The Most BRAINDEAD Strategy to CLIMB RANKS FAST - League of Legends

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what if I told you there was a strategy with one of the highest win rates in the game was nearly impossible to counter and is such an easy playstyle that you could watch Netflix on your second Monitor and still win the game you'd probably think it's too good to be true but no Riot actually consciously made the choice to add it into the game all the way back in patch 12.13 and that patch single-handedly caused this one Champion to become the most popular pick overnight where she stayed ever since the strategy you are about to learn may just be one of the most accessible beginner friendly consistent playstyles we've ever covered while also being one of the most powerful so which Champion will we be using to highlight this new strategy will it be vain tumbling our way in the side Lanes to 1v9 carry no far too much mechanical skill or maybe it's twitch roaming around the map picking up free kills no too much decision making and map awareness spoiler alert it's none other than sivir the queen of waveclear now in this guide we will be walking you through step by step every single phase of the game teaching you exactly how to use this strategy but I want to be clear there are many other Champions that can adopt the play style you're about to learn that's why at the end of this guide we have a tier list ranking other Champions that can use this strategy on top of that there are core macro Concepts throughout this guide that can be applied to any role or Champion so trust me you don't want to miss this one as there's something to learn for every player regardless of your role plus I think your mind will just be blown away that Riot even allows the strategy to exist so as we mentioned we'll be going into comprehensive detail breaking things down from start to finish so we should probably start well from the start here's what's amazing I've never seen a strategy more consistent with how the early game plays out at level 1 your plan is simple we're going to set up what's called a cheater recall the first step to doing this is to achieve a minion lead at level 1. sivir is very consistent with this goal since she has Great Wave clear at level 1 with her Q ability as soon as you enter the lane you want to Auto attack minions Non-Stop and throw your Q out to hit the minions while one useful tip is to try to aim these level 1 cues so they hit both the minions and an enemy Champion doing this will pretty much immediately guarantee you control the lane great so we have the minion Advantage now we simply maintain this small minion lead notice how I'm no longer spamming my auto attacks the enemies stop damaging the wave and so I did as well this is important as you don't want to over push the wave over pushing will cause the wave to crash far too early and without enough minions which will then make it so you can't set up the cheetah recall we'll be showing you shortly when the second wave arrives don't be afraid to trade with the Enemy you'll be spiking level 2 on them and so it will either set them up to be all end or you'll just get a huge Health lead once you do the cheetah recall it's on the second wave when the third melee minion dies you'll Spike level 2 on them so be prepared to all in if they don't respect it in this case the enemy realizes will hit Level 2 first and backs off this is actually perfectly fine you see now the wave just slow pushes meaning we stop damaging the wave and only last it we want to prevent the second wave to crash into the tower too early instead by slow pushing the third wave arrives in time to keep the wave outside of the tower it's on this third wave that has a Siege minion we want to hard crash the wave and push it as fast as possible and boy can sivir push fast great now the enemy will be stuck under Tower farming the wave you just pushed to them making them unable to match a recall at the same time the wave you pushed will have so many minions that it will take them a long time to actually clear it and since it takes so long to clear the fourth enemy wave will actually get stuck on it when this happens it causes what's called a rebound see how the minion wave is closer to their side of the map than ours well this means the minions are pushing to us this is called the even minion Rule and it happens because the enemy's reinforcing wave arrives sooner thus Focus firing and damaging our minion sooner and causing it to push towards us this is why the cheetah recall works the enemy can't recall while we can and then it pushes back towards us so we hardly lose any minions and have a nice wave built up for us when we get back and here's what's really cool remember the enemy took damage both from poke and trades and so we're not only coming back with an item Advantage but all also a health and sustained Advantage your goal here is just to thin out the wave meaning trying to damage the wave to the point where the enemy has around three Caster minions more than you this is The Sweet Spot that will let you hold a freeze indefinitely in this case the enemy kalista knows that being low on health behind in items and having no sustain