Loki Season 2 Ending Explained, Who Is God of Stories?

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hello and welcome to Comic storian in today's video I want to talk about the ending of Loki season 2 explain what exactly happened who this brand new character is and I also want to talk about things like the ramifications on the MCU but today's episode is brought to you by hens and shaving today's episode is sponsored by Hensen shaving are you tired of subscription razors or getting Nicks and cuts from cheap razors well that's why you got to meet Hensen shaving Hensen shaving is a family-owned Aerospace parts manufacturer that is bringing their precision and engineering to your shaving experience Hensen shaving makes affordable razors with standard dual Edge blades to give you that old school shave but with the benefits of new school Tech once you own a Hensen razor it's only about $3 to5 per year to replace the blades Hensen razors have a great design with Incredible durability and they give you a super nice clean shade it's time to say no to subscriptions and yes to a razor that'll 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variants as we know in the Kang Council from quantum Mania but that's not the only thing he warned us about now there are sprawling multiple timelines which we don't know what's going on the season begins with hunting down Sylvie to figure out exactly what's happening and what she did while also trying to stop the remnants of the original TVA from destroying the branching timelines what we ultimately discover is that the branching timelines are creating a problem for the loom the loom if you don't remember is the device that holds all of the multiverses in check it keeps it all in one path for the most part the issue turns into by having multiple branching paths and multiple timelines the loom can't keep them all contained ultimately the loom is going to be destroyed and at its destruction the entire universe is destroyed that leads us to the second half of the season in which Loki is now using his time slipping power it's kind of a power but he learns how to eventually control that power so our god of mischief and lies turns into more of a god of time he's able to move into any point in his own timeline ultimately affecting or changing things ultimately this leads to about two episodes of him trying to figure things out after the destruction of the Loom the first thing that he does is he moves around through the timeline Gathering all the people that he knows from the TVA Mobius B15 Sylvie Obie all the different characters they're all brought back to try and reassemble the TVA what he ultimately discovers though is that he's not bringing them together to save the day these aren't individuals that have any idea what is going on or how to fix it he's ultimately bringing them all together because he wants that he wants his friends there he's gone from being this loner god of Mischief guy who wants to conquer Asgard to someone who's begun to appreciate friendships and the people around him and how we can all work together to achieve a common goal he then goes through the timeline multiple times trying to figure out how he can fix this because once he realizes that he's just trying to reassemble the TVA that's when he gets a grasp on his powers and can manually go through his own timeline this allows him to go through and he begins to come up with almost a comical sense of multiple versions to try and prevent the end of the universe we then go through a series of that one of which he ends up spending centuries learning how to actually do like physics and theoretical and all that other stuff and he eventually discovers that there is no way to stop the Loom from breaking that when they finally come up with an answer they quickly realize that the Multiverse is making an infinite number of multiverses there is no maap number in the terms of Comics that's how come we have numbers like 61 52 56 78 it's because there are multiple multiverses being created it's too much for the loom to handle he comes to the realization that the only way to stop that from actually happening would be to prevent the death of he who remains prevent the Multiverse from being created at the beginning he jumps back in time to that exact moment trying to stop Sylvie to explain to her that by killing he who remains he's going to create a problem that will explode after what we find out is a thousand attempts at stopping Sylvie we discover what's actually going on this is all a plot from he who remains he knew this was going to happen he orchestrated it all in the beginning and he knew what his death would bring but he also knows how to travel through time and adjust things stop time and do whatever he wants to do he tells Loki that Loki is left with a decision the same decision that we were left with in season 1 he can either kill Sylvie which will allow he who remains to live and then Loki can basically rule over the sacred timeline with he who remains it's not directly said but it's kind of implied that's the answer there or he can let Sylvie kill he who remains and kill everything the ultimate Choice comes down to Loki deciding is it better to be living under a predetermined life and have no free will or is it better to be dead just straight dead now this is a little different than what we had in season one because at the end of season 1 that was the options brought to Our Heroes although they didn't realize they were going to die they were still left with the decision of do we get give ourselves Free Will and let whatever comes next happen at the time we assumed that would be various Kang variants or do we live under the thumb of he who remains with a predetermined life in the end of season 1 Loki didn't have the option that option was taken away from him by Sylvie making the option now we have Loki god of Mischief practically god of time with the decision and more power than Sylvie had to make that decision and he also understands the ramification the threat isn't the Kang variance the threat is by killing he who remains all timelines will end is Free Will worth more than death is what we are now presented with as the option at the end of season 2 Loki goes back to Sylvie has a chat with her and she tells him no death is better than having no free will so he begins to decide what he's going to do and what he ultimately comes down to is a third option I'm going to tell you how this relates to the comic books in a moment but he comes to a third option