The ONLY SUPPORT MACRO Guide You NEED for Season 13 - League of Legends

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support is technically one of the strongest roles in the game to carry with though it may not always feel that way because you're often at the mercy of how well your teammates play how are you possibly supposed to carry when every other game your ADC is in the middle of the enemy jungle alone versus five people while supporting other players can be frustrating at times with proper macro you can carry very consistently as a support and we'll show you how in this guide we're going to cover every macro concept you need to know to climb to Diamond and even further Beyond we'll talk laning phase roaming early warding how to get dragons what you should do in the mid game vision control and finally some more miscellaneous tips you need to know to get started and after you master support macro if you want to become a great support player as fast as possible then head on over to our service is completely risk-free as you're kept safe with rank up insurance if you don't significantly improve while actively using skill cap then you get your money back no questions asked you can learn more at the end of this guide or check us out with the link in the description alright now let's teach you how to macro as support learn learning Macro for any role begins with one crucial thing Wave Control as a sport who doesn't farm you may feel like this doesn't apply to you all that much but it definitely does waves are the foundation for almost every decision you make in the early game roaming trading recalling Etc are all affected by what the wave state currently is and predicting what it will look like in the future you may not have direct control over the wave and that's definitely your adc's job however if you know what your ADC is doing or what they should be trying to accomplish then you can actually help them achieve it this is the number one skill that most support players ignore let's put it like this most supports don't bother to learn Wave Control so if you took it upon yourself to learn then every time you got into a laning phase you'd immediately be at an advantage you'd have two players trying their hardest to get a wave advantage over the other side versus just one player and since waves are the foundation of every single decision in the early laning phase that'll drastically increase your win rate over the long run of course this isn't a wave control guide if you want to learn more about that then check out our courses or some of our other guides that being said let's talk about the most important things you'll want to try and do with the wave that you can immediately apply after watching this guide what you ideally want to be doing with the wave in most cases will boil down to what type of support you're playing for the sake of Simplicity we'll break things down into two categories Caster supports and engage supports for Caster supports you typically want to try to be aggressive on waves and to be pushing along with your ADC having the pushing wave gives you a ton of benefits that you get to play around as a Caster in most matchups for starters most casters tend to have a skill shot they want to land if you have the pushing wave this gives you way more flexibility in your ability to move up and land it plus your opponents will have less minions to hide behind making it even easier to land notice how much emphasis this Morgana is placing on hitting the wave to build a minion lead in this Lane versus a lux support she's even playing very aggressively to prevent the enemy Ezreal from being able to freely hit the wave with the push lead now look how much easier of a Time Morgana is having she's able to walk up very aggressively to look for bindings meanwhile compare that to the enemy Lux on the back foot in terms of Wave Control she's not able to posture aggressively and is unable to make her own opportunities happen there's also another big element to getting the minion lead and building big pushing waves as a Caster you tend to be very squishy and susceptible to Allens however it is very difficult to engage into big waves early on which can give you a massive buffer against ganks and 2v2 fights this is a clear example of that happening Jonah and her chistana have the bigger wave over Pike and sivir their winning Lane until skarner shows up to gank look how awkward this engage has to be just because of Janna having the wave Advantage the enemy team chasing got creep block constantly and tanked a ton of Minion damage to finish off Janna all the while Tristana was doing Max DPS which ended up turning a gank around very favorably it's super important you keep this concept in mind whenever playing a Caster support if you're the one in a minion disadvantage then the lane will feel infinitely harder than it should always try to help your ADC push otherwise Lanes can look like this making it much harder to play now let's talk engage in other melee supports usually your goal will be to keep the wave towards your side of the lane this gives you plenty of room to chase down and engage on your opponents it's also important to thin the wave so that you can actually engage as we just discussed fighting into big wave waves is very Troublesome as a melee Champion luckily you can manage this decently with your Relic Shield however we have to watch a ton of low ELO supports make a very consistent mistake with their Relic Shield let's take a look here's an Alistair with his sivir versus a squishy enemy Lane at level 2 take a look at the wave state it's in the middle of the lane and the waves are about even these are precisely the wind conditions we just talked about as a result look how easily Alistair is able to go in and get a great engage off [Music] afterwards take stock of what the lane looks like zareth and Ash are a bit closer to their Tower but there's still room for Alistar to engage not only that but the enemy wave isn't too big it's perfect for Alistar to potentially find another knock-up combo but for some reason every low ELO melee support feels compelled to try it to last hit cannons as quickly as possible with their Relic Shield this is a mistake we see all the time this is why we mentioned you need to learn Wave Control sivir was actually managing the wave properly she's slow pushing to give Alistar ample time to engage but because Alistair killed the enemy Cannon minion so fast look at where Ash and zereth can stand they're chilling when they should be completely screwed after what happened earlier look just how little pressure