What should you play after Baldur's Gate 3? The best CRPGs ever.

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so my friends you just beat Baldur's Gate 3 and you are one of those 1 million plus lucky people who have never played a crpg before and now you're left with that sinking feeling in your stomach what do I do now am I just gonna open my wallet again and go back to some battle pass micro transaction driven corporate drivel game or has the bar been raised and you're ready to have another quality gaming experience that respects your time well I have good news I've made this video for you and the really good news is there's been a Renaissance of crpgs in the last five to ten years and on top of that there's a bunch of older masterpieces to pick from so the world is not over there's an entire genre open to you now and I want you to be able to pick from the best of the best and have a wonderful time now personally I've always loved crpgs I love them for two reasons first and foremost they feel to me like kind of a natural extension of that old school jrpg I played when I was a kid I'm talking squaresoft here I'm talking Final Fantasy 6 7 8 9 10. I'm talking Chrono cross Super Mario RPG Xeno gears lunar Silver Star Story games that give you this incredible story compelling characters and a decently complex combat system and you have those breathtaking moments games that you play and you never forget and sadly over the years these games that were once so amazing have kind of gone into decline now if you want the reason for that and you want to talk about Square saw specifically I can lay that directly on the altar of the squaresoft and Square Enix merger the evidence of which you can just go on Wikipedia and pull up a list of games that squaresoft made and then the list of games they made after the merger and oh my God it's like watching the crucifixion of creative genius one is a list of Timeless masterpieces the other is a list of 20 years worth of sequels prequels remakes and mostly crap besides a few anomalies here and there like Final Fantasy 14 and we'll talk about that later but what a shock all of a sudden they decided to put somebody who cared about quality and was passionate in charge of that in fact that whole list kind of reminds me of modern Hollywood conflizzard is dead it is a corpse it is a corpse being puppeteered by Activision and uh Bobby kotec and it's going to be used as basically a factory to put the blizzard stamp on things and Stoke Nostalgia to get sales and that's it and then speaking of modern Final Fantasy for me in the last couple of years it just seems like they're always this weird Royal soap opera that's incomprehensible and murky and it's always starring noctis Meridius Decimus Maximus christalis novalis and his four buddies who are all dressed exactly the same and they're always on some dramatic royal adventure and I just could care less and on top of that the combat seems to be shifting into something more like a cinematic experience where you mash buttons at the right time like Azura's wrath and don't get me wrong azur's wrath is an awesome game but it wasn't really what I signed on for but we're not here to complain about the death of old school jrpgs we're here to celebrate the birth of this new era of crpgs that you have joined and as mentioned earlier the other reason I love crpgs is I've always been obsessed and interested with character building you know you're given this intricate interesting system of full classes and archetypes and Feats and abilities and you combine these and you can make interesting character builds in parties and thus increase your power in combat and do interesting things and that's like the gods Ambrosia to me and I've really never understood the argument in modern jrpgs that turn-based games somehow turn off and and you're not able to reach out to a broader audience I mean did poke did Pokemon not appeal to a broader audience turn-based Pokemon was that a disaster you know I don't think turn-based has to die to reach out to a million people now one last thing before I get on with the list I do think Baldur's Gate 3 is a masterpiece though I will say I think there are a few cracks in the Mona Lisa for me the biggest issue with the game is the long resting system which is kind of counter-intuitive because there are so many story beats and cut scenes that are based on you long resting and yet at the same time the game actively discourages you from long resting due to both food consumption and more importantly there's all these time-based quests so if you long rest you might fail the quest but at the same time you might miss a cutscene so I think that was kind of a Miss there but it's also something that can be ironed out in the long run my other minor complaint would be I think the game does start a little slow both combat wise and narratively uh for me personally I don't know about you it took me till about the end of act two to really be thrust into this story just to be like holy crap this is awesome what's going on I am interested but the problem there is that's probably 40 hours away from the start of the game so most of the beginning of the game has kind of held Loosely together by the overarching illithid plot but in general there's just a lot of little incidents and Side Stories carrying you on leading you