no one's going to tell him how to live his life no one's going to tell him a predetermined path and he's not going to destroy the Multiverse he's going to make something new so now that he's pretty much godlevel owered person he just walks out onto the Looms deck and destroys the Loom all of his friends are panicking they're all wondering what's going to happen because Loki isn't unraveling we then watch as all of the timelines and the branches explode outward and slowly begin to die off but Loki then begins to grab them and Revitalize them with what appears to be magic he then continually grabs each and every Branch powering them up slinging them over his shoulder like a cape he then drags all of these potential branches up to a throne in the middle the throne at the End of Time the throne that he who remains commented to Loki the guy who sits on the throne the big chair at the end gets to make the decisions Loki takes that seat holding all of the timelines and he empowers them them all and then we see it spin sideways and we get the appearance of yug drisle from Norse lore which is the story of trees the story of Life at this point they don't outright say it but Loki has become the god of stories and I'm going to tell you how that relates to his comic book history in a moment but he lives there now alone watching his friends have free will he has sacrificed his Free Will in his life to allow everyone that he knows to live freely and for all the timelines to ex exist and for the Multiverse to live in a better State not under the thumb of one man of a Kang variant but instead under the thumb of Loki watching it and just sitting there watching the stories how does this relate to his comic book history before secret words we had a storyline known as Loki agent of Asgard in an agent of Asgard Loki was attempting to become a hero but all of his lies and all of his Mischief overall were causing him multiple problems and it was kind of a comical situation but he was never able to break out of Loki god of Mischief in this storyline Loki sees all the inevitabilities of his life from King Loki this evil Tyrant King who finally rules Asgard to someone who's trying to kill Thor to kid Loki from The Young Avengers era he sees everything in front of him and he sees that no matter what he does he is not going to be able to break out of this predetermined life that he has been given he will go from kid Loki on the Young Avengers to King Loki this evil God who's going to cause problems and potentially kill Thor but this Middle Ground Loki this Loki trying to become a hero to fix things well let me read read to you what the wiki actually says so I don't mess up the wording on this Loki goes into a metaphorical space where old Loki and kid Loki are both at he tells them that he will not be able to change his story another character that I'm not going to go into for the sake of this video Verity calls him out telling Loki that because King Loki did not recognize her an alternate future is already unfolding Loki decides that he can change his Destiny realizing that lies are just stories and that he is the god of stories not lies so he decides he's going to tell a new story does that not sound like Loki season 2's finale in this storyline Loki then destroys himself which causes the problem for King Loki and it's a whole different thing they go in a different direction but in our Loki season 2 Loki just admits that he's the god of stories and takes the seat picking A New Path not one ruled by he who remains or ruled by a destroying itself timeline in the comic book World Loki survives everything that he did shows back up and declares that he is the god of stories then we moved into Secret Wars which was a pseudo reboot not reboot moment within Marvel Comics when we came back from Secret Wars every superhero had a brand new fresh number one with a new Direction and the god of stories gets referenced a couple of times but basically in normal comic book lore it's pushed away because the writer who created the god of stories storyline is no longer there so the new people writing Loki wanted to do new stuff with Loki this brings us to the conclusion of Loki season 2 and where we are are now what are the ramifications on the MCU though you're asking well it doesn't appear to be that many the Multiverse Still Remains although now it seems to be watched over by Loki god of Stories the only real Remnant that I can tell that is coming out of this appears to be the TVA now being more aware of the Kang variants they even referenced Loosely the one that battled in Quantum Mania there's also rumors that Wolverine and Deadpool are going to be battling against Kang varians in Deadpool number three and that the TVA is going to be involved so that could be the only real major lasting ramification what's going to happen to Loki well honestly in my opinion nothing if this is where he's going to die and end he's going to be forever over there the best thing that we can hope for in my opinion is in secret dwars or in Kang Dynasty there's a moment where Loki got of stories comes out and sees Thor and they have a 2C reunion so we at least get that last button on the Loki storyline concluding everything if you're going to bring Chris Hemsworth back for a quick Cameo which the rumors are stating then I would hope you're going to bring back Tom h to play Loki so that they can have that last thing where Thor sees that his brother's alive and his brother became the god of stories but that's where we are that is the ending of Loki 2 explained and I loved this I'm going to make a separate video discussing how much I enjoyed it and what my opinions were but I hope you guys enjoyed this explanation if you want more things like this let me know in the comments down below and don't forget we cover comic book content on a daily basis and I'll see you there
Channel: Comicstorian
Views: 42,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loki, loki season 2, loki season 2 trailer, loki explained, loki season 2 episode 5, loki breakdown, loki new rockstars, loki season 2 episode 4, loki season 2 episode 1, loki trailer, loki season 2 spoilers, loki season 2 trailer breakdown, loki spoilers, loki season 2 episode 5 trailer, loki season 2 episode 6, loki episode, loki miss minutes, loki season 2 episode 3, loki season 2 episode 4 easter eggs, loki easter egg, loki episode 4, loki victor timely kang
Id: GJ4wsh0hSdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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