Alistair has this entire time this is all because he pushed the wave too quickly not playing into his own win condition let's compare that to a good support look how long Nautilus waits to hit this cannon he knows that by keeping the wave here as long as possible he's making Caitlyn and karma's lives super miserable and they can never walk up okay so those are the most important wave tactics you need to know so now let's talk roaming we completely understand how frustrating this topic can be everyone says that roaming is how you carry when you're a support but when you do it your ADC just dies the second you leave Lane right we're going to compare roaming to something everyone can understand driving a car in the same way that you cannot guarantee that you'll never be in an accident when driving you can't prevent your ADC from dying when you roam that being said the benefits of driving a car far outweigh the risks of getting into an accident which is the same for roaming the important part is taking the necessary precautions to mitigate the likelihood of a crash or its impact this is done through seat belts driving under the speed limit airbags turn signals Etc back to League of Legends the best times to roam are when you know your ADC is very unlikely to die a simple example of this would be if you have a Tristana versus a jinx and Sona she'll probably be fine if you leave her alone for a bit of course not every lane is that non-threatening so the universal sign that you'll look for when deciding to roam is if the wave is pushing back into your ADC technically while you're away from Lane your ADC Can Play Patiently because the wave is coming into them they don't have to walk up to CS as it'll all eventually get to them this is why the number one room timer for supports is almost always after crashing a wave and recalling when you crash a wave the wave will always bounce back towards your ADC so after basing you're almost always able to roam it doesn't mean there isn't any risk though as per this example so after basing here Nautilus follows the rule we just discussed he looks at the lane and is definitely going to push back into his ADC so she'll be able to play safe when he gets to Mid though we can discuss a problem you need to tackle this play onto the enemy malzahar is not very likely to work once Nautilus gives up he looks at bottom Kaiser just barely dodged and engaged she should have been much further back before roaming like this you really have to ask yourself what are the chances that this ROM works and based on how my ADC has played so far How likely is it that they won't die while I'm away while technically this was a fine Roam by Nautilus in this game he should have probably just went bottom there was no kill opportunity in mid and his ADC was clearly an impatient player before every Rome always ask yourself How likely you are to get a kill and how dangerous it is to leave your ADC alone the Best roams in low ELO are high probability he kills with zero risks to your ADC like this other game after basing Nautilus is passing back bottom with his ADC however he notices that the Caitlyn and Karma both recalled so there's zero risk to leaving his Ash alone at the moment not only that but the enemy mid laner is a squishy Mage and his Veigar as very deadly follow-up this is the perfect type of Rome for low ELO Nautilus flashes in and they score an easy kill so just keep that in mind every time you play always weigh the rewards versus the risk of your ADC dying and you'll be a much better Roamer instantly moving on at some point you'll unlock your support item and get three Wards whenever you base at this point in the game you've got a very important goal you should want to achieve do not be selfish and only place your vision around bot Lane to keep you and your ADC safe this is pretty wasteful you ideally want to find a timing to move towards mid lane and to place one or two Wards in the general area so why should this matter to you for starters you don't need three Wards to keep yourself safe and Bot you can definitely make do with one or two so warding for mid lane is just a nice thing to do you want to keep your ADC and your other carry day for the same time which you can easily achieve most games more importantly it also spots potential roams from the enemy mid laner way before you're in any danger why spot the realm at the last minute when you can spot it 20 seconds in advance likewise it gives your own mid laner the confidence to face check the river and potentially roam towards your lane as well so you're both preventing enemy roams and enabling your own teammate to roam instead the final reason that you want to play some Wards in mid as often as possible is that it's obviously in the middle of the map mid has by far the biggest traffic out of every lane as supports and junglers are constantly passing through or around the area the value of mid lane Wards cannot be understated as they will just give you way more information than any other Awards in the game here's a perfect example of what we mean in this game Nautilus made it a big deal to place Wards around the jungle very close to mid lane he's going to get payoff for this nearly instantly as viego passed through this jungle one of those Wards near Mid spots him now all five members of nautilus's Team know that Diego is on Blue buff of course it doesn't end there they even spot viego going into the river thanks to another of the Ward's Nautilus placed earlier they agar and Ash have so much vision and are aware enough to rotate over thanks to that they scored easy pick with all the information that Nautilus provided so to make it clear Place one to two Wards every time you base in one of these areas for your mid laners you'll make the game much easier to play for both you and your teammates and will likely result in winning the laning phase way more often before we end the lane phase there is one final thing many players want to learn about how do you help secure dragon as a support here's where we tell you how you should buy control Wards and to establish vision control of the area this will allow you and your teammates to use a timing window where you all have priority to rotate over and secure the dragon as a team this will guarantee that your team takes the objective with no risk and lets you start stacking dragons for Dragon Soul yeah no that's a load of barnacles that'll never happen right you want to know the real way to get dragon here's how if you're winning Lane you and your team will probably be able to take it whenever you want if you're losing Lane then the enemy