Why The Ending Of LOKI Season 2 Was PERFECT

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okay so ly season 2 has one of the best endings for an MCU project that I've ever seen culminating 14 years of ly appearances and encapsulates an amazing character rock with a titular character that takes him from being a villain into a hero you realize how big a sacrifice is when you see he's holding on at the morest timeline and he gave it all up in order to carry the burden of his glorious purpose throughout this video we'll talk about why the show gives him the perfect ending and everything in the MCU that built up to this moment that includes his history the lines in which he desired a throne and all our thoughts on that final shot if you enjoy the video then please hit the thumbs up button and don't forget to subscribe to the channel for breakdown out this every week without the way huge thank you for clicking this now let's get into the ending of Loki now Lui was a character that was first introduced showcasing all the negative sides that Humanity has some villains they're just power mad and want to take over the world for the sake of taking over it you'll get a guy with giant freaking lasers that want to hold us to Ransom or someone that just wants to destroy Society for for money power and thumbs up buttons ly on the other hand though he wanted to become the ruler of Asgard but there was something far more personal about it than what you get with most villains discovering that he was a frost Giant and had been lied to his entire life he decided to destroy the family that had raised him in order to get his throne was in this movie that we also got our first bit of dialogue that would play off in the lowy season 2 finale for you for all of us for all of us no ly no hug sh out to too on Twitter for that and it was also on this bridge that things changed for him in both the film and show ly realized that he was always going to be somewhat of an outcast but that he did have people who in the end cared for him whether it was his brother sorry adoptive brother Thor Mobius or Sylvie ly had made friends that really really cared for him and both he left them to go onto a higher purpose which then takes us into the Avengers introduced saying this I am Loki of Asgard and I am burdened with glorious purpose this line about burdensome purpose will become something major later on here though he had a misconception about what it was to rule and thought that that place a person above all else I know think yourself above them oh yes and you miss the truth of ruling brother he believed that leadership meant that his subjects knelt in servitude wanted to actually take away everyone's Free Will I come with Glad Tidings of a world made free free from what freedom freedom is life's great lie this is so important because it's the exact opposite of where he ends up with him holding together the Multiverse so people are allowed to have it before him he who remains had Stripped Away Free Will and had everyone on a predetermined path anyone who walked away from this was pruned out of existence and thus he destroyed trillions and trillions of lives Loki on the other hand had decided that Free Will was a good thing and he'd allowed others to have it by giving up his own life sat on a throne at the end of time he was now holding everything together so people could continue to live it's also important to pay attention to how Loki's cloths appear in both scenes as they truly highlight the character's mentality in Avengers he wears a giant Golden Crown and his fancy robes and clothes are adorned upon him he really gives the idea of the kind of leader that he'd be because those below him would end up suffering there was a big debate in the UK last year cuz we had multiple royal family events that cost the public purse a hell of a lot of money this was all in a time where people were struggling because of the cost of living crisis and leaderships are often brought into questioning when people are doing badly that's something that's often led to Revolutions with the Russian and French ones especially being based around class we've even been hinted into what Loki R would be like as in what if we saw saw reality in which he taken over everyone was under the thumb no one was hitting the thumbs up and all in all it seemed like it was horrendous here though L is the exact opposite and this is highlighted in the character's clothes his robes are shabby his crowns made of Citadel Rock and the man looks far more broken than what we'd seen before once more he's on a bridge changing his perspective and we see as he then ascends to the throne and the next project that Loy appeared in was th the Dark World and which he hammered home it was his birth right to rule all this because Loki desires a throne it is my Birthright we closed out with him taking over asard and would seeing Ragnarok what this had led to going to that he was posing as Odin and had let the nine Realms fall into chaos lounging around and watching plays and being fed grapes it showed what this version of Loki's idea of leadership was even on SAR he was still fix sated on getting a throne which we saw when he said what are you doing here what do you mean am I doing I'm stuck in this stupid chair where's your chair I didn't get a chair get me out of this one man just wanted a chair but it wasn't too long after this that this version would be killed this set things even further back character development wise as we're now dealing with a version of Loki that hadn't changed his perspective from a meta point of view though I love what this gave Tom hlon as he could dial back the character to a time in which Loki was still a villain let him flourish and bring out the more fun side of his personality instead of the one questioning whether he was doing the right thing he still believed he should be k though which was demonstrated in his conversation with Mobius at the time theater this was where the characters first really talked and this was definitely a defining moment for him seeing the pain that his actions would bring he then decided to go and help the TVA this led to him coming across his variant who' lived a much more difficult life than Loki had through their actions they got to he who remains and Loki was sent back in time by svie which kick start the season everything in it been built around saving the loom so that the new timeline branches can exist and be handled by it however no matter what it just keeps exploding because in the end you can't scale for the infinite stuck over what it is that he should do Loki goes back to the time theater and at this point has another