that she has no choice but to recall however by recalling she's now just Bleeding Out minions due to her freeze so by the time she gets back to the Lane we have 31 CS to 21 and this kalista played near perfect and it still didn't matter keep in mind she didn't fall for the level 2 all in she didn't overstay and die when we got back to Lane and yet she's still behind that's the power of the strategy but it doesn't stop here you know what's really disgusting about this strategy is there really is only one way to counter it and that's to punish sivir before the full power of her wave clear comes online and so that naturally poses the question when does Her wave clear come online level 9 level 7 no it's as early as level 5. at level 5 you will have three points in your queue which means you can clear the entire wave in just one spell rotation prior to hitting level 5 it will always take you two rotations of your spells and that leaves you vulnerable to be traded with since the enemy will just see you use your q and W on the wave and then just go aggressive while it's on cooldown that's why the cheetah recall as an opener is so strong we avoid our early weak Levels by getting a push lead and setting up the recall timing to get an item advantage and remember the cheetah recall will set up a rebound so the wave will push into us for example in this game I'm facing the strong Lane Duo of Lucian Lulu who are just way stronger than server early on but by setting up the cheetah recall into a rebound the wave is now pushed to us we just thin out the wave to maintain at least a three Caster minion lead so we can keep it Frozen at the safety of her Tower by doing this you'll eventually hit your level 5 power Spike at which point you unlock insane pushing power where the enemy just doesn't even get to interact with you and the early laning phase is really that simple cheater recall levels one to three and then freeze off the rebound until Level 5. and now that you've unlocked your wave clear there are two key strategies you're going to implement the first strategy is recall timings so here I just hit level five and check this out I wait for the next wave to arrive and with a simple W and Q I clear the whole wave I then use that wave of mine as a shield walking forward hoping someone will trade with me as they will instantly lose due to a giant wave attacking them and as easy as that we just took half of morgana's health bar keep in mind you still need some common sense I'm backing off here since that big wave is now being thinned out and isn't as strong I wait for my reinforcing wave to arrive and question time will I a look to use amazing spacing with my 50 Auto attack range advantage on Morgana to land free harass or will I you know just forget it spoiler alert I press W and Q and just clear the entire wave same pattern Walk The Wave in looking for trades with my minions you can even use these pushes to start farming plates and Landing poke while the enemy tries to last it under Tower wait a second look at siver's Mana this strategy is completely unsustainable skill capped lie to me I'll just run out of Mena and then die in Lane I'll never get diamond I knew it was too good to be true alright settle down this is where recall timings come into play all you have to do is hit W and Q and recall after pushing the wave and now I'm going to be honest with you guys what you're about to see may make you think less of me I'm not proud of it but I had to do it just to prove a point to you guys if we jump back a moment there's one useful trick to make your recall timings insanely effective look to hard push the wave right before a Siege minion wave spawns and for those who don't know a Siege minion wave will spawn every third wave the reason why this works is a Siege minion has a lot of health and is slower to clear giving you more time to head back to Lane after you recall on top of that it can absorb a ton of tower shots which prevents the enemy from getting the wave to die to your Tower and let you get back to Lane in time but that's really not what's disgusting though so some of you may want to close your eyes you see when I get back to Lane I clear the siege minion wave then the next wave is just a normal one so I clear that one too now the next wave arrives and some of you are probably starting to figure out where I'm going with this after this wave a Siege minion wave will spawn again so you know what I do I shove it and then I recall again I know I literally don't even have to lean against my opponent let's all take a moment and just appreciate how this kalista had to literally spend over three minutes of her life doing nothing but farming minions under Tower naturally when I get back to Lane she's just bored out of her mind and tries to brute force a trade to stop this living hell from continuing but unfortunately for her it's only going to get worse now don't worry I'll be going over shortly exactly why we won this fight against kalista as it involves a very important trick you'll need to know in order to execute this strategy but first I want to cover the second strategy you'll be implementing off your push roaming let's hop into a different game to show you what I mean so