What Is It Like Living On A Chaos World? | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and girl on our very own Planet there are good places to be born and rather [ __ ] places as long as you are cool with hectic wildlife and millions of people thinking you're a paid actor in an imaginary country then Australia is great on the flip side being born as a girl during China's one child policy wasn't a great time unless you're trying to get a speedrun record for how short your life could be as Warhammer 40K takes everything we know love and hate to the extreme they've got a type of home that is way worse than the shittiest of slums we have to offer that home is called a chaos world a world where the veil between real and hell is thin mutation is rampant and everyone is an [ __ ] in some form or another it is also a shockingly terrible place to get pregnant for a number of grim dark reasons that I'll be discussing in this video before we get started listen here plebeians by law I am Superior to you cheers to today's sponsor established titles long story short you buy one square foot plot of land in Scotland a plot that is actually tangible and can be pinpointed exactly and by traditional and legitimate technicality this makes you a Lord why do you want to be a lord I mean should I even have to explain that it's not just a novelty you will be able to put the title of Lord on various documents such as credit cards boarding passes and even dating apps to add even more sugar to the pot via established titles Partners one tree planted and trees for the future every order will equal one tree planted so to become better than your fellow man and help save the planet use my link below for 10 off but wait there's more the first 200 people to use my link will have their plots put next to mine meaning we're creating our very own major Kill Kingdom this would make a great gift or you know just hog the glory to yourself that's what I did Cheers to establish titles for sponsoring this video today we'll go over what life is like on a chaos World ranging from Worlds under chaotic occupation but not yet a hell hole all the way to the demon worlds within the eye of Terror and let's get into it when people say that the Imperium are the good guys they don't mean they're actually good it's more just relative to the other [ __ ] in the Galaxy for example a hive city is like a mega City slum on steroids but it's still a hell of a lot better than most chaos worlds looking at the first type we have worlds that have come under chaotic occupation these aren't too terrible unless the occupying Force belongs to corn in which case it won't be an occupation but rather an Annihilation or Nogle who will spread Mega AIDS juice throughout the world faster than a coked up hooker spreads their legs but let's just say for the slower acting slanesh or tit snitch or the more practical black Legion you won't get clobbered or zombified too quickly the occupying force will begin focusing on Shoring up its defenses in preparation for Imperial retaliation they will mostly ignore the Everyday People however places of worship will be defiled and a bunch of kitty fiddle and chaotic priests will begin attempting to convert as much of the population to Cows as possible to bolster their own army they can and will forcibly conscript people into their their forces however this is a bit of a double-edged sword as the morale for these conscripts is super low and there's a good chance they'll just start blasting anything with the spike or horn as soon as the shooting starts if chaos is able to hold the world and permanently set up on it this is where [ __ ] gets interesting many more practical chaos warbands or Legions such as the blood packed iron Warriors night Lords red corsairs or black Legion understand that to produce good weapons soldiers or a studies aspirants you can't just use the world as a [ __ ] dump hence brutal yet organized coward governments will be put in place often life on these chaos worlds will be pretty similar to the particularly brutal Imperial worlds just a bit more deprived and chaotic it's inevitable that the rate of mutation will increase but not so much that the world gets full of beastmen and Chaos spawn these worlds make for great recruitment worlds for the Trader Legions however their method of recruitment is pretty [ __ ] up as Trader Gene seed has gotten quite unstable combined with the poor health impurity of people born on chaos worlds this is bodies will kidnap pregnant women as their unborn children have not yet been tainted the women will then give birth under the custody of said Legion with the child being quickly removed from her as it begins the transformation process to become a nostatis after that the mother will generally be killed or enslaved so yeah getting knocked up on a cow's world is [ __ ] you'll either have a violent miscarriage a mutant baby death during childbirth or kidnapped if you do manage to give birth to a normal child then congrats that kid has to grow up on a chaos World good job mum I mean I guess cow's worlds don't have planned parenthood funding so if you're not down to do a coat hanger abortion then you might just end up getting unlucky not to mention cow's followers aren't really known for their ability to accept consent what I told you it was going to be grimdark although over time these cow swords will continue to degrade as the corruption deepens they are often stop from becoming outright demon worlds due to the warband's influence however let's say a particularly depraved or corrupted warband takes over the world their goal would be to spread as much corruption as quickly as possible your day would get ruined very quickly a nogalite world becomes a toxic disease-infested jungle very quickly you'd either die horribly to the plagues or you'd accept nogal's gifts and become a nogalike cultist most lenashi demon worlds wouldn't be too bad a lot of orgies you would go insane and have serious issues very quickly but you wouldn't necessarily smell like dog [ __ ] like you would if you were on a noga world actually cultists sometimes eat their own [ __ ] and come so maybe you would a cornite world would kill your weak ass they basically fight 24 7 so unless you're a beast you'll probably die interestingly enough tits Nichi and Demon worlds are actually tolerable sure the rate of mutation is high but if you prove yourself to be intelligent useful or