I MUST Do This Before Going Back to The Mainland…

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good morning folks I'm afraid it's going home day today but it's absolutely beautiful here on the aisle of Harris I've just had breakfast insert video oh boy this is a good start to the day isn't it look at this and I've got a few ideas for the rest of the day so I might just keep the camera rolling before we get the fery back to Sky [Applause] the first thing I'm going to do this morning is go for a we drive down the Golden Road soall not for its beauty but because of how much it cost to build I cannot imagine how the we Comm ities down that road survived before it was there now I'm not going to record it all because I'm having some problems with my Moun in the car at the moment so the view is not going to be that great but I'll do my best and I'll show you some of the highlights I've only just realized when I stopped talking it's so peaceful and quiet here I should do it more often I've not planned this very well have I because I'll be driving right into that sun oh well I don't even know why I lock the car here so here we are turning on to the Golden Road N I know for a fact this isn't really working is it who would have thought I'd be complaining about the sun today so I think I'll just spin around and head back up the road the other way to give you a better view I'm only actually doing a small section of the road at the moment because I'm killing time before we head back down towards lusin Tire Beach and the second place we're going today which I'm looking forward to in fact it's such nice weather I might even dip my toes in the water today who knows [Music] for for [Music] [Music] I it was a we bit better the other way and I hope that gives you an idea of how ridiculously stunning not just that road but the whole of Harris is it's unbelievable and in fact I think that's what gives Harris the win over Lewis the landscape I mean I don't like to take sides but here it's just like another [Applause] world we'll head towards the beach now but not quite to the beach because we've got somewhere else to have a look at first if you continue driving on the Wii Road am on just sow it will take you to the car park at lusin Tire Beach and it's absolutely gorgeous around there but for me I would say try and stop a we bit earlier especially when the Tide's out in fact I would say this Bay with all that sand it's like nowhere I've seen before right let's continue along this road and we'll go and visit Donald Jon's Workshop I'm really looking forward to this oh this is us I think all that's the one hello hello good morning Donald John is it yes no I was in Lewis yesterday and I saw a few Harris Tweed places but then I thought no I'm going to bypass them because if you want to see Harris Tweed you've got to see it in Harris welcome to Donald J's work shop and here it is folks all the harest Tweed look at that big roll there and you can see there it's got the trademark certification trademark Harris tweet hey that's not a bad view from your Workshop B not bad at all right let's go down and check out where it all happens oh wow the smell of oil do you like that that's beautiful yeah you say it takes about what a meter an hour did you say a day to set it up a day to set it up yes and once it's up a couple of met 3 4 M an Hour 3 and half M an hour and are these both can the same are they same same same manufacturers different different areas different ages right okay that's a 1928 long and this one here 70 so is it just you do you do this all yourself here yes with har stre that's usually the case anyway that is a husband and wife or a husband and son or a husband and daughter oh okay yeah the pedals down there oh well well and how's your day going very very well especially with weather like this yes indeed Chang from yesterday I know I know yes a bit of rain yesterday I was going to be going out to St Kilda but that trip was canceled I'm afraid but when you're when you're in beautiful islands like this yeah it's like riding a bike yeah oh that was just fantastic wasn't it be sure to give Donald John a shout if you'd like to see a demonstration while you're here I tell you what it's worth it and look at the views right here we go let's go and get my feet [Applause] wet possibly the most beautiful beach in the world on possibly the best day of the year unbelievable [Applause] [Applause] [Music] now I'm pretty sure you'll agree folks it'd be almost criminal if I didn't take off my socks and shoes roll up the trousers and at least get my feet wet I wish I had my swimming shorts but I kind of didn't expect this in the outer hdes oh well here we go folks oh joy my socks very [Applause] apt this is when you realize the Caribbean at in't now to be fair it's not actually too cold feels like a bit of fot therapy you know I'm not sure I've ever seen the sea So Clean and