I'm in lane and boy can you guess what I'm about to do that's right press wnq I'm too good at this game with the wave clearing faster than myself respect I now have a massive timing window to go do something before the next wave arrives we could recall as we just covered but we don't need to as we have plenty of mana and aren't sitting on a lot of gold instead I see my jungler is on the bot side of the map and call for Dragon since we have it control warded while all of that happens the enemy tries to Tower dive our mid laner and so I just go to help clean up the kill and what do you know I even make it back to bot Lane in time for lunch which consists of a steady diet of minions essentially you clear waves so fast you just get this massive timing window that you can really do anything with for example in this game I clear the wave and use the timing window to go help with dragon I then clear the next wave and go take krugs with that timing window later on in the same game I clear the wave to go get Vision destroy blast cones and take a rift Scuttle the point is with how fast you clear the wave and how the enemy ends up being pinned to their Tower you just have a ton of options to pick from which is what makes this strategy so consistent now I already know some of you are thinking well this all sounds great when you have control of the lane but I just know something will go wrong in my games well check this out in this game my support decided they needed some exercise I just started doing laps around in our jungle maybe they enjoyed the scenery who knows the result of this was that I was left to 1v2 in Bali here's the thing your wave clear is so good that the enemy can't really get anything from pushing as you can just instantly clear the wave that's what's so insane about the strategy energy you're very effective at both the offense and defense now before we move outside of the laning phase earlier we won that fight against kalista and I said I'd tell you an important trick you need in order to execute this strategy well here it is everything you just learned will work 99.9 of the time as long as you follow this one rule always light your support be the one to make contact first let me show you what I mean in this game we're playing sivir with a brand support against a Tristana Morgana you already know what our plan is we'll get that push advantage to set up the cheetah recall we have one problem though our brand support is just kind of sitting AFK he's not trying to trade he's not trying to land poke or damage the minions shocking I know if we pause here this means I'll be the focus of the enemy trades I'm the one who's positioned most forward this is not the positioning you want you see as sivir you're trying to win mainly through Wave Control not through trades so if you try and trade with the Enemy when the wave is in a neutral State like this you'll just lose and get zoned from the wave after notice how every time I auto attack I'm slightly moving back I'm trying to move relative to Tristana and Morgana when they move forward only to back up until my support is the one in front I then get hit by one of the craziest hitboxes I've ever seen But I use one of the tricks that taught you earlier I use my Q to damage the enemy champion and minions at the same time and you'll see me kite away instead of forward I'm trying to get them to focus my brand not me once they do then Focus my brand support I then try to move to help him and trade now I know you're thinking well you're pretty low in health this didn't seem to work at all well this is why you'll want to start longsword and refillable potion we can just consume all of our refillable potion charges to sustain up and set up that cheater recall on the third wave anyways which will fill it back up now I want to slow things down here as there's a very important lesson and movement here that you won't catch otherwise so here Tristana is making the mistake of initiating a trade onto my support these are the trades we want where our brand will take damage and we won't so notice how I click forward to get in a closer position to trade with Tristana however bran continues to walk back so then I make sure to walk back with him as I don't want to suddenly be refocused but then I see him turn around the signals to me I can turn around as well and try to trade since brand is the one being focused but again brand walks away so then I have to turn around and also walk away when we play this at normal speed it will literally look like nothing was happening but there was this whole mechanic going on underneath the surface alright so I began damaging the wave and again pay attention to my positioning when I see Morgana or Tristana move forward aggressively I begin moving backwards I never want to be the one to make first Contact in these trades keep in mind I literally Spike level 2 over the opponent and my brand is just standing a mile back I don't make the mistake of trying to trade off this level 2 Advantage as I'd still be the first one to make contact sivir just isn't good at winning straight up trades so your priority should always be to get that Wave Control Advantage if the waves are relatively neutral then you'll