I found NULL, HEROBRINE & ENTITY 303 on this CREEPY Minecraft World at 3:00 AM...

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and this is an end portal there's a bunch of levers and buttons some red stones oh my god oh my god oh my god oh yeah before we start make sure follow me on instagram at dark corners TV make sure you send me a message if you followed me because I'll try to respond to as many of you guys as possible welcome everyone to dark corners I'm here with dark back again with another minecraft video we're playing in a world I've played on before I'm gonna I'm gonna dis I've decided today I'm just gonna play on one survival world if I ever find a new challenge I'll do it on this world instead of constantly making new worlds by the way while we're at it make sure you check out my minecraft server played a dark score and bad meth all the information should be in the description and obviously follow me on Instagram but I think I've said that already anyways guys I already have some gear I didn't start at the start I already have some gear I'm just looking for a place to build my house right hey you it how'd you get here spy oh oh and I forgot okay I've got I've got spiders can actually thank you my bad I'm just gonna collect some wood I'm looking for a place to build my house I'm not gonna go for a wooden house I'm gonna go for a house in the base of a mountain you know that's my thing so I'm looking for the right place in the mountain just to dig in and place the door and make it my house why do i why oh okay I don't need to kill any sheep they're lucky I already have enough wool to make a bed so I'm gonna do that as well now I'm gonna collect some more wood though by the way guys while we're at it make sure you leave a like make sure you subscribe if you haven't already like right now while I'm I'm chopping this wood you can just click the like button the thumps up you can click the red subscribe button it will help me out a lot especially if you enjoyed these videos there we go okay this is the last tree I chopped down and then we're gonna start with the base I think I think I've started to get better at minecraft I've learned a few a few tricks so I have a few tricks up my sleeve I don't want to bake this bass all the way at the top of this mountain maybe this mountain is better just a mountain over here so like I need I need a nice nice place at the base of the mountain I just want to dig in ooh that's food here as well that's cool because I don't think I have any food I have just raw food okay I think this is a good place for a fur fur basis a lot of animal spawn here but I can't find I can't find the sweet spot where I want to start doing so I'm just gonna keep going up guys you know this this is the hardest part of making base choosing where you know what I mean we'll get our period a nice vantage point Anna know guys usually what I like to do is just find the village and just steal one of the houses but there's in the village anywhere near here please I don't think so I guess that means we're just gonna have to deal with it oh oh you know what imma build it in that mountain screw it I'm build it in that mountain I can't I can't I can't say no anymore I've already chosen it that's gonna be my base this mountain right here with all this delicious with all this delicious food I just heard it I just heard thunder did you hear that piggy I just heard thunder but it's not raining it's not storming it's not night time with kk8 thunder if it's not nighttime I'm not sure because I just did but is that a new thing it sounded like to came from over here I'm gonna investigate [Music] wait a second I'm not sure if you guys can see that but I see a building could I think we found a village and it kind of sounded like the Thunder came from over there so guys is that a coincidence or should I be scurred well at least I don't have to build a base I can just do one of the houses if that's a village of course you never know what kind of odd insidious thing it could be hopefully the villagers have some food for me look at this Cape this is a creepy cave almost looks like a window you guys see this that's creepy I don't think I've ever seen anything like that anyways let's get to that village before I actually starve and it is all the the Sun is about to go down so this could not have been time more perfectly oh oh now it's okay now it's raining that's cool so yeah guys it is a village I'm gonna pick the biggest house the biggest house is gonna be mine not because I not because I deserve it but just you know I can get away with it sub chicky chicky chicky all right let's see what's the biggest house here obviously this is the biggest building but it looks like it's a big chore to get in look the doors all the way up there look where the door is man I love these kinds of houses like the house that don't make sense I could go in today I could just feel the blacksmith I could just steal the blacksmith's house interesting what is this blacksmith building here is this legal I feel like I should have a weapon out right now oh boy this is scary okay I got goose