Why We've Had To Quit YouTube

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welcome back people it's been a while in fact so long that you may have forgotten who we are so if you need reminding we're James Sarah and AD also known as the whole world or nothing we've been slowly working our way across Europe from our home country of England on a 5mon trip in our little home on Wheels Cassie and this week we're getting to grips with some amazing Turkish food discovering some epic Beach Park Ops exploring one of the most incredible ancient cities in the world and we're quitting YouTube yeah that's right this is going to be our last travel video and we'll be explaining in detail exactly why we've had to quit at the end of the video so do stick around until that part because we're going to be completely honest upfront and transparent about the toll that YouTube can take on video creators and all of the other things that led us to this decision but we wanted to go out on a high so we thought we'd take you on one final travel Adventure as we'll be talking about later on one of the reasons for quitting YouTube is to look after our mental health something which we talk about quite a lot across our channels so it's really fitting that this week's video is in paid partnership with better help now I've personally used better help and found that therapy and talking things through with someone neutral each week really helped me to figure out a few things and develop some skills to cope with some stuff that I was Finding difficult now I can tell you from personal experience that starting therapy can be hard the right therapist might not be in your area and for me personally traveling full-time in a van it's just not practical to go and see someone at a fixed location each week but better help connects you with credential professionals who are trained to listen and give unbiased advice and you can do your sessions as a phone call a video call or even just by messaging whatever it is that suits you best to get started you'll fill out a questionnaire to help assess your specific needs and then you'll get matched with your therapist in most cases within 48 hours or less you can then schedule therapy sessions at a time that's convenient for you and it's also really easy to switch to a new therapist at no additional cost so you can find the right one for you if you think that you might benefit from therapy then do consider better help and you can click the link in the description or go to betterhelp.com slthe Whole World or nothing now clicking that link supports this Channel and it also gets you 10% off your first month of better help so you can connect with a therapist and see if it helps you oh this feels a little bit weird doesn't it it does after to so long like really weird yeah it's been about 3 months since we picked up a camera turned the camera on and and um when we last turned them off we didn't actually ever think that it was going to be that long until we started making another video so forgive us if we're a little bit Rusty but um it was an unintended break and yeah here we are yeah now what have we've been doing in those three months since we put the camera down last um we've driven to Turkey we've driven to Turkey yeah absolutely that's what this whole trip was about um we were trying to get ourselves to Turkey so we could spend 3 months exploring in this country and we're finally here so we thought that we would make one final video in this style you're just making a video Bob do you want to come in no no okay you can just be there it has been an amazing 3 months it's been a very eventful 3 months and in that time we've also been back to the UK we've had some stuff going on with family things find that out we left it in gree and it's just been pretty hectic D what you want to get in so we literally crossed over into turkey 2 days ago and we've been in a city in the north of turkey called chanal please forgive me for my pronunciation if it is no good then do correct me in the comments as [Laughter] Welly and we are now going to head on down and start exploring down the coast and we're really excited to take you with usom why you do it our time in chikali was spent rather predictably playing in Parks getting acquainted with Turkish tea which is Delicious By the way but is often served with two teapots which took us a minute to figure out and trying lots and lots and lots of amazing Turkish food including this absolutely Mammoth breakfast spread oh my gosh this looks Mega on the reviews of the restaurant I could see the pictures and I knew it was going to be like I knew it looked like massive and looked really nice but in person it's just like wow I can't wait to get stuck in but this city is also really historically significant because it's very close to the ancient city of Troy and is home to the actual Trojan Horse using the Brad Pit Le movie but it's also the site of one of the most Herring battles of World War I the gipo campaign where thousands of soldiers lost their lives it was a really interesting place to begin our travels in [Music] Turkey we are on the road now and we are heading south from chanal um going down the coast and we're heading to a place I think it's called achai um again probably completely wrong pronunciation um but the reason that we are heading there is because we have heard that there is a restaurant that is one of the best in the Hall of turkey and it does the very best pizzas one of our motivations for where we are choosing where we go in Turkey is the food because it's one of the main reasons that we are here um so yeah we're going to head there for lunch and then hopefully try and find um a beach park up nearby for this afternoon because I don't think there's much parking or much nice parking anyway within the town and so yeah that's what we are up to today keeping us company on this journey is a load of