15 INSANE MECHANICS You NEED to KNOW in League of Legends!

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in this guide we're going to break down the most important Mechanics for you to learn in League of Legends and make them simple easy to understand and easy to implement in your own games there's a problem right now when it comes to learning mechanics in League I'm sure you've experienced it yourself most guides that you find online teaching mechanics will teach you crazy combos or some unrealistic way of kiting that makes you look really cool but isn't exactly practical that's why we knew we had to make this video what we've done is identified the 15 most important mechanics and by important we mean you'll not only be using these mechanics every single game but by improving at them you'll see the biggest increase in your win rate and don't matter no matter what role you play or type of champion or rank you're in we've made sure to include Mechanics for everyone so even if one of these doesn't apply to you a ton of them will so make sure to watch Until the End also we have a special limited time offer we want you to go out and try to implement the mechanics you're about to learn in this video from there identify one mechanic that you're struggling with that you just can't seem to get the hang of despite trying to implement what will teach you in this guide then go to our website you'll find the full course for this video there simply scroll down to the comments section in that course and we'll have a link to a Google form where you can submit a replay of yours where you struggled with that mechanic this will also give you the opportunity to ask any questions you have tell us what about it you're struggling with and more we will then be taking your submissions and expanding the course using your replays where we go into further detail teaching the mechanics you guys struggled with the most we already have over two hours of this additional content live on our website right now do keep in mind though submissions will only be accepted for one month after this video goes live so don't miss your opportunity and if that wasn't enough to sweeten the deal we've added a discount Link in the description below so make sure to check it out after this alright so let's get into our first mechanic called spacing the reason we wanted to start with the spacing mechanic is that it's something that is occurring throughout the entire laning phase and even team fights it's one of the most important Mechanics for every player to master at the same time it's one of the mechanics that players find the most confusing due to people over complicating it when they teach it at its core spacing just means staying outside of the range of the enemy's spells let's use Ari as an example her Q has a range of 900 and her e ability which is her charm has a range of 1000 and obviously to start we will want to use the highest range ability of the opponent as a reference point so all you have to do is stay outside the range of 1000 against Ari and boom you're a spacing god well not really but it's what everything else you'll learn is built upon so most players get this part like duh sit outside of a spells range that's common sense well the problem is most players including yourself take this way too far like literally you're standing way too far away for example let's say we're playing someone like Lux who has a range advantage over Ari lux's e ability has a range of 1100 for context and remember Ari's max range is 1000 on a charm if we stand too far back well sure we're safe from r free but we're also out of the range of our own Lux ability so we're never going to land damage on Ari and this is why when pros and coaches talk about spacing really what they mean is staying outside of the opponent's range while still being inside your own range remember we know as Lux we have around an extra 100 range to work with compared to Ari so we never want to be too far back or too far forward it's like there's a Goldilocks zone every Champion is trying to play in and there are several benefits to playing within this Goldilocks zone firstly as we just taught if you're the one with the range Advantage well then you can freely land harass from safety secondly spacing properly can easily bait skill shots to waste the enemy's mana and get big timing Windows when their abilities are on cooldown for example here's the pro player chovy on Victor against Ari now Victor only has one ability that outranges Ari it's his laser which has a max range of 1050. but here's the thing about Victor's laser it is notoriously bad early on it does very little damage has an insanely high cooldown and costs way too much Mana so early on this will effectively reduce his range to his Q which is only 600. so how do we combat this range deficit as Victor in this matchup well we can actually use spacing all you have to do is what chobi does here sit right outside of that maximum range of the enemy so in this case it's re with 1000 range then just move slightly inside that 1000 range then immediately click back out of it here's the key to this you're not actually reacting to any skill shots or anything the enemy is doing you're always preemptively clicking back out of their range from the enemy's point of view you'll see an enemy walking directly at them within their range but by the time that registers in their brain and they cast their abilities you've already preemptively clicked back out of the range this not only makes them waste their Mana but more importantly it will give you a large timing window while that ability is on cooldown to move up and land abilities of your own that are in that lower range so now you're probably thinking okay so you're expecting me to learn every single range of every single ability in the game on every single Champion