What If...? Season 2 (AKA The Captain Carter Show) - A Show That Once Again Fails At Its Own Premise

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[Music] so previously on my channel I talked about what if season 1 and how I thought that the season was a bit of a rough start to the series my main point of contention with the series is that unlike with the comic issues of the same name the series didn't just seem to stick to the idea that it's only supposed to be a single change that occurs that gives us a completely different story as well as the fact that at the end the series abandons its primary premise to do some big multiversal andom episode despite the initial disappointment of the series I was hoping that in the next season the foundation of the show would be a bit more solid and the writers would take full advantage of the Multiverse and what stories it could tell and you know what at first it seems like that's what the season was doing you have stuff with nebula you have stuff with happy Hogan we even got the episode that was cut from the previous season showing how Tony Stark and Gamora came on to take on the Grand Master and defeat Thanos and while I'm not really going to be doing proper reviews of those episodes I'll at least say that they Tred and be different and the amount of actors that they've managed to bring back from their liveaction MCU stuff to do the voice acting for these characters is impressive so yeah I started the season and I was very optimistic in the first half and then we reached the halfway point and it started to do exactly the same thing that messed up the first season for a start I have no problem with an episode continuing on from a different episode that came before it in the first season there was a few episodes that finished its base stories but left things open enough to continue if people enjoyed those episodes for instance episode 1 ended with Captain Carter appearing in the 21st century after being trapped in Another Dimension episode 2 ended with ego approaching Peter Quill on Earth to begin his plan to conquer the universe and episode five finished with the heroes having a possible cure for the zombie virus but in order to cure everyone they'll need to fight their way through the hordes of zombies and a zombified Infinity stor powered Thanos now because they decided to do a big group event at the end of the first series the continuing part of these episodes got messed up a little bit but at the end of episode 9 after the Watcher sends everyone back to their Universe the series ends with Captain Carter and black widow seemingly discovering the Hydra and Steve Rogers with the implication that this story might be continued in the future now in this season this story is continued in episode 5 with Steve Rogers being a brainwashed agent working for the Red Room alongside the other black widows with Carter and Natasha trying to take them down now to me this is fine it's a continuation of what we saw from the first season and although I would prefers from different characters and universes as long as it's showing us something different then I don't really mind them continuing on from a previous universe and I mean yeah this episode is different while episode one of season 1 was an alternate take on Captain America the First Avenger this episode is an alternate take on the Winter Soldier showing a world where Booky Barnes didn't become the Winter Soldier Hydra isn't as powerful as they were in the main universe and the Red Room and the black widows are a much bigger antagonistic threat like the previous episode I do think it's a bit safe it does rehash a lot of the elements of the Captain America film but overall I was cool with it until the ending you see instead of just ending Carter is ported out of her universe and appears in a completely different one meeting an alternate version of Nick Fury and wand and once again I knew that this was going to be a big multiversal threat thing because there's no way that they're going to have an episode end like this and they're not sure it at the end of the season and so season 2 starts its descent into bullshittery once again so we get to the next episode which I was actually looking forward to as it would be using the what if concept to the best of its ability and creating an entirely new hero for the audience to get to know so in episode 6 the big change of this universe is that instead of defeating s and keeping Asgard safe here s was actually Victorious and destroyed Asgard so instead of Odin entrusting the tesak to a village on Earth under his protection it ended up falling to Earth in a random part of North America in the 15th century when America was being explored and settled by European Travelers we you see that the main protagonist a Native American tribes woman named kahori is being pursued by members of the Spanish Inquisition who are after the Fountain of Youth and in an attempt to protect her brother she is shot and falls into a pool of water we discover that this pool has the test RCT in it and it sucks her away to an unknown place in this realm she discovers that there are many people who have ended up in the exact same place giving them immortality and superpowers although they are unable to get back through the poort and return home as kahori gets the grip of her powers the Spanish invade and she fights them off brings the poor out the sky and down to the ground and they return home destroying the rest of the Spanish and forcing a peace between her people and the Spanish and you know overall I enjoyed seeing the spirituality of the Native American people mixed with the Space Magic of the MCU and although I thought she was a little bit generic and needed more fleshing out I would be more than happy to see kahori in the future of the MCU and in general I just thought the episode was quite good sorry let me rephrase that I thought the episode was quite good until the ending you see at the end we see doctor strange Supreme walk into this universe and then it's made explicitly clear that yes there will be a shitty multiversal crossover because we've now had two episodes end with the main characters being ported away to help of another problem fortunately before I got too annoyed the show actually remembers what it's supposed to be doing again and we then get a decent seventh episode focusing on Hela and the dad from Shang XI but of course I was being too optimistic for this to last because then the next episode started and I started to be filled with Dread once again so episode 8 is just a straight continuation of episode 5 like it's just another episode