WHY WOULD I DO THIS AGAIN?! | Hand Simulator

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Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and welcome back to Hand simulator, so I might be playing some hand simulator Because I hate myself shift changes out which hand you lower with the mouse you grab you can just grab with everything...you can there we go I think the problem is the tendency for this bullshit to come back for some reason I have to- I have to like Express Like constant force in a certain direction for it to be able to move. Ah whatever it doesn't matter alright I did nothing- two- Oh! There we go okay hang on alright, okay *sigh* At least I don't have to unload the individual bullets for this bad boy. Let me get this bad boy right here heh heh- How do I rotate...? there we go Rotate hand- rotatae and three two one contact got it hey, I've even got- nope that's not gonna work, okay Apparently I didn't have contact all right, here we go. alright and grip No, no, let's nudge... nudge... nudge... Nudge... nudge. no why are you not nudging? Why why no- there we go nudge okay, and then grab and then lift? Slam that bad boy home! Why are you lifting like that that doesn't make any sense for a- it's not that heavy It's not gonna drag your goddamn hand out alright hang on And also why do I have a proclivity to play these rage games? You know I don't fucking know like I said I hate myself I think that's the only answer here. get shove in you okay hang on we're gonna switchy-swatchy. We're gonna hold you in place We're gonna hold you. switchy-swatchy. shove shove and hold. Oh, This is erotic gret. Okay, you're gonna Let go you're gonna really really slam that bad boy. Okay, just pat it like an old friend grab tight shift switch No, why did you let go?? *annoyed sound* Just grab and shove. Why?! What are you doing? What kind of- what point are you trying to make? alright You shove right there stay right there You grab, you shove shove slam it home. Sl- Okay, what if I pick up the gun in this hand why is the pinkie? Slam down like that let go of your goddamn pinky okay What if I pick up the gun if I pick up the gun then I I wouldn't have a cho- Woah, all right then. Oh rotateh, rotat okay shift. All right. We're gonna slam this bad boy home Just like I know how to spank an ass. ;) I'm gonna slam you back WHAP! easy peasy *laughs* If there's one thing Markiplier knows how to do it's how to slap an ass I'm gonna, I'm gonna shoot the bangy- bangy *laughing* I still have to cock the gun after I get done with all this bull shit I'm just trying to position it where my hand could actually grab it. again, this is one of those skills that I just didn't want- ouh That's not right. that's not right.. hmm. This is a fundamental problem of picking things up when they're flat on the ground when your hand behaves like a like an epileptic Badger- OH! Apparently I didn't need to cock it. and why is my hand drifting? my hand is here. I'm not controlling this. It's just drifting. Why? okay fine, then I guess I guess we've got this. alright, rotateh, rotateh, rotateh. bring the aim up, k No, why am- why am I leaning forward? Why would I be leaning forward? That makes no sense am i trying to aim down the sights Come on bring it up. No, rotateh, rotateh and then bring your wrist- ahh, nooo ahh, ohh That's fun. That's fun, you can draw a figure eight. ooookay. We're gonna go- we're gonna go uhh It's a kill shot, hang on let's do a trick shot here nope Nope, okay, I guess we're not gonna shooty-shooty-bang-bang anymore We were in shooty-shooty-bang-bang position, and now we're suddenly not. okay. alright. That's stupid. you're stupid I'm dropping you. hopp. good thing- ooooo *laughing* ah, That, that seems perfect Now watch me fuck this up because it's not perfect obviously and and it's gonna go very wrong for me, okay Yeah, I think we're on target the shadows are aligned the stars and the planets woahh okay hang on okay.. lower, lower, GRIP HEHhehHEheHEH Now that is a good grip! now that's how you properly hold a gun right there *laughing* hang on.. Can I... AH I can shoot! YES okay, aim, aim, aim shoot. *bang* Hah! so close to a headshot! *bang* OH! Headshot headshot, baby. Headshot! Why did I get zero points for that? *bang* Oh my god. I don't care. I got a headshot Do you guys s- *bang* oh my god. I was close not quite .. ah Come on. I'm right by the head. I'm right by the head *bang* Ah come on *bang* oh Jeez, I'm the worst. *bang* Oh god *bang* oh jeez okay, I've got to be out of bullets by now.. *bang* oh my- yup, im out of bullets goddamnit, i've got ONE headshot I've got so many bullets by the heads. Let me see if I can bring this goddamn thing forward I can't believe I'm getting better at this game. I don't like the fact that I'm getting better at this game I should not be getting better at this