baklava that Jay picked up last night and he actually only asked for six I think there was a bit of a language barrier because we ended up with a whole box full but anyway we're not mad about it are we they are so [Music] good unfortunately the place that we were headed is actually closed they've moved a dress mov somewhere else and there's actually a hairdress is there now instead and we can't figure out where the where they've moved too so anyway we have picked a second choice which I think is going to be a really good one actually it's a place that serves man which is dumplings and we're really excited to try [Music] it that's delicious but it's not what I was expecting at all really yeah because it's really um it's got yogurt on okay so I wasn't expecting that I was expecting it to be I guess more you said it was Chinese yes so like in a soup yeah exactly yeah it's delicious though it's kind of more like a pasta dish I suppose okay really really [Music] tasty that meal was absolutely delicious and actually I'm a lot happier that we got that than pizza because it's far more traditional Turkish and you know just something new that we haven't tried before as well and didn't know anything about this town before we came here but it turns out it's absolutely beautiful it's got this really nice prominade along the seafront so we're just having a wonder and see what we discover that was a really lovely afternoon we had a really nice time just wandering around we've driven a little bit further down the coast now to a parking area where we're going to be staying overnight it's just like on a beach basically just like a massive parking area there's loads of cars already parked here and I think there's a few Camper vans further down and then a couple of vans that look like they maybe stay here permanently so yeah I think it's going to be absolutely fine here to park overnight um we tried to get the van cleaned today actually while we were parked up in that town because there were a couple of car parking places that had like washing facilities near where we were parked on the street and Jay went and asked them and they said no we can't because we wash it like inside and the van's just too tall to get in there so they couldn't like get like their wash equipment like onto it kind of thing um which is a shame because the van is absolutely stinking like the outside of it is just so filthy and I'm just sat here now looking at what is quite a nice view or what should be quite a nice view but it's actually really showing up how disgusting the window is so we really are going to have to get it done soon just look at that guys proper filthy good morning it is a lovely sunny day today got lovely blue sky so of course we clung the door straight open even though we were up quite early obviously you know we have a young child so we're up at the Cracker door normally it was still dark when we actually got up but we're like properly getting up now and we are just having breakfast James has knocked up some scrambled egg and toast so we're just going to have that and then I don't know probably play on the beach for a bit and then head off around the coast a little bit [Music] further oh my gosh it is so so warm today I've actually had to get changed and to be honest I think I might be on the verge of cracking the sun cream out if it gets any warmer it's really really really hot in the sunshine anyway we are about to head off um so we'll see you when we get to our next [Music] stop well this is all right isn't it this is where we're hoping to stay the night tonight and it's just uh an hour down the coast from where we stayed last night but it's actually on a little island and we didn't really know that we were coming onto an island cuz there is a road across and a bridge across um but it's completely separate from the mainland it seems but this Coastline around here is absolutely stunning and the drive here was lovely so we're just going to grab some lunch now and then see what the afternoon brings [Music] if you watching our videos from before you'll know that I had just started cold water while swimming on this trip and um yeah I'm still doing it but I had a month off when we went back to England for Christmas and so I'm just slowly easing myself back into it in fact this is only my second swim since we've been back apart from a hot springs but that doesn't count um so yeah I'm gonna go in for a dip I've already felt the water and it doesn't feel too cold to be honest but it is quite windy so yeah I'm just going to go for [Music] [Music] it oh that was good good morning we are picking up a few days later because well we've just been hanging out at the beach we haven't been doing anything other than what we showed you that we would do when we originally got here just playing on the sand um bit swimming eating that's pretty much it just just living really um and as we said before we are going to talk about in more detail why we are quitting YouTu you or quitting the videos in the way that we do them um and this is a perfect opportunity to highlight why um because we've been here for a couple of days now and yeah there's just not really anything to film and when we filming for YouTube we feel like we are traveling and letting that determine um what we're doing like we would have felt like we needed to move on from here because we need to create some more exciting content that isn't just us doing the same thing every day um which is just quite often what we do like we don't like moving every day um we like to travel a few days sometimes quite quickly and see quite a few things and then we slow down and just stay in one place for a bit if it's a nice place which yeah is what we've what we've been doing um and unfortunately for YouTube you do have to create content every week um otherwise you know it's just that's just not how the algorithm works and we know from when we've