just not an issue you'll be spared the worst of it the biggest trick would just be not to stare at anything for too long especially the sky skies and tits nichean worlds are [ __ ] cooked so if you had a choice go with either a slaneshi or titsiniti in Demon World if you're wondering how these worlds support any form of population it's because their population is mostly demons however if you are a cultist generally you gain access to an extended lifespan or even immortality so the very very low birth rates on demon worlds are offset by the fact that nobody dies of natural causes some Demon Lords or warbands will also go raid real space and capture a bunch of people to help support the populations of these demon worlds and not for practical reasons just so they have more toys to play with but I realize I'm just saying [ __ ] without giving examples so to rectify this I will now give examples of a number of different interesting chaos worlds and what life is like specifically on each one first up we have the most bizarre and straight up silliest Demon World in the entire setting aliensis aka the gigantic naked fat man in the fetal position to absolutely nobody's surprise this Demon World doesn't support a very large population standard slaneshi cultists have no chance of surviving on it because you know it's a [ __ ] giant man so only the most depraved disciplination followers live here pretty much just the noise Marines and some basement the world was actually attacked by some loyalist Marines during the severely [ __ ] Abyssal Crusade they were sucked into the planet and forced to live in the man's Paws and eat bits of his flesh to survive by the time they found a way to get off Planet they had fallen to chaos so yeah zero stars on TripAdvisor on the flip side words can also be super functional and productive there's one ruled by a demon Prince or princess I guess because it's a chick that has sprawling heavily populated cities that are very impressive sure there's a lot of disgusting [ __ ] that happens and productivity isn't super high but they have functional Minds in which slaves Harvest or for them as well as a police force to make sure that all the pleasure cultists that run around humping everything don't get too out of hand the slaves come from all alien races Orcs humans ogarens even unidentified Eldritch Horrors that they hit with shock buttons to get them to mine with their claws at the other end of the spectrum many of the worlds within the Maelstrom are surprisingly chill when the night Lords visited one such world for ship repairs their mortal crew members were able to explore communicate with people and even trade it was a lot more like a lawless Wild West Town rather than a [ __ ] up chaotic [ __ ] Fest pregnant women were actually comfortable walking around the streets and talking to strangers by themselves so this cow's world that resides within one of the Galaxy's [ __ ] leading to hell is more Progressive and safer than the entirety of the Middle East [ __ ] the Iranian government I mean to be fair that pregnant woman did end up getting kidnapped her child stolen to become a night Lord then she was placed in for servitude before eventually dying horrifically but that's besides the point as I mentioned earlier the red course says like to keep their worlds functional so that they can recruit and rearm from them you can't really repair your ship if all your mechanics turn into cow spawn or keep trying to [ __ ] themselves the iron Warriors world of castellax was pretty horrifying but not because of chaos the iron Warriors like to keep cows at Bay wielding it as a tool or weapon rather than letting it dominate them so whilst the people living on castellax aren't getting sodomized by demons on The Daily their overlords are the iron Warriors and the iron Warrior is a massive [ __ ] [ __ ] essentially they work to death when they die their bodies attended to rations for the other workers to eat until they too die when the world was invaded by Orcs most of these menials were chained together to form a front line they were then given a Lazar rifle and uh not much else yeah needless to say the population of castlex dropped sharply very quickly but like I said this is more the iron Warriors being dicks rather than chaos causing issues though the iron Warrior's Homewood of Mandarin guard is similar slaves are worked to death however anyone with the will or boss to arrive above it will actually enjoy a pretty cool warrior-like culture a study Wars myths will build fortresses and basically play war games against each other to see whose Fortress is the best I use the word games here but they're slaves and lowly Warriors will actually fight and die what about a cornite world well there actually is some range and diversity here obviously many of them are full of Red Skies oceans of blood shitloads of gladiatorial Arenas and constant infighting I mean one such World Supreme Lord was actually demon dragon however then there is the blood packs Worlds the blood packed are corn out followers that isn't in doubt however they are extremely disciplined cool-headed and efficient they focus on Corn's pursuit of Martial prowess and effective battle rather than the classic autismo rage full sen that the rest do as such their worlds are productive populated and ordered the blood packed actually really cool and even venerate the Emperor as a warp God that is just a bit misguided to be honest I'll give them their own video because they make for a very compelling and interesting Chaos Faction tit snitch planets are quite nice as demon worlds go the planet of Casal is very aesthetically pleasing everyone is hot the architecture is nice and there's plants and [ __ ] they have fully functioning governments and can even trade with Outsiders however there is like 500 catches and everyone who lives there is [ __ ] weird nobody leaves home without an intricate mask nobody speaks with their mouths everyone loves music and there's a great sense of wrongness about the people if you visit the world Uninvited they will just enslave you the source closed captioning not available chaotic content join the Discord for more memes and I'll see you on the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 399,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: 5Ve6UQmY5L0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 19 2022
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