The worst week of our lives

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[Laughter] it's been a long 10 days I can't believe it's been 10 it feels like a lifetime but then also it feels like it's gone by so fast and no it feels like a lifetime so our mom most of you know her as Gigi her name is Susan she runs our clothing company Grace and joy that we own together with her and Chloe this is Chloe's Channel I don't know why I'm talking this is chlo Simone says she's my younger sister 6 years apart and you live here in Idaho I live in Thailand and you are now like the CEO or should I say that Mom's the CEO of Grayson Joy but Chloe has taken over because my mom has brain cancer and I just can't it's so crazy to even say and it's a really I mean we have cried and cried and sobbed and sobbed and that's I'm like puffy but for right now I just can't cry anymore because life is moving on mom is going to get treatment at a really good cancer hospital in Houston and so we're so lucky happy that she just got to Houston and she's going to get checked into the hospital tomorrow but we wanted to just talk about the last 10 days so tell you how traumatic it was yes so you probably know our mom is like the most vivacious active spirited person I mean she does not take no for an answer and to see her so debilitated was I think that was that was the most traumatic part even before the cancer diagnosis so on Monday she is preparing they were preparing to go back to Thailand and she's so excited she was so excited because she's been working like she's had so much stress in her in the last since October so much stress with the business and it was like a kid looking forward to Christmas Day and she had booked everything with points like our mom is really good with her points and if anyone deserves first class it is our mom because for travel since she's been traveling to Thailand for 10 years I mean she would just like book the back but you know as you get older you want a little bit more comfort and when she first started going to Thailand we would stay in like hotels for like $20 a night cheapest hotels and then you know like our family started doing a little bit better and the business was growing and it was able to afford her to to travel and also because she worked so hard like that was the one thing that she would spend money on her tickets to Thailand and the hotels and Mom doesn't take like a salary for herself that was like what she would do to reward herself with her business to just go to see Lily in Thailand two times a year and it was really the only work cost right yeah and that was the only place that she could really like relax and reset and if you've watched my videos before I get really emotional when my Mom leaves to go to Thailand because like I've said like I don't have a lot of friends that's something I'm going to work on um and I'm really close with my mom like Lily's too but I was so happy that she was going to go on this trip to like finally get some much needed rest it's been a hard year it's been a hard six months for Mom which we're not going to talk about right now but the last Sun the Sunday before this happened we had such a good evening with the whole family and mom was we were just all so happy and mom was so happy that all of her kids were together like Robbie has been up here in Idaho too because he now lives in Nashville and we were just like all together and I remember her saying this was so nice I hope you could come come back tomorrow come back tomorrow night for another session and I was like session such a thing that she wouldn't say she wouldn't have said like the word session but it was such a nice evening and we all just like sat around like the couch and just hung out the kids were going crazy and it was just so nice and then Monday I was with her all day and she started to deteriorate I mean she started forgetting words I was just like so perplexed and what I was thinking I was like starting to tell like I told you and you were like I'm worried we're like huh I started to get really worried Chloe was really worried first I'm like oh I'm sure she's fine like our mom insists that she's just tired she always pushes through like she just is always she's all the strong one she's the rock of our family she's she just pushes through like she does not let anything stop her and you know I'm also anticipating the trip to Thailand like I want to get back to my family I'm like we just need to get there and she'll be fine and but she wasn't fine and she got worse and worse and and when the ambulance finally arrived she couldn't even remember her name that was horrifying and the whole time that that whole first Monday I just thought like it's a stroke and I'm like oh my gosh it's a stroke did we get her in time like did we make a mistake that by not getting her quick quick enough you know like it has to be a stroke but I was CU she had all of the stroke she had a lot of stroke like symptoms and they didn't they were really well they also thought it might have been a blood clot mhm so there was no answers then they sent her to another hospital that was Tuesday and then on Tuesday her well her speech really started to decline I mean I think it started mentally first and she didn't like know who any of us were that was probably the really hardest part you know when your mom like the nurse just asked her you're like who's this and she goes but like she was kind of smiling about it like she knew we loved her but she just couldn't she didn't know crazy how the brain works because