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That Vinny story is hilarious. Vinny is pretty shady but they barely ever showed them getting haircuts so his scenes would have been cut even if he was on mic.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/OjiJamo 📅︎︎ Apr 16 2020 đź—«︎ replies
I feel like I owe an apology to not only Matt every time I say Matt I wanted to follow it up with the rat but I'm not gonna say that today I went a little bit too far in the last episode what I did to Matt King was not right I took clips of him out of context I gave my opinion on it without being completely educated I had fake news I am going to apologize to him I think it's only right that I call him on FaceTime while recording it if you just have if you just have 30 seconds I just want to give you my genuine honest apology I look back at what I did last week and what I did to you was wrong I just hope that you can forgive me I love myself too it wasn't so bad thanks Matt no it wasn't so bad go back in there one more time Matt now now that we're all good and we're all cool and we're best buds again I'm doing a little segment here where we talk about news topics and there was something I'd like to get your opinion on is it cool if I run it by you quick yeah they are working on vaccines for the corona virus and they are testing out the vaccines on lab rats and there is actually a shortage of rats available for the testing I was wondering if you knew any rats that would be down to try some free drugs once a rat always a rat all right you [ __ ] [ __ ] now that Matt King has been dealt with let's get into embarrassing myself okay this is the tic-tock that I've been exposed in recently [Music] I can't believe I [ __ ] up I [ __ ] this up this is a clip of me on the Jersey Shore I don't know why this this flip is getting so much attention on tick tock now I've said this a bunch of times before in my videos that I used to cut these guys his hair on the show back when I was 18 I went to high school with Vinny I used to cut his hair before he was on the Jersey Shore he used to get haircuts every two days he would hang out in the barbershop the whole day when you asked him why he is still there he would say that his friends are gonna come pick him up all day yo y'all broke my friends are coming my friends are coming and then his mom would show up at the end when we're closing up [ __ ] man I hope he doesn't watch this [ __ ] Jersey Shore was a huge success and they green-lighted it for season two they decided to send them down to Miami Vinny was just so picky with his haircuts and you can't just go down to Florida and expect to get a New York [ __ ] hair style New York style and fade so he had to call in somebody he knows so that's why he called me and then of course me being a little cloud chasing [ __ ] [ __ ] that I was I [ __ ] hung out with him all the time cuz it was cool they were like guys that I they reminded me of guys I grew up with I did grow up with some of them and I started hanging out with them on and off the show I remember telling my mom things are going great I'm acting on TV shows check me out on NTV I will be on MTV and this is the first [ __ ] clip that she sees of me and of course I'm smoking a cigarette I told my mom it was acting I said a mom they wanted me that the directors gave me a cigarette to smoke as a prop so I could look like a real genuine background actor everybody knows reality TV set up and it's it's all scripted but mom I did lie that cigarette I was smoking to to be cool and I might have been slightly addicted at the time I don't smoke cigarettes anymore but this clip now has 1,400 comments what are some of the comments here oh do you guys not watch his videos he said multiple times he used to cut their hair no his videos are waste of my time you're right of course it's Jeff once he saw the camera he just stood there to feed his ego in the hopes that would make him famous those comments hurt my feelings okay Jeff season two this is this was where I got a little more shine this was when I got to showcase my barber and skills interview skills now Vinnie didn't want me to get miked up because Vinnie knew that if I got miked I would say dumb [ __ ] I would tell the story about his mom coming to pick him up all the time he already knew that if they had miked me and gave me an opportunity to embarrass Vinnie I would so he told the producers on the side and I found out this from the situation that Vinnie didn't want me to be on the show he just wanted me to be their barber he didn't want me on there which I understand because I would have told that story any any opportunity I got so this just brings back memories I said do those stupid mind in his hair okay so they had me ask him questions but they cut all of it I don't know what that vest was the owner of the shop wanted me to wear this big branding of the barber shop on the show and I didn't want to [ __ ] do a whole promo on my five seconds of fame so I wore this apron or something just so I had an excuse not to be wearing this what an idiot I was what an idiot I was what an idiot I am I still am I probably will regret making this video ten years from now probably come back and watch this one and think what the [ __ ] was I thinking then it's just a circle of embarrassment and that's why people like Jason Nash don't care about anything anymore once I had met the producers and stuff of this show there's another show going around and that show was even worse than this one and I thought you know I'm already doing this Jersey Shore stuff this is my time to shine this is gonna be my shell where I get to start all the drama and I've always wanted to play a villain so this was going to be my opportunity to really show my talents have played a bad-guy as ladies we need to hold ourselves to a higher standard Erica if you let someone walk all over you they will what the [ __ ] I just realized that's Edward Scissorhands that's J year he plays Edward Scissorhands man we've been at it since this oh man can I delete my can I restart could I can I delete the internet and start over [ __ ] I hope this [ __ ] virus takes us all out I hope this virus gets the internet deleted okay I can't watch this man yo I don't think we can make this video man yeah this is really bad I was trying so hard to have a beard at that time and it's just even that's embarrassing everything about this is horrible why would I buy you a friend drinks in the Baja oh my god I was such a piece of [ __ ] these are some embarrassing moments that have happened to me in my life I've done a lot of wrong in my life I've done wrong to my friends then wrong to my employees my family members when I smoke that cigarette I just wanted to film stuff man and I knew reality TV was [ __ ] and I wanted to be a bad guy and this is where it got me where is this girl now oh [ __ ] man Kat was the target of a large drug bust Thursday by the peninsula pencil Pennsylvania State Police Department others allegedly found cocaine mushrooms ecstasy and a gun and the [ __ ] has serious charges coming her way who the [ __ ] puts this out a news site spend money on you oh you're broke you have no business being here and I want your broke ass to leave this is not my best performance why don't you say that line I knew I had that line it was good I want to make sure they got it man if David was around back then he would he would [ __ ] love this cuz right now David just got like a bunch of crazy guys he got Todd so he's doing something crazy making out with girls Zane and he peeing on each other and stuff you know all the guys that are crazy but all the girls are pretty conservative a lot of them are very conservative and have respect for themselves they edited me to make me look bad and I got tricked because I thought hey these people are hitting me up to come film they know that they got a guy that's uh he's got talent this guy's got talent we're gonna bring him in here you know what these [ __ ] sabotage me they cut all my cool guy shots this is what I do to Jonah this is how I portrayed Jonah on my reality shows I put him up to being an [ __ ] and then I edited him to be like this and I finally got a taste of my own medicine oh boy alright that's it for another episode Alexa turn the lights off it looks is your the lights back on I turn the [ __ ] light [Music]
Channel: Jeff Wittek
Views: 2,166,441
Rating: 4.9738865 out of 5
Keywords: Jeff's barbershop, Jeff wittek, vlog squad, David Dobrik, barber, barbershop, haircut, interview, podcast, jersey shore, matt king, todd smith, vinny, the situation, pauly D
Id: sP5L1cjLzWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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