My Coolest Whale Encounter | Living Off-Grid on the West Coast of British Columbia

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[Music] [Music] Peach oh peachy look at oh sweetie pie you're so [Music] mean you crazy little girl so mean to the squirrels [Music] you girl where you going [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh I'm right here come on let's eat let's [Music] eat morning I'm standing uh my cabin one again is it's raining but not completely raining there's just a little bit of a drizzle but it's supposed today the weather is supposed to get um it's supposed to rain a little bit harder uh for about probably the the next hour and then apparently the sun is supposed to come out so yeah that'll be really good right now the temperature is I think it's about 9° C in Vancouver today is supposed to be something like 24 de C but but here I think it's only going to be about a high of 12 so there's a huge difference in the weather here it stays quite cool all year round so so and I'm not mad about that I I don't love super hot weather but last week was a pretty good week the weather was pretty neutral like it wasn't wasn't really nice it didn't rain a lot it was just kind of a neutral kind of weather which was good one of the owners was here for a week most of the week anyway she was here for most of the week and yeah so that was nice um so I didn't do a whole lot of filming last week just because again um I don't like the film especially when there are kids here um but when the owners are here I just want them I mean it's their property and they should feel comfortable going Wherever Whenever at whatever time of day without feeling like they're being caught in a shot or they're being filmed I mean so I just have a steadfast rule that I do not film when the owners are here so but last week I you know just did the basic stuff I got the um the lawn mode did a ton of weed trimming I also did some wood splitting I finally got it the wood that's been drying over by the wood splitter and man it is dry like I burned some of it last night and it just instantly started like it's just amazing some of the logs that come out of the ocean are like wet through and through but a lot come out that are just wet on the outside and are completely dry inside so they've literally been drying while they've been floating around the ocean for who knows how long so yeah so the stuff that I'm splitting right now is like it's super dry it's really great it's great because it's easier for me to pick up and and it's easier to haul when it's nice and dry cuz it's super light so that's really good a very cool thing happened last week after I posted my last video I got a DM uh in Instagram from a a woman who was Peach's very first foster after her owner surrendered her to the rescue yeah so it was really cool she told me all about um Peach's experience there and uh the things that they did um for her and how they helped her one funny thing is um I hope she doesn't mind me saying this but um one funny thing is that her husband apparently decided to um start running with peach so she would run beside the bike and he'd ride the bike and he said that in all the dogs he's ever worked with that she's the fastest dog and I can tell you that I've been constantly amazed at how freaking fast this dog is I mean I mean I'm used to like my first dog he was a bernes mountain dog and his name was de and Baker um he passed away from cancer at uh four years old it was really tough and then of course Buttercup she's a new foundin and uh she she passed away at um she's almost 13 when she passed away um but they're not known for their agility or their athleticism so this is my first experience with a dog that you know can run and man she is fast and I just thought it's cuz I didn't you know cuz my dogs are really slow um but no apparently I guess she's super fast and I found that really funny cuz she's fast and she also sent me a couple of puppy pictures I guess uh she got from the owner so I'll post them up here um yeah she's super cute looks exactly like her it's so cute so yeah I was really happy to get those but I just got to tell you I mean I I I certainly don't want to dwell on Peach's past and and what she's been through and I'm I'm not going to treat her any differently because of it um but I it's just great knowing other people's experiences with her as she went through like the foster care because it just helps me understand her so much more so yeah I was really thrilled to have a chat with her and and uh get those photos we didn't see any bears this week in fact I haven't seen very many animals I I hesitate to tell you this cuz I have no footage to show you so I feel kind of bad but I'm going to tell you anyways but the whales are back so I think yesterday I saw probably four different whales they're all humpbacks and I don't have footage because getting footage from this property it you like I did take a couple but you literally you cannot see the whale like you'd be looking at my footage like what is she talking about there's nothing there you actually cannot hear them and some sometimes it picks up the sound but yeah often it it doesn't pick up the sound um but Peach heard her first whale breaching uh last week which was quite funny she the whale it breached probably three or four times and it's it's like this sound that something has exploded it's so loud uh so yeah Peach heard that for the first time and Center into like a bit of a frantic uh tizzy so that was quite funny um but yeah so this season I'm going to do my best to get out there and get some really good whale footage for you guys I didn't last season I didn't last season before um it just got so busy but this season I'm determined to get some good whale footage because once the whale season starts there's whales all day year I'm not kidding all day it's absolutely crazy last was it last summer yes last summer I and I I don't know if I've told this story before last summer I took the boat to uh port mcneel for a supply run and I think I was about halfway there and I spotted a whale and he was quite close to me so around here and I think pretty much everywhere when you spot a whale you have to slow right down like you cannot I mean if the whale's right next to you you have to stop and preferably turn off your engine um so I spotted a whale so I I slowed right down I didn't I didn't turn off my engine so I'm just watching just kind of trying to figure out which way he's going to go um and then I was just going to go the opposite way but as he went that way I looked that way and there was another whale I was like oh I can't go that way so I was going to back up so I turned to back up there was a whale like right behind me like I could see him doing this like coming right towards my boat I was like what the heck so I looked over the side of the boat and realized I was right on top of a bait ball so a bait ball is a ton of herring in one spot like just swimming and hanging around so he was heading for that bitball and I had a whale there a whale there so I just jammed it and I just I just booked it for like probably 20 ft and stopped again and he surfaced right where I was so it's a good thing because humac whales don't have sonar so they can see you if they're you know they're bringing heads out of the water but it they don't know they'll surface right under a kayak if if they don't know that the kayak is actually there often though they'll see you cuz they'll you know they'll raise their heads out of the water and they'll they'll see a boat they'll see whatever but um when they're under the water if they just come to the surface and you're in the way you just get knocked over um it happens very rarely but it definitely can happen so I got out of his way and he surfaced right where I was and he came up and he just the F like a mouthful of fish and he just went back down again so I was stuck cuz it was an incredible experience but I was stuck in that spot for about probably an hour because by the time I was able to get going I had seen 16 different whales I was literally surrounded by whales yeah it was a pretty incredible experience but yeah by the time an hour was up though I was just like I get me out of here I just wanted to get get to Port McNeil and get my shopping done and then get back but yeah so this year I I'm really going to do my best to try and get some wh footage today it's supposed to clear up probably about an hour or so I think right now it's about 7:00 in the morning I've already taken uh peach out for her walk um it's about 7:00 I have to charge the electric cart because I need the electric cart to do what I'm going to do today I'm going to haul all the wood that I split last week and I'm going to haul it over here I don't know if I'm going to put it under this cabin or by my cabin I haven't decided that yet um so I've got to wait for the cart to charge and that's probably going to be about noon which which isn't that great because if it's a sunny day it's going to be really bright but anyways we'll figure it out so um yeah so I'm going to get started at around noon today and I'm going to be hauling a bunch of wood that I split last week [Music] [Music] [Music] peachy girl [Music] come come on do [Music] [Applause] than [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] youing me [Music] [Music] Peach peachy there you just disappear so fast Mama watch you a drink of water good girl s with me [Music] have a drink [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] okay come on now come good job [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good girl Peach [Music] [Music] thany girl [Music] don't leave it pleas leave [Music]
Channel: Amanda Off-Grid
Views: 2,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #OffGrid #Sailing #BritishColumbia
Id: 8qVbDrrdOm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2024
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