Funny as hell - Bo Burnham

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this next gentleman come in this stage is genuinely one of the funniest people I know he's absolutely adorable and he's absolutely hilarious ladies and gentlemen please welcome Bo Burnham give it up thank you so much um my ex girlfriend had a really weird fetish she used to like to dress up as herself and then act like a [ __ ] [ __ ] all the time I my part of the show is a little bit silly and a little bit pretentious like Shakespeare's Willy or noam chomsky wearing a strap-on it's also a little bit gay and a little bit offensive like Thanksgiving Day or noam chomsky wearing a strap so put your cellphone's to vibrate and put your vibrators to cellphone mode my part of the show goes a little bit like this joke exactly looking them up flow it flows a little bit like this with a wrap in a distance whip wrapping the wrists wrapping the kiss like her she's wrapping a kissing I got a show that will test the kids and ask one question in the question in the what's funny what's funny what's funny what's funny what's funny what's funny burning the burning what's funny what's funny what's funny with Sonny what's funny what's funny what's Sonny Oh in the audience says when I was a baby maybe I laughed people jiggling keys now I'm over in Boulder and just getting mad because I noticed that the keys are to a Hummer [ __ ] my life I don't [ __ ] my wife [ __ ] my wife [ __ ] my life and my son is gay but not sitcom gay daughters are more like another girl it used to be your mother but the marriage mater miss very Americana I want a team of that screen a prima donna with the radical feminists made my wife a man me the situation will be auto-erotic asphyxiation my life and an a tree bags and my friend is black but I don't know to call him so I just call him but tomorrow even though his name is Stevie my kids I hate my wife do so no I do it Judas beat me to it I'm slowly slipping into a solid cystic coma and I masturbate because I'm the only one whose standards are low enough to [ __ ] me what's funny it's funny what study what's funny what's funny what's funny what's funny funny for funny it's a boy what's funny what's funny what's funny what's funny what's funny what's funny what's funny hopefully this thank you thank you when I say hey you say ho hey hey it's basically I'll Hitler rose to power you guys like impressions you like impressions why that was Socrates thank you oh yeah segways are weird I'm 19 years old I'm a young comedian I hate that term young comedian you know I prefer prodigy and a lot of other comics think I'm a hack because I use music in my act and they think that you know there's such comedy purists that they don't think that my act could work without gimmicks and a lot of comics judge me for that but I can do comedy without stupid gimmicks or anything and it can still work so this is for all those comics out there and judge this what do you call a kid with no arms and an eyepatch names thank you I am I feel like hip-hop used to be a voice for the voiceless and now it's become at least in the mainstream a symbol of misogyny gay panic fiscal irresponsibility you know so I figure if you can't beat them join them hitting the club up VIP I got a fake mustache and a fake ID I look like wooly Willy with a really wooly Willy and I my past the bouncer past my own exit a flexin bouncer wowzer look at all the bows hoes look appalled ride on bows hoes and I can spot a little Latino booty so big call it Oprah's ego we go do it through it she says heels meow-meow me up pull it out stick it in your mouth and a bust in the back a young swallow [ __ ] there's people starving in Africa single every single day - in every single way make the single ladies say oh boy Eddie bobber gay though I swear I'm straight the fellas day boy they are I like to break it down for you I came from the streets with nothing now I'm making hit records for my people still living in the streets still living in poppy I want to tell you I'm doing this for you my success is your success I know they may be thinking hey if you really believe that why don't you use some of your money to help rebuild the neighborhood instead of putting spinning rims on a gold jetski and to that I say oh of course it's gonna take all day every single day doing everything only make oh boy any bobber you got a few like a tuna I'll smell you later I met a fat chick get I [ __ ] her in an elevator it was wrong on so many levels
Channel: OnlineATM1
Views: 3,562,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bo Burnham (Musical Artist)
Id: ayX-r3E9g1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 31sec (451 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2013
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