Clear there's not even a bit of seaweed I'm not going to try and pretend that it was warm but I tell you what it wasn't as cold as Sant and there if I didn't have a fairy book this afternoon I'd be getting myself to the nearest shop pair of shorts and be back down here oh I can't resist a we charity shop but now I'd like to get some lunch [Applause] there is a cafe in town but of course it's closed today isn't it I found a church I haven't found anything else oh and there's a bell in the church and look at this the Rope goes all the way down it's so tempting but of course I'm not going to do it I don't think I'd ever be allowed back and that Forks say tarbert pretty much all of it there's the hotel where I was staying hotel herdes and that's the calmac dock just there so the ship will be pulling in about 3 hours or so [Applause] and another church that's something they're not short of in the outer [Applause] hdes oh the WE Post Office [Applause] ah who would have thought it they've got a [Applause] Morrison's oh you can really smell the whiskey here that's right this Distillery might be famous for its Harris gin but they've also just recently started making whiskey now they do quite impressive tours in the but I'm not going to do one and there's a reason for that when I'm on a Distillery tour which I love I do like to do the tasting at the end but I am going to be driving in a couple hours so there'll be none of that for me so maybe come back one day but that doesn't mean I'm not going to go to the shop now I've picked up a bottle with a gin already believe it or not because I love the bottle but look at the whiskey I might need to get one of these now I believe it's the first whiskey distillery in the outer Hees so it's important stuff you [Music] know oh no I'm spending all my money on alcohol again oh are we Deli I might be able to get something in here for lunch so we got a lovely homemade steak pie made on the island picked it up from the deli and we've got some Scottish tap water there we go and for anyone that calls me a cheap skate I spent all my money on Whiskey okay oh that is one delicious juicy steak pie and it's absolutely full of the stuff [Applause] I've just come back for one last look at the big Hills before it's time to go and check in for the ferry one of those Peaks is the highest Summit in the outer hides and maybe one day we'll come back and climb it hey mate how's it going all right here yourself nice one yeah good thanks number eight one to the left for me please perfect thanks see you later thank you time to go home for [Music] [Music] a I'm going the wrong way again ien I I'm always getting my bows and my steerings mixed [Music] up welcome aboard a safety message will follow shortly likely advant of an emergency you'll be informed by means of an emergency signal andrain goodbye Harris ah The Familiar sound of car alarms as we leave Lewis and Harris and I just had to check that my car was there imagine it imagine i' just come on as a food passenger right I'm just going to relax now and take it easy because when we get to Sky I've got about 5 or 6 hours drive left to get home what I thought I should be home by about midnight oh look at this I had no idea you can have a shower on board the calac I guess that's free for anyone to use eh and look it's nice to see there's a weak Cafe for the dogs as well soup in a roll for £550 as soon as I saw that it was chicken and rice I just couldn't resist oh it's so lovely and thick and it's just what I needed that reminds me I need to go to Corden sometime it's like monr in a Saturday [Music] night cheers years I could imagine on [Music] [Applause] that is such a quick Crossing back to the car already thanks mate [Music] is [Music] [Music] all right folks as we passed the turn off into alen D and castle where this trip started 3 and 1 half days ago I would just like to say thank you so much for sticking with this video right until the end and I'll see you in the next one it's not quite the end of the journey for me though I've got about 4 hours drive left to Monro but but hey it's been worth it thanks again folks see you soon bye-bye [Music] a [Music]
Channel: SteveMarsh
Views: 38,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Isle of Harris, Harris Gin, Harris Distillery, Luskentyre Beach, Harris Tweed, where to see Harris tweed being made, best place to see Harris tweed, Harris tweed exhibition, Harris Tweed demonstration, where is Harris Tweed made?, Harris Tweed Company, how do they make Harris Tweed?, Harris, Harris Scotland, Lewis and Harris, Harris vlog, Outer Hebrides, Outer Hebrides vlog, Scottish vlogger, Scottish vlog, best beach in the world, Steve Marsh, Steve Marsh travel reviewer
Id: yM4UuqJOdtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 22sec (1522 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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