taken time off and then gone back to posting and you know we just don't get the same kind of views and you know YouTube doesn't show our videos to many people and yeah it's just all just all stuff that we yeah we're struggling with at the moment but anyway we'll talk about that much more later like I say this morning we are heading off to find somewhere else to park because as lovely as the weather has been it's actually just got really really windy um so we're going to head back onto the mainland and hopefully find somewhere a little bit more sheltered further down the coast this isn't my high style for for today by the way I'm just trying to kill it so we'll see how that goes um anyway we're going to go top up with water and yeah see where we see where we get [Music] to we found a nice little parking spot in a town right next to a massive playground look at that over there it is absolutely loving it um it's a really small car park so not really the place that we would park in if it was busy season but there's hardly any cars about so yeah I think it's absolutely fine to park here we are going to head off and try and find a restaurant to get some lunch [Music] now [Music] oh [Music] [Music] all [Music] good morning you are joining us already on the road this morning we're heading into a big city we're going to ishir and it's actually the third largest city in the country so we think it's going to be pretty busy we've got to find some parking first of all though we think we know somewhere but we won't know until we actually get there as to whether it's okay for us to park there for the next day or so so yeah hopefully that's going to be okay and we'll see you when we get [Music] there well we made it to ismir and we managed to find somewhere to park as well it is just a car park but it is right in the center of town and you are allowed to stay there overnight they're pretty cool about it and said there it's just I think it's 4 quids per night which is really incredibly cheap the only other option to stay here was a campsite which is about 15 minutes taxi ride outside of town so that was going to be our fullback but we didn't really want to go there because obviously we' then have to be paying to get a taxi in and we be outside of the action but we have literally just walked across the road and we are in the main square of [Music] [Music] ismir our first stop today as always is to come and get some food and we've come to a place that specializes in something called gol and we haven't actually tried them yet in Turkey but they're supposed to be absolutely incredible from this place specifically and it's got a five star rating on Google which means that it must be good we've gone for a selection of potato uh spinach and cheese what was the other one a meat one as well minc meat and we are super excited to try [Music] them we arrived just as they were making these stuffed Vine leaves which are called Sarma here in Turkey so we had to get some of those to try as well and they were really good and watching the goam being made right in front of us was like food theater they're kind of a cross between a stuffed pancake and a filled flatbread and they're crispy chewy and really [Music] [Music] moish LUN was absolutely delicious we really enjoyed those goes and that's pretty much what we've come to expect from Turkish food just everything that we've had has been absolutely spot on really banging food so yeah we're enjoying it and we've come to the park now which is one of the biggest Parks I think in the city it's pretty Central and it is huge actually to try and um work some of this food off in the playground and actually this is one of the reasons again why we kind of got a little bit uninspired by our own YouTube videos because we started to feel like they were a tour of you know Europe's best parks because every week we're doing the same thing we spend a lot of time in Parks because aist absolutely loves them but there's only so much of a park that you can film and only a few ways that you can make it interesting for viewers well I'm really quite enjoying his me so far yeah me too yeah I think it's a cool city um we've not explored that much but what we have seen has been really nice and the port that we just went to or the pier should I say um Sarah tells me was designed by the same guy that designed the Eiffel Tower in France in Paris yeah Mr Eiffel I mean I couldn't really see a a resemblance between the two but you know I'll I'll take a word for it uh we just St there for a drink and it was pretty Pleasant looking out over the water and we're just on our way now to try and find some dinner unfortunately it looks like it might rain though like there's some really dark clouds overhead so got to keep our fingers crossed it that doesn't happen cuz that would be really [Music] rubbish the area that we headed to for dinner is famous for a couple of things firstly this street which is dedicated to Dario Moreno a famous singer who held from ismir and lived in this area and secondly this elevator which was built in 1907 to connect the area at the bottom of the hill to the one at the top saving residents are 55 steps SLO and amazingly it was originally powered by water oh my gosh today was so much fun and the views from up the top of there were absolutely incredible it's just about A's bedtime now so we are heading back to the van and going to settle in for the night and we will catch you tomorrow good [Music] night we actually spent an extra day in ismir other than the one that we had planned to and the basic reason for that is because my phone broke the evening before we were supposed to leave and it was fortunate that it did break there because it was probably the best place in turkey that could break because there were thousands of phone shops so I was able to get the battery sorted really quickly um it was just a replacement battery and now it