Rudy Mancuso gets Haircut from Worst Reviewed Barber | Jeff's Barbershop

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[Music] season two well what is going on right now we made a few renovations we got the new black walls we got a new door coming in next week we got Rudy here today my good friend he's a musician a director a comedian he's hilarious he's a guy that got me into making videos Jeff's the guy who got me to start drinking but I've been cutting here for a long time your dad's a barber he used to cut your hair growing up my dad was the only person who cut my hair and as you know hair my hair is a big part of my life are you doing the man bun still Helena no you were once the most followed person on vine right one of and now you have over six million subscribers on YouTube I do yeah what's it like being friends with Justin Bieber Hey like being friends with anybody that you likes like being friends with you I didn't give you a career though you think Justin Bieber giving my career yeah but your friends are JB - I don't like to drop names Joey you just did though but tell me about the first time you met Justin first time we met man I truly can't even remember feeling it was like a party a rooftop somewhere and we met kind of in passing we made a couple more times and it wasn't until a few times that we actually sat down and hung out and jammed at the studio that we really hit it off do you remember those days Jesus Christ Reggie we're talking about how we met Justin Bieber your phone's gonna ring do me a favor call that person back right now yeah call it call your dad back right now your make them calls dad come on get your phone out so our calling back I'll just tell the story is a big boy you want to work on Hollywood sets and messing around up learn similar to quit man no it's gonna cut it man you want a nerf cuz pause Edit wheel can I say it right Atticus quit everyone okay you're already mine Jeff sometimes I don't know when you guys are kidding or not Reggie I'm sorry I might have overreacted a little bit I really believe in you and I want things to work schools soon we're gonna have really big youtubers on this show you know um it's normal whether you'll be breaking stuff and yelling at your your your group actually yeah it is we kind of do it every episode so you're a talk show host yourself with awkward puppets yeah we do the whole Diego interviewing celebrities thing getting back into it soon actually oh yeah yeah I loved it man what's your favorite video you've ever made um I don't know what my favorite video is man I can't remember half of them most recent favorite video probably block a oh it was a music video I directed why don't you go back to doing the old stuff I love your old videos the ones you're making now are not as like I don't really like them but your old stuff was great yeah well thanks you know to each their own I guess I enjoy directing it's my form of evolution for what I want to do what's next for you man just more directing working on developing a movie right now can I be in the movie no let's talk about your parents I know both your parents and they're both hilarious people where do you think you get your sense of humor from take a combination of both my dad as you know is a very strong-headed Italian my mom's a very passionate Brazilian I think I draw inspiration from from them both what about you unfortunately my dad do you think you're funny yeah really yeah it's interesting you're on a plane you're in first class you could have anybody in the world living or dead sitting next to you who would you pick what a question Charlie Chaplin really I thought he doesn't really talk much I mean it was a silent film era he would be quiet the whole time he'd get some sleep no he talked a lot actually he was a director actor musician film score editor anyway I have a lot of questions for a do it all himself time man so yeah what about you probably oh I would ask him how many girls he had sex with yeah you could choose any one as real you choose leo okay Neil's an incredible actor but you probably bump into him already hump into him all the time I was taking a piss in a urinal the other day and he came in and he was pissing in the urinal next to me where one oh if you could fight any youtuber any other youtuber who would it be you that's fair makes sense remember that time we were living in Hollywood and I was shooting something musical in my house oh yeah instrumental I hear a knocking on the door a vicious knocking on the door I'm like what the what is that I go up and open it and it's Jeff bleeding I was knocked over bruised and had I had blood on him I was attacked by a crackhead on the street being the vigilante that I am I had to take him out and I broke my hand in the process of that and I came to Rudy's house to get some frozen peas that's the Jeff we all knew yeah something was usually broken or bloodied up and I'm the same guy I just cleaned up my ass for YouTube can we talk about your weight loss transformation you really want me to talk about how he's to be heavy yeah it used to be probably to treat 300 pounds when you were like what nine years old it was a big kid all right we're gonna talk about this let's do it I used to be fat it'd be very fat how did you lose the weight diet and exercise man I was done I was done with the fat I was the funny fat kidding at certain point you don't want to be the funny fat getting bored you just want to be the funny kid you think it's easier being funny when you're fat no not necessarily you have to kind of redesign what kind of funny you are do you think I'm not as funny cuz I'm handsome probably I don't think you'd be funny either way to be honest but you're handsome how's your relationship going with Maya yeah great she's great I'm in a really good place who's gonna be your next girlfriend hopefully there is no next girlfriend hopefully this is it wherever we used to shoot binds together play vine let's can we play vine a little dude it's a while ago huh yeah that was good huh yeah even back then - in barber videos this is a historic episode right here taking a little trip down memory lane I didn't know that we're gonna be shooting this by the way Jeff just said yo you the way you need a haircut and I was like I do does that come by and I came by because thing I know is three cameras and a chainsaw that I asked you to come on this show about seven times now you're supposed to be my first guest we had to replace you with some musically boy now the rest of my career I'm gonna be known for this guy you got