up to this moment at the end of act two and unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you look at it the open nature of the game means you can go anywhere and do so many things and that can lead to kind of a narratively unbalanced experience in terms of pacing if you decide to do everything on the map you might not be as into the story as you would like to be on top of that early game combat is also a little slow and this is actually because the game is based on the DND combat system which since time immemorial has had issues with let's say level one to five where essentially you walk forward and smack something once every turn so don't get me wrong it does take a while to get your party up to speed and start doing really interesting things but then again level one to five six seven eight that's 40 hours baby now there's no doubt a bunch of interesting things you can do in combat but at the same time 99 of the player base might miss these things is shoving pushing exploding barrels all kinds of stuff but all these minor complaints aside this game is still a goddamn Masterpiece and I'm sure you would agree with me so enough complaining here is my list of must play crpgs for the newly baptized Baldur's Gate enthusiast we're going to start with modern crpgs which I think is obviously an easier jumping off point for players new to this genre the first Masterpiece that Springs to mind is of course Divinity original sin 2 which is a terrible title for an amazing game now the same reason you might want to play this next is also the same reason you might not want to play this and that is it is made by larion the same company that has made Baldur's Gate 3. it's utilizing the same game engine and they both feel very similar to play it's very much the same style the really good news here is a Divinity original sin to uh what a mouthful is its own unique game it's not chained to the D D Mythos or story and I think more importantly it's not chained to the D D combat system now the game is doing its own thing it has its own unique characters its own unique backstory and it has a really interesting and compelling story and an important note for the modern audiences here the games dialogue is 99 voiced which is a nice thing it's not necessary especially when you get into these old school crpgs that don't have that but in modern times it's really nice it can really flesh out the characters as long as it's done well the irony here is once again it's a masterpiece but I think it actually suffers from the reverse problem that Baldur's Gate 3 has I actually think the beginning of divinity original sin 2 is super compelling in its side stories you're actually really invested on what's going on but as things progress towards the end game it does get a bit muddled and a bit more unclear and unfortunately that's heavily dependent on the origin character that you pick I think if you pick feign the skeleton guy you're much more involved in the main story while the other characters have a lot more Side Stories going on um origin characters is a whole other video and a whole other argument I'm not sure every other crpg jrpg it's just always make the main character but it does lead to interesting multiple playthrough options however ultimately these are all minor complaints in what is a game that is ultimately probably as good as Baldur's Gate 3. it's really really good and an important note here Divinity original and II also utilizes the same turn-based system while almost every other crpg on this list does not most crpgs even the older ones utilize a pause at any moment system you can press the space bar whatever and you pause combat and you can direct your characters to do actions uh similar if you ever play the grandia series and to be honest with you I really like this combat system I find it almost more enjoyable in a way but I am very happy that Divinity original sin 2 does use turn based for the specific reason that Divinity original sin 2's turn-based system is awesome larion managed to make one of the most interesting turn-based combat systems I think I've ever seen in any game and once again because it's not really handcuffed to the old DND system there's a lot of emphasis on environment in the context of this game and there are a ton of spells there's a ton of character customizations but what I mean by environment is you can have your character cast a Rock spell that create you know hits them and creates a pool of oil underneath them then you can have another character cast a poison bolt that turns that oil into poison gas so then you can have another character cast a fire bolt that explodes the poison gas and sets everything on fire while they're poisoned same thing on the flip side you can create water pools freeze them Electrify them and there is it's really interesting it's really fun and to be honest with you I enjoy it more than Baldur's Gate 3 turn base that is by far one of the biggest highlights of divinity original sin 2. so in conclusion put this game on your list play it it's worth your time it's worth your money the second game I want to talk about is the primary reason why I made this video in the first place and that is pillars of Eternity to dead fire now luckily unlike Divinity original sin 2 from here on out I can just call it dead fire now the reason why I want to talk