then like if I would start crying she'd go oh oh honey yeah so she knew who we were inside but it was like her brain wasn't registering and she didn't know our names and then she started just being like starting to stutter and like speak like jumbled like nothing and then that's when I really that's when I knew it was really really serious so she went to another hospital the problem was Tuesday is like we didn't get any answers so like it's not a we don't think it's a a blood clot or a well they saw they took an MRI MRI the first MRI and they saw something um like a spot on her brain on the left side but they didn't know if it was a mass like a brain infection yeah inflam disease yeah then she got a spinal tap they asked if she traveled they were brought in this weird infectious dis disease doctor that was really weird and the spinal C tap thing that they didn't get the results back for like they would say 3 or 4 days yeah everything just took forever like one when she was waiting to get an MRI like one of the MRI machines was broken so there's only one MRI machine operating So within those first two to three days they didn't give her B basically any treatment they're just trying to figure out what's going on when they then finally they started to put pump her with lots of steroids which brought the inflam down and Wednesday that was a really bad day for George cuz he got there first and that was like so he was just she was just repeating January January January yeah I mean she lost like all ability to put her sentences structurally together and what was so strange was she was spitting out words like a million miles a second crazy she had so much energy she could just like go get up and go to the bathroom at at one point she did like a little jig as she went to the bathroom but like nothing that she said makes sense she couldn't even count to three it was her speech patterns 504 New Orleans 123 ply pie called it really that was extreme I think that was the most traumatic thing but it was as the day progressed she kind of got better as we were there and we were praying for her I'm praying for her Chloe's trying to do everything she can communicating taking over the business making sure like the bank accounts are okay we had a really amazing sign we had a double rainbow that appeared outside of the window and that was like I really felt that was a sign from God like yeah because she had and she was able to see like she saw that she was so excited that it was a double rainbow like she was like double double something like I can't even do the imitation of her voice this is like the most pushed to the Limit me Chloe and Robbie and George have just like come together and we've used everything we could and I said to them I think it was Tuesday or Wednesday I said to Robbie and Chloe cuz we all stayed at Chloe's house I was like you know from Sunday night when we all had that good night together before this all happened we were all different people from then yeah and you and you were I said it to you first and then you were thought about you're like yeah and then I said it to Robbie and he was like taking a back and then he was like well oh like he started to think about it and he was like oh my gosh yeah he was like before I had some anxiety and now I don't even have any anxiety like I did before but now I have actually a reason to have anxiety Robby he's only 26 years old and like he really became a man in this situation like he rose to the occasion and so did Chloe well I think we all played sorry I think we all played like our separate we it was really easy for Robbie Lily and I to play a separate but crucial role and that all made us work together and the amazing thing about it is that this did happen right before her trip like we were supposed to leave the next day to go to Seattle if this had happened in Seattle then I wouldn't we wouldn't have had Chloe or Robbie there with us if this had happened the next day after that when we were flying first to Korea then to Thailand I can't even imagine like she would have died like she had to go% she would have died yeah they wouldn't have known what to how to treat this I mean when the doctors were coming in to explain like the medical jargon like I could not understand it the best Robbie and George were George could understand it Robbie understood it really well well George has more experien since he's well he's a little bit older he has more experienced like medical stuff but I mean she was even getting tested for like dementia Alzheimer's and it just came on mad cow disease other like infe they were looking for trying to find anything like yeah we said that she traveled so that made them like bring in this infectious disease Doctor Who was unusual and then Thursday for me Thursday was the hardest day because Thursday you know after being like so worn down not sleeping at night Thursday we come in and mom is like talking better able to like talk about situations and things but her emotions were up and down and it was so exhausting cuz I'm trying to hold the space stand in the gap for her spiritually and try to calm her down because I'm actually the only that day I was the only one that could calm her down well we had a problem she really wanted her phone and she was not able to have that phone because the phone was stimulating her brain and they needed her brain to like relax and she got really mad that she didn't have her phone and she kept saying three minutes and I'm done and then I'm done and then I'm done and then I'm done and then I'm done and then