THE MARVELS POST-CREDIT SCENE & Ending Explained! (Spoilers)

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welcome back to new rock stars I'm Eric Voss and this is a breakdown of the ending and post-credit scene of the Marvels spoiler warning before I continue because this movie's final minutes include some exceptionally huge tie-ins to the MCU and to the Multiverse at large that directly set up Deadpool 3 and Secret Wars grab one of these Flur and inspired shirts at nerd riot. shop to support what we're doing here and chat with us about all this stuff in person at our live show in Los Angeles on Thursday November 16th at brain dead Studios ticket infot in the description okay our spoiler delay is passed holy crap this movie ended with Kamala Khan pulling a Nick Fury and recruiting a new team of Young Avengers starting with Kate bishop and one mid-credit scene with Monica Rambo stuck in an X-Men Universe with her mother Maria as binary and Kelsey gramar returning as Hank McCoy beast from the fox X-Men films in the X mansion so much to discuss here okay so in the Marvel's film Captain Marvel Carol Danvers Monica Rambo and Kamala Khan all become cosmically entangled due to the three of them all sharing some light based Powers meaning all three of them them got their powers from the same source of cosmic radiation this entanglement begins after the Creed General darbin discovered the other Bengal on the planetoid M b418 and used it to tear holes in the jump Point teleportation Network that's the hexagonal grid previously known in the MCU as the unn we learn in this movie that the Bengals are the quantum bands that were used to create these various jump points to travel across the Galaxy but by creating two many jump points is kind of like fracking and it causes the Shale of the universe to loosen and create these fissures in reality darb Ben's goal we learn is to save the cre home world of Hala which has had its resources depleted from a civil war following the actions of Carol Danver whom they nicknamed the annihilator after she destroyed the cre Supreme intelligence the son of Hal's solar system is dying and now darbin is using her Quantum band to open portals in the squirrel colony of tarx to siphon their air to the planet aladana to take their water and to Earth to take the power of our son Valkyrie cameos to take the surviving Scrolls led by Emperor Dro to a new home presumably new Asgard on Earth which I assume is now a kind of protectorate following the American president's War Declaration on all extraterrestrials on Earth and secret invasion they used Carol's scroll memory technology to scan their memories for darvin's weaknesses and we learned via flashback that Carol actually visited Maria Rambo after the cancer returned sometime during the blip while Monaco is gone and that Maria never let go of hope that Monaco would return meanwhile the con family hangs out with Nick Fury on the saber space station while Flur and egg sacks appear all over the station Darin's latest tears in reality ruptur the saber station elevators so Nick Fury and the others have to use the flurin to swallow all the saber Cadets so that carried in those pocket Dimensions all of them can be transferred safely back to Earth this is hilariously said to Barbara strand's rendition of memory from cats Carol Monica and Kamala confront darb Ben 3on one darbin gets both Quantum bands and creates a fissure in reality so large that these hexagonal tiles split off and crack widens and widens opening to another universe darbin is destroyed in the energy surge and Monica realizes that they need one of them to stitch that c crack back together from the other side Carol and Cala Empower Monica so that she becomes her Photon form and she repairs that crack but seals herself on the other side of it the film ends at the Rambo home in Louisiana Carol and Camala climb into the family's plane and Carol says that she's just holding on to it until Monica gets back echoing that hope that Maria had that Monica would come back from the blip someday Cala says that they work so good together which gets her thinking and then we lead to this film's final scene in New York City Kate Bishop appears tossing a slice of pizza to her golden retriever lucky so Haley St Feld who also boy squin Stacy in the animated spiderverse films played Hawkeye Clint Barton Protege Kate Bishop in the Hawkeye series and lucky the pizza dog loves pizza she wears her purple jacket that she ended that series with to her left are dozens more arrows presumably the same mix of explosive and pimp Tech resizing ones that we saw Clint use on that series sitting in the shadows is Kamala Khan behind her is one of Kate's archery targets and to her left Kate's various trophies from archery fencing gymnastics martial arts and yeah probably also a trophy for The Uncanny ability to immediately flip a quarter like a bu Camala wearing a black ball cap which might be a not