LOKI: The Kang Dynasty's Secret Plan Finally Revealed | Deep Dive

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we just crossed the threshold [Music] what the actually happened here what triggered this moment or what did it trigger other than us and is this Kang variant truly surprised here or is he performing a script that requires him to act surprised I'm Eric Boss and this is new rockstars the Deep dive in which I go beyond hunting Easter eggs to try to decode what the eggs mean and in Loki's Multiverse it is one hell of a shell game Loki season 2 is coming this summer and now we're meeting a different variant of King to conqueror and Ant-Man the WASP Quantum Mania but we are still left with so many questions from Loki season one and we really need to revisit it with the MCU knowledge we now have really all of our queries can be simplified into one core question of everything we saw in those six episodes what moments were pre-scripted by the Kang variant known as he who remains and what moments were violations of that plan glitches in his Matrix of course already broke down the Easter eggs in these episodes and breakdowns on the new rockstars Channel but let us now look past those Easter eggs and try to Define what the true hidden narrative is the root myth of Loki season 1 so that we can better understand this Kang's plan and yes they will often be referring to he remains as Kang because he is a Kang variant and we really need to start seeing his machinations in relation to his broader Kang Dynasty I believe that he remains as the screenwriter of the Sacred timeline has spent his whole existence fearing what all writers fear more than anything that their precious narratives their sacred timelines will be hijacked stolen and bastardized by some who's gunning for their spot so instead of letting another Kang take his place this Kang's plan is to groom successors that he can control those successors not one but two Loki's and since he remains Fashions himself a screenwriter with his work being displayed on a film projector let's use the language of Cinema here and visualize this as Kang's storyboard we'll start with episode 1 glorious purpose the opening shot actually swipes back through the dates until we land on 2012 because we are seeing this Through The Eyes of the writer he remains as he's flipping back through his script just do this date and if you actually count the blurry years that pass they actually started on 2025 that is the year Avengers Kang Dynasty is slated to release in the present year of the MCU showing us how this Kang variant is always period a few years ahead now in the scene they use archive footage from Avengers end game but they use a different take on my way down coordinate search and rescue on my way down to coordinate search and rescue I mean honestly on my way down to coordinate search and rescue on my way down to coordinate surgeon rescue I'm mean honestly yeah notice how in the Loki version Loki's Steve Rogers impression is more robotic a Kang posing as robots it's gonna be a thing on this series and even the TVA we learned has anti-robot policies but the fact that we're seeing an alternate take at all tells us that we are already on a branch timeline from the 616 Infinity Saga a branch that he remains is allowing because he right now is on a recruiting Mission now remember in in-game Loki's teasing Wade to Hulk is shown in wide and then we cut to Hulk's reaction but now we stay with Loki inside the elevator and then downstairs when the Tesseract slides to his foot before it made no sound [Applause] but now it hums this hum is the sound of Loki's glorious purpose a purpose that we hear die this episode the moment Loki realizes Infinity Stones are worthless ah Infinity Stars I have these Kang is redefining Loki's purpose now that shift is from antagonist to protagonist Loki crashes in the Gobi desert of Mongolia with the same shot composition of Tony Stark's heroic Escape in the first Iron Man film because if Iron Man was the front man for the infinity Saga Loki I believe is the front man for the Multiverse Saga Hunter B15 has hash marks on her helmet her job is to erase timelines so this is one way that she can track her number of jobs even these brainwashed variants are innately drawn toward trying to quantify their experiences somehow like Casey's pocket pens leak more and more throughout the episode really fun gag that might also be his way of tracking time throughout his work day the way casinos don't have clocks in order to keep gamblers in their Loops the TBA clocks all have multiple hands because time here is more of an external stream that they're managing and monitoring not something these actual prisoners are meant to track for themselves the true power of the TVA is the symbolic authority of its three-tiered organizational hierarchy reflected in set colors and in wardrobe at the bottom bottom layers security which is orange run by the hunters each with their alpha numeric code B15 D20 Etc and their harlequined Minute Men with a longer string of numbers down their helmets and then above that a middle level management which is often green which is run by white collar analysts like Mobius and of course the top level legal which is often gold which is run by the sashed judges like rensslayer now miss Minutes video breaks it down for us like Mr DNA in Jurassic Park but notice at the end it was produced by the TVA narrative commission so even this video was propaganda from Kang that said it's still not a lie technically long ago there was a vast multiversal War countless unique timelines battled each other for Supremacy yeah those Sparks are what Reid Richards and Multiverse Madness will call incursions because this is all a preview for Avengers Secret Wars and Kang is really showing us his animatic storyboard of that he's using an infantile cartoon really a veiled satire Scientology I might say like cosmic space wars robed lizard Gods simple things getting ux communicated but the fact that this is a veiled truth this way Kane can claim I never actually lied to you in the courtroom the central timekeeper face does bear resemblance to Jonathan Majors with his lips directly behind rensslayer like he's giving her a kiss because I believe that Kang's love of rensslayer is his end game Rensselaer explains we're not here to talk about the Avengers oh no no what they did was supposed to happen you escaping was not it's