that does not sound very simple to put this in in perspective if you wanted to learn only 50 of the Champions that's like 80 Champions total and with three basic abilities per Champion that's 240 ability ranges you would need to memorize that's insane and totally unrealistic so don't worry there are some tips that we're going to teach you that will make practicing and learning spacing way way easier firstly you need to understand that each role will have certain Champions you face way more often and you want to focus on those Champions First Take mid lane for example on the current patch that this guide was made if we sort by pick rate and just learn the ranges of the six most pick mid laners which are Silas Victor Zed Katarina yaso and yone you've now learned 52.9 of the matchups that you'll ever face in mid lane so I'm sure you're starting to see where I'm going with this those 240 abilities you thought you had to memorize just to learn 50 of matchups is more like 18. at the same time not every ability needs to be memorized only the high threat ones for example Silas is deceptively high range as a melee champion his main poke his Q ability has a range of 955 and it has an engage range of 1200 on his e in reality though his e will get blocked by minions so as long as you have minions protecting you you just need to memorize that 955 range and you know what Champions this sounds a lot like Ari her Q range is 900. styluses is 955. Ari's e-range is 1000 salacis is 1200. both of these Champions actually have very similar play Styles in Lane they will try to use their Q for poke getting you low to set up the all-in they then have to land a skill shot their e ability which is longer ranging it's blocked by minions in order to then get the kill this is the trick to learning a ton of matchups super fast you just start with the most popular Champion you'll face in this case it was Silas then you'll realize oh Ari is just kind of a slightly shorter range version of Silas so you just adjust your spacing to be ever so slightly closer there are a lot of tricks like this to make ranges of Champions more simplified another great one is when a champion has ranges on multiple abilities that overlap a great example of the this is Zed he may seem very overwhelming to face with all of his abilities and how he has Mobility but in reality he has one combo he uses he casts W which is a shadow then his e to damage you and slow you which then sets up him Landing his Q well guess what that W and E combo has a range of 940 at the same time his Q range is 9.25 so it actually becomes very easy to space against him once you realize as long as you're outside of 940 range you really can't do anything again use that trick we taught you earlier to weave in and out of that 940 range and suddenly you have Zed putting his w e and Q on cooldown to literally do zero damage oh and by the way his W has an insanely High cooldown early on of 20 seconds so you can easily counter attack safely during that time this is pretty much a lane winning trick and just like that with zed and Silas being in 24.1 percent of your games on this patch you've had to literally only learn one range for each of them and you'll be spacing like a god in one-fourth of every game you play and still with all these tips spacing can still be tough to learn and it's because visualizing the range of spells in game can be hard but there's actually a trick to this too all you have to do is use your own spells range as reference so for example Zoe's sleepy bubble has a range of 800. let's say you're playing Victor as an example while his W also has a range of 800 so all you have to do if you're Victor facing a Zoe is pull up the range indicator on your W to remind yourself how far you need to be standing and it doesn't always have to be that exact for example we all know how annoying Vladimir with this Q spam can be well Vladimir's Q range is 600 and guess what the most popular Auto attack range for range Champions is 550 so if you're playing Ari into Vladimir well you know Ari's Auto attack range is 550. so all you have to do in that matchup if your Ari is to bring up your range indicator every so often this way you can remind yourself of where you need to stand the key here is to just stand a little bit further away than the range indicator shows this is because vlad's Q range is 600 while your auto attack range will be 550. so that's pretty much everything you ever need to understand to begin mastering the mechanic of spacing and this also makes a great transition to our next mechanic Auto spacing and surprise as the name implies it's basically using what you just learned about spacing but with your auto attacks instead there's a very famous clip of the pro player Deft using this mechanic of Auto spacing to completely outplay his opponent and don't get me wrong it's super impressive it looks really cool but honestly it kind of makes Auto spacing look way harder than it actually is here's the core thing you need to understand the reason why Auto spacing is different than regular spacing is because of how Champions move differently when Auto attacking compared to using spells for example if you're playing orianna you can cast spells while moving so I could click to the side and then cast my ability and my movement doesn't change however if I try to Auto attack as orianna a champion will always move in the direction where I issued that auto attack it's this body language you can read on auto attack commands that makes Auto spacing well a thing that exists I'll explain how in a second but essentially all you need to know is that abilities can be really really inconsistent about visually communicating a command has been issued whereas with auto attacks it's always super obvious alright so let's start with the basics on this one you need to First realize that