I'm done and then I'm done and it was like and we and then I was just trying to say done already done already mom cuz she could only understand like a couple words and then we were like rest and like she got really mad at me because knew I had her oh sorry let me interrupt yeah no she got really mad at me because I'm actually the I was actually the one who had her phone and she Associates me also with the business but like we couldn't let her have her phone because she kept typing in the password so many times it reset the phone and then if I didn't have access to her phone I didn't have any like in super important information for the store so like I actually besides that she couldn't use the phone because of her brain there was actual actually like a technical reason she could not have her phone so that day and then George was getting frustrated because he had been pushed to the Limit yeah and also she was getting aggravated at George because you know that's her husband so she could feel like you know like they have that type of you know what I'm saying like it's your husband like you can be like I need this you know yeah but for me my my relationship with her like she is used to me always like trying to calm her down or not Cal you're really good at being calm but like yeah she Associates the time with me in Thailand you know like a time like that time so I was the only I was like George you need to get out Chloe just stay out of the room let me just be in the room let me play this worship music let me be in here and I was so exhausted yeah and I think that was the day where we actually were there the less length of time I just was like we have to and then they brought in somebody to come in to stay with her 24 hours because they were afraid like that she yeah yeah to help help her you know cuz she didn't it she wasn't really able she was better when her family was around but when we were around it kind of like triggered her and certain certain ways yeah especially you because she Associates you with the business yeah and she's my mom's all about business and like her phone is like how she does business and she's trying to call people and you know we didn't want to scare them with the way she was talking and then Friday was a terrible day cuz that's when the doctors told us that they were 80% sure that she has brain cancer central nervous system lyoma yeah that was really hard because like when we got there we were so hopeful we were hopeful like we got this text from George that said that she was doing so much better and we were like oh my gosh we're so happy like and then I remember getting there in like the first 30 seconds and mom looks at me and goes they think I have brain cancer and then you said it to me and I was like what but the nurse at the time did a really good job like calming us all down because you know it's a really scary thing to say that your mom's brain cancer and but the nurse did a really good job saying like no they don't know yet they don't know yet and it was that kind of calmed us all down but that was definitely like the most emotional day I almost had a nervous I almost had a panic attack I wouldn't say nervous breakdown but like I was on my knees like freaking out and the chaplain came in man in his by 60s and he just sat and talked with me and I could just feel the Holy Spirit radiating off of him and he held the space for me I've been trying to hold the space and stand in the gap for my mom mom my family and then Friday like I couldn't do it anymore and then God sent somebody to be there for me and that was such a blessing and then I think it was that day that the doctor came and talked with me and George and he actually talking to him he's like she's in remission now for she has a three to four week window and it'll be gone for three to four weeks and yeah you know you can drive her to Houston and well he ended up being wrong about that but um part of this like such a rare cancer I mean there's 350 million people in America and only 1,500 people get this every year that means like I did the math like in Thailand if you did that same like statistics that would mean only 300 people get this in Thailand which means there's you know Thailand is Le um more poor of a country like they probably have no idea about this disease in Thailand possibly right yeah it's called central nervous system Loma and it's a very rare form of brain cancer Saturday was a well we had spent we live an hour away from the hospital so for 5 days we had been driving back and forth 2 hours a day and spending getting there as early as we could in the morning staying as late as we could at night because if you've ever have experience with the hospital you really have to go during daylight hours you can't really visit people at night because that's when people are sleeping they're getting their like medicine so Saturday we decided to get a hotel room so we and also that was the day Robbie left yes so that was really hard that was really sad and he had to go back to Nashville and you know he has to make money and do there I mean he' served his purpose you know like just keep him there yeah so we decided to spend the night Saturday I brought Leon with me and we were Leon was so good that so good such a calm like great little boy was there in the room from what time 10:00 10 till 8:00 we I think we actually stayed till like not 8:30 or not cuz Mom didn't want us to go and it was so hard I think that it was really hard leaving her every day yeah and she had been really depressed the night before and we