game this game is not Not what I should be doing Are you here? oh gods like a horror it is scary *laughs* That's scary. Are you here yet? Oh that's as close as you're gonna get. Why is it in shadow? why are you shadowed? maybe I got to put it back Just a bit, but you guys are gonna see how close I was to success. No please just grab it eh. Grab and- no. Don't flip me off you fucko. Alright just go back a bit. Are you still in shadow? no! Where's the bullet holes you fuck you fuck you fuck Take some of that. It won't let me spawn the other gun It will only let me get this one! Is it cause I have no score? Hang on let me see if I can do this quickly Grab- grab it. Gr- gently grasp it okay and rotateh Rot- Rotateh, maybe I can- uh I think I can score points I must have just been on the outskirt of the head And it didn't give me any points cuz I think it costs points to get other guns. Oh come on slam it in there ah Slam that hot dog home come on just slam- Oh, you're right in the hole. Get in the hole! Okay, if- if you're n- the guns being- guns being all shy about- oh no *sigh* If if I can't bring the clip to the gun you better believe I'm gonna bring the gun to the clip alright here we Go slam home-a Slammy Slammy the Celebi come on salami. Celebi? Please it's right there. Rotateh Ro- *tongue sound* ha Come on. It's oh my god. They both. Don't want to be near each other and I can't blame them they just don't want to kill I understand but this poor target needs to be shot. No God Frick a dick Now it's the wrong way now. It's the wrong fucking way. Now it's the wrong fucking way, okay alright I can deal with this if I can just pick it up if I can pick it up. That'd be great no *Frusturated ahhhs* Okay, let's try that again Grab. No. Grab. Why? What? Grab. Yes? okay I guess I'll take it you know what I don't have much else to go by but I guess I'll take it Oh, my god, please just go in the hole. Please just oh my god there it was in the hole hang on Why is this so hard now? Why is this suddenly everything's fighting me. it wasn't doing this before! Okay my shift NoooOoo mMmm right there shift n- ugh fuck It used to be that it would hold it in between each one why am I- I just don't understand why the camera decides to move sometimes like why would the camera move there? Why is the camera moving? I don't have any control over the fucking camera come on come on. You're- you're right. You're right- ugh Oh my god. Oh my god. Ah frick a dick okay, alright. Let's just set that back down What if I do it like this? What if I just try to stand it up like? No like no like no okay. That's not gonna work cuz my wrist will not BEND as far as it needs to go Okay, stand it up nope *sigh* UGGGHH Up no no no no no Here yes, no. No. Yes. Oh, oh my god. Oh Oh What is this? I'm not moving my hand I'm not moving! Hey what, why? Not moving not fucking moving it's moving. I'm not moving Let go of that Let's escape nope we're out. We're out. Okay. We're out. We're gonna try horror. I don't know what horror is but I hope whoa Hi Okay, you're coming closer. I don't like that uh wait um Wait hang on Whoa hey, whoa there ease ease up on it hang on whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa? Hey, whoa whoa whoa? Woah, HEY *creepy lady screams crazily* *Mark snickers* What are you supposed to do? what?? *laugh* What are you supposed to do? Wait what are you- wait what are you- What are you supposed to do? Hang on, I gotta turn off the TV uh UGH Wait no hang on wait lady lady no lady no. What if I got a punch her. what if like that's the thing? hang on Let me get my fists of fury here all right at this point. You're walking into this. Oh god my mouse Ah AH Put you right in the tit! *lady screams* Okay, all right then *Mark laughs* Lady by the power of my middle finger I compel you to fuck off *creepy lady screams crazily* okay well *Mark giggles* Hang on wait there's got to be something right *Mark laughs* I'm not 100 per- Oh wait what the fuck I don't- I don't- I don't I don't know why I'm naked *laughs* I'm very naked Hang on if I just don't look at her if I don't look at her she can't get me right if I just look at my Non-existent dick. I- I'll be fine right. It'll be a hundred percent okay. She doesn't exist. *lady screams* AH she exists *laughs* ahhh ahhh All she's doing it screaming at me I mean wouldn't you scream at someone, too? If there was a naked man a Ken doll like naked man standing in the middle of your living room watching your TV. I mean that'd be kind of scary No, no no no no no no no no no lady. No no no no *lady screams* okay alright Hang on wait maybe taunt her. come here. Oh Gucci Gucci Come on you come here come a little closer. Give me a smooch come on *laughs* Come on don't be shy come ove- *lady screams* okay It seems like certain things that she killed me way faster than the last time And I'm