sending movement commands also communicates visually where the enemy clicked notice how wherever I click my Champion immediately looks in that direction and walks towards it and again this will also apply to when I auto attack an enemy my Champion turns to face them and I move towards them once you understand this Auto spacing is incredibly easy to execute you just need to try and auto attack an enemy when their body is facing away from you this works because if they're facing away from you well at that moment their mouse cursor is away from you and can't click back at the same time whenever the enemy turns and faces you well then it's your time to click away to get out of their Auto attack range since you now know they tried to issue an attack command on you this is how this clip of depth almost looks like a synchronized dance at one point Deft is just making sure to click on the enemy when they turn away from him since they can't Auto attack back at that moment then once the enemy turns around he knows an attack command has been issued by the enemy and so he now clicks back to get out of range the main reason why this clip is so impressive is that both Zaya and kaisa have the same Auto attack range of 525 what this means is he's basically using Auto spacing to play like he has a range Advantage when in reality they're exactly even now I know you're already thinking that's like inhuman level reaction times there's no way I can react that fast or click that fast well here's the trick you're not actually reacting what you want to react to is the enemy clicking away from you when you see their Champion look away that's the trigger to issue an attack command on them since if you land an auto attack at that moment they can't fight back however right after you issue that attack command you want to preemptively click behind you to move back this will do two things first if you aren't in range to immediately Auto attack them well it prevents you from just walking forward into their range and taking an even trade you can see Deft is doing this several times he's clicking on Kaiser and then clicking back preemptively no Auto attack would off because he wasn't in range that's why it looks like they're dancing or like Deft has inhuman reaction times all he's really doing is clicking on Kaiser when she looks away and then follows it up preemptively clicking behind him eventually kaisa messes up and walks in range too far forward at which point he's still doing the same mechanic of just clicking on Kai sub when she looks away and then clicking back preemptively the difference is he's now in range to immediately Auto attack so he can damage her while still preemptively clicking back to dodge her Auto attacks it's really the same mechanic the entire time your only reaction is clicking on the enemy to issue an attack command when the enemy looks away and then making sure to always preemptively click back after you've issued an attack command on them and this is actually a perfect transition into our next mechanic that has to do with increasing your auto attack range for example here we see Caitlyn has an auto attack range of 650 which is 100 higher than Ezreal and yet by Caitlyn's second Auto attack she's well within ezreal's range and he can trade back this is because there's actually a cooldown between your auto attacks and attack speed is what accelerates this cooldown but play players don't realize is what happens when your auto attacks are on cooldown you can see Caitlyn initially Auto attacked Ezreal at her maximum attack range but while her Auto attack is on cooldown the game will make her walk forward until her Auto attack is off cooldown and the solution to preventing this is the exact same as the previous mechanic you need to click back right after issuing an attack command then as your auto attack comes back off cooldown you can click on the enemy to issue another attack command and repeat this will prevent you from walking forward and make sure you're always staying at your maximum attack range and as you can imagine when you combine this mechanic with the previous one of timing your auto attacks when the enemy looks away from you how you end up easily Auto spacing like that Pro Player Deft alright for our next section let's focus on mechanics that will help you dodge enemy skill shots and just move better in general the first thing you need to immediately start doing better is clicking far closer to your Champion when you click far away from your Champion makes it incredibly hard to react to skill shots fast enough as your mouse has to cover so much more distance just to input a movement command in a different direction compare this to when you're clicking close to your Champion there's less distance your mouse has to travel if you need to change directions so you can end up reacting at insanely fast speeds a lot of players aren't even aware that consciously clicking closer to your Champion is a mechanic that all high-level players Implement in your own games try to imagine a circle around your Champion around this big after analyzing Pros rarely do they exceed past this circle your goal is to keep your mouse within this circle when you issue movement commands you then only move your mouse outside of the circle when you're issuing attack commands firing skill shots or panning your camera and in addition to clicking closer to your Champion you also need to be clicking way more often than you currently are for example here's a Brawn player on Tryndamere I want you to pay attention to how often he's clicking with his Mouse and issuing movement commands it should be really obvious that his Champion feels very slow and predictable now compare this to a challenger and you'll notice that they click almost twice as often now let me explain why it's so important to click fast let's say you have