always need to remember to back up until your support makes first Contact now the third wave arrives and it probably looks like we can't cheat a recall I mean we didn't build up that big minion lead in the first two waves while sivir is kind of just that broken sure we can't clear the whole wave in one spell rotation like we can at level 5 but with two spell rotations we're still able to set up a recall also our brand support didn't even match our recall like this is truly one of the worst supports you can have he sat back and done nothing so far and doesn't even take a free recall timing with us instead he ends up just having to trade his flash while just kind of sitting there not even getting minion XP yet it doesn't really matter with the strategy I get back to Lane with full health renewed sustain and an item lead and immediately begin trying to thin out the wave so I can maintain that freeze in front of the tower off the rebound as we covered earlier but our brand with no flash decides now is the time for him to start harassing and getting aggressive check this out though since Tristana is the one who jumps in and makes first Contact by the end of the fight sure our brand is dead but Tristana is extremely low in health I'm actually in a fantastic position Tristana has no way to push me out of Lane due to my health lead and I'm poised to freeze the wave in front of my tower meaning if she recalls she'll lose a ton of minions and likely realizing how bad of a spot she's in and how she needs the wave to crash she tries to all in me but with the health and item lead I have it's easily won this right here is the power of letting your support make first Contact on trades in fact fact I then reset and get back to Lane with the same game plan we're not level 5 yet so we want to thin out the wave try to maintain a freeze until we hit that level 5 breakpoint I'm really just playing defensive and backing up if the enemy tries to move in to trade on me again Tristana jumps in and focuses the support which he kills but then since I'm completely healthy I'm able to clean up the double kill right after so now if we go back to that original kalista clip you'll see that tactic in action kalista moves forward and I make sure to move back since I don't want to take the initial contact on the trade then notice how Lulu starts moving forward I basically just mimic her positioning so I'm ever so slightly behind her then as soon as kalista focuses Lulu I know it's GG and commit to the fight this is why in these clips it looks like the enemies are just ending into me put yourselves in their shoes you have a sivir who's just going to push you in and every time you move forward they just move back so you can never trade with them they're then setting a permanent freeze on you finally you get the opportunity to trade with their support being in range so naturally you take it but that just results in trading your life for the supports leaving sivir alive to clean up alright so before we jump into the macro portion of this guide which trust me is absolutely insane let's just briefly recap what our game plan is when laning levels one to three you look to implement a cheetah recall when you get back to Lane you then look to freeze until Level 5. once you're level five you'll be able to clear entire waves in one spell rotation of your q and W you want to either take recall timings off these pushes or use them to take things in the nearby vicinity such as vision control old dragons reacting to fights near mid lane or just taking a jungle Camp remember when doing this you need to just follow one rule always let your support take contact First on trades and if in the event your support is truly hopeless and it's genuinely a 1v2 well you're incredibly good at just holding the tower by yourself and stalling the enemy's ability to take the Tower or snowball anyways and that's it it's really that simple no learning complex mechanics or matchups or combos that's pretty much everything you'll ever need to know when it comes to Landing with sivir you know what's really crazy though that's not even sivir's real strength she truly begins to shine once the landing phase ends and before we jump into the macro section I just want to let you guys know we actually created an entire course just for this guide at we sent out real players just like you to try out this strategy all the way from Silver to Diamond ranks we then reviewed the replays to identify the most common mistakes players made when trying to execute the strategy for example why players were failing to execute the cheetah recall that we just taught you or what to do when you can't get the push Advantage at level 1. we even break down the most common macro mistakes that you'll make in both low and High ELO this entire course totals nearly two hours of additional content that you can only unlock by clicking the discount Link in the description below alright now let's talk about what to do once the landing phase ends lighting phase typically starts to end around the 14 minute mark this is when Tower plates expire and Towers have become much weaker in terms of resistances as a result when these towers are then inevitably destroyed it gives a longer