took her to do the MRI cuz they had to do a second MRI on Saturday yeah and we were just like so happy though like just to have time I was like Mom this is like so amazing that I can be with you now and you're not like you were a few days ago because if she had stayed like she was a few days ago like I don't know you couldn't you couldn't like live you you can't like live your life and she wouldn't have been been able to drive she wouldn't have been able to boil water she wouldn't have been able to make a pot of coffee like yeah she would have to be in a in a h home taking care of 24 Hours by people so that was actually kind of a blessing so Saturday night yeah it was really nice to have because we were at the hospital for 10 hours on Saturday nice to be with my mom and she was like her old self but a different you know like different like obviously traumatized but still like I mean sweet and lovely and kind me the doctors just told her she had brain canc and now she's like processing that and then Sunday comes and we get the results of the MRI and and the way he came in like they were hoping that because like the steroids would reduce the inflammation and like the tumor the size of the tumor in her brain and like OB I'm not a doctor so if you're a doctor out there like maybe I'm not using the right medical jargon but the steroids were supposed to reduce the size of the inflammation the tumor in her brain but it actually increased in 5 days and he showed it and Chloe and I were the ones that had to go look at it heart was like beating so bad cuz I could see in the look of his face it wasn't good he asked for George and George had already left and he show also like Mom was so scared too and she knew she was like oh no cuz she saw the look on his face and then we fortunately had a lovely lady who works for us named Bev who mom's best friend and her son who's such a strong believer they're both such strong believers they were there at the time perfect timing for that yeah to get my get our mom's mind off of things and they and he prayed such a powerful prayer and we now know like where it was on the it is on the left side of of her brain behind her eye and what did he say about the it's very close to the blood brain it's really close to the blood brain barrier um he did say that that could be a good thing because when they do the biopsy they won't have to go in like really close really deep but that 3w week window that he gave us he that's gone that's like he was like yeah I was wrong you need to get her as soon as possible and I had thought oh they got they actually had the tickets planned for Tuesday and I for some reason thought it was Wednesday and I was like well they're going to Wednesday is it okay should we have them change it to Tuesday and he was like yeah but it was actually Tuesday but I'm just saying like every day is crucial but she was able to go home for one night which that kind of that she says that was good for her to just like get her stuff together but I kind of wish she had gone right to to Houston but all of these things take a lot of time to like check into the can like this cancer hospital MD Anderson in Houston and Chloe did such a good job with packing all of mom's stuff and I on that day was just so shot like I could not think like I I was like I feel like I have brain cancer like I could not I had so much like hadn't slept very well at all and we had such long days like very highly emotional days we were driving two hours from the hospital and a lot of ups and downs it was just all ups and downs like this whole thing was like up you think she's getting better and then being crushed like like I really felt like when they said brain cancer like I felt like the weight of the world just like like and I remember walking and I like feel like my feet weren't even touching the floor it sucks it sucks so bad but like we know our mom is really strong and it's her if anyone can beat this it's her and we're all rallying to do whatever we can to help her and to be by her side for this and but they just like couldn't I mean out of everything that we ever thought would happen like she's got brain cancer all for years and years she's always said I have a strong mind I've I have a strong Constitution and she's always spoken that over herself and I believe like that was like something in her spirit that spoke Declarations of Victory and strength over her mind because somehow like inside like you know her spirit knew that this would this would take place and I am do believe that she's going to make it through like I have no I really don't have a doubt like did I have doubts throughout the week did my I get tested did I yeah have lots of worry of of course I did because I'm human like obviously I'm going through all of these emotions and all this worry and like doubt and whatever but still praising God through it and knowing that God is in control and his plan is always good and my mom is a woman of God and of faith and he's going to walk us through this and she did say that night the last night at her house before they left the next day she's like I decree victory over this and I had Tau her about decreeing and how powerful that is and she was like really there was like a switch then and she was walking better she was more mobile she left the next morning we all said goodbye to her we didn't even cry then I felt like there was like Supernatural peace and when she got in the car it was also a beautiful sunny day like the kids were running out on their property but it's been I can easily