LET'S GO TRASH PICKING! - Trash Picking Ep. 166

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all righty welcome back everyone welcome back to the channel I've got my water today's trash picking day welcome back another trash picking episode over a hundred and sixty of these episodes so if you guys haven't already make sure hit that subscribe button check out my trash picking playlist if you guys want to check out other trash picking fines and well it's a toasty one today but we're going trash pick and try to find anything we could reuse resell or take to the scrap you're essentially saving the earth one piece of junk at a time I went out this morning and I did find a couple other items so I'll include those clips first then well it's making a good one try find some treasure let's do it alright first stop of the day that person actually saw is that firearms case up there got a good old pressure washer wash it looks like probably Harbor Freight job it's not paint sprayer is it not some pressure washer Karcher everything still look these things all these way it that person who had the bin of all the scrap metal actually last week when I went back there actually exciting I said I was going to go back there I never addressed it in the video when I went back there the whole thing was of garbage so somebody just put garbage on top of all the scrap metal here dog see a dog stuck clifftops might be sellable well I always see these at the flea market I always see the money I don't know if they sell well the Coleman one's kind of so what's going on with this good smell looks in good shape as well it looks like it's pretty much never been used but a on air dehumidifiers got to be that's what this bottom thing is for usually what holds the water the water well master fit another time she is in there it's a nice-looking rack over there looks like probably a I never understood these right so why am I going to reverse will go in reverse anyway thank never really understood what these racks are for I keep on thinking they go over your toilet but I don't think they do I don't know why I won't call the shower racks because they're not shower rice take this guy this guy hold your toilet paper possibly you put your toilet paper on there and you put your extra rolls down there it's my hope my hypothesis for that looks like the whole bedroom sets coming out or bathroom set I think doesn't weigh if I waste five pounds what the heck is that I think we got a turnaround it looks like a mid-century modern and I like it dresser that's a tire trash picking in a town where you know dari nice turn single buddy trash bag in town it's garbage there's a lot of cars parked on the side roads kind of hard to see like around these cars and see if there's treasure I will be turning around somewhere up here I see something over there as well that's just a whiteboard so I'll turn around up there and everyone check out they look like a mid-century dresser all right I think this thing is rougher shape than I think but I think a lot of things there I am hoping it's a decent up shape that we can consolidate it it's also not I don't think it's actually real boy it's old old it's not a definitely that's nice not one dresser that door needs or if you see it as always the mix here let's come far to pieces it does not I will be grabbing at its I don't know the brand on a I'm not a furniture dealer I'm a junk enthusiast not a furniture it nail would fix that got some damage there that can be a problem that could be problem which is pen marks nice modern last time I grabbed something grab right grab like a wig or thing here I've grabbed there was this really nice I think it's a Broyhill dresser or a wardrobe I think was massive people were telling me like in California they get like 500 $600 for it the same same one sounds kind of shopping this actually is a yes for a fireplace this is all probably at a flea market this one's really good shape it's like a fireplace it's got some stamping here LCS I don't know LCS he's uh organizers always so pretty well up there dollars - oh that's three of them all right grab them all grab them on their own they're not missing the drawers they all have all the respective drawers in them which is nice let's try reorganize that but all right this is gonna be kind of rough try to grab what I can grab here but all right it's jamming that in there [Music] they really try and make it as difficult as possible to save the earth the broken magazine rat right there this dresser doesn't solve early sturdy box not gonna be happy [Applause] all right I kind of stopped because those things look kind of cool there are cardboard like advertisement Corona things like for a bar but I think that bright came from over there they're so color faded all right well we got here I can take the dog crate looks like that what's going on man haha [Music] bunch of what looks like bags is safe for me London Fog these looks like actually decent bags like laptop bags that's like a chair thing brannis this guy tourism taargus that one looks like a decent one this is like a Sookie bag [Music] it's got a laptop charger got another laptop charger don't feel laptop though should find slight throw it over there but I'm pretty sure they know their laptop something that's an old laptop no laptop did like this bag this is compact that's also a laptop brand I'll take these two I think I can sell this and sell that the other ones I mean I find box lots of laptop bags everywhere I think the other ones nice all right random stuff out here this is one heck of a lamp that's nice nice brass lamp don't know what that is battery that's not a battery not some weird scrap down there I seen one better at the scrapyard it clearly that large and I was just like that thing's probably at least a hundred dollars in the scrap this is also scribed it's got a motor in it it's kind of cool