to move to your left and you're only allowed four Mouse clicks due to how the game's Auto pathing is programmed it makes your movement very smooth and you change directions only three times this kind of smoothness and minimal amount of Direction changes makes you incredibly easy to predict and land skill shots on compare this to when you can click as many times as you want it almost looks like you're jittery or glitchy it makes you very hard to predict and know what your next move is and since you're cooking far more often it means if you need to dodge you'll be able to change direction much faster whenever a player has a low amount of Clicks in Lane it makes them not only easier to hit with these skill shots but also just very easy to read on what they want to do compare this to a challenger player and you'll notice it's very hard to get a read on them they'll feel very jittery and it's hard to predict whether they're trying to go aggressive or what direction they want to move essentially you should make a conscious effort to click closer to your champion and more often and you'll immediately see a boost to your mechanical skill and now that we've covered dodging let's talk about how to be far more accurate with skill shots you see league is three-dimensional in appearance but actually operates as a 2d game there's effectively only an X and Y axis to determine where you're standing however there is a z-axis but is only Visual and it's for elevation even though you can see Lux go up on the z-axis don't be fooled it's only visual you would still need to aim at her original location to actually hit her this concept of elevation only being visual also applies to high and low ground wind Landing skill shots in League here Ari Lantern charm when her cursor isn't even on the Lux because she's aiming below her feet remember whenever a champion is elevated in summoner's Rift it's a visual trick the hitbox is always lower than it seems this is why you actually want to aim below the enemy to compensate for this if they're on high ground this is again proved here where you can see when the cursor is much closer to Lux but placed above it doesn't land because of the visual illusion here's the thing though the opposite of this is also true when you're the one with The High Ground you will always need to aim above the enemy as it will miss if you aim at their feet so to summarize the rules are when the enemy is on The High Ground always aim at their feet when you're the one on The High Ground always aim towards their head and finally if you're on even ground with the Enemy just to aim at the center of their body another high level mechanic every Pro uses to land scale shots is what's called cutting off the angle for this example let's just say you're playing a lease and ganking an ash 80 carry most players in this spot make the mistake of throwing out their skill shot way too early this makes it very easy for the enemy to dodge since there's so much distance between you and the opponent it gives them a lot of time to react compare this to when you're right on top of the enemy it doesn't matter how good they are they can't Dodge something that's Point Blank and that's the thing you can actually guarantee that you'll get a point-blank skill shot you just need to be aware of when you're in position to cut off the Escape Route of the enemy there's actually a very easy way to understand this let's say Elise and Ash are next to each other but Elise is a bit far behind if both of them move forward in a perpendicular line assuming both have similar movement speeds Elise can never catch up to Ash however if a lease takes an angled approach while Ash walks straight notice how there will eventually be a point where you're significantly closer to the enemy than before on top of this notice how if Ash then matches elise's angled approach or back to the same scenario as if they're moving straight a lease can never catch up again well here's the trick summoner's Rift doesn't have Infinite Space there are boundaries with terrain so if you're the one who takes an angled approach and the enemy does the same well they eventually just hit a wall and have to walk straight and as we just demonstrated if one person takes an angled approach while the other walks straight there will always be that point where you're extremely close to them so to go back to the original example we know Ash's Escape path is to her tower all we have to do now is cut off the angle meaning take an angled approach and be patient eventually you get to a point where you're the closest you can ever be this is the most ideal time to land your skill shot since it has the least amount of distance to travel and is the the hardest to dodge now this sounds simple enough and it really is but against tougher opponents they'll try to counter you cutting off the angle by doing random Dodges to the side or behind trying to preemptively dodge your skill shot the biggest mistake you can make when they do this is to cast your skill shot early on you see since they're no longer moving in a straight line it means you can now guarantee catch up to them all you have to do is be patient and let them continue to try and preemptively Dodge you'll just gain more and more distance until you're literally right on top of them and then you just land a point-blank skill shot I can promise you if you implement this into your own gameplay it will make Landing skill shots so much easier and as you get better at it you can actually start taking it to a higher level where you actually push people into terrain that traps them the most common example of this technique is this space right here in between the Tower and the wall once someone walks into this area they can no longer move effectively side to side and are just a Sitting Duck so whether it's just Landing poke or all