not sure why crouch mode all right. Well this just seems strange *lady screams* *Mark laughs* Pressing all the buttons middle mouse button oh I can turn Okay, I can turn That doesn't oh now I can move okay So I needed to go into look mode to be able to get away from her ah so if you go into look mode with The middle mouse button you can walk. Perfect. Doesn't seem like the most amazing thing. Oh, I probably needed to take that candelabra I can't exactly see anything well alright. I guess I'm stuck. Crouch mode. There we go. Okay, so I've got a mushroom back off I've got a mushroom. Okay, nevermind. No. I don't Hmmm. Well this is precarious. I can't see shit. You're standing over here kill me, kill me *lady screams* The most horrible horror game ever made Hang on, I gotta grab this candelabra, or else I'm not gonna be able to see anything right. okay, shift right lower lower annnnnd Slot it in slot it in sl- come on slot it in. Okay gonna walk a little closer closer okay sl- slot it in down grab come on grab she's right behind me! *lady screams* ah fuck I'll- I'll try going around the other side and then grabbing *laughs* Who'd have thought that a- a hand simulator game mode would be- would be something challenging and difficult ah no no, please? No, it's my only hope no grab it Ah fuck why couldn't I- it's slow motion *in slow motion* nooooo Alright hang on, let me see if I can get it. Oh, okay. Well that almost worked come on come on. It's- *fake cries* uhhuhuhhuh I can't grab it! There's no grabbing happening! alright. Well lady look look. Let me let me level with you lady I- I'm struggling to do some very basic I'm trying to cast a spell as you can see by my hands very clearly so you need to back the eff off before I Slap the shit out of you with some magic bullshit okay, here we go, there we go uh Aleca(?) okay, well I'm- all right look lady, look. Can I can I reason with you here, you're not that scary so Um uh eh uh alright *lady screams* *Mark laughs* here we go Here we go okay, so no no quickly before it falls before gravity makes it yes, okay, I've got it all right So I just needed to take the light Maybe I just need to leave maybe- maybe that's all I didn't really need. Alright. Let me light this. Ooooo Okay, that's more light apparently can I light fire to this place? Can I light fire to you? ummm hmm Okay, well where'd my- what? What? where'd my- where's my candelabra? Axe- that's helpful. Okay. Let me try the axe. where- *laughs* Where's my- what?! Candelabra! It's in my pit! Get out of my armpit! Candelabra! Okay there we go got it okay in my other hand- okay in my other hand I shall grab an axe All right hang on. Wait uh shift grab. No. No please no grab okay I don't have it. Eh, please grab. Please. I'm trying so hard. Okay. I got it alright alright lady prepare to meet your imminent demise oh That doors open nevermind *laughs* okayyy I'm out of here baby! Woah... Oh no A puzzleee *laughs* You mean I can't solve it with my AXE? Huh well let me try it well, that's not right hang on it comes with a middle finger straight for you alright well oh g- Why can't I go up? *laughs* Why can't I- I can't look up! I can't look- It's so heavy alright take some of that Take some of that *laughs* okay alright bye see ya I got- fuckin What the fuck's going on with my arm I don't even have it anymore What the fuck are you doing? What the fuck are you doing! How the fuck? Okay, that's wrong alright. Well. Eh I guess that's just my arm now. *laughs* hang on wait nope alright Okay *laughs* Lady you know just kill me. I can't even get to the point where I can try this puzzle, so just fucking kill me Alright, let's try that again for some fucking reason alright here we go. quickly quickly quickly speed run, baby Got it alright move like zombie. We're gonna Set this here. Just like that. Don't get in my way. Please light the other one alright Let's try this left handy left handy because the other handy is not not worky-worky Grab. Gently grasp it Okay, rotateh no ro- rotateh, Ah this is not gonna work Am I over it? I'm probably over it. Okay here we go Eh let it go No, no no, no don't grab your fingers. *sigh* Oh, well. That w- *lip noise* Well I'm all kinds of fucked aren't I looky loo downy-wowny to the groundy Grab between your legs. Grab the cylinder between your legs. Oh boy. Oh This ain't gonna work. This this just not gonna work grab it grab- *lip noise* *breath in* *frusturated ahhhs* Kill me kill me lady kill me. Where are you kill me? Please just kill me. I- I just want to die Please kill me. Where are you. I can't see you. Are you in front of me? Why'd the music stop *lady screams* OH Fucking what? *laughs* No no no crap crap crap crap crap *lip noise* Alright, it's enough. You know what I don't need it. It's fine who needs it I certainly for one do not. I can't see shit. Alright. I needed it