Why you should NEVER mine under BEDROCK in Minecraft! (The Void Challenge)

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the middle of the night it's 3:00 a.m., right here like in real life lets go to sleep wait what's that What is up everyone welcome to Dark Corners I'm your host dark and in this video we will do the void Challange!(with an A!) in Minceraft let's just start right away we will create a new world Give it an appropriate name(appropriate, got it?) Void challenge and if you guys might have noticed i'm talking a bit lower because it's really late at night it's almost 3:00 a.m. I was actually not planning on making this video at 3 a.m. But I started playing fortnite so i think that explains everything So let's just start the world we have to make sure we use the right seed which is void not sure if it matters if it's all in (You're tired, that make things seem spooky.) capitals or not but we'll do capitals just in case let's get right away while reloading makes you follow me on twitter snapchat advertizements Instagram all the links are in the description while you're at it make sure you follow me on twitch so you know when i'm life Ok, so awesome so this is the right seed because we start right next to a village So the voice challenge let me just quickly sum up what it is there is a reason why we need to start in creative mode We need to dig a hole straight down into the void which is the area Under the world that has literally nothing in it so let me see i think this this area should be good for this experiment So we just start digging straight down like this all the way down past the diamond fast whatever else is there oh? we actually dug into a cave interesting See how deep we are home that's deep alright yeah as soon as, we see bedrock oh, we gotta watch out now let me just fly alright so this emptiness right here is The void we can't actually go too deep into it because even if you're in creative mode you will still die if you fall into the void Alright so we got a whole i think i i'm gonna make the hole slightly bigger oh, oh okay there we go and make it slightly bigger i Think two pi two should be perfect Alright so now we need oh okay that looks ugly now we need two more blacks to break or two more sides i wonder what's what's fast at doing it like this or doing it like Want, to want to want to like this look, let me show you guys I'm not sure let me know in the comments section what is faster according to you so i said faster just go straight down or to switch around like this i think this is actually faster holy crap oh I missed how did i miss oh this is harder than it looks i promise oh Okay watch out watch out we gotta make sure we're flying right here okay so now we got a hole that leads straight into the void now we can actually start the challenge So according to this challenge or creepy bizarre story there is actually something that lives and avoid some kind of mob some kind of ghost whatever i'm not sure what it is and If you make a hole like this and you put your bed right next to it so let me spawn a bed Apparently something will happen what we need to do next get some redstone you already know surround oh surround everything including the bed with redstone and Now you need to drop the redstone Into the void see it going all the way down All right so every night you're supposed to throw something else into the void and then go to sleep and apparently something happens that's all i know we're gonna we're gonna figure out if something actually does happen It's the middle of the day right now so i guess we're gonna skip through the night right after we've explored this world a little bit who knows maybe we'll find a pre-made hole into the void that would be actually pretty creepy and since this challenge is pretty new i haven't seen anyone doing this challenge yet or maybe i just couldn't find any if you guys have any other challenges you'd like To see me do in minecraft in real life whatever Please let me know in the comment section or in any other games by the way? Doesn't have to be irl or minecraft can be anything Please let me know in the comments section and if you enjoyed the video so far make sure you leave a like and if you enjoy the video at the end Make sure you subscribe if you want, to see more all right so this village looks pretty normal villagers are normal as in they are annoying keep looking at me keep looking at me All right guys let's skip over to the night i'll see you When the sun is down all right everyone as you can see the sun is going down And the moon s risen The void is right here i'm not sure if we should go straight to sleep i actually haven't checked this mountain out yet i do want to check more of this world out let's just make a small circle Loading some more chunks see if we notice anything interesting there's actually a crevice right here i think my all into the void actually goes into this crevice there's a bunch of pigs here just chilling interesting oh this this is pretty interesting it we might explore this we might oh Snap that's a lot of mobs i'm very happy i'm in creative mode right now let's see where where