smash couch this might even be brass kinda sounds like brass juice the Lord is a louder Clank than iron barely spot this thing there's a hose wrapper up or down there but here we have what looks like an aluminum radiator aluminum copper it's just aluminum this might just be a little bit of yeah these are actually I've never come across one we're just all luminol I don't think ya know this guy do you take out all the copper now nope just busted up probably hit something that's a aluminum radiator yeah surprised to see that that was kind of hard and headed scunner British things take this chair most important we'll take whatever this rack looking thing is I think this is a wine rack that would be my assumption here it's kind of cool thing about like stuff like this is like this thing was not cheap whenever they bought it new if they bought it new well someone had to bought it new but it wasn't cheap you know it was not cheap oh that's nice of someone nice I just empty box this is all aluminum so Mary took it apart I used to be a table you know those aluminum tables the big piece of glass in the day what this is oh I said someone up stop that taco pull together here it's like question when you workout the gym and you're like late day your legs are wobbly I mean that was me like 15 years ago but only a minute Jim about 10 years I can feel it alright have no idea how much any other stuff in there put that dresser in there but hold on I grabbed some stuff here all right so at that stop I grabbed a ton of metal unfortunately the guy was playing really loud music so I had to climb just don't bleep delete that clip but it was pretty much just all metal he had a bunch of like used rollerblades and used nerf guns that are really like moldy in a couple those boxes but I'll show you guys what I grabbed her in a second in terms of metal I had to kind delete that clip for shorten in it a little bit so I don't get any issues with the you to say to say oh he got over here it's just a rack what are all these are these more of those battery things fans I swear these things are more of those things there are more of these fans I don't understand it macht old so they must not be good it must not be good alright kind of random news sad news is I saw a very very nice bar over there it's pretty far away actually but it was on a really crowded busy highway highway put a road alright grab this for scrap but realistically I can put on top of this I don't know it might really scratch [Music] all righty well wrap it up here Oh donate those down there but this is all the melody I just grabbed recently yeah it so the guy was playing lots of music and was really loud and it just had to delete that clip but this is what I grabbed this thing is a massive horn looks like a cruise ship horn I mean it's probably I don't know I don't think that's a speaker I think that's a yeah somebody let me know what that is it does have a name on the bomb so I might look that up a little bit I don't want to bring that to the flea market or scrap it if the things worth like $400 I don't know how test it either I'm pretty sure you might be able to run on battery some wires up to it and just hook up a battery to it that battery gets charged a car battery maybe that will work very nice dresser back there I made sure not to damage it at the scrap metal on it I know I had that one piece of aluminum on it it's not damaging it it's not scratching it so that was that I did come across a small like a bar wolf like one of those soft plush fronts kind of like a 60s vibe but there's definitely homemade so I was going to grab that I haven't had very much success with it and I see him constantly on Facebook with bar stools for like a hundred bucks but they seem to never sell so unless you guys know of a way to kind of sell them I think you do need the bar stools to match it it was like it was like a creamy yellow color plush on the front it was pretty nice I could have probably thrown on top I might go out later and grab it it is getting very very hot it's about 88 degrees right now so there's no wind I'm just kind of unfortunate but a lot of scrap metal got some cool things up front as well these bags are on the bottom and of course more of these guys which seem to be a weekly occurrence so they have X's on them their pride the probably no good or hold boxing TDK so this guy has been dropping these things off constantly it's like a weekly thing and you know at first I was like maybe you might have just got like an order in and then the guy just like coincidentally costly just doesn't take it to his house he just drops at the curb that that's not the case I drove by earlier there was nothing there and sometimes I've driven by the day before and there have been you know these items out there so this is definitely trash it did say they were old or something so the prices older out of dated or whatever it is but I'll do some research on that as well you know you never know what you come across and trash if you guys enjoyed the video make sure to smack that like button really helps out that champ you guys want to see more videos just like this trash picking make sure to subscribe and we'll catch you guys next time as always have a great day keep living the dream peace [Music]
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 87,199
Rating: 4.9387307 out of 5
Keywords: Trash Picking, Garbage Picking, Trash Day, Found in trash, found in garbage, found in dumpster, dumpster diving, dumpster dive, speedy diver, scrap metal, scrapping, junking, junk metal, found this, abandoned, found for free, free treasure, junk collecting, collector, garbage man, garbage truck, bulk pick up, taco stacks trash, scrap and pallet man, scrap pallet man, thrown out, estate clean out, forclosure clean out
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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