to you about this game is since it has come out I have never felt more strongly that I think this is one of the most underrated crpgs ever made it's incredible and you know I constantly read these you know rankings long list top 20 crpgs and for some inexplicable reason this is always usually ranked underneath the original pillars of Eternity one you know maybe that gets an S and this gets a triple A and don't get me wrong the original pillars of Eternity is an excellent game and when you run out of all the games on this list you should probably play it but like a lot of games I'm going to talk about like Baldur's Gate 2 like divinity original sin 2. the important thing about dead fire is a sequel is it took everything from the original pillars of Eternity and perfected it made it 10 times better in my opinion and this game is incredible my biggest issue with pillars of Eternity one is in the storytelling and the dialogue the combat is good the setting is beautiful it's very Lord of the Rings crpg-esque uh but the game's story and dialogue is delivered to you in a very tell not show fashion the big issue here is almost every character interaction you have and every dialogue are these long long paragraphs of exposition which you have to plow through and to be honest are not particularly interesting or entertaining on top of that it isn't voiced at least most of it isn't which I'm sorry is a downside in a modern game and the game for some reason just assumes you're going to be interested just because and that is what the dead fire sequel improved upon so much they made the dialogue and story so much more palatable as opposed to these long Exposition dumps it's presented to you in short Snappy interesting dialogue that draws you into the world and the characters are constantly interacting with each other it's 99 voice acted and the game is so much better for it on top of everything else I just love this game if you ask me right now on the spot to rank the best crpgs of all time I would put dead fire right next to Baldur's Gate 3. it's that good it's such an amazing game and if you're watching this video please play the crbg play it try it I challenge you challenge them right uh the setting is absolutely phenomenal it's definitely not traditional Lord of the Rings it's this giant sprawling kind of Island Ocean land culture there's all these nations and every island you can visit on your ship has a place it has a dungeon it has a town it has a story that you can interact with and do side quests and more importantly one of the biggest parts of the game is this gigantic Island City which is very reminiscent to Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate 3. um and you know in this city you can go from section to section it's massive and you never know when there's going to be another Merchant Another Story Another dungeon you know what is waiting for you around the corner and you know the setting of this game is so intricately constructed it's kind of a mix of both interactual objects and architecture and pre-rendered backgrounds with these wonderful vibrant colors which really hits you right in the fields you feel like you're playing an old squaresoft RPG and the really nice thing when you kind of combine these two things and pre-render backgrounds is it gives the game the freedom to give each area its own style its own personality the story is really interesting the characters are interesting as I think I already mentioned the whole game is voice acted and it's done so well I think honestly you're cheating yourself if you don't pick up my arua and uh tahiku in fact I think I went back and played it a second time three or four years later that's kind of my loop it's like reading a good book and I was determined to pick different companions but God damn it they're just so good they ended up in my party once again there's also a ton of interaction between your party members which really brings life to the game one of you know just a slight minor tweak with Baldur's Gate 3 unless you're on a specific side quest that involves that companion in general they're pretty quiet but in this game they're always chatting they're always talking and that really sucks you into the world and like the best crpgs if you make horrible choices and horrible decisions eventually your party members start leaving you for distasteful acts you might commit and you know that's always fun to keep you on your toes the combat system is Fabulous As mentioned before it's a pause at any time during the battle as opposed to turn based but just like divinity original sin 2 it's doing its own thing it's created its own unique combat system its own classes subclasses archetypes and you can do multi-classing so it's somewhat simplified when compared to something like DnD 3.5 but it's got depth to it another special mention when it comes to combat this probably has the most interesting Advanced and customizable AR AI system that I've ever seen in a crpg and what I mean by this is well you can absolutely manually control your characters you can also set up commands for your companions and it's almost like it's Photoshop it's layers its priorities so you can go in and create custom command chains and just for example it's like if HP is above 30 percent teleport and use x skill on the lowest Armor class enemy but then you