WHY WOULD YOU THROW THIS OUT?! - Trash Picking Ep. 159

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all righty welcome back everyone Dunkin Donuts across the street stoplight right in front of us and we are in downtown Easton Pennsylvania this is the famous circle a lot of people have trouble around here driving through the circle but it's just simply a roundabout and what we're doing today and what we are doing today is we are doing trash picking things I just dropped off my brother I thought bus stop he was here for a couple days and really do some trash picking things so join me let's try to find some treasure and let's make it a good one let's do it all right first pic of the day softball bets always throwing cell phone that is it ever came across hosted grab if I can see it so it's probably I'll split it's all dry rodded of course have this post I can see that hose is cut right there right there in the center there's an older shop I got a random brush in there oh yeah concrete red nube concrete but uh when it rain on a bag concrete concrete becomes concrete sketches of a rock now that was one mistake I made before like I even like cuz I didn't I didn't grow up in the country or the suburbs I never used wrenches sockets or today like labor I guess all my lip boats all been done with on the computer so I came across a bag of concrete just like that I was like wow nice a brand-new bag of concrete I took it home and my mom was like what do you that that's not concrete more it's actually concrete it's supposed to be powder man I was a noob let's see a pile of furniture I do like this one look wrap it over there amazing they didn't put this out too early this is actually I like this one but that's what that's all eight plastic I guess I'll take this just goes here I like this side table it's really really cool it's cool you can see it's all water damage alright it's already starting to peel up bump and head it's awesome doesn't even close see that's a shame if this was a pair I might grab it I know I talk a lot about sight I know I talk a lot about side tables and furniture it just doesn't sell as well as it should but that's really interesting looking however you know it's water damage there's only one lob disadvantage is there so I'm gonna pass that one up alright it's starting off with our first yes seasonal items possibly today good old Eric Internet's a big ones a big soccer enjoy rolling around take this in two seasons this is plastic so I just throw this out myself a truck almost hit my man I was talking about Oh reason why I don't far closers cuz I'd have to pull out somewhere here I didn't want a parking to know the road so I pulled off it's like a parking spot I do get that question quite often I used to get a lot more in my earlier days you know also when you're trash picking you know I saw this coming down going that way so I spun around other people are out here driving as well so I don't usually just like slam on my brakes right next to a trash ball you know start easing in into a stop and then pull off to the side so that's kind of why far farther away sometimes I'll put in a reverse to get it closer but I usually just don't slam on my brakes right next to a garbage pile alrighty away we got here we got some assorted treasure assorted treasure television that's a no-go these however it's kind of cool that uh high chairs kind me now I have not sold one highchair in my life and I've brought a bunch I don't think this place will sell but we'll try oh you will try really hope that freons not in there but if it is I got to take it out take this the speakers are dry-rotted if you guys see that this I think is the stereo goes with that but I think this is just might be scrapped because the speakers are nothing maybe I'll try to sell it we will determine that and this guy might take 1920s how does this middle one latch like that okay oh wow that's awesome it needs some TLC yeah yeah that's awesome okay thank you she said they weren't so all right all right well nothing has changed in his town people still walking ability there's literally a sidewalk right there beside walk over there and there's a sidewalk over there and I seen them repairing sidewalks I would be so frustrated if my tax dollars went to repairing sidewalks on people they even use them that would try me at the river I'm not really talking about taxes so just drive me insane but what doesn't drive me insane is awesome fines like that high chair so I don't really sell off high chairs I've never sold one in the past I've had a couple old antique wood ones just like that I don't number anyone any one of them folding out it's like that little playset that that lady showed me but hopefully that one will sell and I won't have to donate it I did donate the other ones that did so I didn't toss them because I figured they should still sell somewhere out there they're antique which you said it was that one was from the 20s so onward we go hoping to pick up a couple more treasures out here in this town number one so this has potential to be a good one and a good one in terms of good value here I believe these are aluminum doors possibly and they were probably not free stiffly not a little bit that's like pressboard right there I mean the edge on that might be nope they are not alright this was like the first or second clip we were out here and stopped off the concrete looks like we got more medals they got some weight to them they probably weigh 15 pounds apiece I'd bet so whatever 15 pounds times 4 senses that is what 60 cents and scrap apiece this is a hammock that other piece goes with it but you can see it's kind of Warren [Music] all right now once again seasonal items taken away this is actually a grill