not your story Mr laverson it never was yeah it's Kang's story and Kang clearly made an exception for The Avengers using time travel and end game which tells us that Tony Stark's discovery of the inverted Mobius strip was a required condition of he remains very existence in fact that mural depicting the timekeepers pruning branches from a tree the roots of that tree are also the roots of mobius's name Roots intertwined with Tony Stark's history Mobius plays back Loki's history as real-life conspiracy theory figure D.B Cooper where was the TVA when I was meddling with these Affairs of men well we were right there with you just surfing that sacred timeline also that had the timekeepers seal of approval did it well I wouldn't think of it in terms of approval and disapproval that's sort of a yeah Mobius has no answer here which tells us that part of Kang's script is historical myths and urban legends for him controlled unexplained phenomena keeps society's attention focused on where he wants Mobius declares Loki's true glorious purpose you were born to cause pain and suffering and death that's how it is that's how it was that's how it will be also that others can achieve their best versions of themselves now behind them the projector shows The Avengers but the others Mobius is actually referring to is Kang and by extension everyone Kang recruited Loki from the infinity Saga as a catalyst to help all kangs become the best versions of themselves and notice how those projected Adventures behind them rotate counterclockwise at first when we cut back to Loki after Mobius leaves those Avengers are suddenly rotating clockwise Loki stealing the time twister device the Marvel Comics time Twisters are the name of anti-time Keepers who move time backwards this might account for the glitch in The Matrix behind Loki on the screen here I do not think this is part of Kang's plan it is one one time this episode when Loki variant l130 has free agency yet despite that freedom he Loops back to where Mobius and Kang wanted to be anyway and notice that when he comes back to the screening room those Avengers rotate the correct way once more but during the side quest in the TVA one background variant looks like Peggy Carter we thought we were crazy at the time but head writer Mike Waldron was asked after episode 1 before the rest of the season had come out if Peggy and Steve were targeted by the TVA poor creating a branch timeline at the end of endgame and he said that's a good question man I don't think I can answer that I think maybe just keep watching well we did keep watching and we never got an answer Mike but since Waldron is writing Avengers Secret Wars I think part of King's plan definitely involves pruned Captain Carter's pruned X-Men and pruned spidey's all respawning in battle World Loki finds the drawer full of infinity stone paperweights and he gives up his Stone Quest is this the greatest power in the universe you'll notice here on the screen is bormir which confirms to Loki that these stones are real for Vermeer is the location of the Soul Stone a secret that Loki actually might know he cannot ever get that stone because he couldn't sacrifice when he loves he has only ever loved himself which makes Sylvie perfect for him but back on Kang's track Loki screens his own death at thanos's hand but notice the film strip which by the way is labeled 616 does not end with Loki's death it continues to play a bit longer as Thor Mourns over his body telling us that this was edited by Kang in order to produce an emotional response to provoke a feeling of love and we end this episode by meeting Loki's soulmate his variant silly who was digging in Oklahoma in 1858 using if you look closely at it a Quantum or shovel produced by aim Advanced idea mechanics this is a huge unresolved mystery from this first season what is quantum ore and why was Sylvie digging for it I think Quantum ore may actually be the fuel for all of Kang's technology in the future and as of this moment undiscovered fossil fuel so by digging it up throughout history Sylvie may have been working on one solution to eradicating the tva's existence this detail right here is why here on the Deep dive we keep digging deeper so step one of Kang's storyboard reveal is that all of the infinity Saga was truly Kang's prologue and Loki now Unshackled from that prologue is actually the spark of Kang's Freedom which brings us to the next step in episode 2 the variant if it was the case that Sylvie was trying to starve the timekeepers by erasing their Quantum ore from history it seems like it was the TVA closing in on her now helped by one of her variants that triggers her to shift to more drastic measures she lures Hunters into a renfare where think about it anachronistic details would be especially hard to spot and she takes a hostage for the first time she lets C20 drop here because that Minuteman who's carrying the reset charges on his back has presented them to her I mean while Loki's asking the real questions to miss minutes are you recording or are you alive uh sword of both oh quit it yeah we still do not know what Miss minutes is her feet makes sounds as she hops across the desk so she is not just a hologram she's not just light that's part of what makes her so crazy yeah sorry you know I had to hit you with that at some point but on the screen is a multiple choice question about Thanos and apples and it represents the lingering logical confusion on the series so let's dig into it a bit Thanos has two apples he eats both but realizes he wants more he goes back in time 20 minutes and eats apples again does this mean the apples will not have existed in the timeline he left hey no because time is constantly happening B the question doesn't matter because the branch cannot change another time Branch we'll see Thanos would have been hungry prior because the grandfather Paradox already accounted for the change in matter before its move now here B is selected which does cohere with mobius's logic about timelines being unaffected by what happens in other branches so according to this logic when Thanos goes back in time to eat the apples again he's really created a new Branch timeline easy enough to understand however episode 6 of the series will prove all of the above is correct because for Kang time is constantly happening he remains would say thanos's hunger and his eating of apples aren't really linked by cause and effect like