can set up a sub command above that that's if HP is below 30 percent heal self now these are two very basic commands but it gets really complex and interesting for instance If X level spell is cast in your vicinity immediately cast counterspell or silence and this alone you can spend hours doing and playing with it's really cool but once again this is a totally optional aspect of the game but it is really interesting how much control it gives you to be able to basically automatically have your party do what you want it to do by far my biggest gripe when it comes to dead fire is for some reason not only the developers but players seem to be under the assumption that you need to play the original pillars of Eternity one to understand or get involved with dead fire this is such a huge mistake you know it's just like Baldur's Gate three do you need to play Baldur's Gate 2 to understand Boulder's gay three no not even close and it's the same here but for some reason the game especially at the beginning makes you feel like this is necessary and I don't understand why the developer did this but you know you wake up just the first two minutes of the game in this kind of death realm you talk to the goddess of death and she asks you to start your adventure and then load your previous save from pillars of Eternity one now all this does is it takes your choices from pillars of Eternity one and maybe Alters I don't even know 10 20 lines of dialogue throughout your 100 hour playthrough based on whether or not you're a bad person you're a neutral you're chaotic good you're true evil whatever but I I just think it was such a mistake to even give the expectation that you would need to play the original to play this you absolutely don't just jump right into it it's great and just like Baldur's Gate 3 there's going to be characters coming back from Baldur's Gate too like Jahira like Minsk did you need to see them Baldur's Gate too no as a matter of fact I think nostalgia in general is a bad crutch to rely on when I play Baldur's Gate 3 it's been a while since I played bg2 I don't give a [ __ ] about Jahira I don't care about Minsk if anything trying to suck that nostalgia in takes away from the momentum of the main game the story's trying to tell so to conclude here go play it play pillars of Eternity one it's a good game it's just not nearly as good as dead fire and once again how I look at the you know Shadow run Hong Kong is a cyberpunk crpg very Indie not a huge game very simple I see this rated higher and I cannot like what like what also special mention here definitely get the expansions they add like 40 to the game's length also they're super bosses in the game there's tons of improvements they've made over the years and the expansions themselves are probably 4.99 each you can probably get the whole bundle for 20 bucks go play it last but not least on our modern crpg list though I am going to have some special mentions at the end uh I cannot miss Pathfinder now Pathfinder is interesting because the Pathfinder tabletop game is actually an extension of Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 Edition now this may not interest you but at some point Dungeons and Dragons switched over to 4.0 everybody hated it and Pathfinder carried on the 3.5 rules system and they're both their tabletop games and now finally Pathfinder which you can play as its own standalone crpg they also quite frankly improve the 3.5 system infinitely especially with the addition of archetypes to classes whereas in 3.5 you had all these Prestige classes archetypes were taking the base class and giving you about 500 different unique flavors of that original class which you could even combine with themselves for basically infinite customization now this wasn't new in fact you can go back and find this stuff in Baldur's Gate too but I'm so glad they added it to Dungeons and Dragons now unlike the previous two games I mentioned which are both sequels that are significantly superior to the original both Pathfinder King maker Pathfinder 1 and Pathfinder Wrath of the righteous are great it's not that one's better than the other in fact there's a continual online debate exactly which Pathfinder is better but both of these games are actually just great games and I recommend you play them both it's difficult to pinpoint major differences but in general the original game is a little bit tighter in terms of its narrative the budget was definitely smaller but ultimately it's still a fabulous game and then you get into Wrath of the righteous it's like times a thousand in terms of Vistas and areas and crazy [ __ ] happening but because they're both using exactly the same rule system they are a true one and two which you probably should play in order it's been a few years but I believe kingmaker is mostly voice acted and I can certainly remember Wrath of the righteous is almost entirely voice acted I always have to mention it because I think it is great in terms of modern crpgs most importantly of all when it comes to these two games yes you got great character setting story but oh my God if you remember way back at the beginning of this video I said that character building is my crack cocaine you cannot do any better for a game than these games Pathfinder is a ridiculous layer upon layer of classes archetypes Feats origin traits equipment