bumps y'all okay this is it I'm a bit surprised okay there's lava here I should watch chard I don't want to die and this is an elf portal there's a bunch of levers and buttons some red stones oh oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I had a feeling something was behind me but I didn't expect something they'd actually be behind me um Oh am I stuck here now I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do here oh that's not normal is it is this an item hopper an item hopper what is it what if I put something in here diamond what happens looks what happens if I put stuff in here guys I have never heard of an item hopper just water in here as well guys maybe I should just go into the portal not sure if that's a good idea though uh-uh mmm the items disappeared I guess that's what an item hopper does I'm not sure okay I told you I guess I'm a total Minecraft noob I have no idea what's going on here I just put something in the item hopper disappeared but I think that's the let's suppose haven't why is that water here and how do I get out of here I'm gonna just destroy this I'm just gonna I'm just gonna get out of here guys hopefully okay relieving okay I don't think we're supposed to leave okay you know what I'm just gonna turn all the levers okay I know you guys want me to jump into the end the things I do for you guys I was hoping I could just leave alright guys so gonna go into the end I'm closing my eyes what just happened I guess this isn't an end portal okay wait don't touch it don't it stop stop stop stop so sort of okay know what I'm out of here I'm out of here I'm out of here I'm on here okay it's there's something messed up oh look at this video run here guys do you know you have no living in the blacksmith's house okay you know what obviously just something going on here I'm just gonna pick one of these houses I'm gonna put my uh I'm gonna put my bed there and then I'm gonna investigate further in the next video if we get enough likes can we get 2,000 likes on this video and I'll make I'll make you fart - I don't I don't even know what to call it I guess we could call the base a monument an end portal we found it in there in the in the in the locksmiths well in the last mix place but there it is oh I thought it disappeared for a second it's right there I've been back there a couple of times the end portal still doesn't work okay we heard some more thunder but I was telling a story the end portal still doesn't work I still don't have enough resources so what we're gonna do in this video is I don't think we're gonna find anything interesting so just gonna spend this time we're gonna find a nice cave to get some ores from we're gonna chop some more wood we're gonna try to get as much meat as possible and that's dealio you know I love chopping wood you know next time we hear some thunder we're gonna investigate if we have enough resources obviously you know I got a lot of bread hey get that bread secure the bag there are no sub word flex but okay all those memes alright and what we get let's get that bread I mean I'm actually stealing food from the villagers I'm that kind of guy can I even get anything from the villagers just emeralds whatever I think could there be cave under here y'all want to check out the well over this creepy never mind oh it's nap huh oh my god I can't get out I can't get home gum so close free book right now I'm so close for phobic right now it's not even funny oh snap I'm messing up there we go you know what we're gonna do we're gonna get high up on this mountain get a nice vantage point see if we can find anything in the distance that we can run up to meantime I'm gonna collect some more words because I love it you know it might be November but I can still get some more wood it's kind of peaceful up here don't you guys think there we go I once again if you guys want me to keep playing on this world make sure you leave a like makes you subscribe let's try to get 3500 likes on this video and then I'll make well I will still make a part tree but I will make it quicker whoa oh oh whoa whoa whoa trying to sneak up on me where did that creeper come from are you even supposed to be spawning and during the day creeper where do you work oh they're right here wait who are you guys coming from how are you guys spawning is that normal where did they come from is there like a cave down here I don't see anything ah look at the villagers I think they have a balcony gold gold gold gold gold wait wait wait I was saying these villagers have a balcony that's kind of cute boy what is this was it supposed to be is this like a glitch maybe that's where I can't get the gold because I don't have a the right pickaxe yet but I think I can destroy this that may be more gold no there's no Gaul gold under here that's weird there may be more gold under here no what is that that's oh no some more that's more more gold Austin that Boyd I don't know I'm gonna go into Everett I don't did you guys hear that I was gonna say I want to go in there but I don't have any torches so I should probably hopefully there's some cool and here I can get