timing window for someone to push and then rotate elsewhere thus people are no longer stuck in Lane as much and there's a lot more rotation and action on the map so when the laning phase ends you'll be at your strongest by swapping with your mid laner here's a really good example demonstrating why so right now my support is dead I know shocking and so the enemy is barreling down mid lane looking to take the tower off that number Advantage you can see how none of my teammates are responding to this and are just kind of leaving me on my own to defend for most Champions I would be extremely tilting you'd have to just watch the tower fall but in server's case just her W alone can clear entire waves the enemy will just have no time to actually damage the the tower you can see how the enemy team then realizes just how pointless it is to try and push into a sivir so they leave to try and collapse on Top Lane but this power of wave clear it goes both ways all you need is one second to be left unattended and you can just instantly push a wave towards the enemy's mid Tower they basically have no time to try and do something on the map they need to get back to defend the tower and pick up that wave but what you want to do is use the timing window where they're pinned down to that Tower picking up the wave to Pivot off and get an advantage elsewhere in this case I steal the enemy's jungle a rift Scuttle and get back in time to pick up the wave and defend my tower it's not just about the fact that you can hold pushes in mid lane it's that you can then go on the attack and push waves to create timing windows for yourself the reason why this works so well is you're doing it in mid lane the center of the map so that pivot off your push gives you access to well kind of everything you can use this timing window to either get huge Farm leads or take in enemy jungle camps or by just reacting to team fights you know you'll win due to them being a number advantage and with this core macro concept of control waves and mid lane in mind you'll effectively have four different options the first one is simple you just saw it you'll be responsible for holding a push from the enemy team on Mid until they stop sieging the second is pushing the Midway for objective control here's an example of a very very common tactic you push the wave mid this wave then gets Vision on the enemy and pins them to their Tower as they pick up the wave this then frees you up to rotate to Dragon while they're pinned down to take it for free since you'll have the number Advantage now here's an example of the exact reverse the enemy is the one who was able to push the wave and pin us down and then gets control of dragon in these spots simply push out mid you push so fast as well as destroy Tower so fast you're able to take towers and even at times the inhibitor if the enemy doesn't react and send someone to defend and I know some of you are thinking in your games the enemy would never let you do this and would send someone to hold your push well guess what that's also great for you as then they're then pinned to the tower from your push so you can rotate back to Dragon to take a 5v4 fight in your favor here's a different game but same macro concept I want to push out Mid First pin someone down then rotate off to get a number Advan fight with my team however notice how the enemy team over commits trying to fight my team instead of Defending my push so it's another free inhibitor and this one is my favorite example here it's only 20 minutes into the game I had mid to implement this core strategy of pushing the wave I see a fight breakout in the top River now the entire enemy team is alive and looking at the minimap I want you to tell me should we either react to the fight or should we look to push out mid keep in mind artiaso is bot Lane and so it's too risky to team fight here as it could easily be a 4v5 instead we have that guaranteed Advantage from just shoving down mid and sure enough we were outnumbered and we completely lost that fight now here's what's amazing about the strategy though the enemy team always freaks out in these positions they know they're going to lose both Inhibitors which isn't worth the three kills they just got in that team fight at the same time all five of them can't do Baron since yaso and I will just end the game so what do they do well they do what players always do in solo queue absolutely lose their mind by guard teleports Pike recalls some cancel their recalls their 80 carry goes top to farm and Fiddlesticks and atroc start Baron what result is them just throwing the entire game dying giving us Baron and then surrendering immediately after which is hilarious but also perfectly illustrates how effective the strategy is keep in mind if we go back to the start of the sequence a lot of players will look at this and think it's just a random team fight that's breaking out let's go help out in reality though if we react to it we die and the enemy can easily take Baron and defend at the same time it if you didn't know the macro concept you just learned you would basically throw the game into the enemy's hands but since we knew to use the tactic of pushing out mid we literally won the game