Why Women Are Like Puzzles and Yahtzees - Bo Burnham

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thank you I I believe I believe firmly that women are always right oh I should rephrase that I don't men and women song is called men and women men are like boughs they are easily broken [Music] women are like cows cuz they both have vaginas men are like muzzles because I try to set you up [Music] women are like puzzles this prior to 1920 neither at the right to vote puzzles still don't a man is an eagle yeah a woman is a dog women can fake orgasms but men can fake law [Music] [Applause] [Music] women are like fingers and toes because they're easy to count on [Music] men are like raisins and crows as they hate using condoms women are like Yahtzee oh yeah rarely [Music] men are like Nazis because they both cause the Holocaust oh yeah for every dollar that a man makes a woman makes 70 cents that doesn't make sense that's not fair the man's only left with 30 [Music] [Music] man women it's black and white with an area of gray for hermaphrodite [Music] male strippers always defect they're applying lotion and female strippers when they're dancing on the pole just look like confused firemen [Music] I believe in the zodiac I do I do clearly I'm a Leo I love Titanic but this is this is something a little bit morbid ly ironic my grandmother she was a cancer and she was actually killed by a giant crab this is a song about the idea of irony so strap him my dog's stomach was very upset so I put him in the car and we went to the vet and on our way to the vet I killed a cab [Music] I adopted a child from overseas to rescue him from child labor factories and on his very first birthday we went to build-a-bear workshop [Music] isn't that iro and I see [Music] and I see water park is burnt to the ground and a tow truck is broken down I always used to cry when I laughed and then I was by a clown [Music] I was watching Al Gore on CNN he was talking and talking and talking and then out of boredom my pet polar bear shot himself [Applause] [Music] I dated an animal rights activist and one day she got really pissed because I was eating veal that was wrapped in pita bread pita [Music] yeah I must stand up comic and I always sit and slouch and I got my girlfriend pregnant on my sterile uncle's pull-out couch I yeah everyday you play the board game arrest you probably never Oh missed in your life and monopoly has far from a stranglehold on the board game market then the little kid died from suffocation when he choked on a game piece from operation and I can't grow a beard that one's not ironic that one's just [Music] yeah Bob Barker got all of my pets pregnant my grandfather had Alzheimer's and one day we were [Music] you
Channel: Comedy Central Stand-Up
Views: 1,017,171
Rating: 4.9142866 out of 5
Keywords: Bo Burnham, Words Words Words, why women, Bo Burnham comedian, Bo Burnham stand up, stand up comedy, comedy central stand up, comedy, comedians, comedian, women, men, men and women, Bo Burnham men and women, musical comedy, singing, song, sexism, dating, relationships, pay gap, Nazis, Zodiac, irony, ironic, orgasms, love, fingers, toes, funny, funny video, comedy videos, jokes, funny jokes, funny clips, laugh, humor, best comedy, best stand up, why do women
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 16sec (376 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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