UMV97 - A much needed change!

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well hello um I'm trying to think where we spoke last um I'm sure I'll get there in the end anyway um it is a lovely sunny day today and I'm St inside with a jumper on so that on its own is a a bad move I think cuz it's getting a bit warm what are we on here 24 degre inside I'm sure I'll be fine just to sort this out um yeah so I think I think last time last time we spoke I had had the bad reaction and been told off royally for not telling the nurses um it took him a couple of days I think to get over that and to um to stop telling me off or checking that if I've had anything that I've gone to the nurses so basically I should take a baseline from before I started any treatment at all and go from there if anything is worse than it is there then I need to tell them so that's been fun since then um and I'll get around to that in a minute um however the uh been told many many times that um if it had have gotten worse instead of better it might have killed me was enough for me to realize that I've got to start taking things seriously when it comes to stuff like that um but it did also make me think because that's like three for three so three rounds of chemo and three time times there it's had a real bad reaction with me the first time I was just rosy red cheap and um I had a temp and it was difficult to do anything I was just sleeping the whole time uh the second time I was admitted and um it did work out to be the um antibiotics that were given to me from the first time that were causing this the second time but the chemo probably made that worse um so after that reaction after leaving the hospital had the chemo on the same day and had a bad reaction to that too so there was that and then the third time where um I could literally just feeling myself tanking as we go and I got the temperature and everything so I just wanted to make sure that all the departments were talking cuz I get to see the radiotherapy Department a whole lot so there's nurses there and the Radiologists who were all lovely um and I mean lovely that i' I've not met a person that just wasn't wonderful there they're they're all so so really nice and they make you feel like nothing is ever really a big deal you that everything is fine to talk to them about and and it's lovely um but I did wonder whether the person who decided my treatment plan um my consultant knew that I was having such a rough time so I thought I'll pop an email to um the uh radio th nurse who works with my consultant who's been absolutely wonderful as well she came to visit me when I was um when I was an impatient at the hospital that time and just absolutely lovely um so I just sent him an email just saying I didn't know if the consultant knew this um it seems to be getting worse every time and the thought of having more chemo was making me feel I don't know like I was going to cry um it was it was awful I I just the thought of having to go back in again and do it all and not know cuz I said to John if we go and then have Kimo again we're just going to wait in the car par for a couple of hours because it was always two or 3 hours afterwards after we got here we'd leave and come straight back and at that point would be when I'd start tanking and then we'd have a whole hour's drive to go back again so we was like if we're going to do it we're going to stay in the car park and see what happens and blah anyway I told her that and asked a couple of questions that I had and um um I got an email back with about an hour or so from that saying that she'd spoken to the consultant and they've decided to stop the chemo therapy so at first I was like I'm sorry this stopping what um isn't that saving my life you know I don't I don't get what the stop is I thought I don't know A reduced dose a different time some something that helps it out I I don't know I don't know if there was something else there um but but it was one of those ones where I had to remember that radiotherapy is the main treatment and it's just chemotherapy that helps that radiotherapy worked that little bit better so um there was lots of reassurance that it's absolutely fine to do that and then have the brachi therapy at the end which I'm also not quite looking forward to but I've not been looking forward to any of this so you know it doesn't make a difference really and um and yeah and just to basically get in there and make sure that knew all of this stuff about what I was thinking um but they're absolutely fine with it and I've spoken to the radiotherapy nurses and they're like it is a normal thing there's no normal like we say but it is not unheard of for people to have the chemotherapy stopped and to continue with the radiotherapy and braet therapy so I'm happy with that and so far the difference has been tremendous I mean I can't say I'm not suffering with stuff um but uh I feel a million times better than I did so that I'm hoping for going forward is going to be um still working nicely in my favor and uh the brachi therapy if you want to Google it and see what it is um I don't want to frighten some men um on on here with things I'm sure I've mentioned it before uh yeah that doesn't doesn't sound particularly brilliant does it um but that's been booked in as well the final day of my treatment is the 3rd of July um but I've had to extend my radio therapy by a day because I missed a day and this is the thing with you know telling people what's been going on so I've got radiotherapy Burns and they give you this lovely flammy gel um it's specially if for radiotherapy cuz uh one thing I didn't