is working absolutely fine but it did mean that we got an extra day to explore as well which was great cuz we went around downtown we went out for lunch we went out for dinner and we also spent some time in the markets as well in the evening time which was really really special now today we didn't really have a plan in mind as to where we were going so we kind of looked at the map and that determined that we weren't actually going to be going very far because just an hour down the road from ismir is the ancient city of Ephesus and this has been on our bucket list for our turkey trip for absolutely ages so obviously we had to stop here and all of that should give you an idea as to just how little planning we're actually doing on this trip we wake up in the morning we literally don't know where we're going for that day we were going to finish the video in ismir however we thought because we were coming to Ephesus we couldn't finish it there we had to bring you along with us let's go and explore originally built by the ancient Greeks the city of Ephesus is a UNESCO world heritage site and it's really easy to understand why it gets name checked multiple times in the Bible and many people even believe that some of the New Testament was written here whilst others think it's where Mary Jesus's mom lived in her later life and also died but regardless of your beliefs just look at it the ruins are literally awesome it originally earned its Fame as the closest city to one of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World the Temple of EMES but since there's only one column of that left and the ruins here are far better preserved it's become the more popular site and attracts tourists and pilgrims from all corners of the globe this city changed hands and was rebuilt multiple times over the years and most of what we see today was actually built or rebuilt by the Romans during the reign of Caesar Augustus you can literally feel the history of this place as you walk around the vast site and without being too Earnest what a place to bring the curtain down on our YouTube Adventures okay so this is the part that I'm pretty sure you've probably all been watching for and waiting for and it is US explaining exactly why we quit YouTube and why we did it so abruptly and why we've been kind of offline on YouTube anyway for so long and it's not that complicated it's not really it's quite easy to explain to be honest um there's kind of two reasons I guess right um the first is that we just weren't enjoying it anymore like it just became really um intrusive I guess is a good way of describing it um it was kind of dictating like how we were traveling and what we were doing on a day-to-day basis and then just like if you were having like a bad day or like ad was having like a bit of a difficult time and it it just became really hard to film stuff didn't it like yeah we just we just weren't having a good time with it and I don't know whether that was coming across on camera or not whether we were like managing to mask it but that's ultimately what we felt like we were doing we were like try to be in a good place of it when we weren't and we felt like it was coming across on camera as well when we watched our own videos they weren't the kind of videos that we wanted to be making and we didn't see ourselves in the way that we wanted to we want to see ourselves and sort of project ourselves as well yeah so that's really the first reason and the reason why we left so abruptly is because we've been having conversations about doing this and quitting YouTube for for quite a while um and we just decided that basically if it was making us unhappy we needed to stop it straight away there was no reason to carry on doing it any any longer and we just gave ourselves a total break so you'll notice as well if you've uh commented and if you've been asking us questions we've had loads of comments and loads of questions apologies we just haven't been able to get back to them because we've been having a total break yeah I guess the thing is with with a now um it used to be fine when we had all the time in the world and you know we could do whatever but we only have so much time each day um that we work and obviously just spend time doing stuff like eating and making dinner and cleaning and then we live our lives exactly we're like we're just spending our time you know as a family being parents you know enjoying our time with ad and yeah it was it was just intruded on that too much obviously we do need to work and you know that's the the the whole point of It kind of as much as we do enjoy YouTube it has to be making income for us um and on the flip side of us not enjoying it the other side of it was that we we just don't make that much money from it um to continue doing it when we're not enjoying it um I think we make like a few hundred quid a month from ad Revenue um and that's mainly from old videos as well it's not from from new stuff so it feels really disheartening to to kind of be putting stuff out and you know you're not being paid for for your your time doing it um obviously that's just ad revenue from YouTube um that's separate to kind of sponsored sponsored content with other brands that we work with and stuff um but yeah that's where we were with it and we we we have a a website which is our our main income stream um and we just weren't getting enough time to work on that we were putting all our time and energy into these YouTube videos yeah absolutely we've really neglected the website which just doesn't make any sense it's just it's just really silly actually um and yeah ultimately we were we were yeah putting all out our time and energy into something that a wasn't earning us very much money and B was making us not very happy so just it just really didn't make sense so yeah we just had we just had to leave um that's that's that's what happened um and as much as