everything it's nuts and then when you go into Wrath of the righteous they have these things called Mythic paths which add like another 20 levels of complex character building to your main character and I am not joking when I say that if you go to respect and Wrath of the righteous you can easily spend 30 to 45 minutes just respecting A Single Character there are that many Feats it's that complicated and I absolutely love it it's great now one downside I have to mention just like every other Masterpiece I've talked about but that's okay because Perfection is found through the imperfection of a beautiful piece of art uh both of these games are following so closely to the tablecop tabletop campaign they also include these mini games within the original games when it comes to King maker it's a kingdom management system when it comes to Wrath of the righteous it's building armies to fight the demon armies invading the land now for some people this might be fabulous it might be for their jam for me it wasn't I had absolutely zero interest in these little mini games which can take up a ton of time I mean God knows you could probably spend 25 hours alone doing these mini games throughout the campaign uh luckily in both games there are options to turn those off though you lose the loot so quite frankly you should just get a mod where you automatically win them could be your thing but for me personally baby that's not what I'm here to do now I do want to throw out three special mentions as games I highly recommend you play crpgs but differ considerably enough that I wouldn't put them right next to Baldur's Gate 3. one is a small game called tyranny which is also made by obsidian the same producers of dead fire pillars of Eternity a tyranny is a very very short game there's an interesting story behind it and it's kind of achieved as the years have gone a bit of like a cult classic status the biggest compliments I can give this game is it has one of the most fascinating customizable magic systems that I've ever seen in an RPG anywhere the story is interesting but it's very short it's a fun like two or three days just play through the game and that's a good one now it would be a discredit to me to make this video and not talk about disco Elysium now disco Elysium is not only unlike any of these other crpgs it's probably going to be unlike any other game you've ever played most likely you've heard this game in passing this is essentially taking a crpg and taking out all of the combat it's also placing you not in some kind of Lord of the Rings Adventure it's an entirely unique bizarre neo-noir French Marxist Revolution kind of foggy town where you wake up as a detective and you have no memory the whole game is based on dialogue you're attempting to solve this great mystery you go around the town the outskirts you interact with these in bizarre and just amazingly well-written characters I think for anyone who considers themselves a video game connoisseur to not give this game a chance not put it in your repertoire is cheating yourself it it really is an incredible experience and one note of warning because I am a die-hard Min maxer right I like to discover all the best skills and the combinations and stuff like that and I made the mistake when it came to this game so you know you can actually level up I think 12 individual skills when it comes to dialogue you know there's perception there's logic there's aggression reflexes there's a there's what it is like party or like sexiness um but I probably reset the game five times trying to map out this incredibly complex and and doesn't really make any sense going to these random people at random times during the day to try to acquire skills which would give me more exp to level up faster and create the ultimate character I think this was a huge mistake looking back on it because I think I was cheating myself out of the amazing experience that this game is supposed to be and trying to make it this cut and dry power gaming experience when it really isn't it's really about the journey it's really about like this incredibly beautiful interactive novel so I do recommend if you're going to play this don't go on the wiki don't look up you know like what skill should I take here and there just build your character the way you want it to start and just go through the game have the experience you're gonna love it one last modern crpg I have to mention would be Wasteland 3. now Wasteland 3 is a great game it's a great crpg it is set in kind of a dystopian future Mad Max Borderlands 3 setting which isn't necessarily my jam I do like it though I'm certainly more of a fantasy guy um my biggest issue with this game is the same issue I have with the Borderlands series I don't know why everyone has to talk like a [ __ ] teenager um I just don't get it it seems like the writers are trying to be cool but the characters just come off as idiots I just quite frankly I don't like the dialogue outside of that it's a really good game it's a cool setting there's really interesting character building options it is a good story and it is up there with some of the best crpgs and like every other game I mentioned on this list you do not need to play Wasteland one and two to enjoy Wasteland 3. in fact I wouldn't do it so that concludes my list of what I would say are modern Masterpiece