team gets Dragon that's it trying to coordinate priority vision and working together for this objective is a massive headache that is not worth stressing over as the support just film focus on winning Lane and Dragons will come naturally because the enemy team just won't be able to contest it don't overthink it and over Force some coordinated play that will never work especially in lower ELO brackets now that we're done with the laning phase what happens in the mid game what should you be doing and what are your main goals first let's start with how things should technically go if players are playing properly ideally your top and mid laners are the ones who take over farming Side Lane waves this is because you want your ADC in support in mid lane it's the safest role in the game at this point which allows the Marksman to farm relatively safely not only that but as a sport being mid lane gives you direct access to both objectives so you can Ward either of them fairly easily that's on top of the fact that supports should be rotating to most of the skirmishes that begin to happen in the jungle or sidelands being in mid allows you to do that as quickly and reliably as possible of course that's not going to happen all that often people from both teams are going to be all over the place solo queue is chaos so how do you know what to do at all times if there's no order to things keep in mind everything we're about to discuss is just general guidelines there is no set of rules for what you should be doing as every game is wildly different however ever these guidelines will typically work out in a lot of cases and help you gain consistent results we're going to talk about this tip first because it basically trumps any other guidelines we're going to discuss in a moment if you have someone who's really fed just play around them now this doesn't mean that you just sit and Lane with them and literally never leave their side this is what bad supports do they just follow someone and never leave them alone if you just hold someone's hand the entire time you're just making the game harder for your team one you're telling the enemy team where you are at all times this gives them crucial information for free two sitting in a lane with a teammate just shares their gold and experience you want to help your fed member pop off not make it harder for them to do so here's a pretty good example of what this looks like coming out of Base Nautilus presses Tab and sees that his Gangplank is a massive carry right now this doesn't mean that not just goes bottom to push with GP one of the best and simplest things you can do is to just begin warding for them so not immediately goes to set up a war that spots rotations from mid to bot then he starts passing towards GP to do what is known as shadowing shadowing means that you're not actually next to your teammate you're either hiding in bushes behind them or towards the side this way they get collapsed on you come out and help them turn the fight Nautilus plan to shadow in this brush next to the tower unfortunately he spotted coming in not a big deal though this is where the value in playing around fed members comes in Nautilus knows he can just fight with his Gangplank and he's likely to win so he just slams his ultimate makes a fight happen and they get two kills off it supporting and being in the general area of your fed members is one of the easiest ways to win however you're not always going to have a super fed member to play off of so what then the biggest thing we notice is that support players will just follow their agency around no matter what this Lulu is just randomly following her Lucian to watch him Farm a single bot Lane Wave It's actually crazy what we watch players do sometimes meanwhile a huge fight breaks out in mid which Lulu should have definitely been a part of as a support you're typically just going to be staying around the mid lane area most of the time as we already discussed this lets you get the best Vision possible but it also lets you respond to most of the random fights that are going to happen in solo queue if your ADC is pushing off the side lane or something let them do it you can't just babysit them the whole game you have to trust they're pushing for a reason and that will probably be fine on their own you're the support for the whole team not just the Marksman okay so as we discussed you're in mid lane for a reason it's got the best access to everywhere on the map which brings us to our most important concept for the mid game you should be the first one to most plays before anyone else every other lane needs to react to the happenings of the map while also picking up jungle camps in Minion waves but obviously as the support you don't have to farm you don't have any big responsibilities and can be wherever you want to be at all times when it comes to objectives the general advice players give is always to try to be there 30 seconds before it even spawns but your four teammates have other duties like fixing waves trying to complete an item before the fight or defending a tower however you don't have to do any of that while all of your teammates can't follow the general rule of being 30 seconds early to an objective you almost always can which means that when you see an objective spawning you should already be in the area setting up Vision you can see that vayne is here with Morgana but Wukong and akali are lagging behind a little as they were busy that's fine though because Morgana has already established control over the area with vision this makes it very difficult for the enemy team and if they were to choose to contest since they'd be walking in a fog of war and be at a massive disadvantage with control over the area dragon is all but guaranteed and Morgana even manages to set up a pick on the Katarina who was walking by on top of that this same concept applies to basically every other decision you'll be making while your teammates are busy farming if you see a potential play on the map you should be the first one to rotate over here's an example while your other teammates were mid farming waves Karma noticed the enemy kasanti over pushing top she's the first one there and now she can just stall while her teammates get here to finish him off support macro is honestly pretty easy and not something to overthink you generally settle around mid lane most of the time and then you just react to the random fights that happen all around you and then just be at objectives before anyone else and if you see any potential plays anywhere on the map then react instantly your job is to just be proactive