inning off of crowd control you want to look for opportunities to cut off the angle and funnel the enemy into that specific spot as even if you're a decent distance away from them they can't actually Dodge any skill shots as they are literally stuck between a wall and a tower okay so now let's try and switch Focus to mechanics around last hitting minions I want you to stick with me here as I want to just highlight how impactful improving your CS by a very small amount can be so statistically the average game duration in gold is around 30 minutes now a gold player who Mains Ari will average around 6 CS per minute which equals to 180 Cs on average per game now on average one CS is Worth 22 gold what this means is that around 4 000 of your total gold every game is going to be coming from your CS now let's say you increased your CS per minute by just one meaning every minute you farmed one additional minion on average your average CS per game would go from 180 to 210 and you would earn an additional 620 gold every single game this is actually more than two kills worth of gold for just one extra CS over an entire minute seems crazy right well here's what's even crazier you know what rank averages 7 CS per minute on Ari Challenger Yes you heard me right literally the gap between lassiting like a gold player and a challenger is only a difference of one CS per minute keep in mind a minion wave will spawn every 30 seconds in game ignoring Cannon minions that's 12 CS you can achieve every single minute so if you're in a lower rank like gold you're only getting half of what you could be getting all you have to do is kill one more minion every two waves and you would be on par with a challenger you're probably now thinking while improving at last hitting has to be way harder than I thought if the difference is that small but it really isn't the issue isn't their actual mechanical skill it's just that most players aren't aware of three key mechanical tricks that makes lasting just a lot easier that Challenger players utilize the first one is how Tower Focus Works in League of Legends when players get shoved on your Tower they end up missing a ton of farm they don't need to because they don't understand how Tower aggro actually works even though Towers themselves are huge their aggro radius is actually quite small it's located right here this is the secret spot nobody knows is actually where Towers draw aggro from whichever minion is closest to the spot will be what the tower focuses next so the next time you're shoved under your turret simply look at this spot then identify which Minion is closest to this point of aggro and then you can prepare your last hits accordingly the second one is about making the timing of your last hits far easier you need to realize that what makes a last hitting hard is that as a range Champion you'll be throwing out a missile that takes time to travel to minions however the travel time will change based on the distance of the minion this is the hardest part about last hitting timing the travel of your auto attacks with the health of the minion being low enough a simple solution to this all Challenger players utilize is they just walk right up next to a minion then press the stop command by default this is bound to S on your keyboard by standing next to the minion you can just right click as soon as the minion's health is low enough and there's no travel time on your auto attacks so will just instantly be killed this will effectively remove the hardest part about last hitting now I already know some of you are thinking I can't stand next to many Millions all game or I'm just gonna get hit by every skill shot known to man and lose my lane and guess what you're actually right that's why you only use this in situations that the opponent is either zoned or just not in Lane there's actually a really good scenario to use this in it's when the minion wave is slow pushing to the enemy trust me before I knew this trick I would easily Miss like 50 of all my CS when it was slow pushing to the enemy the problem is when a wave is slow pushing you have way too many minions it makes it so that they damage the enemy minions incredibly fast and so it's very hard to time your auto attacks before they die this is why this trick is so useful you can just stop Command right next to them and suddenly it's like your csing twice as good and keep in mind if you're slow pushing well the enemy can't trade into you without losing due to your Giant Wave so you're often perfectly safe to do this mechanic without being punished for standing still and our next mechanic is one that is probably the simplest and yet is the one the least amount of people know about honestly I'm not even lying when I say I kind of want to keep this secret to myself this is probably one of those mechanics that is the most responsible for increasing my CS Pro minute it actually feels like an unfair Advantage when you know this trick so you know how there are plenty moments throughout the game where you just need to clear a wave whether it's because an enemy roamed or recalled you're just pushing to set up your own recall timing or it's later on in the game and you're just shoving out a side lane there are just plenty of times where you aren't under any threat of being traded with and you just need to clear the wave well in these spots I used to miss so many last hits that is before I learned this one simple trick you always want to focus the Caster minions first here's the thing most players in these spots Focus melee minions it makes sense as they're what's closest to you and being damaged by your minions but that's exactly what makes them hard to last hit the fact that your minions are damaging them instead what you can do is kill all the Caster minions first it is quite literally impossible to miss the last hits since