to Kevin feige she says Kate Bishop did you think you were the only superhero in the world Kate smiles and says I'm 23 and Camala says oh I know I've been reading up on you and she holds up the glass tablet that Monica had used earlier in the film to bring up information on her saber must be sharing Resources with the dodc and other government agencies on superhumans and various Vigilantes by the way we learned saber stands for strategic Aerospace biophysics and exol linguistic response Kate asks where did you get that and Kamala says I found it under my couch and I love this because earlier Cala was sweeping up that mess and she probably swept this awesome tablet under her couch to grab later and just played it cool Kamala says you just became part of a larger universe which at the moment is just me mostly I do have feelers out though did you know Ant-Man had a daughter Kate asks what do you want and Cala says I'm putting together a team and I want you on it and then after a pause she follows up with please and Kate kind of Just Smiles and tilts her head so obviously Cala is recreating the iconic very first MCU post credit scene in the 2008 Iron Man film in which Nick Fury appeared in the Shadows of Tony Stark's Mansion to recruit him to join the Avenger initiative and says pretty much the same words you think you're the only superhero in the world Mr Stark you become part of a bigger Universe you just don't know it yet so did Nick Fury tell Calo what he had told Tony Stark probably not because Nick Fury is all about you know everything being classified did the story get shared by Scott Lang in the this powered Life podcast that Cala used to learn what happened in the Battle of Earth in endgame I'm just thinking maybe a transcript or audio recording of that conversation was story on the tablet Camala alludes to Scott Lang's daughter Cassie Lang played by Katherine Newton and itman the was Quanto Mania but Camala should know that Scott has a daughter because he brings up Cassie Lang in his book look out for the little guy which you know Kamala would have read every page of so yes Kamala is putting together a Young Avengers lineup that will include herself and Kate bishop and Cassie Lang other possible candidates could include Peter Parker as well as Wanda's son Billy maximoff AKA Wiccan who is believed to be played by Joe lock in the upcoming series Agatha darkhole Diaries the lineup could also include Hulk's son scar who was introduced at the end of She-Hulk as well as America Chavez and rivy Williams ironheart The Young Avengers usually includes Patriot Eli Bradley who was played by Elijah Richardson in the Falcon of the Winter Soldier there's also generally a Nate Richards AKA iron lad a variant of Kang the Conqueror and nazari Thompson played a young Victor timely in Loki season 2 episode 3 one idea that we've discussed before is that while the adult Avengers are all off world dealing with the multiversal crisis in battle world and Avengers Secret Wars some of these youths could hold things down on Earth and if that ends up being the case I don't think Peter Parker would be part of the Young Avengers lineup and this could just be a film or like a Disney plus series or some kind of event that features everybody else thank you to better help for sponsoring this video if you're spending hours at the gym trying to get your body ready for the stress of the holidays you might want to think about putting the same work into getting your mind ready for the stress of the holidays and to do that you'll want to get help from a licensed therapist with better help starting therapy can be hard the right therapist for you might not be in your area and some people struggle with the face to-face interaction of therapy with better help you can have your therapy sessions as a phone call as a video chat or even via messaging if you prefer that whatever is the most comfortable version of therapy for you just click the link in the description and answer a few questions about what you're looking for from therapy and what your preferences are better help will then match 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and we hear a familiar voice asking how's our mysterious visitor and Maria says she seems a little disoriented and Monica asks where are we what happened and we see it is Dr Hank McCoy AKA Beast played by Kelsey gramar so we last Saw gramar play the character in 2014's X-Men Days of Future Past part of the fox X-Men continuity that movie ended in a restored timeline after Wolverine altered history back in 1973 to prevent the development of Sentinel Technology based on mystique's DNA erasing that post-apocalyptic future while also retconning the events of 2006's X-Men the Last Stand that was the first movie in which gramer played McCoy so Wolverine's walking around the X Manion in kind of this like happy-ending epilogue and he passes Kelsey gramer who's like oh we see that Scott Summers is