the drawer full of Infinity Stones there are countless apples for Thanos to eat and infinite permutations which could be why the answer to this question is no but then answer C the grandfather Paradox is probably the most confusing but really what it's saying is that thanos's hunger after eating the apples was the result of reality erasing the Apple matter from his stomach to justify his need to go back in time and eat them in the past making a closed loop which again despite all the branched timelines of the series and the timeline logic of endgame this predestination is how Kang sees it he sees all of time as a predestined Loop where even the act of time travel is part of a preordained script now I don't mean to get too Lost In The Weeds of the logic but what is most interesting here is that these are presented as a choice with the right and wrong answers all of the above is not an option this tells us that the test is really a trick like Loki's living captcha test in episode one this is really a Blade Runner style void comp test to measure how and indoctrinated Loki has become to TVA Orthodoxy it is for Kang to see if Loki is drinking the Kool-Aid the timekeeper statues of rensselaer's office have the same kitsugi cracked pattern that he remains Citadel has suggesting that rinselayer definitely has a connection to that broken fourth timekeeper statue in the Citadel Lobby now as Loki researches his variance Case Files Sylvia is actually listed in ink there as silby lafi doter which is known as for her daughter of lafi kind of like laffy sun which should tell Loki that his variant is female not male but at this point he's still too blind seeing any worthy Loki variant as exactly In His Image Mobius waxes poetic about jet skis in the early 1990s for a brief Shining Moment there was a beautiful Union Form and Function which we call the jet ski and a reasonable man cannot differ you've been on one no no be fun though yeah it'd be really fun yeah Owen Wilson goes somewhere there which tells us why he was so precious about his jet ski magazine earlier oh yeah my jet ski magazine put it down come on girl so they deduce that silby has been hiding in apocalypses since the Doomsday destruction would clear any Footprints she left and prevent a branch from forming this tells us a couple things one that Sylvie is a bitter variant colored by watching Society after Society collapse but also it tells us that Kang coded destruction into the sacred timeline like notice how these disasters seem to increase in frequency it's not the climate disaster 2048 or the tsunami of 2051.50 the extinction of the swallow is that a thing completely screwed up the ecosystem Krakatoa erupted in 2049 as well no kablui kind of just one damn thing after another isn't it Cyclone famine volcanoes got a Krakatoa that was an Indonesian volcano that erupted in 1883 covered half the world in Ash so yeah I guess it erupts again in 2049 notice the close-up of Haven Hills destruction in 2050 shows it was a category eight hurricane meaning the current five level system gets scaled up to account for stronger and stronger storms so Kang has scripted a bleak future for Humanity on Earth maybe because it was never supposed to survive past tiamat's emergence we're never supposed to survive a coming multiversal incursion like notice on that form it cites another case File relating to Earth's planetary body maybe not being intact that could be for tiama in a branch when the eternals failed either way Global catastrophe is part of Kang's plan he does not care what happens to Earth as a planet now I was always impressed with wumi mosaku's timing during that long take to be there right the right second to snatch Loki's daggers since they never cut absolutely not but now you can actually see Tom Hiddleston verbally accuse her by projecting timekeepers louder than normal well good enough for a face to face for the timekeepers say that one step at a time just in case absolutely not I just love how time is even a calculation in the actors performances ah this establishing shot of Haven Hills a billboard of an idyllic company town with menacing oil refineries in the background just to crumble away to environmental disaster of the reality of it it's totally a metaphor for Kang's script his sacred timeline is a glowing blue orderly plan that erupts into a storm when reality crashes in and both of these crises are actually what Kang really wants as they approach the story I love this Mobius makes Loki walk in front of him as earlier he worried that Loki would stab him in the back Mobius noted earlier that Loki's liked to stall for time and that is what Sylvia is doing here she's stalling to sync up her reset charges to bomb the sacred timeline rather than pruning branches she is erasing chunks of history that Kang scripted to be there now I broke down each of these historical Targets in a video on the new Rockstar's Channel but I love that they include ego in 1382 thanos's Planet Titan in 1982 and decree whom world of Hala in 51 A.D clearly Sylvie is just trying to scramble the TVA far and wide I had to rush to restore history to leave the timekeepers undependent so was this bombing part of Kang's script or an attack on it here remains would later imply that all of Sylvie's Rebellion is really part of a script so I believe yes I think Kang is okay with the sacred timeline breaking he just wants it to happen later on his terms but a new detail here that I never spotted before as a Sylvie possessed guy punches the TVs behind Loki you can see the storm path that actually lists the storm as a category 9 before it makes landfall as a category eight but this news reports two storms converged and we see how its path goes across the Gulf Coast and then down the Florida Peninsula this is a true worst case scenario just like these two storms converging Loki and Sylvie that's where we end this episode two stormy variants converging their strengths combining into Kang's Perfect Storm it's a back decaying storyboard yeah Kang is a fatalist who has been priming this universe with apocalyptic events in order to set the stage for incursions and Secret Wars the nihilistic sentiment which brings us to episode 3 lamentis in episode 3 look pursues Sylvie you're in my way you are my way we're Loki so he's so good at First Sight he has found a new glorious purpose a path he must walk in lockstep with her in the previous scene in which Sylvie