apparently who knew. Alright lady. Just- just kill me *laughs* rotateh. loonateh. grababeh Killame killame kalame kalame kalame *lady screams* no no no grab grab grab. Why are you not grabbing why grabbed grab just- *sigh* UHHHHHHHH UHHHH *lady screams* UHHHH UHHH UHH This was my mistakae is that I wasn't crouchakae, okay here we go Grabobe crap crap. Crap crap. How is that not a grab- crap crap crap? How was that? Hah How the fuck is not a gra- why! Just grab it haven't you ever grabbed anything cylindrical in your life? I guess this guy hasn't he doesn't have a dick so let crouch yeah It's- aw no uh. uh uh uh uh uh uh uh UH UH UHUHUH *turns into screaming* *confused mumbling* It's not working It's not working. It's no- Gah! There- I'm free oh no I'm not free I'm the opposite of free hang on wait wait Wait wait wait wait rotateh rotateh rotateh. Ro- ro- too much rotateh too much rotateh oh Okay, back back back. Just g- okay. Well that is my back. I am scratching my back There we are and we're almost through. Let's jiggle that- those bones are not supposed to wiggle like that. I know that for a fact *laughs* Come on you sack of shit! Come on come on baby. Okay, well... Oh. Oh! *lady screams* *Mark groans* I got this hang on Easy easy does it there we go all right. Okay? We are making progresso. Oh whoa *laughs* So what we got to do We got to drop this bad boy right there get the fucky outy, so let's do the easiest one first Oh, that's not gonna be easy. It's on it's side. All right. So I gotta somehow grab it While also getting it on its side. Let's try not to push it off the edge. Ooo! Awww Too far come on Come on physics. There we go. That's the good stuff. Okay, grab that just gently enough, yeah Ah Alright, we're gonna just set it on here for now. Oh boy. It's in that position where it doesn't want to okay We're just gonna set it right there. No. Oh my god, okay Let's just set it raise off switch hands cuz righty don't want to play that game. Alright let's just scoot her back scoot your back scooch scooch Yeah baby, yeah, baby Okay, now. Let's raise this bad boy up on its side. Just like that. Let's grab this bad boy and Just plunker dunk it right in That bad boy, okay, let's just let go Heyyy *happy laughs* All right, so this one is not whoa be very careful with that okay Let's switchy swatchy handy wandies come on let's- okay that- this one doesn't want to cooperate I thought this would have been one of the easier ones. Okay Put it up rotateh, rotateh, rotateh back on the correct. Oooo Oh, man, this one does not want to play nice. Okay No, it does not want to play Come on rotateh there. Just like that. Let's drop it on here Let's just let it go. Okay. It's gone get that out of the way. Oh god. It does not want to stay Holy shit. Okay. Whatever doesn't matter. She's getting close. Okay She's definitely got to be getting close, so just rotateh rot- Oh no rotateh let's try to let er go Come on. Oh that's new Okay, all right. Oh fucking hell. Please just please the other ones went so smoothly. Just let this one okay raise Extend extend extend. Okay, just got to drop it like this. Just got it let it go. No not on the edge Fuck me come on Just fucking come on Alright, just go and then drop it right on. Okay. Fucking are you seri- are you fucking serious? God dammit fuck this shit The fuck is going on okay? Now I'm- Oh where is she? okay still got plenty of time alright Just fucking I don't know what my arms are doing up there. Oh, no is that out of my range oh no It's it's oh No It might be out of my range oh no no No, no no no no no no no no no come on Okay, Oh Fuckin. Oh my god. Are you? Okay, if I'm crouch- no. Oh my god. Oh no, okay, just crouch. Oh my god. Don't go through the fucking table Okay Just stay right there. Just stay right- Oh my god. Oh my why why oh I'm through the table, okay? Well, you know what I'm not gonna complain about it. We're gonna switch. Where's my arm. Where's my other arm? Where's my oh? Ohhh Up up up up up up up upupupupupup up Go up NO, okay, it's fine. I got it here. Okay shift shift lower No It's right there grab. It's right. No. Oh my god. Where's it it's on his end. I don't care. It's on its end I don't know what the fuck happened get down and move. Okay. Let's move let's move let's move. it's on the correct angle So let's just grab it oh, no the square the square is underneath that one that that why? No, it was right there no come on! Okay rotateh Gentleateh gentle nudging No Switch handsy, no. No where are you going? No no no no no Come on! *rock music plays* *rock music stops* Fucking oh my god Oh whatever fucking oh my god. Oh come on This is the most absurd thing the other two went in so easily I don't get why this one's causing me trouble It should not be by all accounts this should not be given me any trouble oh shit Okay last ditch effort here. Here we go. This