smart about it you were like instead of saying yo you want to come on the show you're like yo you want to just come catch up and get a haircut I was like yeah it sounds great yeah cuz you don't do a lot of interviews well I do good ones you know like establish ones I'm a little loopy right now I'm not gonna lie I want your pills before this yeah but what am I doing here here cut my hair after you used told me that I've cut in hair and worse situations have you ever cut someone's hair while under the influence of alcohol I probably cut it hair under the influence of alcohol more than I do sober gift enough so where you living now since you moved out of 1,600 vine what's your home address to tell us what your new address is I'm in Studio City I won't disclose my home address but I live in Studio City and I really like it hey remember when we used to go on double dates together I mean I got raced all that [ __ ] from my memory yeah so tell me you're single now Jeff yep want to talk about it nope it's a like being single are you happy are you focusing on you are you focusing on your work are you going out every single night who wants to know what single Jeff is up to I know I knew I kind of just been doing this like just doing YouTube videos editing a lot good for you man yeah it's nice so you're an editor now how'd you learn how to edit I taught myself how does that make you feel when I say something like that when you know deep down inside you're the one who taught me how to edit mmm you don't want to fresh showed you a thing or two but if I've learned anything in this business it's that you have to be desensitized to having your idea stolen I've stolen ideas yeah I stole this show from moultrie gotta make that better oh look from you that's true huh you have any tattoos Jeff yeah I got one I got it in jail you got a tattoo in jail yep should we talk about your jail days yeah I don't give a [ __ ] david dobrik already put it all over the Internet this new friend group well I just comprised of the blog group David and that crew I like David he's a nice kid and he works really hard he reminds me a lot of you in the sense that he was always like kind of like a nerdy like like kind of edited and made videos yeah and so you're a vlogger now huh kinda I like to call them documentaries because yeah I wouldn't call them documentaries I've called them vlogs but do you consider yourself a vlogger no no I have camera operators that film me they walk around with me it's just funny because one member when we were we started shooting together and hanging out together very often you would you would make fun of these vloggers I didn't do that yeah you did anybody was a vlogger you'd be like that kid who made all pieces of I think Utah I think you're thinking of somebody else now you know one person who talks like that now she's interesting that you've become a sellout yeah we all have them you're gonna cut my hair what broke this is a good episode huh he's really getting deep into my past there's nothing wrong with it it's actually a noble profession people make a lot of money and tell a lot of interesting stories yeah I go out I fill my lunch I say hey guys check out what I meet him for lunch today smash like on this vid right now that kind of material inspires it's what I wanted to do ever since I was a little kid you know every time you stop like that that's like five minutes where you could've been cutting my hair this show is not about the haircuts I have no idea what I'm doing with the haircut I can tell you do a lot of music stuff in your videos can you do somebody here today you know can we get him a spoon and a couple glasses out of the thing maybe you can bang on him or some do like a little musical segment you're from shoeing blinds to performing and sold-out stadiums for hundreds of thousands of people millions billions of people no it was like about 60,000 60,000 people yeah three we did three we did a few shows that's nuts man I'm proud of you do it on thanks man it was incredible opened up a new creative Lane live performing was something else we get it bringing the spoons it's a song Rudy the ARU zone for a lot of videos where he bangs on like different objects how do you what you want me to do it do it as you did normally - I can't really there's not much other in between hold it in your legs hold it like this how much I can do with this you know you give me a couple spoons this is what you're making your videos you think I'm making fun of him go look at his YouTube channel see what I can give you Keter me can you turn me Barbour okay cuz I'm get these spoons out of here it's like an idiot there's their home how much you pay these guys I pay them with exposure they get followers on inspiration you know that right and then eventually they'll do you should demand higher pay how much money you have in the bank three hundred and forty seven dollar thirty forty eight three hundred forty eight dollars don't have to stare at that getting bobblehead of you the whole time it's a sponsor they have to stay there if they control everything looks exactly like it's frightening you never used to do it like this don't worry about it like Sweeney Todd's cutting my hair you're pretty much done it's not my favorite haircut I've ever given you but you were insulting me the entire time are you being serious you I'm gonna put the gel in I've usually give me a little bit yeah we call my dad first over you wants to see you guys okay yeah we're doing the barbershop show over here this is my dad guys tell him the best shop in the world where it's at yeah are you ready for the big reveal yes sir what do you think I can't really tell with this mirror but it's good I mean it's not what I asked for but it's fine you said you wanted 19 so which one do you want to look like that I just the haircut my haircut the one you usually give me I only know how to do the ones on the list I'm good this is fun this is good Jeff it's been an absolute pleasure thank you Mike's gonna be a friend for years good to see you thank you for finally coming on nothing like a Jeff haircut that's the truth I love you bro love you too and you really like this haircut though [Music]
Channel: Jeff Wittek
Views: 3,041,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rudy mancuso, jeff wittek, jeffs barbershop, haircut, barbershop, vlog squad, david dobrik, justin bieber, relationship, breakup, girlfriend, hairstyle, interview, talk show, vine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2019
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