hijacked c20's mind Sylvie must touch her wrist to rebocus her since wrist contact is how Sylvie enchants her targets and now as she and Loki dueling for the timekeeper elevators it feels like a dance their hands are locked the whole time the two are enchanting each other there is kind of a pepelet Pew in the cat Vibe going on here and it's because this is an arranged marriage by Kang across the full Multiverse full of Loki variants Kang selected these two knowing that they would be perfect dance partners for each other now I brought this up before new rock stars videos but one recurring Theory I've had for the MCU is how it's really a story of dancers and non-dancers borrowing from drax's metaphor in Guardians volume 2. some Heroes don't dance at all others need to dance and will always be in search of that dance partner and for some non-dancers their partner might actually be their variant meaning that they are waiting for the Multiverse to kick in before they can truly come alive and lookie in this series becomes our first non-dancer turn dancer patient zero for this Multiverse dance with Theory I got going Loki tells Sylvie the tempat is hidden in his heart and this whole episode the two Tango to try to gain lead on it in nearly every scene Tom hiddleston's movements around Sofia dimartino are actual dance moves lamentis one in 2077 is really the furthest into the mcu's future that we have been and notice how the further we go the more Kang allows all planets not just Earth to fall into ruin the lamentus set design actually incorporates imagery from Real World Earth disasters like the town's alien letters are actually Cyrillic pripyat the name of the town where the Chernobyl incident occurred then on the right that's nkvd the Soviet interior Ministry on the train Sylvie wakes to find Loki in this vulnerable moment and an Asgardian Drinking Song his lyrics though are actually Norwegian storms foreign [Music] [Music] Loki has been wandering alone but now his senses his Maiden in an orchard calling him home an apple orchard is also on a maximoff's choice of a pocket reality Exile as she sings for her loves to come home from the Multiverse and after spending this whole episode debating the true meaning of love Loki has an answer love is a tiger it's a weapon to be wielded far away or up close you can see yourself in it it's beautiful until it makes you bleed But ultimately when you reach for it it isn't real Loki's dagger is of course Sylvie and he fears that when he reaches for her it will not be real foreshadowing how Sylvie will push Loki out of the Citadel making them weapons wheeled up close but also weapons that hold each other from far away okay I'm gonna take a quick pause here just to thank all of you for supporting the Deep dive it's my dream project and I can't believe it's finally here it's a new channel I can't believe anybody would want to watch this or partner with us in any way but we actually had some friends who want to support us here at the ground level our friends at iconic cocktail who gave me a drink to celebrate with cheers ooh Yama so iconic cocktail is perfect for anybody who wants to do a deep dive of their own into cocktail culture their site has over 150 recipes for any kind of spirit and tons of non-alcoholic cocktails as well you can order mixers like prickly pear sour spiced honey ginger syrup or Browse by season this is grapefruit Fleur de cell I mixed it with some Gin so the rest of this video is gonna be interesting plus there's tons of posts from Iconic cocktails team of Mixology experts about everything from mixing to hosting to gear and most importantly the cocktails are so good as I said I'm drinking a gin and grapefruit this grapefruit iconic mixer by the way has a combination of organic Rio Grande fruit and harvested French sea salt from Corsica and pure cane sugar so I really just want to thank Matt and the whole team at iconic for sponsoring the launch of this new channel they're fans of new rockstars and wanted to support our new Venture I'm so grateful to them and you can show them some love by heading over to iconiccocktail.com use the code deep dive and check out for 20 off your entire order you'll also get a free set of speed pours so you can pour cocktails like a pro again that's icon cocktail.com and use code Deep dive at checkout for 20 off cheers and back to the analysis in this episode's thrilling climax Loki and Sylvie fight through the town of cheru a three-minute Warner that's actually eight to nine shots stitched together you can see Cuts hidden anytime someone passes the frame or a VFX shot fills the frame the assembled documentary revealed that they built this town practically on the Backlot a 360 degree set with black light paint that would create new reflective light sources for the actors at night why is all this important well notice this is like a dance club they needed a practical dance floor for these two variants to learn to Tango in real time as Loki and Sylvie run down the side alley the camera spins around them as they look flustered but then at the end of the spin both of them get serious they tilt their heads and they advance in unison this kind of feels like the climax's Silver Linings Playbook from this point forward they begin communicating they watch each other's back they help each other with dips they encourage each other and then in the final charge they literally do the same DDR combo of moves side by side push black punched sweep the leg in three minutes we've watched them evolve from non-dancers to dancers yet the ark life raft blows up before their eyes as Sylvie says in episode 4 do you think that what makes a Loki a Loki is the fact that we're destined to lose they are destined to lose yet that failure is an important step of Kang's storyboard plan episode 4 the Nexus event Loki's arrest as a young girl proves that the pruning of Loki variants really has nothing to do with their mischievous sins but rather that he remains recruits them he loves the chaos he needs their chaos and in this case if we assume he remains selected this girl to be Loki l130's future soulmate it tells us that part of his plan must be for her to be groomed by a life of mistrust of the TVA and forced to hop for Apocalypse to apocalypse until he is ready for her to meet our Loki yet this origin is not from Sylvie's point of view surprisingly it's actually from renslayers she was the one who arrested