is literally it all or nothing here Can you just behave please? I- Oh my oh... Ah! Why did you do that? Why did it do that!? Why did it continually move I wasn't fucking moving the hand and then now it's not moving It's it's just there's nothing There's just no fucking God. Just there's nothing *lady screams* It was going in it was going in it was going in it was going in it was going in it was going in It was going in it was going in It was going in let's go again, let's do it again Let's do it again here we go. Let's do this easy-peasy Okay, cylinder first Shouldn't be too difficult Whoa where What the fuck I accidentally hit the middle mouse button I think Okay, wait, okay. Let's just get here before it starts destroying itself Okay, go in that hole and let go. Oh perfect. Okay one down Let's do the triangle next cuz I don't fucking trust you. Let's just try it No, it it the the problem with the triangle. I think is that it tips super easily So that's its main problem, but with what we learned last time. Hopefully we can alleviate a lot of that You know we just don't want it to tip is it- ooo Again with that. We've got all the time in the world So we're gonna just scooch you Just barely No agh, no no no no no no no no no no no no whoa whoa whoa whoa easy there Skippy Yeah, the triangle definitely hardest one definitely hardest one I thought it would have been super easy, but it's not just a fluke. It's not just- *lady screams* what the fuck Need to block her path, I guess Or close the door. I don't want the fucking oh my god. Oh, just take a shroom Maybe she just needs to take a shroom break Yeah I did think that it was like an exorbitant amount of time that he gave me last time so I guess I am I must Have done something To please her let me try knocking the fan in the way nope shroom in the way This in the way. I don't know man close this door There we go that's as good as we can get it I think. We'll just do something here. Oh that didn't work Well alright whatever. Where is this? Why is it behind me? Why is it? Ugh fucking god damn it I'm gonna kill somebody. I'm gonna kill s- That's not what I wanted. Let's just set her- set her down Let's try to do the triangle first cuz if I can't get the triangle then I'm just boned all around you know what I mean Okay, get set down Okay s- OOOOOOOOOH- OH NO- Coooooock Cooooock cooooock cock cock cock cock cock cock cock cock cock COOOOCK! cock coooock! COCK cock COACK CoooOOOOOOoooOOOOOOoooCK Nope Fucking not fucking doing it not fucking doing it Nope, not doing it. Where are you ah? *lady screams* Nope, nope nope nope nope nope nope nope no no moving on Merry Christmas Let's have a Merry Christmas. Everybody merry merry fucking Christmas Merry merry fuck my christmas merry fucking merry crisp. Fuck merry fuckmas merry fucking Christmas everybody Merry Christmas Merry Chramsmas Merry Christmashin' asshole merry Christm- fuck me Merry Christmas It's beautiful. It's fucking beautiful. Oh my god decorate the tree Is that what we're doing here is that why we're here? Cause we gotta decorated tree. I'm very happy. Let me just grab this Yep, I have that I'm very happy about that super happy about this predicament oh, I'm trembling with excitement about Christmas Trembling with the possibilities of Christmas. Okay? Don't know where that went. I don't have hands I-I Don't I don't have hands anymore. I don't- I don't have hands! Oh, oh, oh hey hand! Hey! There you are where's my other? Nope, nope! Fucking nope. No! I-I don't have a left hand Well! Fuck me! D-I don't have a hand! I just don't have a hand I don't have a hand guys fucking and where's my right hand going? Why is my right hand drifting off? I don't have a hand. I can't even see if I have a hand. I don't even know if I have a hand. do I have hand? Probably not. There's my there's this hand. Okay. There's this hand and a very conspicuous salute Yeah, you better put that hand down bitch *mumbling* Where the fuck is my hand? *Mark rubs his mouse against his hand* Nope! Just don't have a hand anymore That's what I get. Flew too close to the Sun I think Flew too close to the Sun wish for too much Christmas left me my hands Just for some fucking reason don't want to stick around. I don't know why this hand is drifting Now where the fu- All right, okay, you know what? *mumbling and whispering* I saw milkmaid what's milkmaid I don't wanna know what milkmaid Please tell me- nooooo Nooooo, Nooo, please! No, no! Anything but this! What are my legs doing? Oh, no! Oh no, that's too much leg oh, no *laughter* BAP! *laughing* Bapity bap Just give that nip a playful bap Oh BIP Bap bap bap proper milking technique requires you to uh Stimulate the udder by slapping it gently back and forth this is true. Do not question this Alright let's- *cow moos* *laughs* *laughs harder* Well look all right, I'm not happy about