that focuses specifically on this version of car that we've seen previously the one who appeared in episode one and had her own episode this season before being transported to the 17th century and the whole premise is just absolute dog so apparently this universe has been suffering from some magic storms that are tearing the world apart and out of all the people in the Multiverse that could be used to try and stop this they decided to get captain Carter yes because as we all know when you think of an individual with high intelligence a Proficiency in technology and having an extremely good understanding of magical anomalies you think of Captain Carter so in this universe two separate time periods 1602 and the 21st century have been smashed together into this current universe and the abnormalities of the two time periods being sucked together is what's tearing the world apart ignoring how Carter was supposed to help them with this when she doesn't immediately fix the problem for them and more people start to disappear King Thor's first instinct is to capture her for some reason not try and help her not send her back and get someone else he just acts like a complete dumbass to drag the episode out especially as wand should have already told him by now that there's another time traveling individual that's causing the time periods to get smashed together also now apparently Carter is just some Divine being because for absolutely no reason whatsoever she can just talk and see the Watcher now like seriously she's just a mortal woman with the super soldier serum and he makes it clear here that he's not trying to be seen or heard by her so like how can she just see across the Multiverse now so anyways Carter learns that another person is trapped in time someone they call the Forerunner and so she tries to find him meeting Tony Stark they realize that they need Thor scepter to use its magic to locate the Forerunner and set things right and so she sets off a chain of events that will get her the scepter using the s's power to harness the power of the energy that's making the storms car discovers that the Forerunner is the time displaced Steve Rogers who accidentally damaged the time Stone fighting Thanos causing the times to get merged together so they send Steve back and fix the timeline and in the end Kart was able to save a universe that the Watcher could not and then once again what happens that's right Doctor Strange Supreme shows up and takes her away this is the third time that this has happened this season and it's happened to Carter twice the show Runners behind this series need to be second for fumbling this entire premise of a show this badly and so we reach episode 9 the final episode and you want to know how long it takes for the plot to kick in nearly 4 minutes into the episode do you want to know why because besides the 1 minute opening sequence the opening of the episode is just the Watcher giving a recap on who Captain Carter is and who strange Supreme are and how they fought Infinity Ultron I'm not kidding you in what is supposed to be an anthology series showing self-contained stories we are now having to watch a 3 minute recap just to understand what the plot of the final episode is going to be so we finally get into the episode and we discover that Strang is going around the different universes and capturing Universe destroying villains saving billions across the Multiverse okay like how strange had absolutely no idea how to leave his Universe at the end of the final season hence why the Watcher had to displace him out to fight Infinity Ultron so now it's a bit weird that he can just apparently go across the Multiverse whenever he wants making me question how he was stuck in his Universe in the first season we also learned that he has been hunting another dangerous villain who has managed to escape him and so once again out of all the people in the Multiverse that he could call upon to help him he chose Captain Carter you can probably tell that the writers of this season are desperately trying to shill a certain character into prominence and I assure you seeing it happen for half a season is very irritating so Carter tracks the Target down and we discover that it is kahori and we learn that strange isn't just capturing powerful villains from other universes but powerful Heroes as well attempting to sacrifice them in order to resurrect his Universe hey remember in the first season when strange became obsessed with something stubbing refusing to accept that he was wrong and then it all blew up in his face and he accepted that he was wrong and he shouldn't have done it well the writers decided that that was such a good character Arc and storyline that they should just make strange evil again so they could do it all over again this finale is basically just a shitty ripoff of episode 4 of season 1 all the possible stories that you could do of this series and not only do you do another Multiverse ending finale but you just copy the same plot that you've already done a season before I think I can honestly say that this is one of the most reductive stagnant TV shows I've ever had the displeasure of watching and the fact that the premise of this show is about the billions of possible stories that could be told throughout the Multiverse is an irony that I cannot stop laughing at so anyways Carter in a bid to stop strange releases all of the captured beings that he had imprisoned so that Shen kahori can destroy the forge the device that strange is going to use to recreate his Universe anyways they end up versing off against the zombified Scarlet Witch and her zombie army and I just cannot take this fight here seriously like the kahori versus W part I don't think is too bad but Carter just lets herself get surrounded by what is basically an army of zombies she even gets dog piled on by them and she doesn't get bitten even once and her fight and movement are just so slow like I don't know who choreographed this fight scene but it's so bad so kahori gets rid of wander and in turn Hela arrives and takes control of the zombies using them to fight C allowing car and kahori to escape so as they make their way to the forge they encounter an infinity stone wielding Thanos but before he can kill them he is snapped Away by King kilmonger who was then snapped out of his armor by kahori remember when someone having one stone was intimidating remember when someone having six stones was catastrophic yeah me neither so Carter ends up taking the stones for herself and I'm just sat here wondering what what the point kahori wiped out killmonger in a second and strange is