NO BUILD under $100 URINE DIVERTING Toilet | DIY Composting Toilet for FULL TIME TRAVEL

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today we're gonna have some toilet talk not an interesting subject but actually it is so this toilet we've been using for a year and a half on our travels and today we're gonna dive in why we're upgrading [Music] bought this toilet for 50 on amazon a year and a half ago and it came with one bucket one container for using it in the outdoors and then also a lid to go with it lid is very key to keep the smells down we've been using this bucket here which is a solid bucket and been putting a bag in it using some pellets for urine or using some composting material for number two or for the men abuses sometimes jars even from the dollar store old spaghetti jars or something like that as a bee model he could say but we came to the point where this doesn't really hold much to be honest especially when you're full time so what we ended up doing was using the empty one and upgrading to a five gallon bucket conveniently enough it fits right on the bucket so now we have a huge five gallon bucket versus i don't know what is this maybe a couple gallons if that but after another six months of using that we decided we need to upgrade again so we now have come up with what we're going to show you what we're making today using a very large funnel and a bottle put some water in it to test it the nice thing about this project is all we've used to make this work is a small hand saws a permanent marker to mark on your five gallon bucket and that's it actually we bought a couple different sizes this was the largest one that we ended up getting and that we could find it is 20 centimeters wide and which comes out to about eight inches and what we ended up doing slice look how fast i did that we ended up putting testing it a few times in there and figuring out where it works and then creating something that looks like this once we have that inside the toilet we have a gallon jug that'll go in like that so this is sort of what it will look like when it's inside here so the nice thing about having this and adding these elements here is that we didn't have to build a whole toilet seat and everything it fits nicely right on top of that there's handles on the side here so if you reach in you can pull on the lip of the sort of like here so we have the bucket you can hold on the lip of the five gallon bucket like this and through the handles here and you're able to pull off the entire thing p-jug stays there and then be able to dump out your pee total cost for this diy composting and pea diverting toilet 50 well that was a year and a half ago it's 62 now we have the amazon link down in the description five gallon bucket five dollars from walmart it's massively large that was loud this massively large stainless steel funnel 20 and that's on amazon as well and then this water jug don't worry that's water in there this was free of course nice thing about this diverting toilet that we want to talk about as well is you know sometimes these jugs that they have in these urine diverting toilets they can stink after a while so the nice thing about this setup is you can use any container in a way after you're done with it so say you have like a juice container or any type of container milk jugs any type of that that'll fit right down in the front in between there so that's a way to keep costs low and wanting to keep it smelling fresh though [Music] this lid here came with the toilet like i mentioned earlier and it actually fits on once the seat is up it fits on right here pretty well um it fits on great with the ones that it came with but fits pretty well here it covers most of it it sticks up a little at the front just because it's hitting the edge of the funnel and the five gallon bucket but it's still nice to keep smells if you have any smells there it's still nice to keep it down [Music] you
Channel: Abe and Mel
Views: 17,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vanlife, fulltimetravel, fulltimerv, rvfulltime, rvliving, vanlifetravels, vanconversion, vantour, freecamping, financialindependence, budgetfriendly, personalfinances
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 12sec (312 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 07 2022
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