this either Bessie *laughing* Can you just Wait you have horns Are you a bull? Am I milkin' a bull? Maybe I pulled too hard. Did I- Is that- is that the problem Bessie? Hang on that's right tease the nipple a bit and then just a little slight nope that didn't work Uh sumthin' ain't right here hmmm Uh well... *laughs* I can't seem to get a good grip on it. You know oh! There we go splashing through my hand sploosh sploosh all right this feels Good this feels right this feels like my calling You know this feels like the true epitome a markimoo here everyone, please uh, please upload- Goddamnit. Did I pull too hard well fuck you then Oh No oh poor Bessie? oh poor Bessie, I'm sorry, I'm So sorry Bessie. What can I ever do to make it up to you? I don't know why we're trying this again. We're trying this again. Bessie, I'm being as gentle as I possibly can here I don't know what more you want from me. I am I not getting it in the bucket or something Oh Give you a purple nurple here, we are You guys need to square up cuz this is this is life here. This is life. That's the good stuff. I'm just a gentle gentle teasing of the nip Mmm yep, this is wrong *laughs* I mean I get it that it's an utter but you know just with the low-poly count It's not- That don't seem right all right very gentle This is gonna get- this is Demonetised banned - someone's gonna report me to the authorities The FBI is coming to my house. I am currently being swatted everyone in the world is- is rushing as fast as they can to stop this from happening like this- this doesn't- this can't exist it's- But alas here we are *laughs* Alright, we're almost there Bessie. Hey, you need a break? I'll give you- I'll give your nurple a break. There we go. Nice- nice nurp break. All right, let's give you a rest before we get to the end here huh? Uh oh. A cock has joined the battle uh I don't know what to do about that huh hoh Oh *a splashing sound* Uh! Did- what? *laughs* *another splashing sound* Oh shit I'm spilling- I'm spilling the sweet milk, I guess I gotta do it flat? *laughs* All right Bessie little more. Sorry. I thought we were done, but apparently we're not. Hang on. Let me just- hold on Bessie hold on Bessie I gotta- I gotta get more than two fingers on it. There we go. That's- that's proper. That's proper protocol Bessie please don't kick the bucket. We're so close. I'd hate to lose all this progress *laughs* *splash sound* Damn it Bessie, uh hang on let me switch hands here. Uh okay Let's see if I can get this bucket in proper order because I don't think- I think there's something going wrong here Hang on- hang on. let me slap that *laughs* There we go fixed it Eh fixed it alright- alright Here we go! Alright oh Bessie almost to the finish line *laughs* *splash sound* Ah shit ah come on Bessie we're so close Bessie you gotta believe ooOoh *splash as the bucket rolls away* *laughs* All right Bessie, well, you know just cuz the bucket is not there doesn't mean that we can't have some fun *splash sound* *Mark laughs* *Even more laughter* Come on I gotta get this guys One last- one last uh One last attempt at this Alright that's obviously not straight, so we need to first let's- oh I had my priorities all wrong I was- uh I should have been more worried about the state of the bucket. Alright Bessie. Oh the triple finger hold You- you never- *laughs* you've never been treated like this Bessie? Three whole fingers? *laughs* I know this is the qualiest content No, I don't think we need to use all the other teets on this cow I think I think this one is primed and ready You know this is obviously a winner. I don't want the runt of the teat I want the the prime primo of the teat you know when I go into the restaurant I always I was asked for the Premo teat so close Bessie, please please we're so close. I mean I feel- *sad congratulations music plays* *moo* Bessie kiss- kick this fucking bucket *laughs* The fucking bucket *laughing* *silly scream* Alright that's enough of that okay. I think that's enough everybody I think that's enough all right well Hope you enjoyed that that was hand simulator that was- The best *laughs* Take care of yourselves take care of each other and take care of your hands most importantly Thank you everybody so much for watching and as always, I will see you, in the next video BUH BYE!! (Thanks for watching this video!! Hope you like and subscribe on Mark's channel :))
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 1,832,231
Rating: 4.9580913 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, hand simulator, simulator games, funny simulator, funny moments, funniest, hand simulator funny moments, hand simulator markiplier
Id: udOqJtI_eME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 14sec (2174 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 16 2018
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