Sylvie and remembers her as this innocent little girl keeping to herself which tells us something interesting about rensslayer because dear Soviet Lair she thinks she was born the goddess of mischief and she's a universal mistake who deserves to get brewed so it tells us that the Judgment we are feeling toward the TDA at the start of this episode is not coming from Sylvie it's coming from the judge from inside the house this is all rinselayer's doubt we're seeing the cracks in the tva's reliability the whole thing's about to crumble and fail now where is this doubt coming from well rensslayer's ID is a23 a rare legit numerical Easter egg that ties her directly to her origin as Kang's love interest in the comics rensslayer in the MCU remains a bit of a mystery after season one other than she worked in a high school in her past life but think about it if a hunter lost a freaking variant a variant who went on to become basically the tba's bin Laden would that hunter ever get promoted to high-ranking judge so I think rensseliers Will Rule following agenda may come from her career getting fast-tracked in a deal that he remains made with her she says do you have any idea how impossible it is to stable the timekeepers are all that stand between us and full-scale Calamity yeah it's clear their task is designed to be overly tedious and never-ending so mobius's dream of finishing the job and retiring the Dimension episode 2 it's all a fantasy he remains must know that eventually the time launch is going to break apart due to the Natural order of things as Sylvie says herself in this episode the universe wants to break free so it manifests chaos so Sylvie and Loki hold hands as they Embrace their fate creating the biggest boner Branch the DBA has ever seen which is never supposed to happen for apocalyptic events telling us that this Branch must be part of he who remains planned these Rivals have now become one with just the right of mix of ego and chaos to come meet the wizard but first this glitch of the Matrix has to infect the whole damn system the TVA is lying to you the Nexus event of this episode's title is not just looking Sylvie's boner it's all of the TBA starting to wake up from the Kool-Aid Mobius B15 and yeah even rensslayer Sylvie asks rensslayer what Zoe's Nexus event was to get arrested what does it matter it was enough to take my life from me and lead to all of this must have been important so what was it I don't remember now I used to think rinselayer's smirk In This Moment was revealing her cruelty and apathy like that great moment of Mad Men when Don Draper sells Ginsburg in the elevator I feel bad for you I don't think about you at all but now I actually think rensselaer's inability to remember is the kind of bliss to her she is haunted by memories that others in the TVA do not have including some traumatic ones with Kang that could be why she prefers her cult brainwashing if she were to go clear she'd remember how things started with Nathan Richards so I made the timekeepers and to underline them as being he remains puppets Jonathan Majors himself voices all three of them [Music] before us giving us a little sample of this actor's vocal range as he prepares to play a wider range of Kings than the Multiverse Saga really though the creepiest voice comes after Sylvie beheads one of these Androids yeah the whisper see you use which will exactly be he remains final words too silly after she kills him see you soon and if that voice is coming from one of these robots it tells us that he remains knows that death is coming Loki nearly professes his love to Sylvie but ranslayer prunes him from the back making it look briefly like his heart is blowing out of his chest I think truly the one piece out of Kang's control the true glitch in his Matrix it's less Silvy than it is REM Slayer Loki and Sylvia are able to corrupt p15 and Mobius into helping them with B15 Supply and still be with the sword she'll later use to learn the truth about the timekeepers but red flare remains more loyal to the TVA system than he remains once or to be I think it's because rensslayer needs to keep the status quo maybe because future kings who come in might not honor the agreement she made with he who remains so whatever he remains plan is must be to take this rigid non-compliant member of his team into account and Loki wakes up in the void this is Hell closed captions spell it as h-e-l with one L but as guardian punishment afterlife he's not saying this because he's meeting classic Loki both Loki kid Loki and Gator Loki hell that would be heaven really he feels like he's being punished because he was taken from his dance partner in Loki proves that he was right earlier when he said we may lose sometimes painfully but we don't die we survive which tells us that failure must be part of he who remains planned the lokies must fail and the TVA must hit a system failure as well and a Joseph cambelly and story structure the hero must Journey Through Hell before they can reach the truth and that's where we find ourselves in episode 5 journey into mystery now this void is filled with Easter eggs which I already broke down in new Rockstar's videos but now looking back what makes each interesting is that these were all forgotten outliers of universes that moved on without them yet these things survive and live on like the devil convincing the world he didn't exist nothing is more powerful to a man behind the curtain than obscurity so we all rely on the comfort of being able to prune a nuisance from our timelines but the truth is that nuisance always lives on actually often thrives from cancellation and can even become president now the void establishing shot that sweeps in includes a pruned sanctum sanctorum in the lower left which is a sign that Kang trumps the timeline Mastery of the sorcerers we also see that Avengers Tower is q-e-n-g Tower industries of Mr Griffin one of Kang's identities in the comics telling us that this is one variant that he remains pruned in the past also Kang Tower may actually be the occupant of Avengers Tower right now Brent Slayer says about the Boyd the Dogma states that the end of time is still being written that the timekeepers are transforming it into Utopia Utopia he remains is grooming the whole void to become essentially his Loki Wildlife Sanctuary with eliaith as his guard dog to prevent Loki overpopulation as classic Loki says why there's so many of you