alive again Jean Gray is alive again they're all teaching at Charles Xavier School alongside storm and Charles it's like the year 2023 or 2024 everything's great but here in this scene Kelsey gramer is not wearing the prosthetic makeup they created a VFX likeness of him using the same type of process that they use for Hulk Thanos and She-Hulk as a result notice how McCoy's head is a more normal proportion to the rest of his body he has more pronounced underbite fangs and his hair and beard have a more aesthetic sweep to them in line with the comics and the '90s animated take on the character but he is a CGI character with that same kind of tiny nose and cheekbones looking a lot like ruffalo's character model for Hulk just blue like when we hear grammer's voice I will admit it doesn't quite sound like it is coming from this figure on screen but when Monica asks what happened McCoy says we were hoping you could tell us all we know is that binary found you my theory you somehow crossed through a tear in SpaceTime you are now in a reality parallel to your own which is of course impossible Maria AKA binary stands her blanket falling off revealing her fit and passing a screen beside Monica that has an X symbol in the corner and binary asks you think there might be confusion happening and McCoy responds confusion is but the first step on the journey to knowledge and binary's like uh okay and then she says I'll take it from here and McCoy says Charles ask for an update and then he leaves saying I'll come back and check on you later and somehow avoids veering into sicho Bob to say oh Maria you don't become a mutant scientist without learning a thing or two about the multiv BOS and in this wi shot we see the classic X doors on the basement level of Charles Xavier's mansion and McCoy is wearing a white lab coat over no shirt but pants colored dark blue and a yellow border cut off at the calf yes this is a universe where X-Men dress like X-Men binary meanwhile wears a white and red suit with two AU colored stars on the chest and we push it on binary as she asks Monica who are you and Monica just Sayes oh so if you were listening closely during this scene you can actually hear two different X-Men film scores John OT man's X2 X-Men United theme and John otman Days of Future Past score so you hear the dark biring that's from X-Men Days of Future Past but also the that's from the X2 theme this is the latest in Marvel Studios puling Classic X-Men riffs like hearing Ron Wan's animated X-Men demon Multiverse of Madness and the music sting that accompanied the reveal that Kamala Khan is a mutant so Monaco Rambo has crossed through the Multiverse into an X-Men Universe now we know this is not the 838 Universe from Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness that had a Patrick Stewart Charles Xavier in it because Maria is alive here and she's binary instead of Captain Marvel a member of the Illuminati and McCoy refers to Charles Xavier who is still alive in this reality but remember in Multiverse of Madness that a38 Universe Charles referenced a line from 2014 means X-Men Days of Future Past just because someone stumbles loses their way it doesn't mean they're lost forever just because someone stumbles and loses their way doesn't mean they're lost forever so I think this right here is a future version of that restored timeline as it was left at the end of X-Men Days of Future Past as a time travel plot that dealt with Logan's Consciousness slipping back into the body of his younger self Days of Future Past did a great job reconciling the complicated eras of the franchise and I truly believe Kevin feige is treating those events as a Nexus moment from which the X-Men universe that he's going to cross over with Will Branch from it's really the most logical move because X-Men Days of the Future Past in my opinion was the last good X-Men movie and I'm leaving out Deadpool and Logan from that I'm saying the last good movie that had X-Men in the title like after X-Men Days of Future Past X-Men films proceeded on kind of a new timeline with a younger cast 2016's X-Men apocalypse and 2019s dark Phoenix during this time we also got 2016's Deadpool and 2018s Deadpool 2 which took place in their own meta corner of the X-Men continuity and 2017's Logan which took place in the future year of 2029 after most mutants had died out now some believe that movie takes place in the same continuity of the Days of Future Past happy ending that was in 2023 or 2024 so like 5 years after that but the Logan film implied that it had been decades since young mutants had been springing up naturally and in Days of Future Past that was again 2023 or 2024 Charles X Xavier school was thriving so for it to go from that to Logan in 5 years would just be kind of a steep shift Shan Ley and Ryan Reynolds have said that when it comes to Deadpool 3 they are not going to touch Wolverine's death in the Logan film they consider that to be