say this has been the worst week of my life this is really pushed me beyond anything I could have ever imagined in my life and we felt peace the first time yesterday and we felt peace today Mom is in Houston trying to get checked into mty Anderson they did say that her the tumor behind her eye is like 1.8 cenm no 1/8 of a centimeter 1/8 of a oh very little then no I think 1.8 cm no I think it's 1 18 cm but I cut that out cuz you said 1.8 I thought it was 1 cim and 8 no I think it's 1/8 of a c no that's like I think that's pretty big for your brain 1/8 of it's tiny Chloe 1/8 of the C is like a little micro dot you know what a little centimeter is I saw that brain scan it was definitely bigger than 1/8 of a of a centimeter okay it's like a millimeter okay why that's like a little doll that they wouldn't even be able to find like the point of a Ben at least we can laugh about these you know if you can't edit this video Ed like you know if you just like we've been laughing a little bit the whole time I mean laughing at some of the things mom was saying pie oh at one point she goes I'm strong I'm strong one point Robbie was supposed to get his tooth fixed and she hurt heard him them saying like he the appointment and then he came in but he didn't get actually get it fixed so he just had it checked he's going to go get it fixed in Nashville and she's like oh Rob Rob your teeth look so good so white so straight they're so straight and he turn like there was also this nurse who was pretty attractive and she turn mom turns to his teeth they look good they're so straight and seen them before so bad of course how we're saying it was not how she was really saying it is completely jumbled but I cannot do the impression Robbie he's good at doing impressions maybe he can impr yeah yeah Robbie's like he was so embarrassed probably but not really you know it was a really high stress situation and everybody's characters were tested and revealed and what's in our hearts are revealed and we've become better people because of this I would say like I'll admit it I was you know everyone I not everyone but a lot of people have narcissistic T Tendencies and my narcissistic Tendencies have really gone down down down down down after the last I think it's like they're they're gone completely after this last week and I think I've just been strengthened spiritually and like pushed to another and if anyone ever complains about their mom in front of me I'm going to be like well at least your mom doesn't have brain cancer yeah but also at least we have a really amazing yeah that's true yeah I know that's really true so I'm flying out tomorrow going to Bangkok let come and then you're going to meet me in Houston yeah I'll meet you in Houston I have to see we have to wait and see like what her treatment plan is going to be you know I have a two-month old baby and so a lot of hormones oh yeah that's another thing she's pumping at the hospital all day yeah that was I can't frustrating but you got to you got to I couldn't let my milk dry up so I just have to see if I can and her husband Byron he would cook for us like every day he took took care of Leon so Leon stayed here most most days with his cousin Hendrix and Byron was such an amazing I know I don't know what for Servant he is a Byron has a servant's heart he is such a good man and he really he cooked us every like every night back from the hospital George would come here and we had to debrief and like decompress from what we went through and what are I mean more importantly what our mom was going through and what we were going to try to do and fix how we're going to fix things and it was and just go forward in the next like 24 hours and there's a lot more to the story that we can't talk about here but you know we're sharing what we can share and we're standing in faith that she will be heal healed and we really appreciate all of your the prayers that we've gotten we posted that on Instagram and Facebook yeah you can follow follow Chloe Simone says on her Instagram page and make sure you subscribe to this channel Chloe Simone says and yeah we're going to be oh another thing that we're doing um we've put together a fundraiser where we're selling gii sweatshirts you know not we have we do have good insurance but it's just not going to cover everything and if you want to help support support our mom and buy a Gigi sweatshirt we would really appreciate it I'll put the link to that in the description box and also you just go to our website shopg Grace and you can yeah get some clothes from us and support my mom that way as well if you don't want a sweatshirt yeah that any because anything helps right now um but I I say thank you all so much for listening thank you all so much for listening to this story I hope it's uplifting to anyone and keep us in your prayers keep my mom please pray for my our mom and all of our family because it's this is a really difficult time God bless you all I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Chloe Simone Says
Views: 83,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fashion, retail, women, style, boutique, clothes, how to dress, how to style, women entrepreneur, family business, mother daughter business, women comedy, style and lifestyle, food, business life, women in business, mother and daughter, female entrep, family life, new mom, mom life, cancer
Id: a_44Utg0t9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 50sec (1790 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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