because Loki survive that's just what we do yeah so this tells us that Kang wants successors who fail but do not die there are some Easter eggs worth repeating here like the giant Yellow Jacket helmet spoiler warning for quantumania skip ahead like seven or eight seconds Darren cross did live on in the quantum realm and was transmuted in Modoc so this yellow jacket gear could have been pruned also to the Thanos copter another Thanos that a king must have defeated another timeline actually later there's a Living Tribunal statue head telling us that can pruned a cosmic entity at least an assault on the legal order of the whole Multiverse Sylvie deduces that the TBA Creator must be hiding beyond the Boyd so if all of this is still being written whatever happens is just a new timeline it would be impossible to start an access event there you could be completely undetectable ah so Sylvie can find he remains because she too found an undetectable loophole in all this as the man behind the curtain he remains prefer anonymity and he instilled that value in Sylvie Sylvie self-prudes because Erasure is liberating actually classic Loki says he escaped Thanos by posing as a piece of debris floating in the background from that scene in Infinity war and he lived on in solitude for ages but eventually the TVA found him how I got lonely to tell you the truth I missed my brother and I wondered if he missed me if anybody else did but as soon as I took my first steps to getting off the planet the TVA arrived there it is the moment a Loki seeks a dance partner company he remains finds him and grabs another potential candidate these Loki's totes themselves as God about casts and that is what defines president Loki's gang as they all turn on each other these were Loki's who never learned to trust but our Loki lights a spark actually I didn't catch this before but classic Loki covers are Loki [Music] and he says glorious purpose right there which of course will be his final words but here it means that Loki merely by mentioning having a soul mate gave classic Loki hope in a new glorious purpose he's so inspired that he casts duplicates of all of them to stay behind fighting even Gator Loki in the back who now knocks off president Loki's other hand which is another detail I didn't spot before even I'm inspired right now president Loki now has no hands and thus no way that he can hold hands with someone else to form a dance partner also I love these fat little void turkeys they're actually named narvas after production designer Casper farhani's daughter named narva they're like purple wine bottles with floating attack corks for heads but these are one form of natural wildlife in the void the same color as eliaith just a little piece of the Utopia that he remains was trying to build here but the sweetest detail I just noticed as Loki hugs Mobius goodbye thank you my friend you're my favorite yeah Mobius is looking at silly as he says this but he's still Whispering it in this Loki's ear so as far as Loki knows Mobius told him he was his favorite this way Moby is smartly flattered both Loki's at the same time instilling both with pride right before their battle now there is a Helicarrier with a Hydra logo that might have come from the same Hydra universe that's strange America Chavez pass through with the Hydra logo on the Airship and the bones in front of a lion as it Roars if they belong to chatari leviathans remember this Loki was extracted from the Battle of New York in 2012. so in a way he's seen the corpses of both sides of the war he just fought in fact all these could have been pruned from like a Hydra version of the Battle of New York classic Loki diverts Elias by casting an illusion of Asgard looking like a shimmering Emerald City which we know behind contains the man behind the curtain and he briefly redecorates Kang's utopian hellscape with his own vision of home I love the tears streaming down Richard V Grant space as he laughs upon knowing his end is coming Loki and Sylvie successfully enchant eliaith and there's a key takeaway here that we never actually discussed eliaith is the monster that he remains made to kill other kangs so this tells us that conjoined lokies are stronger than a typical Kang so was this the lesson that he remained scripted Loki and Sylvie to learn I'm not so sure I think he remains planned was for rensslayer to just have prune Sylvie like they were closing in that was definitely gonna happen but Sylvie that slippery glitch in The Matrix did The Unthinkable by pruning herself she defied all logic of self-preservation I think he remains always expected Sylvie and Loki to make it to his doorstep but they come to him not as Rivals this way they come to him as equals notice they're holding hands as they make that approach trying to sustain this enchantment for as long as possible not just the Enchantment of the Elias portal but the enchantment they have on each other despite all his years trying to groom Sylvie I don't think he remains understand still be as well as he thinks such as the power being forgotten Kang may think of himself as the man behind the curtain but Sylvie is the woman equally obscured by that same curtain and we arrive at last in the game within the game episode 6 for all time always in which every word out of he remains about this episode is self-scripted but spoken with most improv-esque delivery by Jonathan Majors so was his death scripted or an improvisation well the finale opens with this amazing historical cacophony and while I broke down a new Rockstar's Easter egg video every last sound bite there's one find that I just remain particularly proud of it's a baby cry this is the sound of Loki as a baby when Odin took him as a ward small the Giants Offspring all of these sounds ring and he remains head as he perceives all of time happening all at once around him but the fact that he hears Beatty Loki tells us that he was tracking that variant since birth you could also hear sound bite from philosopher Alan Watts about time Watts's lectures on time are fascinating to watch absolutely a major inspiration on the way he remains is written in the series Watts explores how the Western linear view of time as the past leading to the present leading to the Future Saddles us with anxiety over what that future will be whereas most other cultures on Earth tend to see time as a circle the way he remains does but there's a deeper takeaway here