Why You Should Never Off-Road at Night

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[Music] so we got a call for a dodge dakota that stuck out to the sand dunes i guess he's clear on the back side so we're gonna head out there and see if we can get him out and get him on his way i wonder if this is one we're gonna have to help all the way out of the dunes maybe hopefully not hopefully we just get him out on it like he said on his way oh yeah but did you die i guess i should look where i'm going instead of watching to see if you die that's quite steep it's as steep as sand gets right there oh i drove right into this rock man [Music] my shortcut didn't work out randy all the sands gone from down here so this is where we're going to be picking a razor up tomorrow stuck come on come on girl come on [Music] [Music] here we go piece of cake that was ridiculous that was ridiculous i'm definitely uh blind blind here i got some sand in my break so i can hear it [Music] so last time i was at her i came over that with mom in the jeep yeah needless to say she was not impressed she was impressed [Music] it's blown kind of soft today yeah it's plenty soft doesn't help that we're in two wheel [Music] drive okay let's get up here and look at the situation i'm randy all right with being on youtube yeah all right i was told i was going to be on youtube by someone else out here all right i was going slow and like i don't know we're just sunk didn't go anywhere my tires are even down to like 15 pounds too sit some soft sand huh i guess so this is a v6 or v8 5 2 or 4 7.7 [Applause] so okay i'm gonna put my guy in there so my insurance covers this so if we just get you up up here you'll turn around that's the way i'm gonna be going back up so we'll make sure you at least get up on top there give it a little gas rudy okay you're in reverse now awesome thank you i appreciate it well that wasn't too big of a deal we just got there and hooked up to them with the mats recovery rope and pulled them straight on back so another job done now back to work on the wagon yep now it's the night crew that's us surprise same as the day crew so we got a call for a car that stuck up to lava point road i'm not even sure what kind of car it is it came through zion dispatch so we're gonna head up there and see if we can get it out and that's that ed decided not to come because it was a little bit too late he didn't want to get stuck up there in the snow so we got rudy here that's right i'm here and i'm wearing my high viz bren's gonna be swinging a camera as well as randy and we brought lady lady max was eating dinner with ed and he decided not to come come on you lady even move huh take off the e-brake [Music] that would make sense well there you go [Music] oh yeah you're getting grip that was no problem it does oh yeah this one's not moving at all all right what do we got here do we have a toe look here you like that lady look at those racing sleds okay just turn the wheel all the way here we go not gonna be out here long enough to need one all right [Music] so you have two cars yeah rudy let's just i'll have you drive this down to maloney and we can make it get a call out do you have somebody else in there well i'll have i'll just have my guy driving this one and that way you can just follow us down when we stop okay okay okay stop okay pull forward really slowly pop the trunk nice okay down here we go he got me with a snowball on this morning's fight while i was filming bounced it off the microphone right on my ear i scared him away lady come on you my snowball i even moved forward for you that was ridiculous how did that happen i'm so glad you did not give in to temptation and throw that snowball that that changed your whole like the whole rest of your week that decision that you just made that good decision that you just made is going to have a lasting effect yeah you can't throw a snowball at him because he because i don't like them he's not a good sport that's that's what it is is that what it is yeah because i thought snowballs were just miserable terrible things yeah well someone's losing i hope they just don't like losing all right so that wasn't too big of a deal they had actually been up there for almost 24 hours trying to get out and uh i think they went and rented another car they kind of ride down and rented another car so they got two cars now anyway we got to play in the snow there for a little bit it's freezing outside i didn't get hit with a snowball nor did i
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 386,703
Rating: 4.9669318 out of 5
Keywords: Off road recovery, Rescue, Matts off road recovery, Sand Trap, road recovery, Recovery, Difficult rescue, Winder Towing, Towing, Sand dunes, dunes, Jeep, Sand Hollow, utah, off road recovery fails, off road recovery truck, Rescuing, banana, Toyota, snow stuck, night recovery, Dodge dakota, camry, dodge, toyota camry
Id: ayvFovsRQGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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