois_NL Riven, league of legends cinematic, league of legends music, league of legends reaction, Riven Montage, Riven guide, League of legends riven coaching guide, league of legends laning tricks, aurelion sol rework, akali, irelia, league tier list, 1v9, challenger, FIND YOUR MAIN, TOPLANE TIER LIST, which champion to main, who to main
Id: vQ3X4-t1zSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 45sec (5745 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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