character defining moment first and most impressive lie ever uttered was the song of Freedom finish what I started which is claim my Throne you want to be king I don't want to be I was born to be no there's no comfort you just choose your burden this really flips Loki's perspective on his head and makes him realize the bney thought would be a glorious purpose isn't exactly that buron is of course something that he must carry whereas in the past he believed himself above all so he was the one who was right to lead their pointless lives throughout the season there's been the constant talk of getting rid of the TVA and replacing it with something better which in many ways this ending signifies rather than the TVA though he destroys the Loom and replaces it with himself to hold the Multiverse in place a huge H to the Canadian land for pointing out what's going on here and it's important to point this out as see white low key who remains grabbing a branch we see that this heals it whereas when he lets it go this then Withers and dies thus he has to hold on to them and this is so he can keep them in place and teaming with Life opening a portal to the end of time we then see him as sent to the throne with his cape turning into branches itself at this point he sits and creates a new sacred time mind that represented Rell throughout time and space this is a tree that comes from nor mythology and it was dotted throughout phase one of the MCU appearing in Captain America the First Avenger it was in a mural of that that the fake Tesseract was hidden loky would of course end up getting the Tesseract in The Avengers showing that it's all con now the Tess would allowed him to escape this Fate In The Avengers and this in the ends what led to the TVA where he'd eventually create the tree everything Loops together perfectly and in the we see him sacrificing it all to take his seat on the throne now one of the big criticisms about season 2 I've seen is that season 1 was very much set up as a love story this sended around Loki self love who in the form of Sylvie seemed like the pair were going to come together and fix a problems in each other they've said that love story was cast to the side for season 2 which I think on a surface level that is a fair point however what L's doing here is still in the Name of Love and it's actually above a simple hookup with himself from of the universe the man is giving up his entire life to protect the people he loves and cares about and he's now doomed himself to an eternity of servitude but helping everyone is seen as a worthy burden I really thought that in order to save things he'd have to kill Sylvie but this curveball it's just way more heroic now Rob from Comics explains done a brilliant video talking about how the character is more in line with Atlas from the comics in my breakdowns yeah I theorized he's a mix between the god of stories and Dr Doom but I think Rob probably has its spot on Atlas is someone who's been charged with guarding the Multiverse and he can revive and protect timelines how he deems fit now the name atas of course comes from Greek myths and he was punished and forced to hold the world up on his shoulders this was something I kept everyone on the planet alive and the name also applies to Loki's role here in the beginning he was a self-centered Spar brat that was desperate to lead but didn't fully understand what it really meant to Rule now he's someone who understands the burden but also sees the Glorious purpose that within this to him it's now an honor to protect the timelines and one that he feels strong enough to do man has went from selfish to selfless and giving up all to protect everything and everyone it's a perfect culmination of the character's journey and it shows how good that Marvel can take their stories when given the time I used to think that Tony star had the best St but seeing this now I have changed my mind Loki someone who when introduced in Thor just seemed like he was solid but you know not an amazing villain however what they done incredible since then both Tom Heston and the studio have taken him on an incredible journey and this has happened throughout the entire Saga I think by far he's one of the best villains in comic books and this show just encapsulates why he's so good when you think about it you know Thanos is often praised as being that major Marvel big bad that kind of kickstarted it all but looking back at the phases Loki was very much the phase one villain he was the villain throughout th and in The Avengers you know he was there too though he was was kind of overshadowed by Thanos in that post credit scene you know a lot of the credit has to be given to Loki and Tom heston's performance in the end Loi season 2 has the perfect send off for the character and now I'm sure he'll be back yeah I hope it's for a couple of years in the end I also hope that you've enjoyed this breakdown and I'd of course love to hear your thoughts on the show as well also let me know your theories and if you think Louis from ant-man's now going to become the god of stories as that's what I'm thinking is going to happen in the MCU please drop a like on the video as well and if you want to support the channel as a member of the spoiler side Squad then please click the join button you get early access to videos every week and it goes such a long way to helping videos at this get made going to get some heavy spoilers merch we've also got a Loki inspired t-shirt below the video so click on that pleas please pick one up and yeah I'll hope hope you I'll see what rocking them as you go throughout the streets I'll be sat there on my Throne crying if you wanta to watch you've got loads of breakdowns on the show linked right now or maybe you want to know what happens in the Marvels that's all linked on screen right now so yeah definitely head over there right after this by the way huge thank you for clicking the video I've been your host Paul and I'll see you next time take care peace
Channel: Heavy Spoilers
Views: 203,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loki, loki season 2 episode 6, loki season 2, loki season 2 episode 6 breakdown, loki season 2 episode 6 easter eggs, loki season 2 episode 6 review, loki season 2 episode 6 reaction, loki season 2 spoilers, loki season 2 trailer, loki spoilers, loki season 2 trailer breakdown, loki explained, loki episode 6, easter eggs, loki season 2 episode 6 ending explained, loki season 2 explained, the threads of time, loki controls time, perfect scene, perfect ending, character arc
Id: MLJ56kVylcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2023
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