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i'm here with bo berman hi bo so you uh you play music songs and do the jokes what's that like um bo is a cool name uh is that short for bono [Music] so i i saw you walking around campus earlier yeah i do i'm sorry this is the newspaper yeah i saw you walking around you were reading a book and you were blending in very well uh and so like do you ever wish you went to college i wish i could read because then i feel less done with the book i mean genuinely like holding a coffee cup and just looking like i'm from planet earth it was like enough of a challenge no but truly i mean like she's like truly a master you know i mean and like i would like really be marveling at just like very specific stuff because the difficult like little things of acting are so just like to do the most simple act of business and to sort of integrate it and meanwhile i'm like eating a french driving like i mean do i even look like i have human dna at this point um but you i mean so just really like i don't know the whole thing was difficult but it was like it was a good environment to uh but i i find i'm just saying i find sometimes the smallest things in acting are actually the most difficult the scene that seems the most casual where you're doing it's it's hard it's hard to do nothing on camera but i succeeded on your website it says that you're going to die on january 17 2024 how do you have such insight i would kill myself because my dog's going to die who i just got and i love him more than anything and when he goes i have to go oh okay so you just estimated when he's going to die he has a a small bomber oh what kind of dog is he he's a bomb iranian that's right it's right it actually did help it was someone i remember in my when i went to audition i did like my first take and emerald was like that's really good like yes like ryan should be very nervous around her and i'm like yeah that's a choice i'm making that's that's a conscious choice i'm making right now i think the media is you know terrible to women and anyone that's not me you know anyone that's not like that's that opening song like straight white male you know like that's what i think and that's that song is i wrote that song because i just think it's so funny these straight white men that are coming out and like you know in these like most of what i hear like the men's rights activists and stuff it's like it's like funniest thing in the world where it's like but affirmative action what are you doing it's like everything else in the world is working in your favor everything everything and literally everything else can can they have one thing can can we do one thing to make other people more comfortable yeah it's like it's insane it's it and it's funny to me you know i mean that actually is just very ironic almost yeah yeah it's like that's where it is it's like people not understanding something or being confused is is funny to me when she graduated eighth grade a week later we filmed the movie and then a week after she went to her freshman year of high school and she didn't get cast in her school play really so i promised her i'd do this uh mr donia from falcons high school dangrin smith writes hey guys my family and i are taking a trip to the bahamas soon the trip is the makeup for my graduation trip last year which was moved due to my grandmother having health issues thankfully she's fine now here's my odd dilemma boy is this a white guy question here we go we are writing this i mean the privilege of your life oh your 80 year old grandmother is fading away she's through the woods on this placement from my graduation gift holy [ __ ] we uh took a heart from a healthy kid i'm guessing the word syria won't be appearing in the rest of this question uh i don't think i can make i don't think i can take my baton the weapon kind to the bahamas when i go through customs reason being is because i feel for the kid for this kid reason being is because my family is chartering a private plane so they will go through our luggage very thoroughly off however i think is this real i think i know this is such a danger what a [ __ ] dangrin he's in a long line of dangerous oh my gangrene the seventh oh my god so many tanks not enough friends however i think i need one while i'm in uh while i'm in some of the areas where we'll be going i feel that my family and myself of course could be in danger at times so jake and amir my question is and bo do i sneak something in my bag past customs if so what keep in mind i'm not really a knife guy or b do i do i find something when i'm there keep in mind it'll be in rougher areas so maybe i can get something while i'm down there thanks guys really love the show thank uh love dangrin smith dan great i love first of all i like that he thinks there's a chance that he might be able to go out into a rough area and acquire a weapon when he's on vacation um i don't know bo what do you think this one's that's rough for you this kid sounds like a [ __ ] like a giant our goal is to not advise him on what weapon he can private some rich kid's worried about if he can bring his baton on his private plane yeah it's a very rich makeup bahamas i imagine he's not going to a very rough area of the bahamas if he's getting there on a private jet yeah i don't think so and if there's bad guys i don't know what him and his baton would be able to really do god uh i thought one of the joys of flying private was that they don't like they're not like that we could bring your batons bring your batons my private i thought that was what it was yeah wasn't that the log line that's that's how they sell you on it i i'm gonna go on a limb this might not be kind [Music] i bet i bet his grandmother wasn't a good person i'm just saying that sounds like old white money and i don't think any of that was the daughter of slave owners i don't i mean she yeah yeah it's hard to be a little too rich and nice it's usually two of them yeah i bet her last word was something about the colored nurse make sure she didn't lift anything off my person i'm saying this is where we are with a particular self-hate yeah i think i always hoped that i might get the opportunity to direct but i didn't i really didn't dream i would get to make a movie in hollywood with you know people like carrie and beau who were just beyond exceptional and wonderful how about this guy his name is his name is bob hold on okay rob my real name's robert sounds old that's my dad's name that's your name rob is your name not short for robert my name is short for robert so we did it so how old do you think robert is hmm forty-something oh my god it's true you are right about the something bo burnham for so many people was one of the first quote-unquote internet sensations yeah bo burnham for most people was who but yes um for some people i was an internet sensation which is a term i love yeah maybe a sensation so so you know what i was i was i had like a little my comedy was starting at that time um you know when i was a senior in high school there was a there was a most likely to be famous most likely to make a million dollars most likely to be successful i got most likely to be on a reality show i didn't get i didn't get most funny or anything like i got a big can we swear yeah i got a big [ __ ] you from my class too that is awful that is real that is awful that's sexist too you're going to name a best-selling memoir that one day though i'm right they have a god did they did they did they name a guy to live with most cats oh of course they didn't have a guy equivalent yeah of course yeah it's unbelievable that's that is awful that's really bad and like and you know what's you know what's bad i'm sorry to keep cutting you off what's what's really bad is that it's it's like funny yeah you know what that's actually what's being used against you in that moment like take the joke it's funny right no but it's completely obliterating yeah best dressed it's like richest people on the set thought i was crash service they legitimately did someone was like are you crap like i'm like i know i look like someone that should just be like giving you brown rice but unfortunately like i'm pretty high on the call sheet so i'd like to know i mean what i don't know i think it's all what's really cool i'll say about it sad and i'll shut up because who cares about me
Channel: Ben Schwartz's Life Coach
Views: 1,170,425
Rating: 4.9627967 out of 5
Keywords: Bo Burnham, Burnham, Bo, What, Make Happy, Comedy, Comedy Special, Stand Up Comedy, Interview, Late Night, Promising Young Woman, Carey Mulligan, Ben Schwartz, Ben Schwartz Life Coach, Inside Bo Burnham
Id: 5albiepYGq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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