off it great so we talked about how by rotating to Mid you can one hold the Tower or two push the wave to either set up rotations to objectives or just take them the third option has to do with farming for example here I get to Mid and begin pushing out the wave if you look at the minimap you'll notice there's really no objectives for me to take my entire team is off the map except for zarath who's in bot Lane in these spots where there's nothing for you to do you need to look out for Jungle camps to take in between waves in this case it's the nearby wolf Camp again you can see the power of our wave clear we can just clear jungle camps so fast this lets us get back to Mid in time for the next wave once we clear that we have another timing window to go do something now if we look at the minimap in terms of jungle camps we have our krug's top side and gromp and Rift Scuttle bot side if there was nothing else for us to do on the map right now we'd want to head bot side to take the Scuttle and gromp and then head back mid this is because our juggler and many of our teammates are topside they would likely take the krugs we're not trying to steal camps away from our teammates we're just picking up camps that are left unattended in this game though a fight breaks out in the top River to give you context in this game our team is ahead around 5000 gold at the same time we spot Tristan a bot and Jack's top meaning if I rotate to this fight it will be at worst a 3v3 until our brand catches up given that we're ahead I'm fine taking with an even numbered fight hopefully you can start to see how by pushing mid you're really just creating time in Windows we can react to fights or we can look for Jungle camps to Farm after this fight I head back mid and push out the waves to pin down the enemy again this then gives me another timing window to take jungle camps in this case stealing the enemies wolves and Raptors this is a very very important concept for you to understand this concept of farming jungle camps as this is how you passively get ahead throughout the game if we take a look at mid lane you'll notice how close Raptors and wolves are to this Lane this means if you're holding pushes defensively you always want to look to take your own wolves or Raptors between the waves and if you're the one on the offense pushing the enemy then you want to look to Pivot into the enemy's nearby jungle I promise you whenever I play sivir I literally always get 10 CS per minute and this is the reason why okay so although this sounds fantastic but I already know a lot of you guys are wondering what you do when your mid laner refuses to swap with you well don't worry you can still Implement everything you've learned just with a slight variation so you can see in this game I'm leaving base and my mid liner is well mid lane surprise at the same time the enemy 80 carries pushing bot this means there will be a big wave of minions arriving to my bot Tower very soon since my mid laner in this game Morgana is staying mid and not rotating bot to take that farm it would make no sense for me to go mid all we would do is share gold and experience and would be losing all those minions to the bot Tower so I just simply had bought to pick up the wave this is fine you don't have to be mid 24 7 if your teammates aren't swapping with you now when I get bot I push out the wave and here if there were any enemies missing and my team was in base are dead then I just back off probably rotate to my gromp that's respawning to take that as I transition back to mid lane however you want to be on the lookout for spots like this notice how we see it allowing topside and three of my teammates are pressuring around mid and we see the enemy zerath and Pike in mid lane this is how I know I'm safe to keep pushing this wave and this is so important so listen up just like how in mid lane examples we push that wave to pin down the enemy and then pivot elsewhere you can do the exact same thing in a side lane by pushing that extra wave we've now lured Caitlyn away from the fight and pinned her to the bot Tower we then pivot off the bot Tower and rotate to mid lane to create a number Advantage fight in our favor and it's not just about this one strategy of pushing into grouping you can still just straight up split push in the right situations for example here I start out pushing mid while I wait for Morgana to respawn once she does respawn I now know we have enough numbers with the Enemy allowing top for it to at least be an even fight so I push mid again to set up for that pivot to dragon with our vision control and the push wave mid a team doesn't really need my help so I decided to pick up the wave Bond now again it's becoming clear to me that this Morgana has no intention of ever going Bonsai and obviously going mid to just split farm with her is less than ideal if we take a look at the minimap we can see the enemy zerath mid we see allowing top and we see Kailyn and Pike near dragon in this case only Diana is missing but with a ward on krugs I know I'm safe from her jumping me from a brush again there's really just one key macro concept here is that if you push one extra wave it's going to apply a lot more pressure if they