nothing else is damaging them by you it's only once the melee minions get low enough from your own minions you then last hit those the reason why this works so well is that normally if you focus the melee minions well you'll probably miss like one CS from mistiming your auto attack with your own minions damage and then once those melees are dead your wave starts damaging the casters and the cycle repeats you just miss another CS due to miss timing your auto attack again when you focus the Caster minions first you actually guarantee you only have to time your last hits on half of the wave meaning you get 100 accuracy on three minions and remember if you were in Gold ELO you would just need to increase your CS per minute by one to be equal to a challenger and as you can see by implementing these three mechanics we just taught you understanding how Tower aggro Works using the stop command to last hit next to minions and focusing the casters first well you can easily hit that goal and get two entire kills worth of gold alright now for this next section we have a collection of mechanics that are more Standalone in nature they're more hidden mechanics not a lot of players know about but are really easy to use while being extremely useful in every single game the first one is left clicking on an enemy Champion to open up their Champion panel in the top left corner to get insanely valuable information it all has to do with the icons that appear below this panel for example when you proc leblanc's passive a clone will appear well to know which one is the real one you just need to left-click the real LeBlanc will have an icon showing the timer of the passive whereas the fake LeBlanc won't have that icon underneath the panel the exact same trick works with Shaco but in this case it's actually the cooldown of the Rune he's running that will appear on the real one so many players don't even realize this mechanic is in the game you can even use this to know things like if anivia has her egg up you just left click on her look below the panel and the icon is gray so now you know it's on cooldown it even shows a ticking hand indicating when it will be back off cooldown this even works with Champions that have stacking mechanics like kassadin Aurelia and Graves just to name a few it will show how many stacks they have below their Champion panel as well this can be super strong for example if you're chasing down a kassadin and notice that he's low on Mana while each stack of kassadin's ultimate actually will cost more Mana so you can check to see if he has his ultimate stacked up if he does well then you know he can't escape there are really so many usage cases for this trick you can even see timers on players runes like electric U Taste of blood blood Etc all to time your trades better in Lane I mean it's not even just Champions if you see an enemies place a regular stealth Ward you can actually left click on it and hover your mouse over this icon and it will tell you which Champion placed that Ward this can be incredibly useful to identify whether a jungler or support is nearby looking to gank you or if it was just your lane opponent dropping their own Ward there's far more to this than we can cover in this guide alone but I promise if you just get into the habit of left clicking on opponents and checking the icons under their panel you'll realize there was this Treasure Trove of information under your nose the entire time moving on next up we have the mechanic known as input buffering now the name makes it sound way more fancy than it really is it can even look really impressive but it's actually incredibly simple to understand and execute for those of you who are unaware most Champions when they cast a spell on an enemy who is out of their range well the second they get within range the game will automatically then cast the ability for you this is very powerful since it allows the game to react for you it basically gives you inhuman reaction times for example let's say you're playing Mouse zahar and our lone health and someone with a Mobility spell like LeBlanc is coming after you all you have to do is press r on LeBlanc and if she ever tries to engage on you she will instantly be altered at max range now obviously most players won't just jump into range and die to malzahar as they'll see you move forward aggressively once you press r on top of them this is why to use this technique properly you often want to weave in movement commands in between so for example LeBlanc is coming after you so you preemptively press R and don't press anything else you then see leblanc's character look away meaning she's clicked behind her in order to get outside of your ultimate's range this is then your moment for you to click away and run then as you see leblanc's character look back at you it means she's now clicking in front of her to try and chase you down so you then preemptively press R once again you can see how by using input buffering it is quite literally impossible for LeBlanc to ever engage now that is one form of input buffering but there's another one that involves using flash all you have to do is first cue your attack so in this example we have a Caitlyn Auto attacking but it can be a spell instead then once you cue the the attack you simply just flash within range and the game will automatically attack at inhuman speeds keep in mind if instead you try to flash first and then Auto attack well it will take you time to hover your mouse over the enemy champion and press right click that's time the enemy can use to flash away to safety or use a Mobility spell of their own if they have one a great example to demonstrate how important input buffering using flashes is with Ari's ability charm a lot of low ELO Ari players will always Flash and then press charm afterwards which again is always going to be