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alrighty welcome back everyone welcome back to the channel another episode of the trash picking series hopefully you guys have been enjoying it should be a fun one a little warm out today just got back from flea market will include a couple a couple clips of finding some things that we found after the flea market into this video so it should be fun we're gone out trash picking let's see what kind of treasure we come across today and let's make it a good one let's do it that's gonna be a really judgmental somebody grab this and clip the cord on it or didn't grab and click the cord on it laid out here oh that's burning hot right now a mason jar oh my god my hands are burning corner grab the one piece of corn we're [Music] surprised I didn't just burn my hand metal that's been out on the Sun all day isn't exactly cool just split that way Wooper buffer and a buffer she might still work I feel like prior works that they just throw it away like without any other garbage out here shine tape I'll take the cardboard box not gonna leave that cardboard box out here because it's windy out and I take this this box this wine just blow away end up in someone else's yard might as well just take the box and just recycle yourself and I'm far out my own recyclables this is the same house and throw it out throw away to microwave so I talked to a a cop in this town and asked him what the deal was with grabbing things next to one of these alright I have some stuff I got drop off and he said it is perfectly legal he said that you are allowed to take it if the owner of the property does not want it there or if the owner of the property doesn't care it is not the company that owns the box it is simply the owner of the property so I talked to the property owner here and he said yeah somebody dumped something excellent I don't want it there obviously it looks trashy it's bad for my business so you can take it what the law seems to be in this Township I don't know if it's the law in this state or whatever but I did talk to an officer here in this Township where this bins at and he said that's perfectly fine so some some scrapper on instagram post a photo of like a bottom of a fire pit on my nights up there doesn't look like this one is and it was actually copper which think but I guess some might be covered this is definitely just iron it's all just iron now elliptical gazelle what is this the momentum 7:30 an old-fashioned lamp nothing old about it but finding lamps in a trash tale is all this time one step I would hey one step ahead of the game here clapping that gal off flip that off over stop front and onward we go this might be a pain about the grab my key back no look like one of those Nike bags and mid 2000s that's gone can't ya sorry bud yeah and they don't take the unfortunate about somebody might there's a work need it via TV doesn't wanna buy one hey thanks little push reel mower here still works I got spinning like there's no tomorrow okay mostly they're always jammed up the big thing with them is they have to be sharp the blades that is but it's not something that sells really well if you have a crash no one sometimes they sell it's like one of those things that people use those like don't the lawn decorations probably five ten years ago but that fad has kind of changed looks like a decent amount it's good copper this guy had yourself out this [Music] some number-one copper all right decent score there this is the guy who said he's going like a free party he's cleaning out like there's anything there he's cleaning out he bought the house he was renting it it was like when I was rent to buy houses and the previous owner had a bunch of stuff in there just trying to get rid of all of it guess I'll blow her aside and not play chicken with this car up or behind me garbage thing dumpster all right I can kind of peek in the minister this might be theirs yes there that one but that was a good score there I got some golf clubs they look like junk golf clubs there might be a good driver I saw a tailor made head cover on it which it's a decent head cover which means it might be a decent driver or it's one of those ones from like the 90s which you know usually I just end up scrapping because they go for about eight to ten bucks on eBay and after you pay for like the box or at a time to put in making a box it's just it's never worth it's on something for eight or ten bucks plus my $15 shipping on eBay there's you get killed by the fees but there were some copper pipe they're probably about three to five dollars in copper pipe and a couple other pieces in the metal but that was a decent decent lot there alright keep on picking hopefully it can come across a couple more items here in this town and they'll be on to town number two and three I don't you need a hand with that do you need a hand with that I'll take it for you yep all right perfect no problem all right all right I got here see this looks like an antique this person let's just like lamps suppress port it's hot out but it feels good feels good to sweat I don't know about that but Christmas tree fan the hamper looks like that's about it don't need any mattresses but there's a nice vintage mattress where we go I think this will fit this were coil-spring oh man hold by my tetanus shots up to be hope my tetanus shot is up to date just smile oh jeez the lease this thing got stopped goodness she's good there everything free that's what that sign says down there this thing looks very sellable shudders no this thing shade actually a pretty nice one and malice it's kinda nice this print though now you know what I might as well grab the shade it's not a shade it's it's for a lightbulb yeah chairs have sure's have too much padding I think for me others worry smooth this print up front how no that's worth anything it's kind of neat that guy over there I might take this other chair they look more mattresses this is back in theater or I might be but take this alright so I've never ever come down on this side this this road down this way so this is the first time in 155 episodes I've ever come down this road more metal all right so wow what a day it was it's been a while since we really packed the van but uh it seems to be the case whoa we'll just leave I'll leave that guy over there but wow did we pack the van today or what lots and lots of scrap metal lots of lamps today kind of want to check out this golf bag Oh buddy that was bright not the best move it's not it just has this right what course where that wasn't oh there we go that's a Nike Club maybe that's the driver one of these clubs had a nice head cover on it now let your Nike Club that's not anything too great this is it there you go all right so you got tailor-made are 589 and a half degree so a lot the the one everyone's after is a ten and a half I have had an eight and a half which I just end up scrapping wanted it but uh yeah we picked up a lot of good things would come around the side got golf clubs got everything got taco stack merch first link in the description below if you guys want support channel pick up taco stack t-shirt been a while since I did a merchandise plug but still got a couple of these t-shirts in stock very very cool design limited for 2019 so once they're sold out they are gone forever oh yeah we grab some learn things with lampshade pant lamp piece do like we grabbed a couple other things oh we got their shoes there yeah grabbed a lot of good stuff so the thing with the shoes and the things like that is check with your Township check wolf or your local police department check with your local business owners from my experience of everyone no one wants anything illegally dumped on their property I know the pizza guy has one of those clothing shoes drop-off bins and he says if anyone ever leaves anything outside you are more than welcome to come pick it up and if somebody does leave something outside he wants to prosecute them because it makes the place look extremely trash so that's kind of the go around with what what happens with those those bins and if there's stuff outside so guys are ever curious check with your local business owners check with your local Township or your village or your town or your city and see what the laws are if your town because it does differ from town to town but I definitely talk to the township one of the police officers in that Township probably three or four months ago about the same issue and you say go ahead so yeah it's been a fun treasure hunt it has been a while since we picked up a lot of stuff if you guys are new to channel you guys want to check out more trash picking videos make sure you guys subscribe to a channel I come out these videos pretty often probably like once or twice a week of trash picking I also have a trash picking playlist over the last two years I've been trash picking found a ton of awesome things my last trash picking video I found an awesome item as well so if you haven't checked out that one make sure to check out that video after this and well catch you guys next time hopefully guys enjoy it smack the like fine if you did until next time have a great day q bloom the dream juice [Music]
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 154,611
Rating: 4.8996124 out of 5
Keywords: Trash Picking, Trash Day, Garbage Picking, Garbage Day, Taco Stacks Trash, Found in trash, found in garbage, garbage, trash, trash pick up, scrap metal, scrapping, junking, scraping, scraper, scrapper, dumpster diving, dumpster dive haul, dumpster dive, speedy dive, dumpster dive ulta, dumpster dive gamestop, found in dumpster, bulk pick up, garbage truck, landfill, salvage yard
Id: 36bCU_SL9Hs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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