sacred so I think Logan's just going to be part of its own timeline in the Multiverse and I think for the X-Men universe that the 616 universe will cross over with the X-Men characters in Deadpool 3 and in secret Wars fige is going to continue building this Days of Future Past happy ending epilog mostly because everyone was there and it's the most opportune sandbox of characters from that o era from which to pull memberberry cameos like this the fact that it's Kelsey Grammar and not Nicholas Holt tells us that it is the older era not the new younger cast besides Holt seems to be committed to DC to play like Lex Luther and Superman Legacy we think now why beast and not like Charles Xavier storm Cyclops Jean Gray or like Wolverine well for the context of the scene they needed a scientist who would be immediately recognizable as a mutant from the fox X-Men era like their universes Bruce Banner or Tony Stark or Steven strange or Wong and they already featured Patrick Stewart and Multiverse of Madness so McCoy is the play but this universe doesn't just have X-Men in it but other Marvel heroes so who is binary binary is actually a recent addition to Marvel Comics introduced in December 2021 she's a duplicate of Carol danverse who gets trapped in a faraday cage and gets formed when Carol's Photon blasts are shaped into a humanlike form who is assimilated parts of Carol's memories but cannot communicate verbally so this version of binary played by lesana Lynch seems to be the Captain Marvel of this reality in which Maria Rambo got hit with a cosmic radiation instead remember in the flashback of this movie Carol even tells Maria that it should have been her I think the idea is in every other reality Maria Rambo not Carol daners becomes the cosmically irradiated hero and note that in this reality Maria did not have children Monica Rambo was never born Kevin feige was recently quoted in the Marvel official timeline book an introduction in which he said on the Multiverse note we recognize that there are stories movies and series that are canonical to Marvel but were created by different storytellers during different periods of Marvel's history the timeline presented in this book is specific to the mcu's sacred timeline through phase 4 but as we move forward and dive deeper into the Multiverse Saga you never know when timelines May crash or converge hint hint spoiler alert Marvel Studios has already broken that ice with Toby Maguire and Andrew Garfield and Spider-Man no way home and Doctor Strange is spell that opened a purple Rift to the Multiverse of the Sony Marvel characters is the same kind of thing as Darin's Rift opening up to the fox X-Men continuity following Days of Future Past so as we look ahead to Deadpool 3 Monica Rambo is trapped in a reality with that original lineup of liveaction X-Men that feige began his career as an associate producer advising the look in the tone of while the director Brian Singer ban Marvel comics from the Set Young Kevin feige opened up his office to Hugh Jackman to come read X-Men comics and learn what wolverine is all about Sean Levy recently told Jake's takes what Jackman's reaction was to them bringing back the classic suit colors when we first told Kevin feige that Hugh Jackman wanted to join the movie my recollection is damn near the first thing he said was okay but let's go with the blue and yellow just tell me we're going with the blue and yellow and then when I approach Hugh at that idea he's like fu yeah now you have to bleep me but you get it he was like hell yes so for Avengers Secret Wars expect a brawl among classic MCU Avengers and fox era X-Men actors that are wearing more vibrant suits I recently made the case in a different video that 2014's dates of future past 2016's Deadpool and 2017's Logan are better than most MCU films not all MCU films but most which p a lot of you off I'm not surprised look I think the bad X-Men movies are much worse than the bad MCU movies but I'm just saying this that Marvel Studios isn't the only franchise that has made good Marvel movies I just think we need to rewatch all of the X-Men films which is something this channel will be doing in 2024 so our Easter egg breakdown of the Marvel's film is coming to this channel on Saturday it's going to be hosted by myself and Jessica Clemens it's going to be a lot of fun subscribe to all three channels in the new rockstars Network follow me on Instagram and Twitter at eaos thanks for watching and I'll see you next time bye [Music] a
Channel: New Rockstars
Views: 1,274,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new rockstars, new rockstars youtube, youtube new rockstars, Marvels, marvels post-credit, marvels ending, marvels final scene, marvels post-credit scene, marvels beast, marvels x-men, marvels breakdown, beast, kelsey grammer, x-men, binary
Id: EQibJ3u5S5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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