stronger than kahori so why do they act like getting the stones is anyway going to be helpful anyways they get to the forge and strange starts to fight them and you know what it's a pretty decent fight scene I'll give it that much at least so they damaged the forge enough that kahori tries to send all the people back home unfortunately strange is too powerful but before these Varian are fed to the forge they managed to give the J some weapons to help them in their fight how these weapons are stronger than the the stones that can completely reshape the universes Beyond me so they take the weapons and fight strange managing to send some of the variants back to their universes and as they fight strange he gets more and more demonic using the power of all the stones at once Carter punches strange so hard that at that point all of the Demonic beings inhabiting his body are removed loosening their bond and allowing strange to sacrifice himself and throw himself into the forge this causes Strange's destroyed Universe to be reborn but it also means that strange never existed in this time asks The Watcher if she can look at the Multiverse before going home with the Watcher granting her this wish as the episode ends in case you haven't understood at this point this season is even worse than the first season for a start I have no idea what the power level of The Watcher is or if he even cares about the inhabitants of the Multiverse in the first season it was implied that he can see the past present and future in his little mirror room hence why he knew that his Guides of the Multiverse plan would work then in the 1602 episode he can't help Carter save the universe because he can't see the future of the universe when it's close to death but then in this final episode he doesn't bother to help because apparently despite the fact that this universe is pretty much destroyed and doesn't really have a future at this point in time he could see the future and knew that the Universe would be torn down and reborn again so can he see the future of the dead and dying universes or not and as he seemingly can in the finale then why didn't he just tell Carter who the 4Runner was in the 1602 episode speaking of helping people at the end of the first season he vows to protect the universes and its people from any threats that could destroy them yet apparently he was more than happy to just let strange come around and kill some of these people and yes strange does kill some of these people some of them do fall into the forge and die and we have no idea if these were villains or Heroes so from my perspective the watch had just let a bunch of people die that didn't have to he also didn't give a about helping Carter in the 16002 universe making me wonder if the writers from season 2 had watched the first season of the show Making Doctor Strange Supreme the final boss Lo of this season was stupid on so many levels there is no explanation given on how he's able to leave his Universe never mind going into other universes and stealing people from them I also thought he was trapped in a small ball of what remains of the universe but now there's apparently enough of that Universe left that he can create a giant magical Fortress of a machine that can completely restore the universe in it so they go through all these hoops just to get strange as the big bad and all they do is make him go through the exact same Arc he did previously without bothering to show us how he fell back into villainy in the first place please for the love of God watch your own show speaking of dumb writers not bothering to do their homework on part of the MCU remember when Michael walren completely character assassinated wander in the Multiverse of Madness turning her into a heartless monster obsessed with killing America Chavez so that she could go to a universe where her children exist well why even bother going through all that effort W because as evident by your appearance in this season you can just pull people throughout the Multiverse whenever you want you don't even need the dark ho to do it it's just apparently part of your normal Power set which you could use to take your kids back which means that this series made an entire film and wand's death completely pointless finally and I cannot stress this enough please stop with Captain Carter I do not mind the idea of the character and in future episodes if a version of her shows up I don't mind that either but we have now had the same version of this character show up in five different episodes now a quarter of what if has been dedicated to showing her and her story besides the Watcher she's practically the closest thing we have to a main character this is supposed to be an anthology series about the endless possibilities of the Multiverse so stop shoehorning in this character into every single godamn story all you're doing is making me want to see Captain Carter less I mean if you like writing this character and want to do more stories with her make a Captain Carter TV show give it a proper fulllength series that's fine I know that they were going to do a similar thing with the tala version of Star-Lord from episode 2 of season 1 I don't mind these ideas but the amount of times that she's appeared in this TV show is just egregious at this point so yeah there was some good ideas here just like there was in the last season but I find the season just so bad by how much it's relying on an interconnected story as well as just not fitting in with what we know about the characters powers and events that are in the main MCU when they first announced what if I was so excited because there's so many possibilities that they could do with this sort of story but now they've shown that they just want to make interconnected story lines across the Multiverse and it makes me question what is even the point of making this TV series that's how Mis organized the people in charge of this show are thank you for watching Lads and lasses hopefully you enjoyed the video if you did enjoy the video please consider liking subscribing and checking out some of my other videos sharing it in groups with people you know is also a big help and if you want to be really generous please consider my patreon or YouTube membership I'm also on Twitter and occasionally I do live streams but overall I just hope you had a great day and hopefully I will see you in the next video
Channel: Loomar
Views: 69,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mcu, what if...?, what if, marvel
Id: UWxH092zj8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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