don't send someone to defend your push well you're threatening to take the bot Tower and if someone does come to defend well you simply rotate off in this example I still see zareth and pike mid and allowee top now you're probably thinking continuing to push is incredibly risky but here's the thing about sivir she has a great ability to escape with her alt her movement speed on her passive and her spell shield I realize that there's potential for both Diana and Kailyn to come outside to try and kill me but my plan will be able to just pull that pressure and then run away safely this would then result in a number Advantage from my teammates everywhere else on the map at the same time if they don't send Diana well I'm too far ahead of Caitlyn so she can't hold the tower on her own you can see how by paying attention to where people are on the map you can just uncover these macro plays that result in a win-win no matter what the enemy does in this case we spot Diane on top side in our jungle so we're safe to both try and take the tower and kill Caitlyn and of course the same fundamental concepts I'm teaching you apply in between waves look for Jungle camps to take in order to continue to get ahead here's another extremely common scenario that you're going to find yourself in I see a big wave bot side but my team is grouping taking Rift Herald in this game we're ahead by around 8 000 gold so I'm fine with taking even numbered fights so at first I moved to group in case the enemy tries to fight however once I realize there's three enemies mid that can't possibly get to Rift Herald on time I just had straight bot now you've probably been in this position you go to pick up the wavebot side but then your team makes these super common solo queue mistake of trying to force fights while one player is off the map picking up a wave in a side lane don't worry as you can use your team's map pressure to actually freely split push and get yourself extremely fed when I begin clearing this wave and see the enemy catch my teammates I'm actually so happy with how fast silver pushes and takes Towers I'm able to not only Farm a ton of waves but also just take the inhib tower before they can even recall to defend again same concept of pivoting off a push once the enemies pin down where I'd then take jungle camps and again the exact same concept I've taught you dragon is up we want to take it so I push mid-first to pin down the enemy and then set up for the rotate at the start of the sequence I had 9900 gold and at the end of it I had 10 900 gold while also getting an inhibitor Tower and a dragon keep in mind I'm getting this while my team is actually dying and losing fights this is the power of these macro Concepts now you're probably excited about all this but you're also wondering in the back of your mind okay how do we actually end the game though well here's the thing everything we've taught you is fantastic at creating advantages and getting you extremely farmed and fed at some point though you'll be strong enough that your team can actually threaten Baron when that happens we'll depend on each individual game but at some point usually when you have at least three completed items not including your boots your DPS is so high that taking Baron is a viable option when this happens it's very simple all you have to do is implement the same push into pivot strategy that you use to secure dragons but just pivot to Baron instead here you see how I push down mid and take the tower since it's very low on health I then push the next wave and no I have a great pivot to Baron as my incoming wave will act both as Vision but also pin the enemy down making them slow to react to defend against it it also just makes it very safe to secure Vision since we pinned enemies first we now know we'll have a number Advantage if anyone is in their top side jungle this actually results in us getting the pick on allowie and now with a number Advantage I called to start bearing you can see how ones are strong enough you really only need one other person keep in mind even if the enemy team was able to collapse on us that's great we pop our ultimate to turn on them and win the 5v4 fight this is why threatening Baron Works you're using your waveclear on Mid to pin down the enemy and secure both vision and control of the area now the enemy has to face check into fog of War to try and defend the baron if while doing so they make any kind of mistake we just pop our alt to start the engage and win the fight alright so before we jump into the tier list of Champions that work well with the strategy let's firstly quickly go over sivir's build I recommend starting longsword in a refillable this works extremely well with the cheetah recall strategy off your first recall don't be afraid to buy a call if you have enough money for it you farm so much that you'll easily get to 100 Stacks extremely fast from there you want to rush Kraken Slayer and berserker's Graves after that get a phantom dancer and infinity edge Savers play style is all about just sitting back and dpsing while your W bounces and crits everybody and this is what this build excels at they want to get a lore Dominic's regard as one of your final items this