yeah there's some cool okay I have wood I'm just gonna get to school real quick you guys can probably not see anything but I'm mining some goal right now you're gonna make some torches right after thought I heard something it's creepy okay let's make some torches right now cuz it's too dark there we go got 36 torches let's light this place up okay okay come deeper I'm gonna keep collecting I'm gonna keep collecting coal because you never know when we're gonna run out of torches we might be down here for a long time so it's better safe than sorry guys that's my motto that's it just minecraft but you know that's my motto not an actual danger all right let's keep lighting this place up oh boy [Music] this looks familiar guys I think I think you know what this looks like this looks like a hair Bridge shrine it's been awhile since I saw one of these there's an item hopper here swell so that makes me think maybe like in the previous video someone in the comment section told me to try and throw the item in the item hopper like not put it in here but just throw it so I don't have any gold but what if I just show in this cobblestone that I that I stole if I had some flint and steel I would like this but I guess I'll have to wait for another video oh my god oh my god oh my god okay okay okay I just I just didn't think I just did ii think i I what happens if I throw more stuff in there oh you're kidding me holy crap okay I didn't need to flip this still after all I could just throw it in here did you guys see that so I did not make this shrine I did not even light it up this is not the Herron seed guys somehow I've seen no I've seen hair print that's crazy is there anything else in this cave I'm once again everybody let me know what you think I should try out on this world go so far I mean we've seen no we've seen hairbrained who else are we gonna see I'm gonna head back cuz I don't stay down here for too long I'm bit I'm a bit creeped out I hear somebody walking I hear somebody walking and it does not sound like a mob but what do I know okay there's the village okay so we have this this is like herons cave is what I'm gonna call it I guess Hera prince lair right here we have no lair right over there that's actually pretty cool I wonder what else we can find on this world guys maybe Noah hairbrained are controlling this village which means even the villagers are not to be trusted but I didn't trust minecraft villagers anyways so that doesn't change anything for me personally at least I'm at back home my back home I'm at back home this is my house not by the way okay guys that's creepy we saw however we still know what but uh don't open my door something opened my door guys am I gonna go outside no no I'm not gonna go outside something opened my door something opened my door I do and it wasn't me what was that what mob was guys what mob is that is that a new mob it sounds it sounds scary what is that guys what is that whoa oh I guess that's the new mob oh my god you two creepy guy don't stop leave me alone no no wait I thought my career was a kids game now Wyatt why are they putting this quick creepy maps and sounds in here we're gonna explore again so so far we've seen higher brain we've seen no always not in that order is on no first so I think I'm just gonna keep exploring so far we found every single strange thing was near this village so I think this village has something strange going going for it so I'm gonna explore around here water adit makes you check out my minecraft server play that Doc's corner that net all the information should be down below so make sure you join it now Instagram at Dark Horse TV but I probably already said that and we're gonna go all the way up and nothing can stop me I'm all the way up ah okay I forget this micro I can break blocks and actually break blocks with my bare hands there we go guys if you're already enjoying me bunching this dirt make sure you leave a like like click the like button right now don't make me beg for it make sure you subscribe you wanna see more and then we can be best friends alright so we found in the Hara brain layer I just want to show you guys so in the end the blacksmith or whatever it's called we have no Slayer in there right here we have hybrid Slayer see if I can find it right here this is his entrance I've been there again by the way while I was recording and nothing strange happened so who knows maybe her left I got more bread again I don't want it wait why are the zombies spawning during the day you know what I'm not even gonna ask we're just gonna keep looking around I don't want to stray too far from the UH from the village but we have the best biome right here but I don't want to go in there cos I don't think there's anything interesting there I think everything interesting just near the village so I should probably not stray too far we got some coal over there we got a ravine oh snap oh this reveals flooded bro I don't think I've ever seen a reveal like this that's kind of cool was this wait I'm trying to think I've seen this ravine before I cannot remember we remember it being flooded with maybe