than just Kang's view of time as an endless loop coiled back on itself really how this psychologically affects these characters Watts says humans unlike other animals have more developed memories that paint our view of the Future Past memories that trap us into seeing the future in one particular way it completely takes us out of the present so we're not really able to enjoy our life and take our time making things and enjoying things so think about that in relation to he remains this guy is so burdened with memories not just of his own life but countless past lives hypothetical lives that has left him ultimately and infinitely depressed and exhausted he cannot go on that's why he needs to unload his burden Loki and Sophie enter the Citadel sorry again but this jump scare seems like one last scare tactic by he who remains to test these two candidates tempting them with the offer to plug them both back into his Matrix because he remains needs to be sure that they will reject a dream honeymoon in favor of the job that he's about to interview them for cohabitating this dark and scary unknown where surprises like cartoon clocks can jump out at them now all of the surfaces have a kitsuki pottery design as the Director and production designer can save this as a Sunset Boulevard Manor House carved out of the same Rock the asteroid remember since rensslayer's office statues were from the same rock that proves that rensslayer must have been here and some violent scuffle occurred here Rubble is everywhere one of the four statues in the lobby was shattered and just left that way and there's a whole wing of the city cell that has been barricaded what's In The West Wing is forbidden was that the residence wing of the Citadel that he remains had with rensslayer before she left was she that fourth statue notice on the lobby floor is Latin phrase Omnia Tempest and him semper for all time always if I'm not overthinking it and everything is Kang's love letter to ravona rensslayer her all time always could be how long he will always love her and then the big moment he who remains greets them and he has an apple in his hand the same thing as quiz said that Thanos wanted to eat King eats thanos's apples and then in the elevator don't tell me I'm a disappointment no no Fang is really a self-made Nexus being and like Wanda Multiverse of Madness he's able to break the fourth wall to look directly at the audience though this does kind of feel like a meta line to the audience give me a chance I won't disappoint you on his chalkboard in his office it's actually real math this is the first part of the non-linear integration equation used by Quantum theorists to try to understand non-commutativity AKA whether the order of elements in mathematical equation are interchangeable or non-linear like Alan watt's philosophy is time linear or not this could be he who remains memorializing his Eureka moment as a young scientist the literal Grand calculus of the Multiverse talked about by Doctor Strange the math that he conducted as he built on Tony Stark's inverted Mobius strip experiment he remains reveals to them his transcript of everything they just said and takes credit for their entire Journey every step you took to get here clementus the void I I hate the road you you just walked down there now while he remains takes credit for writing everything his screenplay is not an original screenplay it's an adapted screenplay Kang is a 31st century scientist he's a product of Millennium human history that he originally had nothing to do with but then when he discovered time travel in Multiverse technology he pruned and trimmed down all that coil in history to one timeline that's really the work of a writer who adapts a book or a historical text or a comic series into a 120 page screenplay with his own selected hero and villain he chose which Great Moments and lines to give the spotlight to he isn't Shakespeare who came up with it originally he's like Kevin feige or Michael Waldron paved the road and man behind the curtain of course both Wizard of Oz references and Jonathan the majors even said he worked all this into his performance some I guess cultural pop references were of course The Wizard of Oz Sunset Boulevard Citizen Kane Willy Wonka and Chocolate Factory the archetype of the Wizard and what happens to him when he gets bored so he remains explains its origin using this puppet show initially from from a piece of Goo that he flicks off his wrist pad now this is all made of the same mineral as the entire Citadel in the asteroid it sits on I think this might actually be the quantum ore that Sylvie was initially digging for in the first episode the stuff that would make all of Kang's Tech function if that's the case this guy has hoarded all the ore from across the time stream and sits his citadella top it here at the end of time he remains explains how his variant selves turned on each other and a new detail that I noticed once the Kang's shift from scientists to Warriors The Warriors all wear the same helmet that he wears in quantumania and have the scar lines down the side of their faces these are Kang's Rivals the ones that he weaponized Elias and pruned all Kang timelines to prevent and these are the ones who as a screenwriter he fears the most will sneak in and take over the narrative that he spent so much time toiling at if you think um evil well this way till you meet bye variance and so he remains finally makes his offer to them there's two options one you kill me and destroy all this and you don't just have one devil you have an infinite amount or you two rung a thing I've gone through a lot of scenarios trying to find the right person to take this spot it turns out that person came into rather than letting the king take over he wants two Loki's to do it and as Jonathan major said Willy Wonka's golden ticket succession search was an inspiration and Majors even recreates the condescending wonka Meme and we arrive at the threshold the single Nexus moment that we open this deep dive episode with in which we see a solid 75 second shot as the camera pushes in as he hears the timeline quaking and in the look of panic washing over his face and he says we just crossed the threshold yes he remains is reacting to the Thunderclap because this is the first noise that he has heard that actually surprises him and the camera continues to pull back out as he picks up an object to drop it on his desk like