and to get to plays and objectives quickly unlike other roles just like this Leona she saw a play happening up top and moved up there ASAP to help now the one big responsibility you do have is Vision where do you put your Wards and how do you put them there without dying let's break that down first things first your Awards will almost always go around the area or objective that you're contesting so right now the current objective on the map being contested is rift held right so karma was naturally in the area and just placing Vision down to make sure this goes smoothly there's not much else to this than that however now we get into the concept of deep versus shallow Vision this is a pretty self-explanatory concept shallow Wards are ones that you place very close to the safety of the side of the map that you control these types of wards are usually placed when you don't feel comfortable going into the enemy's jungle to Ward any further up Shallow vision is still good but it does have a slight drawback it doesn't give you or your teammates much time to react to enemy actions by the time you see a play coming it might be too late to react to in a lot of cases therefore as the support your main goal is to establish deep Vision whenever you can this just means venturing further into the enemy territory to place Wards so the weakness of shallow Wards was that you can't see enemy plays coming until they're basically already happening right well deep Wards let you see enemy movement way before they've committed to a play this lets you either avoid their attack or counter it with your own play way more consistently see how Pike has already established all this deep vision from earlier now he and his team can precisely see how the enemy team is trying to collapse into their own jungle this allows Pike and his team to dismantle them easily as they knew exactly what the enemy team was up to already you can easily win a game with just a few deep Wards the obvious drawback is that placing deep vision is fairly dangerous especially when none of your teammates will help you consistently do it so here's how you can get it on your own pay close attention to the map and who is showing on it you can often find Windows of opportunity to go for deep Wards even even on Squishy champions for example Jonas's Nocturne and skarner are dead she also sees that sivir and Pike are bottom likewise Ari is busy farming Top Lane waves so she can move into the enemy jungle with no fear and place a pretty nice Ward alright let's round things out with three quick tips that you can immediately start implementing as a support for starters did you know that Towers actually get tankier when turret plates go down based on how many players are in the area take a look when Caitlyn takes this turret plate with just one dummy around it goes up to a hundred armor when she takes it with two dummies around it gains up to 145 armor so in this particular case you can see Nautilus hang back as his Ash takes a tower your Autos do like 30 damage it's not worth hitting it with your ADC a lot of the time Not only would he potentially make Ash deal less damage but he'd also be sharing some of her gold most engaged supports don't scale that well with items so taking some of the gold away from your ADC while making a tower harder to take is doubly as bad for Caster supports though hitting towers with your ADC is generally fine at the very least you can actually earn extra gold this way since you proc spell thieves on a tower letting you complete your support item faster not only that though but Caster supports tend to scale very well as the game goes on so sharing gold to their ADC isn't nearly as bad as it is on melee supports for our second Tip since you buy a ton of control Wards and get sweeper you will be in charge of denying a ton of vision if you don't know the person who reveals Awards should always let their teammates kill it that's because you will still earn the same amount of gold even when someone else takes the last hit basically you're doubling the amount of gold earned on every Ward Kill by letting someone else take it finally don't be afraid to base just for warts as you place Vision around the map you may find yourself out of Ward charges if you think that nothing is going to happen anytime soon then feel free to quickly base and restock on Vision even if you got nothing great to buy finding opportunities to base like this is really good and will give you way more Awards to play with alright guys that is everything you need to know to begin out macroing every other support you're against for everything else there's it's the fastest way to climb and get the rank you've always wanted we take the highest priority skills you need to learn to climb ranks fast such as Wave Control and then break it down and to a step-by-step course of bite-sized one to two minute videos that are easy to understand so while you wait for your next game to start you can learn freezing fast pushing slow pushing bouncing waves the list goes on all in just a few minutes to maximize your improvement rate these courses have been getting 5 star ratings from all of our users raving at how helpful they are that's not all though as every week we release 10 brand new Smurf commentaries where a challenger player teaches you how to climb out of the exact rank you're stuck in if you're looking for something more personal instead then we've got you covered with one-on-one coaching from our trained Challenger experts all this seems too good to be true well don't worry we're back by a rank of guarantee if you don't significantly improve while actively using skill cap then you get your money back no questions asked so what are you waiting for click the link in the description below and get the rank you always wanted alright that's a wrap on this one guys we here at skill catch want to thank you all for watching and we'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 166,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: league of legends, league of legends guide, lol guides, league of legends tips, league of legends coaching, league of legends season 13, how to get better at league of legends, skill capped, lol tips, lol tips and tricks, league of legends pro guides, how to improve at league of legends, lol coaching, skill-capped, how to support, lol support coaching, lol support, support coaching, lol support guide, lol support tips, lol support season 13, lol support for beginners
Id: ntp-IxouRuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 13 2023
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