slower and allow enemies to react to it instead you want to press charm and then immediately flash after not only does this result in you instantly casting your ability but it will actually combine the two animations of the charm and the Flash making it even faster and nearly impossible to react to this isn't just re-specific the vast majority of Champions in League of Legends can input buffer flash with an ability so hop into practice mode on whatever Champion you play and try it out for yourself next up we have what's known as the target Champions only Key by find we highly recommend you rebind this to something you find comfortable a common hotkey people use for this is the X key on your keyboard when you hold down your bind for this it makes it so that you can't Target anything but Champions with your auto attacks it does not work on abilities it's only Auto attacks this is extremely useful in so many scenarios like when you're Tower diving it will prevent you from accidentally clicking the tower instead of the enemy Champion it pretty much is a necessity if you want to navigate through jungle camps as well for example Champions with Dash through mechanics like Yasuo would end up just aggroating the camp when trying to get into position but with this keybind they can move into the right angles without outgrowing the camp the only downside to this is that it can be very hard to cast abilities while also holding down the target Champions only command on your keyboard so if you struggle with that issue then you want to enable a new command called treat Target Champions only as a toggle what this lets you do is let's say you set Target Champions only to X as we recommend it you only have to press it once and it will turn the setting on and you'll only Auto attack Champions you don't have to hold it down then when you press it again it will go back to normal essentially you don't have to hold it down and can just turn it on and off like a light switch and for our final section we have a hidden mechanic related to stealth Wards called residual Vision that pretty much no player even knows about notice how after Leona kills the stealth Ward how you can still see her as she walks away Vision in the area will last for a much longer time than most people realize as it's a whole 5 Seconds despite the ward being removed notice how we can see the direction Leona moves towards after she kills the wart spotting the enemy is one thing but knowing which way they path after is super broken so if you see someone clearing your vision Ward watch them for that extra second or two to see which direction they head to after they kill it as 99 of players don't realize they're actually being seen here's what's even crazier for those who actually do know it exists you can actually use it against them if you're the one killing the ward after you kill the ward just fake your path one way then after five seconds pass go in the opposite direction to completely confuse the opponent junglers are really good at abusing this trick to lull their opponents into a false sense of security then walk right back and pick up an easy kill keep in mind though this trick does not work when you kill a control Ward control Wards will drop Vision immediately after they've been killed it's only the stealth wards that will give the extended Vision in addition to this if a stealth Ward simply expires while an enemy is nearby Vision will not persist as the ward actually needs to be killed in order to see this lingering effect and don't forget our special limited time offer we want you to go out and try to implement the mechanics that you just learned in this guide from there identify one mechanic that you're struggling with that you just can't seem to get the hang of just by trying to implement what we just taught you in this video then head to our website as you'll find the full course for this video there then simply scroll down to the comments section in that course and we'll have a link to a Google form where you can submit a replay of yours where you struggled with that mechanic that will also give you the opportunity to ask any questions that you have tell us exactly what you're struggling with and more we will then take your submissions and expand the course using your replays where where we go into further detail teaching the mechanics that you guys struggled with the most we already have over two hours of this additional content live on our website right now do keep in mind though submissions will only be accepted for one month after this video goes live so don't miss your opportunity and if that wasn't enough to sweeten the deal we've added a discount Link in the description below so make sure to click it to start leveling up your mechanics and there you have it 15 of the most important mechanics every player should know in League of Legends as you can probably tell from me progressively losing my voice as the guide continued we put a ton of effort into this one so we hope you guys enjoyed it and found it helpful as always we here at skillcap want to thank you for watching and we'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 1,353,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: league of legends, league of legends guide, lol guides, league of legends tips, league of legends coaching, league of legends season 12, how to get better at league of legends, skill capped, lol tips, lol tips and tricks, league of legends pro guides, how to improve at league of legends, mechanics, mechanics guide, lol mechanics, best mechanics, best settings, League of Legends, skillcapped, mechanics league, movement league, how to cs, best settings lol
Id: kiKSqg0cfMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 45sec (2025 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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