it's kind of been nice being back and we have enjoyed certain parts of filming this video that we're putting out we have also filmed this over about two weeks which you know know if you're putting out a video every week you can't take two weeks to film one it doesn't it doesn't work like that um so we you know I think the reason we felt a bit more relaxed in this video is because we have filmed over a longer period of time we know that a lot of you make videos as well so you'll know fully well like the difficulties behind putting out a YouTube video every single week you have to record to put 20 minutes together us personally we record for um pretty much the whole week and for quite a lot of time each day as well so it is a lot of effort a lot of recording and then that's not even including the editing which also takes quite a lot of time as well and one of the things about the enjoyment side of it as well what we really used to enjoy was obviously showing off the places that we were visiting and but also the dynamic between us we we enjoyed sort of having a bit of banter and and chatting and we felt that we'd kind of lost that as well again with having a one of us always has to at least have an eye on her if not be fully looking after her and that means that we can't all be on camera at the same time or it was getting increasingly more difficult to all be on the camera at the same time um which meant that you were only getting sort of one of us at a time and that's really again not what we wanted to be doing not what our sort of channel was was about so we were getting further and further away from making the sorts of videos that we wanted to make and the sorts of videos that we like watching and that's just not what we want to do if you follow us on Instagram or Tik Tok you'll know that we have still been making in like Vlog Style videos um but they are very different to this kind of video where you're sat down talking to camera in the moment um because we film bits and pieces throughout the day and then I put a voice over over the top of it at the end of the day it kind of doesn't um it's it's not that intrusive in the in the day but we're still able to kind of capture what we're doing and be creative with it um so we we are really enjoying making those kinds of videos yeah and the thing is it's not to say that it doesn't take as much time cuz it still takes quite a long time to put those together but it's more um in line with what we're trying to do in terms of how we're spending our time we get to choose when we put the effort and the time into doing that and we don't have to speak to camera and we don't have to do sort of anything throughout the day specifically for that we can make pretty boring videos into quite entertaining ones cuz they're just 1 minute long whereas 20 minutes is quite hard to make uh watchable yeah okay Bob so by the same token if you are not following us on Instagram or on Tik Tok and you do still want to keep up with our travels and have that sort of uh I suppose daily almost input from us then please do go over there and and follow us on there because you'll still be able to catch up with us and see what we're doing and they're also pretty cool we quite like those videos I think they're really good yeah yeah we we have been putting a lot of EMP we have been putting a lot of effort into them haven't we babe no the other thing that's happening on Instagram is that we've been starting to gain a bit more traction on there and work with more brands on there and stuff so again just financially from a business sense it makes more sense to be putting more effort into that than it does into YouTube so that's kind of the direction that we've gone for the time being yeah however having said all of that don't unsubscribe from YouTube because whilst we're telling you that we're quitting it might not be forever we're trying to think of ways that we can actually make this work and we are and ways to continue doing YouTube um but that will work for us in the way that Instagram and the website is doing so please watch this space as I said stay subscribed to the channel because we are hoping to come back um again pretty soon it might be short form it might be we're trying to think of something kind of like in a in a version of like um almost like miniseries so it's not just a continuous filming of Our Lives just kind of like nonstop um so something that might kind of be like four five six videos kind of thing um that we can film and then have a break or or something like this but yeah um we need to have a think about how that's how that's going to work um so yeah watch this space and hopefully we will be back soon with you with with a different kind of format let's say and that's where we're going to leave it this week and for the foreseeable future bye bye as we said we are on Instagram we are on Tik Tok and we're still doing things regularly on there so if you do want to keep up with us then do head over to those platforms we will hopefully see you soon well I just want to say thank you as well to everyone because I do love our little community on here like it's just that was the best part of doing the videos like the comments every week and chatting with you all and yeah we are genuinely going to miss that so please do come over to Instagram or Tik Tok if you whichever one you use um and come chat to us over there [Music] please but I think you all the time
Channel: The Whole World or Nothing
Views: 7,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel with kids, travel family, full time travel, travel family vlog, uk travel family, british travel family, european roadtrip, vanlife europe, vanlife adventures, vanlife vlog, vanlife turkey
Id: vtOaa-KFQv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 19sec (1939 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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