no 100% sir has a cover on it hope is velcro is that the propane it does not all right no char-broil that might be cast that looks like cast aluminum up top now if you want to get clean cast part if I take this off if I take out this piece which shouldn't be to our looks like to cotton pins I think they're cold I think shouldn't be too difficult you just kinda hit up a hammer now that's onside it will not roll roll and hit that high chair [Music] you know this guy drive on - no more all right we've got so much stolen treasure here free and kind of loud Oh top the truck got myself tool carrier this is really cool that guy it's pretty cool like that I don't know if it's old an older Disney's book i'ma leave those books I can't do much with them but take the Disney paper moosh likes Disney stuff this guy was five bucks I think I'd get down take this stuff got to take that heart shape whatever that is so toys special thing no I'll take this this is for records all gravity just boxes I'll grab it I weigh it look more free stuff literally one house away whole bunch of basketballs and stuff was this grab this for scrapping I didn't take all the soccer balls basketballs got check out so that glass reminded advertisement morning this one what is a commercial fire department 1982 well the flea markets by Pen Argyl so I'll grab that in case somebody is all that one's craftsman I even see that really this one ain't too bad that's an oldie you seem alright seems alright I lose anymore [Music] it's all set in there Oh whole set up it looks like classmate now you got just one that one's really dirty I'm just I like mouse droppings in it this one's pretty clean I can donate this glass bake really doesn't so it's not like Pyrex or fire Akane [Music] no name brand some speakers take that this off I'll be on my animal shelter Wow what's about it look some dear oh dear this person with a fans are usually gaming fans do to recap here guys will almost got bit right there on that so yeah I don't know what's up with these fans while I was kind arcing oh there we go lots of good stuff lots of good stuff today picked out a bunch of yardsale leftovers it seems to me oh I want to check out that guy this isn't really a good few over here try to not get pinched by these fine Eagles Lord I think oh here it is so this is just a nice decorative piece not thinking it's old looks like it's like made to look old kind of thing once I flip it over I'll now have a hook on it cuz I'd really not be good no it doesn't fit definitely not old kirklands $34.99 yeah I'll sell that for 5 bucks at least I'd like to keep that so this is one thing we're selling these kind of things you don't want to kind of I know a long time ago I about throwing it like in salt water to make it look old you don't want to really like lie about it that would not be good but taking off the sticker is not a problem the problem that you have with having a sticker on this is some people will be deterred knowing this came from a retail store that they might know of so if you take off that sticker you kind of eliminate that you know still nice piece just somehow the sticker if it says Made in China that has made an initial made wherever or if it has like a price tag or a barcode all of a sudden people don't want it you know so if you can remove that in any possible way do that you know I would say don't lie about it like if you're like oh that's an antique and you don't make it look like an antique it's not an antique that's kind of the one philosophy I have with doing this but there was a lot of good finds here you know we found a lot of cool things that thing I don't know if that's mold I don't think that's more like there's just wear marks on it that house has been thrown away a ton of stuff ton of older stuff I know paper moves picked up a bunch of bunch of books there a while back in her video but yeah this was a great haul lots of good sellable stuff some scrap metal all this stuff is not going to the landfill which is nice yeah it it was very enjoyable it's always fun to do shredder hunts I will be doing a giveaway on Instagram at 10,000 followers so if you guys want to head over to Instagram if you guys having our a follow me on instagram at taco underscore stacks try and get to around like the 10,000 subscriber or 10,000 follower and mark over there so if you guys want head over there follow me at taco underscore stacks lots of good stuff over there as well I also post a lot of previews for stuff that won't do in future video so if you guys are ever curious about what might be coming up if you want to see more pictures of salsa whatever it might be I do I do post a lot on there whether it be a my story or on my timeline so head over there give me a follow and if you guys want to see more trash picking videos just like this where we come across a lot of cool stuff make sure you guys subscribe will be coming out more of these videos in the future and you enjoyed it hit the like button both cut you guys tomorrow hopefully you guys enjoyed it until next time have a great day keep livin the dream [Music]
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 80,441
Rating: 4.9201117 out of 5
Keywords: Found in Trash, Trash Picking, Garbage Picking, Trash Day, Garbage Day, Found in dumpster, dumpster diving, dumpster diver, dumpster dive, dumpster diving haul, dumpster dive haul, found for free, taco stacks trash, treasure hunting, treasure hunt, found gold, found treasure, dumpster dive ulta, dumpster dive gamestop, scrapping, scrap metal, scrap pallet man, recycle scrap metal, magnet fishing, river diving, found money
Id: ktDhuHmJwLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2019
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