crpgs no doubt there's a few I missed that people are like hey what about this but these are the ones that I love and cannot recommend enough and quite frankly if you haven't played all of them and you play all of them I think you just took care of yourself for the next six months or I don't know maybe you have a job maybe you don't maybe it'll only take you a couple of months to get through all of them and so now I want to delve into the world of the old school crpgs which are still legitimately just you know masterpieces they're they're they've never been forgotten they've stood the test of time and if you can swallow your pride enough to say let's deal with lesser older Graphics non-voice acted uh these are still gems and you can absolutely milk them and still have a great time playing them for me the most important one on this list is absolutely Baldur's Gate 2. everybody knows it's amazing now I have a confession to make I have not actually played Baldur's Gate 1 though as word of mouth is always the best criticism everybody agrees Baldur's Gate 2 is as Divinity original sin is to or dead fire it's it's just a huge upgrade and I actually came quite late to this game I was living in Taiwan in a little room and I had a little laptop and I loaded it up and I swear to God I did not leave the room for two weeks it was so good you've got those old school Graphics you don't have any voice acting but it doesn't matter the game is fascinating the characters are amazing the writing the setting it's great the combat system fun pause churn-based like most of the ones I've mentioned it is essentially the original Masterpiece and we had to wait 20 years for a sequel which really isn't a sequel It's its own Standalone game just like this one is so do yourself a favor you want to get old school pick up Baldur's Gate 2 and as my usual one little nitpick it does have an expansion the expansion is not nearly as good as the main game and that's mainly due to a deficit of story it's a super heavily combat focused expansion where you just basically go around and just start whacking and killing gods and stuff but my God the main game what a great time and important mention here there is some voice acting I forgot about that there is voice acting in the heavy story beats and David Warner of uh Star Trek Fame plays the villain and he's probably the most badass crpg villain ever next on the list would definitely have to be planescape torment which is definitely not voice acted it is definitely an old game but here's the thing it doesn't have a complex combat system it doesn't have a lot of modern amenities but what it does have is an incredible story and setting it's just fascinating it will suck you into its world uh it's set in these kind of strange Undead lands and lands of death um can't miss it gotta load that one up play it two more games that I have to mention but have not played personally are the original Fallout 1 and Fallout 2. they are on my bucket list but every comment every thread I've ever seen ranking crpgs always have these two on there as masterpieces I don't know why I haven't gotten around to it wasn't probably a genre thing I'm not so much into the dystopian past but Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 are supposed to be classic so give those a shot as well and last but not least is Arcanum of Steamworks and Magicka obscura and this is one more game I'm reluctant to admit I haven't played and I need to but once again on every list it's regarded as a masterpiece when I look at the game baby this is an old game this is going back to the Crux of it uh and quite frankly it may be a line that I'm not quite ready to step over you know and it's not so much that it doesn't have voice acting I mean Final Fantasy VII didn't have voice acting but it does look very old school but from everything I've heard it's amazing so there you have it that is my list of absolute must play crpgs if you love Baldur's Gate 3 if you want to extend that experience and not go back to something with micro transactions and battle passes and a game that never ends you want something with a wonderful story that does ultimately come to an end it's a chapter that you can close in your life now I do want to add at the end of this video a couple of non-crpgs that I still think instill in you a similar experience to the game that you've just played the first ironically enough is a Square Enix game in my opinion probably one of the only good Square Enix games to come up in 20 years which is Final Fantasy 14. and Final Fantasy 14 is not a crpg it's an MMORPG but I have to stress that this experience is unlike pretty much any other MMORPG in the market and is much more closely related than you would think the entire game follows a main quest and it's no joke it'll take you 100 to 200 hours to go from level one to max level following this main quest in the game but the good news is it's amazing the story is fantastic it's some of the best writing that have ever come to video games especially heavensward the second expansion but most especially uh shadowbringers the fourth expansion now sadly it does take a bit of a grind to get through I think the first main game I think that's level one to fifty the story isn't that compelling but if you can get past that filter the game becomes amazing and the great news