is the village did it no did i just get lost that's just oh my god did i just get lost guys wait i made a circle which means yeah, right there i didn't get lost no worries alright So we have to throw something in here what if i draw in a zombie's head what if What if i sacrifice something that's alive Go in there go in there no, no Hey oh, no zombie zombie zombie Come here? Let me go let me go oh god i i never thought i'd say this but i wish i wasn't this strong in minecraft oh please don't die before you fall in Oh, whoo snap what did you guys, see that? did you guys i'm actually scared to jump in did you guys, see that i saw something i'm not even kidding ZOMBIE! :P I'll probably zoom in on the footage But i'm like 192 percent(can't, math) certain i saw something maybe when i when i'm editing this video i'll see it something normal but it was there for like a second or two All right all right the middle of the night it's 3:00 a.m., right here like in real life it's good sleep sweet dreams achievement mm-hmm All right it's it's daytime did anything happen still looks normal the village is pretty quiet i guess everybody's still sleeping right or dead and that all the villagers just, disappear wait wait i was kidding but oh Ok, they're right here i just thought where did all the vintages ago now all the villagers are fine they're right here early in the morning woke up quick nothing happened interesting we did see something in the void but i have to wait until i'm actually editing this video to see what it is or what it was All right i guess we can skip, to the next night if anything happens during the day i'll let you guys know but if nothing happens it should change into night i'm right about now perfect all right so what are we gonna throw in here this time i think i think, we can probably hmm can we get a villager here we you know what we're just gonna use eggs we're in creative mode for a reason So a villager we're actually gonna okay no, no wait wait wait wait i know there's a bunch of kids watching this don't hurt innocent people let's let did you guys hear that did that come from down there guys i'm not kidding i have actual legitimate whose bumps right now oh you scared me Go into the hole go into the whole freaking sheep's scared the living crap on me going troy you're meeting and scare the crap out of me you're not even kidding i just got jim scared by a frickin sheep in a freaking game of minecraft all right we were spawning a zombie villager Let's let's just ignore what just happened maybe i'll even cut it out because i never get jumpscared you are right now That's a sacrifice, to me Three two one? Splat, uh ah you're going with your friend they dead He are dead All right that's good sleep oh? That's a bet? Nothing strange so far except for the sound and whatever we saw in the previous night there's a good sleep oh hey there section oh i did i should have sacrificed the which i should have get We'll have to wait until the next morning or the next night wait what's that where i'm at okay guys, i'm not sure what i'm seeing right now but the hole is definitely closed We are i didn't pay attention last night was this here last night i'm pretty sure i saw like a big black hole Because right now maybe it's because it's daytime i could see that the hole was covered up wait, no, no no if if this had been here last night I would have seen the redstone torches i would have definitely noticed the light coming from down here okay this is legitimately pretty creepy i'm having a goose bump i'm having a goose bump attack right now i think i should stop okay this is definitely interesting we should probably return to this world at some point Let me know in the comment section if you think the same all right i think this is a good time to end the video i hope you guys enjoyed it if you did Make sure you leave a like and if you want, to see more Make sure you subscribe and let me know in the comment section what else you'd like To see on the channel and what i should do on this world next? As always make sure you follow me on twitter snapchat instagram twitch all the links are in the description and while you're at it make sure you leave a like on my latest instagram picture or check if i'm live on twitch whatever and as always once again everybody thank you very much for watching i hope you enjoyed the video and i hope To see you next time once again thank you very much? dark signing out
Channel: Dark Corners
Views: 4,047,912
Rating: 4.6617556 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft creepypasta challenge, minecraft at 3 am, scary minecraft video, dark corners, minecraft 3 am, minecraft void, minecraft the void, minecraft finding herobrine, minecraft herobrine, do not play minecraft at 3 am, scary minecraft challenge, minecraft scary video, minecraft at 3:00 am, finding herobrine in minecraft, minecraft, scary minecraft seed, minecraft scary seed, do not watch this video at night, minecraft orphanage seed, scary minecraft, minecraft entity 303
Id: 2LXrjzFhWT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 08 2018
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