know was that lots of things like savlon and other bits like that um any pile cream this is a wonders of of all the treatment is what I get everything is bladder or bowel related or anything like that uh they' got Metals in them so you've really got to be careful if you're having radiotherapy after putting all of this on there so everything they give me are um uh metal free and I can use them around radiotherapy which is good so I've had to deal with Burns so I've had people staring at my downstairs regions again I it's just one of those things now where even I must admit she said do you want me to take a look and I'm just like no it's okay cuz I am I have to drop myex for every treatment um I'm actually quite lucky forward to seeing if they'll let me video um one of the radiotherapist I just want to keep my camera very far away um just so you can kind of see what happens in there um it depends there's two radiotherapy nurses that I think will be okay with it um I just want to leave it on just so I can kind of show you there'll be some sensoring um what it is but yeah every day I've got my trousers just below my bum cheeks and my jumper up here and a piece of paper for my dignity um so I'm kind of fed up with having to drop my trousers every time I speak to somebody about something um but um yeah it's a I mean it's a shame I don't have to lie on um on my front because I don't know how many people know this out there but I've got bite me tattooed on my ass so you know that would be a fun thing for me to be have to be flipped over but unfortunately I have to light on my back so that never gets seen um uh yeah so that's the thing you'll see the sticker on my van if ever you see it and that's what the tattoo looks like um I think it was like the fifth I'd had um real bad reflux me reflux has come back with her thing and they said that the chemotherapy and the radiotherapy um affect your mucous membrane so anything that's mucus related or anything that could be muscular in in sphincter type ways um can be affected so I've had reflux for 5 years um and the f first time I had a a reflux attack I thought I was having a heart attack so I have this re nothing is making this reflux go away I've already got tablets for it I've got gavis gone I've got all the things literally nothing was working so me being a good girl so before the radiotherapy the next day I decided to speak to the nurse beforehand because the thought of lying down for 30 minutes with reflux was absolutely awful um because it was giving me a pain that went right in the middle there wouldn't go away was radiating out in my back and was coming up my throat so put that into a little bit of context for heart pain it's upper chest and upper back pain that radiates out it wasn't radiating out radiating out to my shoulders or my arm um but it was in my throat and here which they then said was my jaw so because it was radiated into my jaw they couldn't rule out anything cardiac related I'd had an ECG they'd done all my obervations and everything was absolutely fine but they refused to do my chemo until I went to A&E and got checked out for chest pains so they called me an ambulance straight away and I said don't send an ambulance look at me you know I'm I'm yeah I'm in pain but look at me is there not anywhere else I can do I just need to I mean from what they were saying it was just Bloods and a little bit of observations there's a ploty lab I walk past it every day um apparently there's something that stops that from happening at Castle Hill so I got cuz there's no way I'm taking up a resource of an ambulance so um me and John jumped into John's van and drove to Hull Royal infirmary and went to the A&E there on their request they wouldn't do any more radio theapy for me until I got the oil clear from somebody else so that was a no-brainer I had no choice but to go so I'm sat there and I've got this awful Pain still and I can't get comfy and I'm trying to move like this and it was awful um you know I God love the NHS but 5 and 1 half hours almost 6 hours of sat in a busy accident in emergency um turns out it's a good job it wasn't any cardiac pain or anything to do with that uh twice I was offered medication and it didn't turn up at all um they even gave me a a I'm collecting these now a little risk band just so they could match up my meds to me when they brought it out but nobody brought anything over to me and I didn't have anything left um in my handbag to take so it was an uncomfortable time for for me and John just to sit there um I understand how it all works and I know that they are understaffed and underfunded and everyone there was also very lovely um and then I got to see the consultant there who confirmed it is it was just severe reflux but he thinks I might actually have some parts where the acid has affected my throat I might have a couple of little bits in here which we obviously is a cancer risk as well with that if you do get the Burns in there so it's something to make sure I'm I'm looking at and getting healed up so I've been given L opol I'm told to drink as much gavison as I need um so I'm waiting for a prescription for that cuz that lemon expensive um but um in the meantime I've had to order some off Amazon which is which is funny so after 5 and 1/ half hours or 6 and 1 half 6 hours or whatever of sitting in A&E confirming it was reflux um I was sent away it was about half 8 at night we got to Castle Hill hospital for half1 that morning so we' just been satting hospitals all day again um I was exhausted I need a nap um it's it is a n nap is an essential thing for the day so I was cranky so