in terms of combat when you go into a raid with other people in a group finder it's actually fairly complex and fun to master your character so you've got the best of all worlds in my opinion bright story voice acting fabulous settings interesting characters character builds combat it's all there for you so if you haven't taken a dive into this one yet I think right now you can play the first three expansions completely for free no strings attached um you know it's ridiculous it'll take you a hundred hours just to get through that so something that I think you definitely want to check off your list and what a shocker that the the leader the genius behind this game is a passionate man with a Creative Vision secondly I just have to add The Witcher 3. now I'm sure if you've been living under a rock for the past 10 years you've probably heard of this game but you may not have played it and if you do you're gonna get a very similar experience to what you got with bg3 when it comes to story when it comes to Great characters and the best news is you don't actually have to play it there are 15 hour YouTube video movies that cover The Witcher 3 and all of his expansions and since I think this is where the real gold of the game is the music the setting the story the dialogue you can just lay in your bed and watch it with the iPad and you'll get ninety percent of the experience and it's great so do yourself a favor put that on your list if you haven't so since we've started to stray from crpgs into just great games there are certainly plenty of those so I want to thank you guys for joining me I think it is time to wrap this up I hope this video did give you some value and to be quite honest with you if you've played everything but that fire go play dead fire please um and you know I think there is a big movement happening in games right now people are getting tired of the microtransactions um it's similar to that video we've all seen of Steve Jobs talking about a product all these giant video game corporations have lost sight of what made them great in the first place and they're just all the marketers and psychologists are in charge now just trying to milk the player base with Nostalgia and get all the money that they can complizzard is dead it is a corpse it is a corpse being puppeteered by Activision and uh Bobby kotec and it's going to be used as basically a factory to put the blizzard stamp on thing and Stoke Nostalgia to get sales and that's it so take a step back have an amazing experience play these games if you enjoyed this video feel free to leave a comment if you didn't leave a comment argue with me I don't mind I have fun doing it and definitely consider subscribing so I can finally get monetized and my wife will love me again now there is one more thing I want to say and that is a super super major spoiler for Baldur's Gate 3 that comes right on the end so if you have not finished Baldur's Gate 3 seriously turn off this video now this is gonna ruin the game for you but if you've beaten it I want to talk about this okay so now that the room is cleared seriously spoiler alert spoiler alert for those of you who have beat the game Builders gate 3. don't you wish karlak had died really what what an amazing ending to that game and I'm sorry because don't get me wrong I love carlec I fell in love with karlak sadly I was dating Shadow heart at the beginning of this game carlak to me was just kind of a tomboy but as the game progressed you just can't help but fall in love with her she's such an awesome character and when you get to that last minute of the game and she's dying I was tearing up and I was so disappointed that the game presented me an option to save her and her going to avernus because it goes against her character the whole game she said nope I want to die that's it I don't want to go back to hell and it's just it would have been the perfect ending it it would have been an Arius from Final Fantasy VII level just shocking moment that would have immortalized this game forever now this game may already be immortalized forever but I think this would have been just one last cherry on the top when it become comes to an amazing amazing story so I'm a little sad that you could save her uh but what can you do and don't get me wrong I wanted to save her I was happy I could save her but at the same time if I put aside my personal bias it's just so much better of a story and you know there would have been memes going on into Infinity where people don't beat the game just so they could keep her alive but that's enough out of me for one day once again thank you for joining me consider subscribing I hope you enjoy all the wonderful crpgs in your future and I'm I'm really happy about what the future might bring due to this game sure maybe we gotta wait five years for the crop of new masterpiece crpgs to come out but I'm excited about it have a good day see you guys later
Channel: Undependable
Views: 137,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3, Baldurs gate 3, Baldur's gate, Video Games, CRPG, Top ten, Asmongold, close your wallet, Ranked, Best Games ranked, What do I play now?, RPG, JRPG
Id: LqIzH11lOuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 17sec (2297 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 24 2023
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