will give you Max crit chance with armor penetration the last item is completely situational and you grab what works best to counter the enemy but most often you'll be picking between a guardian angel or a Mercurial Scimitar additionally once you're full build don't be afraid to actually sell your boots for a more expensive item of your choice you'll have enough movement speed just from your ultimate and passive that boots won't be that important in the late game now for runes we want to go into the Precision tree to take lethal Tempo presence of mind and a legend bloodline Legend bloodline is very important to take since it's unlikely you'll get any other form of lifesteal in your build until the absolute late game you can then take Coupe degrass against squishier comps or cut down against tankier compositions your secondary tree is inspiration and you grab magical Footwear and biscuit delivery magical Footwear is great since everyone gets a lot of innate movement speed she doesn't need to rush boots like other Champions might she also benefits more from raw attack damage early on to boost or wave clear and Lane rather than just raw attack speed you'd get from the boots the combination of biscuit delivery and presence of mind is also extremely important as you need as much help as you can get to help regenerate Mana since you'll just be spamming your spells often to wave clear you then grab attack speed adaptive force and either armor against a Decon or Mr against AP comps for your skill order you take Q level 1 and W level 2. this is what gives you the waveclear needed to set up the cheetah recall at level 3 you take one point in your e to help you win trades in the lane and from there you match your ultimate whenever possible then Max your Q then W then e and finally for your Summoner spells Flash and exhaust is taken if the enemy has a lot of melee assassins or bruisers since you don't have the greatest self-peel you need exhaust to help out otherwise we recommend you take flash heal if facing a lot of range Champions since they simply won't be within exhaust range enough of the time to make use of it okay and lastly let's talk about the tier list so for this strategy you really want Champions with strong wave clear from distance who also scale relatively well additionally this strategy is great when you have an assassin or Bruiser mid lane since it's ideal to swap Lanes with those types of Champions once the laning phase ends in the op tier we have sivir no one can compare to her in terms of strength with a strategy in the S tier we have vigar he's the second best at this playstyle as is infinite scaling and just Great Wave clear from a safe distance in the a tier we have Jinx zig's Fair and karthus these four have great wave clearance scaling but just aren't quite as safe compared to the picks above and so less consistent now those are the main picks we recommend if you want to just go out and mimic this strategy exactly as taught but keep in mind Concepts like pushing mid into pivoting pushing to create recall timings many of the strategies learned can be done on literally any champion in any role so keep your eyes open for opportunities to execute what you've learned even if you don't play any of the specific Champions listed additionally as a heads up if your teammate does lock in a heavy wave clearing Mage like anivia well do be aware you'll have some anti-synergy going on as you both fill a similar role you may want to consider picking a strong split pushing Champion like vayne Lucian and Kaiser in those spots instead but it's completely up to you and if you guys enjoyed this video then you'll absolutely love our brand new course we made just for this guide at we sent out real players just like you to try out this strategy all the way from Silver to Diamond ranks we then reviewed their replays to identify the most common mistakes players made when trying to execute this strategy for example why players failed to execute the shooter recall that we taught you earlier or what you should do when you can't get the push Advantage at level 1. we even break down the most common macro mistakes that you'll make in both low and High ELO this course alone totals nearly two hours of additional content that you can only unlock by clicking the discount Link in the description below alright that will do it for this one we hope you guys enjoyed it good luck on summoner's Rift and we'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 559,588
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Keywords: league of legends, league of legends guide, lol guides, league of legends tips, league of legends coaching, league of legends season 12, how to get better at league of legends, skill capped, lol tips, lol tips and tricks, league of legends pro guides, how to improve at league of legends, league of legends rank up, league of legends macro, how to improve in league of legends, league of legends beginner guide, lol coaching, lol guide, patch 12.19, lol patch 12.19, how to adc
Id: 5b8-qiT-4_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 40sec (1960 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 29 2022
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