we left there and John just literally took me straight to McDonald's cuz we hadn't eaten anything and he's just like whatever you can eat to get away with because I've I've I've had to change what I'm eating again while this looks flare up his here so so far I can't eat anything that's fun you know these the whole old just because your immunity is weak you've got to make sure you eat like a pregnant lady so no raw steak no sushi no uh runny eggs um be very careful where I buy food food from if I get it um just got to be really careful with stuff like that and make sure all the food is fresh that I'm eating whereas I I ride those best before dates like you wouldn't believe um so uh yeah I've had to change that way a little bit and now for reflux it's no Fizzy Pop um I'm having no caffeine at all I'm just on decaf um no chocolate um and a nice interesting fact if you get reflux from chocolate it's because it hits all the um what's it called the all the receptors in your brain that make it feel make you feel really good this is where me radiotherapy brains coming in come on um like dope or whatever that it hits all of those receptors and relaxes your muscle and as soon as it relaxes the muscle because you feel so good cuz you've eaten chocolate cuz it's yummy then it comes back up again so there's a big old list no fatty foods no spicy foods so yeah could be worse you know but it is what it is and uh and the more I'm restricted by things the more I want to eat them so yeah that's an update anyway so apart from having saw downstairs and um reflux all the time so I can't lie flat in bed um I'm not sleeping very well because of that all the faing um no chemo which is definitely better um and I have upped my supplements so I'm taking all the supplements that I possibly can uh that I know help with immunity and all the cancer things um I know nothing can be proven but um now I know that chemo is not going to be ravaging my body and killing everything off um I'm going to try and give it a helping chance and make sure I'm taking all those right things and do what I can I am just literally drinking water and maybe a bit of juice if I can um and see what I can do for myself a bit here so yeah apart from all of that though I mean I don't know if I look better than I did last time definitely feel it um so much so so I get this I did a work shift this morning so it was 6:00 till 10: I was up at 5:00 I was up at half 4 with reflux managed to get that sorted in time for my shift to start did my shift did the 4 hours and then went into John's van and fell asleep in his bed for an hour because I was absolutely knackered um but I am so pleased I managed to do it um I never wanted to be riding this thing out not working if I can um so that was a real nice thing so it's a proper boost for me today um I definitely feel like if things keep going like this I just have to deal with all the little things um it does feel like I can't catch a break like someone's got a voodoo doll if it is anybody on here I mean please stop you know but I think there's somebody out there that's like oh M's feeling better quick let's get her in a downstairs bits no let's get her in a in reflux or whatever um so you know it's I need to stop whoever's got the voodoo do put it down please just give me a minute um but yeah um I've got to have an MRI on my head as well I think that's on the that's the 18th of June um to have an MRI because of these funny feelings um and the funny things with my vision uh because a third consultant Maybe no four consultant told me that it's that is migraines it's not migraines it is this it's not this blah blah blah so they just want to check my head out so I'm more than happy to let them um so yes I got that to look forward to as well and I got a lovely surprise in the post as well someone sent me some flowers and the flowers are absolutely beautiful they're actually In The West Wing because it's too hot to keep them in the van um but they're in the west wing and it came with a lovely card with a B on the front um and there was I think it was a cheeky comment about my pronunciation of locks um in the card but there was no name to say who it was from so if it was you thank you so much they are absolutely beautiful and uh they make me smile whenever I walk in there and see them so thank you very much uh thanks for being patient and waiting um I do appreciate I've know been getting messages from people asking how I am and the more I get then the longer I know it's been between videos so it's um it's awfully heartwarming knowing that people are worried about you and people are wondering how you're doing um it really really is so thank you everybody um for any messages I'm sorry if I've not got back to people this thing with my vision and and the other thing when it was really bad was I just didn't touch my phone at all so um so yeah all all read and all appreciated as always so uh yeah I'm going to go I'm going to go see what John's up to and um and get out in that Sunshine instead of being stuck in this F which is now 25° um so take care everyone I hope you're enjoying a lovely sunny weekend and um I shall catch you on the next video see you later guys bye
Channel: Unadventurous Mandy
Views: 8,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: femalevanbuild, camperbuild, selfbuildcamper, ducatocamper, solofemalevanlife, besafe, freeparking, campervanupgrades, unadventurousmandy, campervanninginfrance, travelmore, frenchtravel, travelslow, theviewfrombothsides
Id: 7T_cmpjsu-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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