Ian Malcolm and Jurassic Park when he drops the water and Ellie sattler's hand or the character is an Inception when they test the weight of their totems in order to test their realities gear remains is checking to see how that object bounces off the desk to test his knowledge or his Bliss on how the future will go in this moment and what triggered this moment is that Sylvie silently in her head is already making her decision to kill he remains Loki meanwhile wants to take her for the TBA and run it transparently fearing all the Kang variants and he remains warned about this divide between the variants is actually hinted at the second we come back to them where you can see a huge crack on the floor pattern between them also listen as he remains repeats the options you either take over and my life's work continues or you plunge your blade in my chest and an infinite amount of B start another Multiverse a war right as he says plunge the blade into my chest another Thunderclap hits Sophie is again doubling down on her choice to kill him visualizing it in her mind preparing to make her move when he remains lies his device toward them the framing makes it look like he is still wearing it just on his other hand foreshadowing that Sylvie killing him is really going to open the door to another Kang to take over feels like a fresh start Sylvie and Loki duel over whether or not to kill he remains and he watches all this as a spectator super excited like it's a dance performance he truly doesn't know which way it's going to go but by the end of it that confident omniscience returns as silby wins aren't you gonna beg for your life um good good see you soon just like we heard the timekeeper say after Sylvie beheaded him Sylvie is truly committing he remains assisted suicide this was all planned but what parts of it were unplanned by he remains here what is the one Cosmic force that is impossible to predict or to plan let's say together people love hell even the director and editor of black panther were kind of forever said that there were takes between Leticia Wright to know chuerta where they were making flirty eyes at each other love was the one part of Kang's script that he could never write for himself is the Poetry of this moment I've been where you are I felt what you feel don't ask me how I know all I know is I don't want to hurt you I told a throne I just want you to be okay and I never noticed this before but as they kiss he remains hands are clasped over his mouth and his eyelids are fluttering he is crying here this part of he remains script was always blank because he never had the right words to make rensslayer love him true love is selfless and Nathan Richards could never Muster that that's why his successor had to be these two Loki's not just so they could check each other's power but so that he could learn from them how true soulmates dance but while Loki is ready to dance his variant isn't yet she tricks him using Kang's temp pad remember their initial Tango in episode 3 was all over a temp pad and so Loki finds himself in a TVA overtaken by one of the now freed Kings hey sometimes makeovers just happen right under your nose like that so we return to the question how much of this was planned by he remains what was that threshold he who remains knew that his variants were coming and he knew that doomsday was inevitable he knew that the TVA would fail and so he needed to groom two successors to help him through his threshold what was the threshold I believe it was his code word for writer's block that is the threshold every writer gets to when he doesn't know what to write next and so this screenwriter found two Rogues he gave them a new glorious purpose he dragged them through hell he blew their minds and then he freed them to improvise and what did he get he got a dance lesson he learned that to love someone is to allow them to do the exact opposite of what you want them to do all you should want is for them to be okay unfortunately for he remains he died seconds after learning this but all of this showed us the Gap in the knowledge of every single Kang the Marvel heroes are about to face that maybe if you can teach them how to love they might not be so hell-bent on ruling timelines I mean either that or The Avengers can just steal all their Quantum horror we'll see now yes we can link this sacred timeline disruption to other MCU Multiverse moments on our path to Secret Wars Kevin feige even started Connecting the Dots here there's always a method to the madness even in the Multiverse and and and for the marvel.com fans who know that Loki and Sylvie did something at the end of that series that sort of allowed all of this to to be possible he who remains is gone and that allowed a spell to go wrong in Spider-Man no way home which leads to the entire Multiverse going quite mad in in this but I like to see the sacred timeline explosion as nerve synapses fire brain as previously separate neural Pathways connect to synthesizer realization we're watching connections being made Multiverse cross lovers finding each other in a dance that I believe will be the key to Bringing Down this dynasty of Heartless kangs who instinctively turn on each other because in the dance battle to save the Multiverse the dancers will always win what title should we Deep dive into next let me know in the comments below and subscribe to the Deep dive and follow us at Deep dive NR on all social media but also stay subscribed to the new Rockstar's main Channel where my familiar exhaustive Easter egg breakdowns will continue to come out until the next Deep dive I will be looping back to watch this series again to see what else I find because there's always more to learn I will be watching the series for all time all the way [Music] thank you
Channel: The Deep Dive
Views: 615,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loki, kang, loki season, loki season 1, loki breakdown, loki analysis, loki deep dive, loki season 2, quantumania, quantumania post credit, quantumania loki, quantumania ending, quantumania loki scene, kang dynasty, kang scene, he who remains, miss minutes, loki season 2 trailer, loki season 1 breakdown, loki season 1 analysis, loki erik voss, erik voss, deep dive, new rockstars
Id: Bie4VAarRis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 56sec (2816 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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