I just didn't pay attention cuz that's a real possibility let's see how big an action it actually is whoa what was that oh my god you're kidding me wait are my eyes deceiving me guys it's really late it's almost 3:00 a.m. there's there's something down there and I want to jump in it's like some kind of well made out of obsidian I don't know if I'm gonna make this jump though you know you guys know I suck at my craft I mean I could dig down a little bit so it's safer but where's the fun in that you know what I mean you know see let me see I'm we're gonna make this jump y'all of course I'm gonna make the jump oh my god that was so intense that was scary where am i where am i where am i where am i where am i where am i where am i what is this place well this is place oh my god that's bedrock what is this place I hear what oh I see [Music] what just happened something something just blew up guys okay I'm stuck was that entity to your jury just saw so let's count them up we got no we got higher break we got entity to your tree for the first time in the same world we got a lever that doesn't do anything something blew up guys I thought I was what is that is that tea is it tasty oh no oh no how am I gonna how am I gonna get out of here guys how am I gonna get out of here ah please don't kill me I think I'm just gonna dig behind this this lever right here hopefully oh there's nothing here there's nothing here guys no I'm just gonna go back up hopefully it's safe hope you have enough resources I have some dirt I'm just gonna use the dirty guys there we go oh boy oh oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no they're trying to trap me guys do you see that that lavas coming straight for me how am I supposed to get out of here now so slow and deceiving it's gonna land in here crap I should not have used this dirt I should have kept going up look it was gonna miss me anyways do I have any other blocks I can use to get out of here what I'm just gonna get all this concrete a hopefully entity tree tree will not get mad at me cuz I just want to break out it oh there's the Thunder again you guys think I just someone over some no I can't I can't I can't dig out here cuz this lava right above me Oh No yeah okay I'm just gonna collect concrete I'm gonna build a way up oh no come on dude I'm actually stuck here guys I'm actually stolen how am I gonna do this oh no okay aw come on bro come on bro don't tell me I'm stuck here entity you can't do this to me bro you can't do this to me guys guys I honestly have no idea I'm gonna get out here I honestly have no idea how I'm gonna get out of here like what am I even supposed to do now like this water but I can't choose the water crap and that's lava Oh poop and that's lava right above me so I can't dig myself out here either so I'm actually stuck I actually have no no choices but to stay here unless I want to die unless you guys know any anything anything I can try please I've known the comment section when this lever still doesn't do anything I'm not sure what the point of that was I'm just gonna collect all these blocks maybe I can use them don't dig up because you know it's upwards above you you don't want that you don't want to eat a face full of lava because that stuff is hot big man what if I just keep digging this way wait one Abed if I keep digging this way because the ravine has to end at some point the ravine has to end at some point so if I dig up here I can still who did that oh you're kidding me you're kidding me you idiot spawned all the way back here again this is the original spawn point I'm supposed to spawn near my bed so somebody need to remove my spawn some outs toward my bed I don't know how that works so now I have to go and find that village again so in the next video we'll be back there I'm gonna try to find it once again everybody if you enjoyed this video make sure you leave a like let's try to get 4000 likes on this video if you want to see more make sure to subscribe let me know what your theory is so firstly know you've seen hairbrained which the entity 303 who's next I don't know let me know in the comment section who you think could be next follow me on instagram at darkest TV check out my minecraft server play the dart cornet once again everybody thanks so much for watching i cannot say it enough so check out my other videos dark signing out
Channel: Dark Corners
Views: 1,748,885
Rating: 4.8424115 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft at 3 am, minecraft countdown, top 5 null sightings, top 5 minecraft sightings, null sightings in minecraft, minecraft null sighting, herobrine sightings in minecraft, dark corners, do not play minecraft at 3 am, herobrine in minecraft, minecraft herobrine sighting, minecraft herobrine, scary minecraft seed, finding herobrine in minecraft, scary minecraft challenge, top 5 minecraft, herobrine documentary, scary minecraft video, i found herobrine in minecraft
Id: 6TTndOwioeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 28sec (1828 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2018
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