The Dumbest MCU Villain!! / ITS A RANT

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if we do this how do we know it's going to end any differently than it did before because before you didn't have me what's up guys it's your boy T now I literally just recorded this audio a second ago and I made a oopsie and I had it connected to my headset mic so we're going to do this again now I've been watching the Marvel movies for a freaking long time now and it's had its fair share of stupid villains and I think the newest villain that was introduced into the MCU has to be the biggest buffoon I think I've ever seen okay and I do not I do not say that lightly I made a review on Captain Marvel but I'm not even going to put it out because it's just me screaming because this movie really really made me upset but you know what we're not here to talk about the whole movie we're here to talk about the the one thing that could have tanked this movie by itself which is the villain of the Marvels don't know who this person is I know she's a comic book character I don't know who she really is I've never read a comic with her in it so we're going to call her Ronin girl let me give you a quick background on this character Ronin girl was apparently in the first Captain Marvel movie she was on the planet where Carol Danvers defeated the Supreme intelligence where it looked like Carol left the cre to freaking die this kind of explains what Carol was trying to do the whole time that she was gone from the MCU landscape and she felt kind of guilty of what she did to the cre planet and to their people since now they had no place to live because the Supreme intelligence was destroyed which is good enough now here's where I say the writers at Marvel were smoking hot wee wee Ronin girl the reason why I call her Ronin girls because she has this Hammer that looks like ronan's hammer and it looks like it's still imbued with some residue from the power Stone now I don't think that's actually what it is but that's just my way of explaining it because I don't think they ever explained where she got this Hammer from the movie starts panning out she starts destroying atmospheres on different planets so then the creek could stay there her brain is telling her since her planet is destroyed she is going to pretty much invade other planets that way they could stay there which is okay like I could get the thought process I get it I can see what you're trying to do fine here is where things take a turn the quantum bands which is Kamala Clan's bangle right that's a Quantum band they're really freaking powerful I'm glad that they're in the movies um they did introduce it in a cool way which I'll give the movie a pass for you know I'll I'll allow it she wants the other Quantum band so that way she could do the same thing to other planets and so we reach the end of the movie you know they're boxing she gets impaled and a weird scenario happens binary or Monica Rambo is is explaining that Carol can just go to the cre sun and reactivate it they literally come up with a solution Ronin girl does something that I hate for example gravic I'm going to explain gravic before I explain what this dumbass does gravic wanted to save his people in secret Invasion but then he starts killing his people why don't know never explain he just does it now Ronin girl decides ooh so they can just start the Sun and my people could live happily okay nah dog and puts on the other bangle has the quantum bands on and blows herself up why did you blow yourself up why did you blow why did you blow yourself up why why why why why why what did that do for anybody that didn't make any sense and what makes it worse is that people are saying this movie has been the best movie since endgame I don't know what movie you guys were watching yo there was a lot wrong with this movie and that's why writing is so important guys writing is so important I feel like Marvel's not getting it and I'm hoping after this movie they learn because Secret Wars bro is going to come faster than you think and I really want these movies to be good we got Deadpool 3 we got all these movies coming out please Marvel stop writing villains like this and stop writing characters weird weird bro like what happened y'all had the secret sauce I hope you guys enjoyed this video and my little rant and everything like that I hope you guys enjoyed your week and I'll see you guys next time when I talk about all things gaming comics and entertainment [Music] peace he
Channel: ITS YA BOI T
Views: 8,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the marvels, captain marvel, kamala khan, xmen, binary, ms marvel, new movie
Id: a2stW9BmaP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 13sec (313 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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